React Hook, how to avoid multiple call of api? - reactjs

I use React hook and AntD table, the table has several pages to show the data from a backend server, now the problem is when users search on pages, the same api called two times, I know why this happened, but I don't know hot to avoid it.
This only happened when user search on other pages(not the first page)
When user search on page, I want the table to show search result from the first page.
the code as below, you can see the dependency of method useEffect:
the search condition
the pageNum and pageSize
When user input the search condition, and click search button, the api was fired(since searchCondition was changed). and then i update pageNum to 1, the api fired again!(since pageNum was changed), how to make the api only called one time? thanks.
useEffect(() => {
getUsers(pageNum, pageSize, searchCondition)
}, [searchCondition, pageNum, pageSize])
and here is the handler for search button.
const listUser = (params: any) => {

To avoid this, you may combine both of the actions into an action by using useReducer.
Replace useState by useReducer
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(
(state, action) => ({ ...state, ...action }),
searchCondition: initialState,
pageNum: initialState
Combine your action
const listUser = (params: any) => {
searchCondition: params,
pageNum: 1
Call API
useEffect(() => {
getUsers(state.pageNum, pageSize, state.searchCondition)
}, [state.searchCondition, state.pageNum, pageSize])


refetch in reactQuery is not return the data

I am using reactQuery in my react application. I need to call one get API in button click. for that i am using refetch option in reactQuery. API call is working fine but my response data is coming undefined. I checked in browser network there i can see the response.
My API call using reactQuery
const { data: roles, refetch: roleRefetch } = useQuery('getRoles', () => api.getRoles('ID_234'), { enabled: false });
My click event
const handleAdd = (e) => { roleRefetch(); console.log(roles) }
My action call using axios
export const getRoles = (name) => axios.get(roles/list?sa_id=${name}, { headers: setHeader }).then(res => res);
const handleAdd = (e) => { roleRefetch(); console.log(roles) }
this not how react works, and it's not react-query specific. calling a function that updates some state will not have your state be available in the next line. It will make it available in the next render cycle. Conceptually, you want this to work, which cannot with how react is designed:
const [state, setState] = React.useState(0)
<button onClick={() => {
here, the log statement will log 0, not 1, because the update doesn't happen immediately, and this is totally expected.
With react-query, what you can do is await the refetch, because its async, and it will give you the result back:
const handleAdd = async (e) => {
const { data } = await roleRefetch();
or, depending on what you actually want to do, you can:
use data in the render function to render something - it will always be up-to-date.
use theonSuccess callback of useQuery to trigger side-effects whenever data is fetched
spawn a useEffect in the render function that does the logging:
const { data: roles, refetch: roleRefetch } = useQuery('getRoles', () => api.getRoles('ID_234'), { enabled: false });
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [roles])
on a more general note, I think disabling a query and then calling refetch on a button click is very likely not idiomatic react-query. Usually, you have some local state that drives the query. in your case, that's likely the id. Dependencies of the query should go to the queryKey, and react-query will trigger a refetch automatically when the key changes. This will also give you caching by id. You can use enabled to defer querying when your dependencies are not yet ready. Here's what I would likely do:
const [id, setId] = React.useState(undefined)
const { data: roles } = useQuery(['getRoles', id], () => api.getRoles(id), { enabled: !!id });
const handleAdd = (e) => { setId('ID_234') }
of course, id doesn't have to come from local state - it could be some other form of client state as well, e.g. a more global one.

readding items to the list while switching between navigations(firebase)

I try to render items that are in my firestore database. It displays correctly on the first render but when I switch between tabs/navigations it will readd the data to the list again. If I keep on switching between the tabs it will add more and more.
When I use local state there is no issue with that but the issue is with when I use dispatch to display items it will readd more items to the list(not the firestore database).
() =>
onSnapshot(collection(db, "users"), (snapshot) => {
"snapshot", =>
const firebaseData = =>;
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
const initialState = {
items: [],
const itemsSlice = createSlice({
name: "addItems",
reducers: {
addItem: (state, action) => {
emptyItems: (state) => {
state.items = [];
export const { addItem, emptyItems } = itemsSlice.actions;
export default itemsSlice.reducer;
Here is a gif of the issue:
Since I don't understand how you're switching between tabs, I can't tell you why the component seems to be rerendering. The useEffect hook is responsible to act like both the componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate methods. And the global redux state is not going to reset itself after each render (which is why it's so great).
This is not the case for a component's state which well reset each time a component is removed from and added to the dom. This explains why when you use a local state, the problem disappears. It's not that its fixed, it's because the state is reset every time the component is removed and added (which is what seems to be happening here).
Since we don't have the full details a quick fix should be to replace this
with this
state.items = [...action.payload];
this will set a new value to state.items instead of pushing to it.

