Delete data in state React Hooks - reactjs

Maybe it is a dumb question, because I don't find any response on the net for this, but I'm trying to update my state after a axios.delete.
When I add data, I do this and it works fine :
const handleAddIncome = () => {
let incomeName = document.getElementById('newIncomeName').value
let incomeAmount = document.getElementById('newIncomeAmount').value
let data = {
[incomeName]: parseInt(incomeAmount)
method: "put",
url: `http://localhost:5000/api/balance/${uid}`,
withCredentials: true,
data: { incomes: { ...userWalletIncomes, } }
}).then(() => {
setUserWalletIncomes({ ...userWalletIncomes, })
I also added a bouton that delete the key/value, and this is where I'm stuck.
Here is what I tried, but no success :
const handleDeleteIncome = (key) => {
let data = { [key]: "" }
method: "delete",
url: `http://localhost:5000/api/balanceOneIncome/${uid}`,
data: data
}).then(() => {
data[key] = null
setUserWalletIncomes(...userWalletIncomes, data)
PS : the axios delete works fine, my database is updated normally. Not the state
Thanks for help !
Here is my UseEffect :
useEffect(() => {
if (uid !== null) {
.then((res) => {
if ([0].incomes &&[0].fees) {
} else if ([0].incomes && ![0].fees) {
setUserWalletFees({ 'cliquez-ici': '' })
} else if (![0].incomes &&[0].fees) {
setUserWalletIncomes({ 'cliquez-ici': '' })
}, [uid])

For those who need, I finally chose to change my controller in my backend and make it send the new object after the delete.
I just take that response, and set the new state.

Because you already have setUserWalletIncomes({ ...userWalletIncomes, }), I expect userWalletIncomes is an object like { name1: value1, name2: value2 }, right?
Then you have setUserWalletIncomes(...userWalletIncomes, data), use array spread on an object is a runtime error because it's not iterable:
let a = { foo: 42 };
console.log(...a); // TypeError: Found non-callable ##iterator
I guess you still wanted to write this:
let data = { [key]: "" };
setUserWalletIncomes({ ...userWalletIncomes, });
But this only sets the key field to an empty string. To remove the field, you can combine the answer from How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object?
const temp = {...userWalletIncomes};
delete temp[key];


How do i stop a dependency from re-rendering infinite times in a useEffect?

I have a react-select multiselect component which is required to have preselected values based on the user role. The react-select component is used to filter data in a react-table.
I have 2 user roles - Dev and tester.
If it the dev, I need to have open and Reopened issues to be filtered on load
If it is a tester, I need to have resolved issues on load
This is a part of the code that i am using to achieve preselected
async function loadInfo() {
const body = {
const response = await axios({
method: "post",
url: apilist.dropdownData,
data: body,
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
if (response) {
const getData =;
// console.log("IsGeneralInfo:", getData)
let filteredenv = getData.status.filter((item) => == 8 || == 6)
let envfiltered = => {
return ({ label: k.values, value: k.values });
// console.log("envfilter", envfiltered);
// handleMultiStatusFilter(envfiltered);
// const {current:myArray}=useRef([{ label: 'Closed', value: 'Closed' }])
useEffect(() => {
let myArray=[{ label: 'Closed', value: 'Closed' },{ label: 'Reopen', value: 'Reopen' }];
}, [selectedOptions])
const handleStatusFilter = (e) => {
if (e.length > 0) {
dispatch(filterByValue({ type: e, viewIssue: viewIssue, }))
else {
dispatch(showAllStatus({ type: 'All', viewIssue: viewIssue, }))
const handleMultiStatusFilter = (e) => {
let arr = [] => {
setFiltered(prevState => [...prevState, data.value]);
This is a part of the redux code used for filtering
extraReducers: (builder) => {
// Add reducers for additional action types here, and handle loading state as needed
builder.addCase(fetchIssueList.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
// Add user to the state array
state.issuesList = {
status: 'idle',
data: !== undefined ? : [],
dataContainer: !== undefined ? : [],
no_of_records: !== undefined ? : 0,
error: {}
The code works fine with the filtering once i login, but the rerendering keeps going to infinite loop
Is there any way i could stop the infinite rerendering of code and have the filtering happen on load of the screen?
while working with dependencies in useEffect, try to use the most primitive part you can find. no complex objects, as they change way too fast.
for example: use the length of an array not the array itself.
even though for arrays it's mostly safe to use itself.
sorry. correction: for arrays it's not safe either. complex objects are compared by reference not by value. for that you need primitive types like number, string or boolean.

