how to implement rules and events for form tracking in adobe Launch? - tagging

I am new to adobe Analytics. I am trying to track form errors that are occurring when the user submitting the form without filling the required fields.
So here what I did was, passed form values to list prop to capture the values. But I am not getting how to implement events to track against these values.
Can anyone please help me with how to implement rules and events in the adobe launch for tracking?

Yes, there are a few ways to do it.
The recommended way is to ask the Front-end team to send an error event that Launch can listen to. It can be done in a few ways. It's considered the best practice to install the adobeDataLayer extension:
The extension provides ability to use a dataLayer very similar to GTM. Very comfortable.
The other way to do it is ask the devs to send a simple JS customEvent with error details in the detail property of the event.
Launch can natively listen to JS events and gives access to the event object.
Finally, the worst kind of implementation, that should be mostly considered as a hack, is the become visible trigger:
you're supposed to detect the actual error message with this trigger. I suggest not using it since the enters viewport listener is a bit heavy. And it also depends on the DOM structure since you'll have to provide the CSS selector for the error message.
This is not all, surely. You can build your own settimeout polling logic to look for the errors manually, or ask devs to send direct calls, but those are even worse solutions, so I'm not elaborating on them.


Locking while front-end waits on response from backend

End users in our react application have the ability to make payments to loans via a pop up. The initial problem that we encountered is that users could click the pay button twice (or heaven forbid more than twice) and this would create multiple payments throwing our accounting into disarray. We thus implemented a sort of lock state that, when triggered to true, shows a loading gif displayed in a div with a simple tweak of the z-index. The state is passed down to the pop up from 2 components above. Every now and then I get an error message displaying that there is a possible memory leak. I assume this has something to do with my fix.
I'm just wondering, is there best practice on how to handle this sort of "locking" situation with react while waiting on some other external system to respond? I've tried to do this via the front-end but I'm not 100% convinced that it's the best and/or only solution.
If you need some code to better illustrate the scenario then let me know and I'll work on adding some examples.
Thanks in advance for your advice!
There's plenty of ways of doing this. You could even had multiple layers to the process. On top of layering the page using a z-indexed loading screen, you could also disable the button depending on some form of state change.
Also, the memory leak could be from you not disposing everything after the life cycle of a particular hook ends. I would suggest you look at using useEffect as a starting point. There's a good chance that either your modal or loading indicator is causing this. Often times, this can be fixed by adding a dependency array to useEffect. Obviously, I am making a lot of assumptions here.

Detecting Printer State Change with Cups Api

Using the Cups c api I am able to see the state of a printer (such as paused, printing, jammed ect.) What I am trying to do now is to listen for, or lock against a change in a printer's state. Ultimately I want a live view of a printers state, but I don't want to have a delay loop spamming cups with printer attribute requests.
I have seen many functions and tags in the source code and documentation that hint towards some kind of event system, but I have been unable to figure out how to utilize it. Any help is welcome, even just pointing me towards the right function.
I used this example in my current implementation to get state information.
It ends up this was a very complex question and involved a lot of work to figure out. The only sane way I found to listen for changes was to use the rss notification system. I would advise against attempting to make your own notification module, I wasted a week of my life trying that (I'm not even sure it is possible anymore). Use the Create-Printer-Subscription with a uri like rss://localhost:8000. You will of course need a listener waiting for the xml data.
I put up an a simple debugging tool I made with java/jna here. Select 2 to set up a subscription, you will need to listen for the data yourself though.