Filter item on item list that is on state using useState and useEffect

I have a list of items on my application and I am trying to create a details page to each one on click. Moreover I am not managing how to do it with useState and useEffect with typescript, I could manage just using componentDidMount and is not my goal here.
On my state, called MetricState, I have "metrics" and I have seen in some places that I should add a "selectedMetric" to my state too. I think this is a weird solution since I just want to be able to call a dispatch with the action of "select metric with id x on the metrics list that is on state".
Here is the codesandbox, when you click on the "details" button you will see that is not printing the name of the selected metric coming from the state:
This is my State:
export type MetricState = {
metrics: IMetric[];
My actionCreators.js file that the dispatch calls
export function fetchMetric(catalog, metricId) {
const action = {
payload: []
return fetchMetricCall(action, catalog, metricId);
const fetchMetricCall = (action, catalog, metricId) => async (dispatch) => {
type: action.type,
payload: { metrics: [catalog.metrics.filter((x) => === metricId)] } //contains the data to be passed to reducer
and finally the MetricsDeatail.tsx page where I try to filter the selected item with the id coming from route parametes:
const metricId = props.match.params.metricId;
const catalog = useSelector<RootState, MetricState>(
(state) => state.fetchMetrics
const selectedMetric: IMetric = {
name: "",
owner: { team: "" }
const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
dispatch(appReducer.actionCreators.fetchMetric(catalog, metricId));
}, []);
On my state, called MetricState, I have "metrics" and I have seen in some places that I should add a "selectedMetric" to my state too. I think this is a weird solution since I just want to be able to call a dispatch with the action of "select metric with id x on the metrics list that is on state".
I agree with you. The metricId comes from the URL through props so it does not also need to be in the state. You want to have a "single source of truth" for each piece of data.
In order to use this design pattern, your Redux store needs to be able to:
Fetch and store a single Metric based on its id.
Select a select Metric from the store by its id.
I generally find that to be easier with a keyed object state (Record<string, IMetric>), but an array works too.
Your component should look something like this:
const MetricDetailsPage: React.FC<MatchProps> = (props) => {
const metricId = props.match.params.metricId;
// just select the one metric that we want
// it might be undefined initially
const selectedMetric = useSelector<RootState, IMetric | undefined>(
(state) => state.fetchMetrics.metrics.find(metric => === metricId )
const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<Link to={`/`}>Go back to main page</Link>
Here should print the name of the selected metric:{" "}
export default MetricDetailsPage;
But you should re-work your action creators so that you aren't selecting the whole catalog in the component and then passing it as an argument to the action creator.

How can I cache data that I already requested and access it from the store using React and Redux Toolkit

