Missing phone number claim in B2C ID token - azure-active-directory

We have Azure ADB2C connecting to external IDPs such as Azure AD via custom policies. I am able to include given_name, family_name, preferred_username custom claims from Azure AD in the B2C token, however I cant find a way to add a phone number claim. It's not there in the list of custom claims in the token configuration for Azure AD service principal like the other three mentioned above, also I don't see the claim type for it in TrustFrameworkBase.xml. We need to display the phone number of the user on their profile page.

In the Azure AD B2C starter pack, the phone number is stored in the claim called strongAuthenticationPhoneNumber.
To add a claim to your token, see this link.
Add this to your relying party section, under outputClaims:
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="strongAuthenticationPhoneNumber" />


Azure Active Directory B2C, case sensitive

I have an issue with Azure AD B2C with pre-created user profiles and external IDP.
The account email is created in lowercase in AD B2C, but from the external IDP, the email claim is in camel casing. (Yes I know the email should be stored in lower case)
The mapping between the email claim from external IDP and the email address on the ADB2C account is case-sensitive, which causes problems.
This can be solved using a custom policy, but we are using the standard configuration in this case.
So is there a solution for mapping claims non-case sensitive between external IDP and ADB2C user accounts, with standard configuration?
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any in a standard user flow.
If you are using custom policy, you can resolve it by using partnerClaimType as below.
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="email" PartnerClaimType="preferred_username" />

Azure AD B2C Custom Claims

I am using Aure AD B2C to connect a .Net core application with Azure AD Enterprise application for authentication using SAML protocol. I am using custom policies to enable SAML.
I have used custom policies starter pack given in Microsoft Docs, and authentication is working properly with given name, surname, name, IDP as claims and I want so additional claims that my application is using.
I need DOB and MemberID as claims for my application and there was no option to add custom claims to the active directory where my enterprise application is.
I have another IDP setup in Okta and luckily I could add custom claims like DOB and MemberID to user profile in Okta but still I am unable to get those claims after authentication.
This is an Azure AD question.
The problem is that DoB etc. is not part of the schema.
If you are using Azure AD Connect and these attributes are in AD, you can use directory extensions to synch them up.
You can synch them up to extensionAttributes that are in the SAML drop-down.
Then add them as outputs in B2C.
If not, you can add extension attributes to Azure AD and use a custom policy REST API that calls Graph API (either directly or via Azure function) to get them.
Also refer this.

How to include the preferred_username claim in Id_token

When I log into Azure AD B2C I don't get the preferred_username claim included id_token. Is there a way to configure this from the Azure portal? Pretty sure I would get this claim in regular Azure AD OIDC implicit flow.
I've tried looking at custom claims but it seems like this should be a built-in claim that gets included or mapped to some attribute.
This is a known issue with B2C and the MSAL libraries.
From the MSAL .NET wiki: B2C does not return a value in the IdToken for the preferred_username because of limitations with the social accounts and external identity providers (IdPs). Azure AD returns a value for preferred_username because it knows who the user is, but for B2C, because the user can sign in with a local account, Facebook, Google, GitHub, etc...there is not a consistent value for B2C to use for preferred_username. To unblock MSAL from rolling out cache compatibility with ADAL, we decided to use "Missing from the token response" on our end when dealing with the B2C accounts when the IdToken returns nothing for preferred_username. MSAL must return a value for preferred_username to maintain cache compatibility across libraries.
If you want to display a value in the UI, you should be able to use the login hint to pass in a username to pre-fill the sign-in UI. As noted in this MSAL .NET issue.
This is a known issue with Azure AD B2C.
This is because Azure AD B2C does not return a value in the IdToken
for the preferred_username because of limitations with the social
accounts and external identity providers (IdPs).Azure AD returns a
value for preferred_username because it knows who the user is, but for
Azure AD B2C, because the user can sign in with a local account,
Facebook, Google, GitHub, etc. there is not a consistent value for
Azure AD B2C to use for preferred_username.
Here is the Workarounds.

AAD B2C adding / mapping claims from external / delegate Identity Provider?

Using AAD B2C, I'd like to enable end-users to login using their Microsoft-Live or Google identity providers (delegate the authentication). However, I have a set of custom claims in AAD B2C for my users (some roles, for example). So, once the user authenticates into google, I need to add or "map, merge" the claim set with this user's custom claims in AAD B2C and return the consolidated claim-set to my application.
My question: where can I add or map these claims in the claimset returned by AAD B2C? In some Identity Providers this is possible using filters. Not yet finding the feature in AAD B2C, pointers?
EDIT: found this:
- https://aadguide.azurewebsites.net/claims/#claim-augmentation-/-enrichment

B2C as IdP for SalesForce

Completely new to B2C. Tried both of these walkthroughs, but I'm missing something still:
Both of these only describe the policies needed, but I'm pretty sure I need to register an app on B2C still? The problem I have with app registration is that SalesForce gives me a token endpoint URL with a query string:
And B2C won't allow query strings in the reply URL.
Is there any way around this? Salesforce also supports OpenID I think, if that would be better?
::::::::::::UPDATE 6/22::::::::::
I found and realized I was missing a critical step on the SalesForce side: adding the authentication provider to my domain's login page. Clicking the new link redirects me to B2C, but I get an immediate error from B2C. Application Insights shows the following exception:
The SAML technical profile 'serviceProviderMetadata' specifies a PartnerEntity URL of 'REMOVED', but fetching the metadata fails with reason 'For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettings to Parse and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method.
Using this write-up as a guideline, I've registered the app in B2C and configured the SalesForce side.
Instead of using the Azure AD authorization endpoints, I pulled my B2C tenants endpoints from my meta data URL (login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/.well-known/openid-configuration).
This works for my B2C admin account, however, when I try try a test user that isn't a B2C admin I get the following error from the B2C sign-in page:
Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.
AADSTS50020: User account 'REMOVED' from identity provider 'LINK REMOVED' does not exist in tenant 'MTB2CTest' and cannot access the application '5c8b9f4f-cf28-42fe-b629-b87251532970' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
::::::::::::UPDATE 6/23::::::::::
I’ve found that it works 100% only for my B2C admin account if I don’t use a policy, but doesn't work for other accounts. When I use a policy, only accounts that signed up through the policy can authenticate with B2C (which is great) – but the token doesn’t seem to be reaching SalesForce. I've created two PDFs showing the configuration details and the results from each method (policy and nopolicy) here.
Both of these only describe the policies needed, but I'm pretty sure I need to register an app on B2C still?
Not exactly, you no need to register an app at B2C side. All the configuration you do in Policies is enough.
Did you try Salesforce SAML SSO article https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=sso_saml.htm&type=5
Check the above article and try to do configurations at Salesforce side and grab the details required by SAML RP
I hope by following both SAML RP and Configure SAML Settings for Single Sign-On articles you can configure B2C as IDP for Salesforce.
I stumbled on this question while trying to implement Azure AD B2C as an IdP for Salesforce. We used Open ID Connect to enable SSO between the two. This involved setting up an Application in Azure AD B2C, enabling the read scope on that application, and configuring the connection in Salesforce using that application, a custom policy returning a JWT token, and a dummy User Info endpoint.
Check out this answer for exact steps on how we set up Open ID Connect: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61639332/13484109
