Do you know how to send an Azure DevOps build pipeline artifact to a database in Azure?
The artifact is CSV. Got it to create it.
Now wondering what steps to get it to Azure Database in Azure. Also unsure on best approach for database in Azure as well for a CSV Artifact.
Not a dba. Have infrastructure background and automate infrastructure with Azure DevOps to Azure. Hard to decipher the best approach from all the documentation. If y'all can point me on the best approach I would appreciate it.
In your release pipeline add an Azure SQL InlineSqlTask and use the following script
FROM '<Your build artifact directory>\YourCsvFilename.csv'
FIRSTROW = 2, -- as 1st one is header
FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', --CSV field delimiter
ROWTERMINATOR = '\n', --Use to shift the control to next row
When I extract a data-tier application from a Microsoft Azure SQL database that has a Master Key, I was unable to import it into SQL server on my local PC.
You will find others had this issue here: SSMS 2016 Error Importing Azure SQL v12 bacpac: master keys without password not supported
However the steps provided as the answer did not work on my installation.
Steps are
1. Disable auditing on the server (or database)
2. Drop the database master key with DROP MASTER KEY command.
Microsoft Tech Support verified this solution did not work on my installation of SQL Server and after actually taking remote control of my PC and trouble shooting, they were unable to determine why this was occurring.
I needed to find a way to remove the Master Key from the bacpac file. I have a Powershell script to remove the Master Key from the BACPAC file but it requires extracting, renaming files and running scripts from Windows Powershell to get the db imported.
Does anyone have a program or set of scripts which would automate the process of removing the Master Key and importing a SQL DB from Azure with a single command?
I am new to this forum. Please do not be harsh with this post. I am trying to do the best I can to help others to save the many hours I spent coming up with this.
I have cobbled together a T-SQL script which calls a Windows Powershell script (also cobbled from multiple sources) to extract a data-tier application (database) from Microsoft Azure SQL database and import it into a database on my local SQL Server by running ONE command. Over the months I found some of the code that is in my scripts from other blogs etc. I am not able to provide the credit due to those folks as I didn't keep track of where I got the info. If you are reading this and you see your code, please take credit. I apologize for not being able to give you the credit for your work.
There may be configuration settings on your PC and your local SQL server that need adjustments as this entire solution requires pretty much full access to your computer. If you run into trouble with compatibility, let me know and I will do the best I can to let you know how my system is configured in case it will help you.
I am using Windows 10 Pro and Microsoft SQL Server Developer (64-bit) v12.0.5207.0
I have placed the two files that do all the work on GitHub here:
WARNING: The Powershell script file will store your SQL sa password and your Azure SQL login in clear text!
If you don't want to do this, don't use this solution.
My computer is owned and controlled solely by me so I am able to open up the security in my system and I am willing to assume the responsibility of safeguarding it.
The basic steps of my solution are are accomplished as follows: (steps 1 and 2 are optional as I like to keep a version of the DB I am working with as of the point in time I pull down a clean production copy of my Azure DB)
Back up the current DB as MyLocalDB.bak.
Restore that backup from step 1 to a new DB with the previous day stamped at the end of the DB name (e.g., MyLocalDB20171231)
Delete the original MyLocalDB database (needed so we can recreate the DB with the original name later on)
Pull down the production database from Azure and create a new database with the name MyLocalDB.
The original DB is deleted in step 3 so that the restored DB can use the original name (important when you have data connections referring to that DB name)
In Step 4, the work of extracting the data-tier application DB from Azure is initiated by this line in the T-SQL:
EXEC MASTER..xp_cmdshell '%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File C:\Git\GetUpdatedAzureDB\GetAzureDB.ps1"'
The Powershell script does the following:
The target for the extract is a file named today.bacpac (hardcoded). The first thing to do is delete that file if it already exists.
Extract the DB from Azure into the today.bacpac file.
Note: my DB on Azure has a Master Key for encryption. This will need to be removed from the files prior to importing the bacpac file into your local DB or it will fail (this may not be required in SQL 2017 according to my previous conversations with MS Support). If you do not use a Master Key, you can either strip out the code that does this step or just leave it alone. It won't remove anything if it isn't there. It would just add a little overhead to the program.