The "flux" way to handle action success/error in UI

Take the case of reseting a password. The user is presented with a form asking them to enter their email. They submit the form so that they'll be sent a reset link in an email. The submit triggers an action, the action makes a POST to /api/password/reset and will return success or failure.
Obviously i want to update the UI so the user knows what is going on. The Flux way is to have actions dispatch a constant e.g. PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESS and stores listen to the dispatcher so they can change the state. Components listen to the stores so they change the UI when the store state changes.
In the case of the password reset, i can't really see a sensible way to have this run through a store (and it seems verbose to do so). The only changing of state seems to be directly related to that form/component. Nothing that needs to be preserved once the user has left that page.
Is it "flux-y" to have components listen directly to the dispatcher?
Is there a sensible design for a store that allows me to handle generic events like this that don't directly link to models in the app?
Many thanks!
(This relates to working on in case anyone is interested)
No, it isn't. The architecture of the Flux should always follow the same scenario — Component calls actionCreator, ActionCreator dispatches actions to the stores, store emits change to all subscribed components. That is how Flux works, explained here.
I think the best way to do it is to have the general ResultStore, which simply accepts key/value defined in the action and writes them to hash. This way you can get away with one handler, with the name onResultWrite or something like this. Flux Stores were never meant to be a direct representation of your models — they are more a representation of your whole app state.
Flux architecture obviously can seem too strict and complex for the simple app — and it is. But it was not designed for simple apps in mind, it was designed for the complicated UI with lots of components — as complicated as the get. That's why stores, actions and components need to be separated from themselves as much as possible.
If you think that your application is quite simple, you can always take shortcuts, like passing a changeState callback directly to the action as a param — but if some other component will need to react to the PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESS event, you've got yourself a problem. You can always think about it when it happens though. The project architecture is always about trade-offs, flexibility vs development speed vs performance.
The most important skill of developer is to know about this trade-offs, their value and know where to make them — and where not.
Good luck!

Om but in javascript

I'm getting to be a fan of David Nolen's Om library.
I want to build a not-too-big web app in our team, but I cannot really convince my teammates to switch to ClojureScript.
Is there a way I can use the principles used in om but building the app in JavaScript?
I'm thinking something like:
immutable-js or mori for immutable data structures
js-csp for CSP
just a normal javascript object for the app-state atom
immutable-js for cursors
something for keeping track of the app-state and sending notification base on cursors
I'm struggling with number 5 above.
Has anybody ventured into this territory or has any suggestions? Maybe someone has tried building a react.js app using immutable-js?
Edit July 2015: currently the most promising framework based on immutability is Redux! take a look! It does not use cursors like Om (neither Om Next does not use cursors).
Cursors are not really scalable, despite using CQRS principles described below, it still creates too much boilerplate in components, that is hard to maintain, and add friction when you want to move components around in an existing app.
Also, it's not clear for many devs on when to use and not use cursors, and I see devs using cursors in place they should not be used, making the components less reusable that components taking simple props.
Redux uses connect(), and clearly explains when to use it (container components), and when not to (stateless/reusable components). It solves the boilerplate problem of passing down cursors down the tree, and performs greatly without too much compromises.
I've written about drawbacks of not using connect() here
Despite not using cursors anymore, most parts of my answer remains valid IMHO
I have done it myself in our startup internal framework atom-react
Some alternatives in JS are Morearty, React-cursors, Omniscient or Baobab
At that time there was no immutable-js yet and I didn't do the migration, still using plain JS objects (frozen).
I don't think using a persistent data structures lib is really required unless you have very large lists that you modify/copy often. You could use these projects when you notice performance problems as an optimization but it does not seem to be required to implement the Om's concepts to leverage shouldComponentUpdate. One thing that can be interesting is the part of immutable-js about batching mutations. But anyway I still think it's optimization and is not a core prerequisite to have very decent performances with React using Om's concepts.
You can find our opensource code here:
It has the concept of a Clojurescript Atom which is a swappable reference to an immutable object (frozen with DeepFreeze). It also has the concept of transaction, in case you want multiple parts of the state to be updated atomically. And you can listen to the Atom changes (end of transaction) to trigger the React rendering.
It has the concept of cursor, like in Om (like a functional lens). It permits for components to be able to render the state, but also modify it easily. This is handy for forms as you can link to cursors directly for 2-way data binding:
<input type="text" valueLink={this.linkCursor(myCursor)}/>
It has the concept of pure render, optimized out of the box, like in Om
Differences with Om:
No local state (this.setState(o) forbidden)
In Atom-React components, you can't have a local component state. All the state is stored outside of React. Unless you have integration needs of existing Js libraries (you can still use regular React classes), you store all the state in the Atom (even for async/loading values) and the whole app rerenders itself from the main React component. React is then just a templating engine, very efficient, that transform a JSON state into DOM. I find this very handy because I can log the current Atom state on every render, and then debugging the rendering code is so easy. Thanks to out of the box shouldComponentUpdate it is fast enough, that I can even rerender the full app whenever a user press a new keyboard key on a text input, or hover a button with a mouse. Even on a mobile phone!
Opinionated way to manage state (inspired by CQRS/EventSourcing and Flux)
Atom-React have a very opinionated way to manage the state inspired by Flux and CQRS. Once you have all your state outside of React, and you have an efficient way to transform that JSON state to DOM, you will find out that the remaining difficulty is to manage your JSON state.
Some of these difficulties encountered are:
How to handle asynchronous values
How to handle visual effects requiring DOM changes (mouse hover or focus for exemple)
How to organise your state so that it scales on a large team
Where to fire the ajax requests.
So I end up with the notion of Store, inspired by the Facebook Flux architecture.
The point is that I really dislike the fact that a Flux store can actually depend on another, requiring to orchestrate actions through a complex dispatcher. And you end up having to understand the state of multiple stores to be able to render them.
In Atom-React, the Store is just a "reserved namespace" inside the state hold by the Atom.
So I prefer all stores to be updated from an event stream of what happened in the application. Each store is independant, and does not access the data of other stores (exactly like in a CQRS architecture, where components receive exactly the same events, are hosted in different machines, and manage their own state like they want to). This makes it easier to maintain as when you are developping a new component you just have to understand only the state of one store. This somehow leads to data duplication because now multiple stores may have to keep the same data in some cases (for exemple, on a SPA, it is probable you want the current user id in many places of your app). But if 2 stores put the same object in their state (coming from an event) this actually does not consume any additional data as this is still 1 object, referenced twice in the 2 different stores.
To understand the reasons behind this choice, you can read blog posts of CQRS leader Udi Dahan,The Fallacy Of ReUse and others about Autonomous Components.
So, a store is just a piece of code that receive events and updates its namespaced state in the Atom.
This moves the complexity of state management to another layer. Now the hardest is to define with precision which are your application events.
Note that this project is still very unstable and undocumented/not well tested. But we already use it here with great success. If you want to discuss about it or contribute, you can reach me on IRC: Sebastien-L in #reactjs.
This is what it feels to develop a SPA with this framework. Everytime it is rendered, with debug mode, you have:
The time it took to transform the JSON to Virtual DOM and apply it to the real DOM.
The state logged to help you debug your app
Wasted time thanks to React.addons.Perf
A path diff compared to previous state to easily know what has changed
Check this screenshot:
Some advantages that this kind of framework can bring that I have not explored so much yet:
You really have undo/redo built in (this worked out of the box in my real production app, not just a TodoMVC). However IMHO most of actions in many apps are actually producing side effects on a server, so it does not always make sens to reverse the UI to a previous state, as the previous state would be stale
You can record state snapshots, and load them in another browser. CircleCI has shown this in action on this video
You can record "videos" of user sessions in JSON format, send them to your backend server for debug or replay the video. You can live stream a user session to another browser for user assistance (or spying to check live UX behavior of your users). Sending states can be quite expensive but probably formats like Avro can help. Or if your app event stream is serializable you can simply stream those events. I already implemented that easily in the framework and it works in my production app (just for fun, it does not transmit anything to the backend yet)
Time traveling debugging ca be made possible like in ELM
I've made a video of the "record user session in JSON" feature for those interested.
You can have Om like app state without yet another React wrapper and with pure Flux - check it here That's my very complete React starter kit.

