My query is failing because out of temp storage . We increased many times but its not working. I have checked the trace it is making hash join with most of the tables. Since we have indexed defined on the table can we force optimizer to use nested loop join?
My thought process is:-
it wont make Hash table so we can easily save that space in temp storage. since it has around 964 M rows so I am thinking if we can do that?
It will not read all the data from inner table since it has indexes so query can become fast.
I can be 100% incorrect but since we are not able to come with solution so looking for validations and help. Any additional , comment or help would be highly helpful.
If need I can attach the trace. since it so long so I am not attaching as of now.
I have a number of horribly large queries which work ok on small databases but when the volume of data gets larger then the performance of these queries get slower. They are badly designed really and we must address that really. These queries have a very large number of LEFT OUTER JOINS. I note that when the number of LEFT OUTER JOINS goes past 10 then performance gets logarithmically slower each time a new join is added. If I put a OPTION (FAST 1) at the end of my query then the results appear nearly immediately. Of course I do not want to use this as it firstly, it is not going to help all of the time (if it did then every query would have it) and secondly I want to know how to optimise these joins better. When I run the query without the OPTION set then the execution plan shows a number of nested loops on my LEFT OUTER JOINS are showing a high percentage cost, but with the option off it does not. How can I find out what it does to speed the query up so I can reflect it in the query ?
I cannot get the query nor the execution plans today as the server I am on does not let me copy data from it. If they are needed for this I can arrange to get them sent but will take some time, in the morning.
Your comments would be really interesting to know.
Kind regards,
You can set column to primary key and column automatically will be Clustered Index.
Clustered Index->Benefit and Drawback
Benefit: Performance boost if implemented correctly
Drawback: requires understanding of clustered/non clustered indexes and storage implications
Note: varchar foreign keys can lead to poor performance as well. Change the base table to have an integer primary key instead.
And also
I would suggest to use database paging(f.e. via ROW_NUMBER function) to partition your result set and query only the data you want to show(f.e. 20 rows per page in a GridView).
I'm generating reports from a database that makes extensive use of XML to store time-series data. Annoyingly, most of these entries hold only a single value, complicating everything for no benefit. Looking here on SO, I found a couple of examples using OUTER APPLY to decode these fields into a single value.
One of these queries is timing out on the production machine, so I'm looking for ways to improve its performance. The query contains a dozen lines similar to:
PR.D.value('#A', 'NVARCHAR(16)') AS RP,
FROM Profiles LP...
OUTER APPLY LP.VariableRP.nodes('/X/E') RP(D)
When I look in the Execution Plan, each of these OUTER APPLYs has a huge operator cost, although I'm not sure that really means anything. In any event, these operators make up 99% of the query time.
Does anyone have any advice on how to improve these sorts of queries? I suspect there's a way to do this without OUTER APPLY, but my google-fu is failing.
Taking this literally
most of these entries hold only a single value should be faster to avoid APPLY (which produces quite an overhead on creating a derived table) and read the one and only value directly:
SELECT LP.VariableRP.value('(/X/E/#A)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(16)') AS RP
FROM Profiles LP
If this does not provide what you need, please show us some examples of your XML, but I doubt this will get much faster.
There are XML indexes, but in most cases they don't help and can make things even worse
You might use some kind of trigger or run-once logic to shift the needed values into a side column (into a related side table) and query from there.
There is a rather complex SQL Server query I have been attempting to optimize for some months now which takes a very long time to execute despite multiple index additions (adding covering, non-clustered indexes) and query refactoring/changes. Without getting into the full details, the execution plan is below. Is there anything here which jumps out to anyone as particularly inefficient or bad? I got rid of all key lookups and there appears to be heavy use of index seeks which is why I am confused that it still takes a huge amount of time somehow. When the query runs, the bottleneck is clearly CPU (not disk I/O). Thanks much for any thoughts.
OK so I made a change based on Martin's comments which have seemingly greatly helped the query speed. I'm not 100% positive this is the solution bc I've been running this a lot and it's possible that so much underlying data has been put into memory that it is now fast. But I think there is actually a true difference.
Specifically, the 3 scans inside of the nested loops were being caused by sub-queries on very small tables that contain a small set of records to be completely excluded from the result set. Conceptually, the query was something like:
SELECT fields
WHERE id_field NOT IN (SELECT bad_ID_field FROM BAD_IDs)
the idea being that if a record appears in BAD_IDs it should never be included in the results.
I tinkered with this and changed it to something like:
SELECT fields
LEFT JOIN BAD_IDs ON id_field = bad_ID_field
This is logically the same thing - it excludes results for any ID in BAD_IDs - but it uses a join instead of a subquery. Even the execution plan is almost identical; a TOP operation gets changed to a FILTER elsewhere in the tree, but the clustered index scan is still there.