Update an array relation belongs to many with Strapi controller

I use Strapi V4. I have a link collection and I want to update likes.
How update the relation array ? When I put new data old value are replace by the new one.
Example :
likes : [1]
if I update another time
BUT I want this likes : [1,2]
I try this but It d'oesn't work. Thans for your replay
'use strict';
* link controller
const { createCoreController } = require('#strapi/strapi').factories;
module.exports = createCoreController('', ({ strapi }) => ({
// Method 2: Wrapping a core action (leaves core logic in place)
async find(ctx) {
const { data, meta } = await super.find(ctx);
const linkId = =>;
const allPosts = await strapi.entityService.findMany('', {
fields: ["id"],
filters: { id: { $in: linkId } },
populate: {
likes: { count: true },
data.forEach(link => {
link.likes = allPosts.find(({ id }) => id === || 0;
//update value with new array => need to be fix
await strapi.entityService.update("", {
likes: [{ id }) => id), ...likes],
return { data, meta };
This part need to be fix. Can you help me ? Thanks
//update value with new array => need to be fix
await strapi.entityService.update("", {
likes: [{ id }) => id), ...likes],

Can't convert null or undefined with React Hooks

I have a state that I set with Hooks in react, like this :
useEffect(() => {
if (uid !== null) {
.then((res) => {
}, [uid])
This state, to be clear, give me this :
Everything works fine I can delete my incomes etc.
Problem is, when I delete the last income (which makes the state empty), I have this error and a page blank :
TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
Here is my request to delete :
const handleDeleteIncome = (key) => {
let data = { [key]: "" }
method: "delete",
url: `${process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL}api/balanceOneIncome/${uid}`,
data: data
}).then((res) => {
if {(userWalletIncomes === null) setUserWalletIncomes({})}
I tried to add a condition : if {(userWalletIncomes === null) setUserWalletIncomes({})}, but I still have the same problem.
Can someone help me with this ?
My state is initialized like this :
const [userWalletIncomes, setUserWalletIncomes] = useState({})
PS : If I reload the page, everything is fine.
Is this the problem? (I am assuming you don't really have the weird {} brace positioning as in your post?)
You have this:
if (userWalletIncomes === null) { setUserWalletIncomes({}) }
But after you call setUserWalletIncomes({}) you fall through and immediately call it again with the null value in the next line. Maybe you just need to explicitly return after setting it to the empty object? Or, to simplify, you could remove that conditional and do this instead:
setUserWalletIncomes([0].incomes || {})
Answer, if it helps someone, is this :
const handleDeleteIncome = (key) => {
let data = { [key]: "" }
method: "delete",
url: `${process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL}api/balanceOneIncome/${uid}`,
data: data
}).then((res) => {
if ([0].incomes) {
} else {
Just a condition that tells if response is null, then set the state to an empty object.