Using elmahr.elmah in winform application

I have recently shown to my team leader the ElmahR Dashboard and now he wants to implement ExceptionsLog with ElmahR in all of our current projects, including those that are Winform Applications, and after many days of searching I can't find a way to add a Winform Application as "ElmahR source".
Does anyone have a clue?
ErrorPostModule in ElmahR.Elmah does not support Winforms apps because it's been written to be an ELMAH module, so it's tied to an ASP.NET lifecycle and cannot be easily adapted. That said, ErrorPostModule does not do anything so magic and can be easily taken as a guideline to write a small "handler" to be used in a Winforms app. Take a look at its code here, what you should do is:
replace what's in the OnInit method, which simply reads configuration bits and attaches the error handler
when an error occurs, handle it like it's done in the SetError method to post it to the right destination reading the configuration parameters you read before. You would reference ELMAH and create an Error instance from your exception, and then use ErrorJson.EncodeString to encode it
You may want to borrow the W3.cs file to simplify the http form compilation.
At some point I might generalize this work and put it in ElmahR.Elmah, but not sure when I'll be able to do it.
I just forked the elmahr source code to work on this, I want to post errors from console applications, so I'm going to remove the dependency on Elmah and create the "error" objects and send them to the dashboard.
It's a work in progress but can be used as starting point for solving your problem.
Update: the fork now include full support to post to ElmahR using a ServiceStack endpoint, using json over http. This remove the dependency over the original Elmah to publish errors to the dashboard. The first example is a C# Console Application