Open the today.bacpac file (zip file) and remove the MasterKey node from the Origin.xml file.
Modify the Model.xml file to updates the SHA hash length. This is required in order for the file not to appear to have been tampered with when SQL opens the bacpac file.
Re-zips the files back into a new file today-patched.bacpac
Runs this line of code (from Powershell) to import the bacpac file into SQL Server
&C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin\SqlPackage.exe" /Action:Import /SourceFile:"C:\Git\GetUpdatedAzureDB\today-patched.bacpac" /TargetConnectionString:"Data Source=MyLocalSQLServer;User ID=sa; Password=MySAPassword; Initial Catalog=MyLocalDB; Integrated Security=false;"
After editing the two files to provide updated paths, usernames and passwords, run the SQL script. You do not need to edit the scripts again. You can run the SQL script again without modification and it will create a new copy of your Azure DB.
We are developing Tableau dashboards and deploying the workbooks on a EC2 windows instance in AWS. One of the data source is the company SQL server inside firewall. The server is managed by IT and we only have read permission to one of the databases. Now the solution is to build workbook on Tableau desktop locally by connecting to the company SQL server. Before publishing the workbooks to Tableau server, the data are extracted from data sources. The static data got uploaded with workbooks when published.
Instead of linking to static extracted data on Tableau server, we would like to set up a database on AWS (e.g. Postgresql), probably on the same instance and push the data from company SQL server to AWS database.
There may be a way to push directly from SQL server to postgres on AWS. But since we don't have much control of the server plus the IT folks are probably not willing to push data to external, this will not be an option. What I can think of is as follows:
Set up Postgres on AWS instance and create the tables with same schemas as the ones in SQL server.
Extract data from SQL server and save as CSV files. One table per file.
Enable file system sharing on AWS windows instance. So the instance can read files from local file system directly.
Load data from CSV to Postgres tables.
Set up the data connection on Tableau Server on AWS to read data from Postgres.
I don't know if others have come across a situation like this and what their solutions are. But I think this is not a uncommon scenario. One change would be to have both local Tableau Desktop and AWS Tableau Server connect to Postgres on AWS. Not sure if local Tableau could access Postgres on AWS though.
We also want to automate the whole process as much as possible. On local server, I can probably run a Python script as cron job to frequently export data from SQL server and save to CSVs. On the server side, something similar will be run to load data from CSV to Postgres. If the files are big, though, it may be pretty slow to import data from CSV to postgres. But there is no better way to transfer files from local to AWS EC2 instance programmatically since it is Windows instance.
I am open to any suggestions.
A. Platform choice
If you use a database other than SQL Server on AWS (say Postgres), you need to perform one (or maybe two) conversions:
In the integration from on on-prem SQl Server to AWS database you need to map from SQL Server datatypes to postgres datatypes
I don't know much about Tableau, but if it is currently pointing at SQL Server, you probably need some kind of conversion to point it at Postgres
These two steps alone might make it worth your while to investigate a SQL Express RDS. SQL Express has no licencing cost but obviously windows does. You can also run SQL Express on Linux which would have no licencing costs, but would require a lot of fiddling about to get running (i.e. I doubt if there is a SQL Express Linux RDS available)
B. Integration Approach
Any process external to your network (i.e. on the cloud) that is pulling data from your network will need the firewall opened. Assuming this is not an option, that leaves us only with push from on-prem options
Just as an aside on this point, Power BI achieves it's desktop data integration by using a desktop 'gateway' that coordinates data transfer, meaning that cloud Power BI doesn't need to open a port to get what it needs, it uses the desktop gateway to push it out
Given that we only have push options, then we need something on-prem to push data out. Yes, this could be a cron job on Linux or a windows scheduled task. Please note, this is where you start creating shadow IT
To get data out of SQL Server to be pushed to the cloud, the easiest way is to use BCP.EXE to generate flat files. If these are going into a SQL Server, these should be native format (to save complexity). If these are going to Postgres they should be tab delimited
If these files are being uploaded to SQL Server, then it's just another BCP command to push native files into tables into SQL Server (prior to this you need to run SQLCMD.EXE command to truncate the target table