But, it seems to run massively faster! Is this to be expected? I have always assumed that a subquery used in the fashion I did was OK and that the server would know how to create the fastest (and presumably identical, which it almost is) execution plan. Is this not correct?
using sql server 2014; ((SP1-CU3) (KB3094221) Oct 10 2015 x64
I have the following query
SELECT * FROM dbo.table1 t1
LEFT JOIN dbo.table2 t2 ON t2.trade_id = t1.tradeNo
LEFT JOIN dbo.table3 t3 ON t3.TradeReportID = t1.tradeNo
order by t1.tradeNo
there are ~70k, 35k and 73k rows in t1,t2 and t3 respectively.
When I omit the order by this query executes in 3 seconds with 73k rows.
As written the query took 8.5 minutes to return ~50k rows (I since stopped it)
Switching the order of the LEFT JOINs makes a difference:
SELECT * FROM dbo.table1 t1
LEFT JOIN dbo.table3 t3 ON t3.TradeReportID = t1.tradeNo
LEFT JOIN dbo.table2 t2 ON t2.trade_id = t1.tradeNo
order by t1.tradeNo
This now runs in 3 seconds.
I dont have any indexes on the tables. Adding indexes t1.tradeNo and t2.trade_id and t3.TradeReportID has no effect.
Running the query with only one left join (both scenarios) in combination with the order by is fast.
Its fine for me to swap the order of the LEFT JOINs but this doesnt go far to explaining why this happens and under what scenarios it may happen again
The estimated exectuion plan is: (slow)
(exclamation mark details)
Switching the order of the left joins (fast):
which I note are markedly different but I cannot interpret these to explain the performance difference
It appears the addition of the order by clause results in the execution plan using the Table Spool (lazy spool) vs NOT using this in the fast query.
If I turn off the table spool via DBCC RULEOFF ('BuildSpool'); this 'fixes' the speed but according to this post this isnt recommended and cannot do it per query anyway
One of the columns returned (table3.Text] has type varchar(max)) - If this is changed to nvarchar(512) then the original (slow) query is now fast - ie the execution plan now decides to not use the Table Spool - also note that even tho the type is varchar(max) the field values are NULL for every one of the rows. This is now fixable but I am none the wiser
Warnings in the execution plan stated
Type conversion in expression (CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nvarchar(50),[t2].[trade_id],0)) may affect "CardinalityEstimate" in query plan choice, ...
t1.tradeNo is nvarchar(21) - the other two are varchar(50) - after altering the latter two to the same as the first the problem disappears! (leaving varchar(max) as stated in UPDATE 2 unchanged)
Given this problem goes away when either UPDATE 2 or UPDATE 3 are rectified I would guess that its a combination of the query optimizer using a temp table (table spool) for a column that has an unbounded size - very interesting despite the nvarchar(max) column having no data.
Your likely best fix is to make sure both sides of your joins have the same datatype. There's no need for one to be varchar and the other nvarchar.
This is a class of problems that comes up quite frequently in DBs. The database is assuming the wrong thing about the composition of the data it's about to deal with. The costs shown in your estimated execution plan are likely a long way from what you'd get in your actual plan. We all make mistakes and really it would be good if SQL Server learned from its own but currently it doesn't. It will estimate a 2 second return time despite being immediately proven wrong again and again. To be fair, I don't know of any DBMS which has machine-learning to do better.
Where your query is fast
The hardest part is done up front by sorting table3. That means it can do an efficient merge join which in turn means it has no reason to be lazy about spooling.
Where it's slow
Having an ID that refers to the same thing stored as two different types and data lengths shouldn't ever be necessary and will never be a good idea for an ID. In this case nvarchar in one place varchar in another. When that makes it fail to get a cardinality estimate that's the key flaw and here's why:
The optimizer is hoping to require only a few unique rows from table3. Just a handful of options like "Male", "Female", "Other". That would be what is known as "low cardinality". So imagine tradeNo actually contained IDs for genders for some weird reason. Remember, it's you with your human skills of contextualisation, who knows that's very unlikely. The DB is blind to that. So here is what it expects to happen: As it executes the query the first time it encounters the ID for "Male" it will lazily fetch the data associated (like the word "Male") and put it in the spool. Next, because it's sorted it expects just a lot more males and to simply re-use what it has already put in the spool.
Basically, it plans to fetch the data from tables 1 and 2 in a few big chunks stopping once or twice to fetch new details from table 3. In practice the stopping isn't occasional. In fact, it may even be stopping for every single row because there are lots of different IDs here. The lazy spool is like going upstairs to get one small thing at a time. Good if you think you just need your wallet. Not so good if you're moving house, in which case you'll want a big box (the eager spool).
The likely reason that shrinking the size of the field in table3 helped is that it meant it estimated less of a comparative benefit in doing the lazy spool over a full sort up front. With varchar it doesn't know how much data there is, just how much there could potentially be. The bigger the potential chunks of data that need shuffling, the more physical work needs doing.