How can I get data from the store using React Redux Toolkit and get a cached version if I already requested it?
I need to request multiple users for example user1, user2, and user3. If I make a request for user1 after it has already been requested then I do not want to fetch user1 from the API again. Instead it should give me the info of the user1 from the store.
How can I do this in React with a Redux Toolkit slice?
Edit: This answer predates the release of RTK Query which has made this task much easier! RTK Query automatically handles caching and much more. Check out the docs for how to set it up.
Keep reading if you are interested in understanding more about some of the concepts at play.
Redux Toolkit can help with this but we need to combine various "tools" in the toolkit.
createEntityAdapter allows us to store and select entities like a user object in a structured way based on a unique ID.
createAsyncThunk will create the thunk action that fetches data from the API.
createSlice or createReducer creates our reducer.
React vs. Redux
We are going to create a useUser custom React hook to load a user by id.
We will need to use separate hooks in our hooks/components for reading the data (useSelector) and initiating a fetch (useDispatch). Storing the user state will always be the job of Redux. Beyond that, there is some leeway in terms of whether we handle certain logic in React or in Redux.
We could look at the selected value of user in the custom hook and only dispatch the requestUser action if user is undefined. Or we could dispatch requestUser all the time and have the requestUser thunk check to see if it needs to do the fetch using the condition setting of createAsyncThunk.
Basic Approach
Our naïve approach just checks if the user already exists in the state. We don't know if any other requests for this user are already pending.
Let's assume that you have some function which takes an id and fetches the user:
const fetchUser = async (userId) => {
const res = await axios.get(`${userId}`);
We create a userAdapter helper:
const userAdapter = createEntityAdapter();
// needs to know the location of this slice in the state
export const userSelectors = userAdapter.getSelectors((state) => state.users);
export const { selectById: selectUserById } = userSelectors;
We create a requestUser thunk action creator that only executes the fetch if the user is not already loaded:
export const requestUser = createAsyncThunk("user/fetchById",
// call some API function
async (userId) => {
return await fetchUser(userId);
}, {
// return false to cancel
condition: (userId, { getState }) => {
const existing = selectUserById(getState(), userId);
return !existing;
We can use createSlice to create the reducer. The userAdapter helps us update the state.
const userSlice = createSlice({
name: "users",
initialState: userAdapter.getInitialState(),
reducers: {
// we don't need this, but you could add other actions here
extraReducers: (builder) => {
builder.addCase(requestUser.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
userAdapter.upsertOne(state, action.payload);
export const userReducer = userSlice.reducer;
But since our reducers property is empty, we could just as well use createReducer:
export const userReducer = createReducer(
(builder) => {
builder.addCase(requestUser.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
userAdapter.upsertOne(state, action.payload);
Our React hook returns the value from the selector, but also triggers a dispatch with a useEffect:
export const useUser = (userId: EntityId): User | undefined => {
// initiate the fetch inside a useEffect
const dispatch = useDispatch();
() => {
// runs once per hook or if userId changes
[dispatch, userId]
// get the value from the selector
return useSelector((state) => selectUserById(state, userId));
The previous approach ignored the fetch if the user was already loaded, but what about if it is already loading? We could have multiple fetches for the same user occurring simultaneously.
Our state needs to store the fetch status of each user in order to fix this problem. In the docs example we can see that they store a keyed object of statuses alongside the user entities (you could also store the status as part of the entity).
We need to add an empty status dictionary as a property on our initialState:
const initialState = {
status: {}
We need to update the status in response to all three requestUser actions. We can get the userId that the thunk was called with by looking at the meta.arg property of the action:
export const userReducer = createReducer(
(builder) => {
builder.addCase(requestUser.pending, (state, action) => {
state.status[action.meta.arg] = 'pending';
builder.addCase(requestUser.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.status[action.meta.arg] = 'fulfilled';
userAdapter.upsertOne(state, action.payload);
builder.addCase(requestUser.rejected, (state, action) => {
state.status[action.meta.arg] = 'rejected';
We can select a status from the state by id:
export const selectUserStatusById = (state, userId) => state.users.status[userId];
Our thunk should look at the status when determining if it should fetch from the API. We do not want to load if it is already 'pending' or 'fulfilled'. We will load if it is 'rejected' or undefined:
export const requestUser = createAsyncThunk("user/fetchById",
// call some API function
async (userId) => {
return await fetchUser(userId);
}, {
// return false to cancel
condition: (userId, { getState }) => {
const status = selectUserStatusById(getState(), userId);
return status !== "fulfilled" && status !== "pending";

Where to calculate groups for fluentui detaillist in nextjs

I am learning react, and given this simple example of using SWR to fetch some items from an API and showing the items with groups using fluentui DetailedList - I am running into a problem with the groups.
Whenever I click a group in UI to collapse/uncollapse, that seems to trigger a rerender, and then the component will createGroups(data) again which resets the UI again back to original state as the groups object is recalculated.
Where am I supposed to actually store / calculate the groups information of my data? Initial it needs to be created, but from there it seems that it should only needs to be reevaluated whenvere the swr api returns new data - and then i still properly would want to merge in the current state from collapsed groups that the user might have changed in the UI.
Is it because i properly should not use SWR as it refreshes data live - and only do it on page refresh?
const SWR = ({ children, listid, onSuccess }: { children: ((args: SWRResponse<any, any>) => any), listid: string, onSuccess?: any }) => {
const url = `http://localhost:7071/api/Lists/${listid}`;
const {data,error } = useSWR(url, { fetcher: fetcher, isPaused: () => listid === undefined, onSuccess });
const items = data.value;
const groups = createGroups(data)
return <... DetailsList group={groups} items={items} ... >; // ... left out a few details ...
What about adding a state for holding the groups and an useEffect for when data changes and insde the useEffect you should check if the content has changed before updating the groupState.
const hasChanged(data) => {
return data.notEquals(; // write your own logic for comparing the result
useEffect(() => { if (hasChanged(data)) {
setState(prev=> ({ ...prev, group: createGroup(data), data: data });
}}, [data]);
You dont actually need to store the group, you can just hold the data in your state, but the important part is to be able to check if any change actually took place before changing the state.
Another thing worth trying is the compare option in the useSWR hook. So instead of placing the "hasChanged" logic inside an useEffect hook, perhaps it could be in the compare function. Haven't had the chanse to test this myself though.
A third and final option would be to place the creation of groups inside your fetcher. Perhaps the most intuitive solution for this particular case, though I'm not completely sure it will prevent the unnecessary re-renders.
const fetcher = url => axios.get(url).then(res=> {
return {
groups: createGroups(,
const SWR = ({ children, listid, onSuccess }: { children: ((args: SWRResponse<any, any>) => any), listid: string, onSuccess?: any }) => {
const { data, error } = useSWR(url, fetcher, ...);
return <... DetailsList group={data.groups} items={data.items} ... >; // ... left out a few details ...
