On google cloud console, there was a convenient option inside topic details to publish a message.
That option is no longer available.
Is there any alternative convenient way to publish messages on a topic from google cloud console?
Currently it is just showing an option to trigger cloud function.
It is now in Messages section at the bottom of the topic details page:
Looks like they have moved that option down on that page along with 'Subscriptions' and 'Snapshots'.
My python application on the Google App Engine (standard environment) writes some logs to stdout.
I used to be able to see them on the Logs Viewer but not anymore.
The default options under the "Log name" drop down menu do not show stdout, and I have tried to manually add logName="projects/airlib-main/logs/stdout" into the Query Builder but it doesn't find anything.
I solved my problem by NOT using basicConfig to configure the logs and rather instantiate my own loggers and use them throughout the application. The python documentation says that < This function does nothing if the root logger already has handlers configured > and maybe the Google App Engine does that now. My application used to produce logs properly so there might have been a change recently in the way the Google App Engine works in this environment.
I would recommend you to take a look at the post from the Community:
How to group related request log entries GAE python 3.7 standard env. This post provides you with possible solutions to your stdout logging.
For example, as mentioned on this answer here - that it's in Python language - there are some methods that you can use to set the stdout as the pattern for logs. So, checking this post should assist you in configuring the use of stdout on your App Engine.
Let me know if the information helped you!
I recently wrote a tool that checks if certain requests on a web page are fired. For example is jquery from a google server loaded when I visit StackOverflow? The tool is based on webdriver and a chrome browser.
The tool works like a charm but it also generates google analytics traffic that should not be there.
Is there a possibility to tell Google that the tool is a bot and should not be counted? All solutions I found focus on the page under test and how to not collect data via Google. I need a solution that works without changing the website's code.
Possibly the easiest way would be to send a custom user agent string along and filter by that via a view filter.
Untested, but I think if you use the same user agent string as the Google crawler I'm pretty certain it will be filtered out automatically (after all Google should be smart enough to filter their own crawler). According to this page the Google crawler UA always contains the string "Googlebot" (else youD have to go through your server logs to find a likely UA string).
We solved our problem with a chrome extension. That extension redirects all requests against the google collect endpoint to example.com. Works like a charm.
Here is the Answer to your Question:
It sounds interesting to know about a tool which checks if certain requests on a web page are fired for e.g. jquery from a google server loaded.
Practically, there is a lot of difference when a page e.g. StackOverflow.com is opened Manually (through keying in the URL manually) and when chromedriver exe is used to initiate the new Google Chrome session.
As an example, manually when we open a new Google Chrome session, the command line parameters which gets passed along with chrome.exe are --flag-switches-begin and --flag-switches-end only.
But when we try to use chromedriver exe, we generally take help of ChromeOptions class and DesiredCapabilities class to add various config parameters to the Google Chrome session. Apart from all these one parameter is added i.e. --test-type=webdriver.
Hence any website when accessed by chromedriver exe is always aware that it's a Automated Bot.
Let me know if this Answers your Question.
Google has recently depreciated their AppEngine Console (https://appengine.google.com), and the link to a page that allowed setting the version of an application now goes to a new page which does not. (https://console.cloud.google.com/appengine/versions?project=...).
Do we have to split traffic to change versions?
Do we use the Google Cloud Shell?
Is this temporary?
Is this documented someplace?
You click the migrate traffic button on this page you linked. This is the same workflow as what was in the old UI. If you want to brute force it, open up the advanced options section.
This is the functionality I am referring to in the old style GAE console
At the bottom of this page, there is 'Backup Entities' button
I am not able to find the corresponding function in the new GAE console interface.
Is it possible to manually drive a backup process in the new GAE console as at the time of writing (4 Jun)?
Mark Cummins in the AppEngine-GoogleGroup has discovered that it's under Storage > Cloud Datastore > Settings.
It is missing (yet?) in the new UI just like a lot of other features.
But you still can access it directly at https://ah-builtin-python-bundle-dot-APPID.appspot.com/_ah/datastore_admin or even programmatically using this documentation.
I have a Google App Engine app which was created in early January 2013. I now want to use the Google Calendar API to post calendar entries from my GAE app and - after reading about the various options - I decided that Service Accounts with OAuth 2.0 authentication would be the best option. This approach requires the use of a private key to sign a JSON data structure with various credentials.
Now the Google documentation states:
During the creation of a service account, you will be prompted
to download a private key.
I checked my GAE dashboard and can see that there's a service account associated with it but I cannot remember ever being prompted to download a private key. I checked the Google Cloud Dashboard but could not find any links to obtaining such a key either.
Is it possible to obtain the required key at this moment and if so, how?
I have accepted Zig's answer and although it is slightly brief it helped me find a solution for this. For people who run into the same issue, here's some more detailed information
I initially could not find anything in the Cloud Console but then - after another hour of wading through Google's documentation and Cloud Console - found the relevant pages in the Api Console which is a different beast.
In the API Console click API access from the side bar. Then click the "Create another Client ID..." button and choose "Service Account". This will popup a window which allows you to download the private key.
Create a new service account in the console.