What you can do to avoid in future
Make your table schema and indexes reflect the real shape of the data.
If an ID can be varchar in one table then it's very unlikely to need the extra characters available in nvarchar for another table. Avoid the need for conversions on IDs and also use integers instead of characters where possible.
Ask yourself if any of these tables need tradeNo to be filled in for
all rows. If so, make it not nullable on that table. Next, ask if the
ID should be unique for any of these tables and set it up as such in
the appropriate index. Unique is the definition of maximum cardinality
so it won't make that mistake again.
Nudge in the right direction with join order.
The order you have your joins in the SQL is a signal to the database about how powerful/difficult you expect each join to be. (Sometimes as a human you know more. e.g. if querying for 50 year old astronauts you know that filtering for astronauts would be the first filter to apply but maybe begin with the age when searching for 50 year office workers.) The heavy stuff should come first. It will ignore you if it thinks it has the information to know better but in this case it's relying on your knowledge.
If all else fails
A possible fix would be to INCLUDE all the fields you'll need from table3 in the index on TradeReportId. The reason the indexes couldn't help so much already is that they make it easy to identify how to re-sort but it still hasn't been physically done. That is work it was hoping to optimize with a lazy spool but if the data were included it would be already available so no work to optimize.
Having indexes on a table are key to speeding up retrieval of data. Start with this and then retry your query to see if the speed is improved using 'ORDER BY'
SELECT o.oxxxxID,
CONVERT(VARCHAR, o.dateCreated, 103)
FROM Offer o INNER JOIN Mxxxx m ON o.mxxxxID = m.mxxxxID
INNER JOIN EXXXX e ON e.exxxxID = o.exxxxID
INNER JOIN PXXXX p ON p.pxxxxxxID = o.pxxxxID
INNER JOIN Fxxxx f ON f.fxxxxxID = o.fxxxxxID
WHERE o.cxxxxID = 11
The above query is expected to be executed via website by approximately 1000 visitors daily. Is it badly written and has a high chance to cause lack of performance? If yes, can you please suggest me how to improve it.
NOTE: every table has only one index (Primary key).
Looks good to me.
Now for the performance piece you need to make sure you have the proper indexes covering the columns you are filtering and joining (Foreign Keys, etc).
A good start would be to do an Actual Execution Plan or, the easy route, run it against the Indexing Tunning Wizard.
The actual execution plan in SQL 2008 (perhaps 2005 as well) will give you missing indexes hints already on the top.
It's hard to tell without knowing the content of the data, but it looks like a perfectly valid SQL statement. The many joins will likely degrade performance a bit, but you can use a fw strategies for improving performance... I have a few ideas.
indexed views can often improve performance
stored procedures will optomize the query for you and save the optomized query
or if possible, create a one-off table that's not live, but contains the data from this statement, only in a non-normalized format. This on-off table would need tp be updated regularly, but you can get some huge performance boosts using this strategy if it's possible in your situation.
For general performance issues and ideas, this is a good place to start, if you haven't alredy:
This one is very good as well:
That would depend mostly on the keys and indexes defined on the tables. If you could provide those a better answer could be given. While the query looks ok (other than the xxx's in all the names), if you're joining on fields with no indexes, or there field in the where clause has no index then you may run into performance issues on larger data sets.
It looks pretty good to me. Probably the only improvement I might make is to output o.datecreated as is and let the client format it.
You could also add indexes to the join columns.
There may also be a potential to create an indexed view if performance is an issue and space isn't.
Actually, your query looks perfectly good written. The only point that we can't know if it can be improved is the existence of indexes and keys on the columns that you are using on the JOINS and the WHERE statement. Other than that, I don't see anything that can be improved.
If you only have single indexes on the primary keys, then it is unlikely the indexes will be covering for all the data output in your select statement. So what will happen is that the query can efficiently locate the rows for each primary key but it will need to use bookmark lookups to find the data rows and extract the additional columns.
So, although the query itself is probably fine (except for the date conversion) as long as all these columns are truly needed in the output, the execution plan could probably be improved by adding additional columns to your indexes. A clustered index key is not allowed to have included columns, and this is probably also your primary key enforcement, and you are unlikely to want to add other columns to your primary key, so this would mean creating an additional non-clustered index with the PK column first and then including additional columns.
At this point the indexes will cover the query and it will not need to do the bookmark lookups. Note that the indexes need to support the most common usage scenarios and that the more indexes you add, the slower your write performance will be, since all the indexes will need to be updated.
In addition, you might also want to review your constraints, since these can be used by the optimizer to eliminate joins if a table is not used for any output columns when the optimizer can determine there will not be an outer join or cross join which would eliminate or multiply rows.