So for three tables, assuming you'd installed the free* SQL Server client tools, you'd have a batch file something like this:
REM STEP 1: Clear staging folder
DEL /Y C:\Staging\*.TXT
REM STEP 2: Generate the export files
BCP database.dbo.Table1 OUT C:\Staging\Table1.TXT -E -S LocalSQLServer -N
BCP database.dbo.Table2 OUT C:\Staging\Table2.TXT -E -S LocalSQLServer -N
BCP database.dbo.Table3 OUT C:\Staging\Table3.TXT -E -S LocalSQLServer -N
REM STEP 3: Clear target tables
REM Your SQL RDS is unlikely to support single sign on
REM so need to use user/pass here
SQLCMD -U username -P password -S RDSSQLServerName -d databasename -Q"TRUNCATE TABLE Table1; TRUNCATE TABLE Table2; TRUNCATE TABLE Table3;"
REM STEP 4: Push data in
BCP database.dbo.Table1 IN C:\Staging\Table1.TXT -U username -P password -S RDSSQLServerName-N
BCP database.dbo.Table2 IN C:\Staging\Table2.TXT -U username -P password -S RDSSQLServerName-N
BCP database.dbo.Table3 IN C:\Staging\Table3.TXT -U username -P password -S RDSSQLServerName-N
(I'm pretty sure that BCP and SQLCMD are free... not sure but you can certainly download the free SQL Server tools and see)
If you wanted to push to Postgres SQL instead,
in step 2, you'd need to drop the -N option, which would make the file text, tab delimited, readable by anything
in step 3 and step 4 you'd need to use the associated Postgres command line tool, but you'd need to deal with data types etc. (which can be a pain - ambiguous date formats alone are always a huge problem)
Also note here the AWS RDS instance is just another database with a hostname, login, password. The only thing you have to do is make sure the firewall is open on the AWS side to accept incoming connections from your IP Address
There are many more layers of sophistication you can build into your integration: differential replication, retries etc. but given the 'shadow IT status' this might not be worth it
Also be aware that I think AWS charges for data uploads, so if you are replicating a 1G database everyday, that's going to add up. (Azure doesn't charge for uploads but I'm sure you'll pay in some other way!)
For this type of problem I would strongly recommend use of SymmetricDS -
The main caveat is that the SQL Server would require the addition of some triggers to track changes but at that point SymmetricDS will handle the push of the data.
An alternative approach, similar to what you suggested, would be to have a script export the data into CSV files, upload them to S3, and then have a bucket event trigger on the S3 bucket that kicks off a Lambda to load the data when it arrives.
I have done this dozens of times but just recently ran into this error. Here are the steps I have gone through to get here:
Create a copy of my Azure SQL v12 database on the same server as the original
Export the copy-version (completely inactive from user interaction) to blob storage
Download the .bacpac file from blob storage to my local drive
In SSMS (October 2016 release) my local sql server instance, right click Databases and choose 'Import Data Tier Application'
Choose my recently downloaded bacpac file and start the import
It only takes a few seconds for it to bomb out and I get the error:
Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 33161, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Database master keys without password are not supported in this version of SQL Server
Error SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed script: CREATE MASTER KEY;
I followed the same process for the same database 1.5 months ago any everything worked fine...Is anyone else experiencing this??? I have SSDT version 14.0.61021.0 installed - not sure if that matters or not. I'm also running SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition (v13.0.1722.0).
I had the same problem. After speaking to Azure support they found out the issue was caused because a blank database master key is created to encrypt the storage credentials for the auditing (auditing is an optional setting).
Note that database auditing settings are inherited from the server settings.
Anyway, the work around they came up with was:
Disable auditing on the server (or database)
Drop the database master key with DROP MASTER KEY command.
Then the export works as expected. Hopefully Azure will fix this issue soon so that auditing and export can work together.
Update 21st March 2017 Better work-around From MS
As the fix will take some time to be deployed, they also suggested an
alternative solution, which will not require any additional steps
(like disabling auditing or the steps form the blog) on your side to
avoid this issue. After auditing is enabled, please update the master
key and set the password. Setting a password for the existing master
key will mitigate the issue. Also, setting the password will not
impact auditing and it will keep working. The syntax to add the
password is as follows:
-- execute in the user database
The link also has a PowerShell script you can use to remove the offending SQL Statement from the .bacpac file.