How to handle array state filter clashes

I am currently having an issue where multiple setStates that use the filtering of an array are interfering with each other. Basically if a user uploads two files, and they complete around the same time, one of the incomplete files may fail to be filtered from the array.
My best guess is that this is happening because they are separately filtering out the one that needs to be filtered, when the second one finishes and goes to filter itself out of the array, it still has the copy of the old incomplete array where the first file has not been filtered out yet. What would be a better way to approach this? Am I missing something obvious? I am thinking of using an object to hold the files instead, but then I would need to create a custom mapping function for the rendering part so that it can still be rendered as if were an array.
fileHandler = (index, event) =>{
let incompleteFiles = this.state.incompleteFiles
incompleteFiles[index].loading = true
incompleteFiles[index].file =[0]
this.setState({ incompleteFiles: incompleteFiles },()=>{
const fileData = new FormData()
fileData.append('file', event.targets[0].file)
let incompleteFiles = this.state.incompleteFiles
let completeFiles = this.state.completeFiles
let completeFile = {
name :,
incompleteFiles = incompleteFiles.filter(inc=>inc.label !==
Updated with accepted answer with a minor tweak
fileHandler = (index, event) =>{
this.setState(({ incompleteFiles }) => ({
// Update the state in an immutable way.
incompleteFiles: [
...incompleteFiles.slice(0, index),
loading: true,
}), () => {
const fileData = new FormData()
fileData.append('file', event.targets[0].file)
.then(res => {
this.setState(({ incompleteFiles, completeFiles }) => ({
completeFiles: [
...completeFiles, // Again, avoiding the .push since it mutates the array.
{ // The new file.
incompleteFiles: incompleteFiles.filter(inc=>inc.label !==,
In class components in React, when setting the state which is derived from the current state, you should always pass a "state updater" function instead of just giving it an object of state to update.
// Bad
this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter + 1 });
// Good
this.setState((currentState) => ({ counter: currentState.counter + 1 }));
This ensures that you are getting the most up-to-date version of the state. The fact that this is needed is a side-effect of how React pools state updates under the hood (which makes it more performant).
I think if you were to re-write your code to make use of this pattern, it would be something like this:
fileHandler = (index, event) =>{
this.setState(({ incompleteFiles }) => ({
// Update the state in an immutable way.
incompleteFiles: {
[index]: {
loading: true,
}), () => {
const fileData = new FormData()
fileData.append('file', event.targets[0].file)
.then(res => {
this.setState(({ incompleteFiles, completeFiles }) => ({
completeFiles: [
...completeFiles, // Again, avoiding the .push since it mutates the array.
{ // The new file.
incompleteFiles: incompleteFiles.filter(inc=>inc.label !==,
Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid mutating your state objects. Methods like Array.push will mutate the array in-place, which can cause issues and headaches.
I think change code to this can solve your problem and make code easy to read.
fileHandler = async (index, event) =>{
const incompleteFiles = [...this.state.incompleteFiles]
incompleteFiles[index].loading = true
incompleteFiles[index].file =[0]
async (prev) => {
const fileData = new FormData()
fileData.append('file', event.targets[0].file)
const res = await api.uploadFile(fileData)
/// set loading state to false
incompleteFiles[index].loading = false
if (! {
return { ...prev, incompleteFiles }
// add new file name into completeFiles and remove uploaded file name from incompleteFiles
return {
completeFiles: [...prev.completeFiles, { name : }],
incompleteFiles: incompleteFiles.filter(inc=>inc.label !==

use SWR with depending request data

I'm trying to use SWR to fetch list of users connected to the logged in user id provided by a custom hook.
I can't put useSWR inside either useCallback or useEffect or if (loggedInAdvisor) { ... }... Can't figure out how to do it.
export const fetchDetailedAdvisorPrognoses = (
body: DetailedAdvisorPrognosesRequest
): Promise<DetailedAdvisorPrognoses[]> | null => {
const accessToken = getFromPersistance(ACCESS_TOKEN)
if (!accessToken) {
return null
return fetch('https://x/api/v2/advisors/prognoses', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: getAuthorizationHeader(accessToken),
body: JSON.stringify(body), // body data type must match "Content-Type" header
}).then(res => res.json())
function Workload(): ReactElement | null {
const { loggedInAdvisor } = useAuthentication()
// yesterday
const fromDate = moment()
.subtract(1, 'day')
// 14 days ahead
const toDate = moment()
.add(13, 'days')
const { data, error } = useSWR<DetailedAdvisorPrognoses[] | null>('fetchWorkloadData', () =>
advisorIds: [], // <-- I want to pause the query until loggedInAdvisor is defined
// todo: display errors better
if (error) {
return <span>Error: {error.message}</span>
if (!data) {
return <LoadingV2 isLoading={!data} />
if (data && data.length > 0) {
// advisors prognoses is first element in data array
const [first] = data
const days: WorkloadDay[] = Object.keys(first.daysMap).map(date => ({
value: first.daysMap[date],
return <WorkloadLayout before={first.before} days={days} />
return null
SWR supports Conditional Fetching, instead of using an if branching, you need to pass null as a key (that's the mental modal of React Hooks too):
const { data, error } = useSWR(
loggedInAdvisor ? 'fetchWorkloadData' : null,
() => {...}
Updated 2021/12/10:
You can also fetch some data, that based on the result of another request using SWR, too:
const { data: user } = useSWR('/api/user', fetcher)
const { data: avatar } = useSWR(user ? '/api/avatar?id=' + : null, fetcher)
In this case, if user isn't ready the second request will not start since the key will be null. When the first request ends, the second one will start naturally. This is because a re-render will always happen when user changes from undefined to some data.
You can use this method to fetch as many dependent resources as you want, with the best possible parallelism.