Okay the way I ended up resolving this issue was to do the following:
Create a copy of the SQL Azure database on the same server as the original
In that database run the following script:
Follow steps 2-5 in the original post
I haven't seen documentation on this, but apparently when you create an Azure SQL database it creates a database master key (DMK) without a password, and in SQL Server 2016 this is not okay. Hopefully this helps somebody else out.
Note: I was able to do this since I only wanted the data from the original database to refresh my local development copy - I haven't fully researched the implications of this.
You need to:
remove the master key object from the bacpac
remove the credential object from the bacpac
There is this script published on Microsoft blog, run it, and will do all the above.
C:\PS> .\RemoveMasterKey.ps1 -bacpacPath "C:\BacPacs\Test.bacpac
Fix corrupt bacpac created by removing master key.
The Sugestion to run the script RemoveMasterKey, also created a corrupted bacpac file in my case by inserting  into the model.xml file in multiple places.
There is a way to edit the bacpac by extractig the files, Removing the offending characters in the model.xml file and then generating a new checksum for the Origin.xml file
once done Zipping the files back up with the extension .bacpac allows you to import the backpac.
Fix found at:
checksum generator:
Steps provided:
1) Update the zip file with the modified model.xml
2) Rename the zip file with the bacpac extension
3) Run dacchksum.exe /i:database.bacpac (where database.bacpac is the name the bacpac file)
4) Update Origin.xml in the bacpac file with the new value provided by dacchksum.exe
I am using snowflake cloud datawarehouse, which is like teradata that hosts data. I am able run queries and get results on the web UI itself. But I am unclear how can one export the results to a local PC so that we can report based on the data.
Thanks in advance
You have 2 options which both use sfsql which is based on henplus. The first option is to export the result of your query to a S3 staging file as shown below:
CREATE STAGE my_stage URL='s3://loading/files/' CREDENTIALS=(AWS_KEY_ID=‘****' AWS_SECRET_KEY=‘****’);
COPY INTO #my_stage/dump
FROM (select * from orderstiny limit 5) file_format=(format_name=‘csv' compression=‘gzip'');
The other option is to capture the sql result into a file.
set-property column-delimiter ",";
set-property sql-result-showheader off;
set-property sql-result-showfooter off;
select current_date() from dual;
$ ./sfsql < test.sql > result.txt
For more details and help, login to your snowflake account and access the online documentation or post your question to Snowflake support via the Snowflake support portal which is accessible through the Snowflake help section. Help -> Support Portal.
Hope this helps.
You can use a COPY command to export a table (or query results) into a file on S3 (using "stage" locations), and then a GET command to save it onto your local filesystem. You can only do it from the "sfsql" Snowflake command line tool (not from web UI).
Search the documentation for "unloading", you'll find more info there.
You can directly download the data from Snowflakes to Local Filesystem without staging to S3 or redirecting via unix pipe
Use COPY INTO to load table data to table staging
snowsql$> copy into #%test_table/result/data_ from test_table
file_format = (TYPE ='[FILE_TYPE]' compression='[COMPRESSION_TYPE]');
Use GET command to download data from table staging to Local FS
snowsql$> get #%test_table/result/data_ file:///tmp/;
I'm following a tutorial for constructing a PHP and MySQL ecommerce driven website, and I'm uploading them to my server at the moment, but in need of some assistance determining how to proceed.
In the README of the tutorial, are the following instructions:
1.) Unzip to the root folder under your
HTTP directory ( or under your preferred directory)
2.) Create a database and database user on your web
server for Plaincart
3.) Use the sql dump in plaincart.sql to generate the
tables and example data
4.) Modify the database connection settings in
5.) If you want to accept paypal modify the settings
in include/paypal/ . More information
about this paypal stuff can be found in
OK, so I obviously am capable enough to complete #1! :)
So, on to number 2, how to I create a database on my server?
I understad number 3, referring to the fact that I use the SQL dump file to construct some sample data once the database has been created.
I can't tell about #4 and #5 yet, but we'll see when we get there.
So, I guess I just need to know how to construct a MySQL database on my web server.
Easiest way: install phpmyadmin on the remote server, and do it from that web interface.