Store file into SQL Server database - sql-server

I'm working on a POC to save a file (binary) into SQL Server database.
The Laravel documentation don't have anything related to saving binary to database using Eloquent.

As mentioned in comments, it's not a proper way to save files in database but still you can. First add binary column to your model's migration:
This will make a BLOB field in database.
Then just read contents of that file and store it in model:
$model = new SampleModel();
$model->bfile = $contents;


Orchard CMS Logging data store in database?

I want to store all my loggign exception data in the database. I can log them in file, but with db , added appender attribute in log4net.config , but no success. Can anybody share some advise ? thanks in advance.
this has provided almost all databases sample config file to store the logging data into the database table. Run scripts for creating the table and add the config file in the project. Be cautious all the parameter name and layout spelling.
I tested for MS SQL, worked for me and will works for any other databse too.
Happy coding

Azure SQL blob storage select

I am attempting to create a temp table to store the values of an xlsx file on my azure blob storage, I have followed numerous Microsoft articles now and I am under the impression that I should be using SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(), this seems to be working or at least selecting something.
Here is my code:
DATA_SOURCE = 'DevStoreAccount', SINGLE_CLOB) AS a;
SELECT * FROM ##TempTest
This all runs fine, but the output is not what I am expecting, surely this should return all my columns / rows from the excel file? Or am I mistaken?
The above code returns the following:
What exactly is it returning and should I be doing something different? Any help would really be appreciated.
I'm trying this route as the columns in the excel file could change at any time, so I need to dynamically create my tables.
I'd recommend checking this thread, although the post is old, it is still relevant to your question.
The approach taken for the similar scenario:
1- Create and update Excel file using Open XML SDK
2- Upload Excel Template in Azure BLOB
3- Download Excel template in azure web role local storage
4- Read and update excel file from azure web role local storage
5- Upload updated excel in Azure BLOB.
You could also use another similar concept as mentioned here
Downloading excel file as Stream from BLOB
Creating Excel document using Open XML SDK
After edit saving doc to Stream
Uploading back the Stream to BLOB

How can I store required 'base' or 'initial' data for a database (in particular Symfony)?

I use the doctrine migrations bundle to track changes in my database structure. I would like to ensure that when I'm deploying / adding a new server for my application that:
(A) the database schema is up to date (doctrine:migrations:migrate)
(B) the database always contains a pre-defined set of data
For (B) a good example is roles. I want a certain set of roles to always be present. I realize it is possible with database migrations, but I don't like the idea of mixing schema changes with data changes. Also if I use MySql migrations I would have to create a equivalent Sqlite migration for my test database.
Another option I'm aware of is data fixtures. However from reading the documentation I get the feeling that fixtures are more for loading test data. Also if I changed a role name I don't know how that would be updated using fixtures (since they either delete all data in the database before loading or append to it). If I use append then unique keys would also be a problem.
I'm considering creating some sort of command that takes a set of configuration files and ensures that certain tables are always in a consistent state matching the config files - but if another option exists I'd like to use it of course.
What is the best way to handle loading and managing required data into a database?
If you're using Doctrine Migrations, you can generate initial migration with whole database schema, then you should generate migrations (doctrine:migrations:generate or doctrine:migrations:diff) for all changes that are made in database structure AND also add there queries that will migrate existing data.
Fixtures are designed to pre-populate data (with doctrine:fixtures:load) and, in my opinion, they should be kept up-to-date with latest database schema and executed after doctrine:migrations:migrate / doctrine:schema:create.
So finally:
Create base migration with initial database schema (instead of executing doctrine:schema:create just generate migration file and migrate it)
Create new migrations for each database schema change AND for migrating existing data (such as role name changing)
Keep fixtures up-to-date with latest schema (you can use --append option and only update fixtures instead of deleting all database data first)
Then, when deploying new instance you can run doctrine:schema:create, then doctrine:migrations:version --add --all --no-interaction (mark all migrations as migrated, because you have already created latest schema) and doctrine:fixtures:load which will populate data to the database (also latest version, so data migrations from Doctrine migrations files are not required).
Note: Existing instances should NOT use doctrine:schema:update, but only doctrine:migrations:migrate. In our app we even block usage of this command, in app/console:
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper;
// Deny using doctrine:schema:update command
if(in_array(trim($input->getFirstArgument()), ['doctrine:schema:update'])) {
$formatter = new FormatterHelper();
$output = new ConsoleOutput(ConsoleOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, true);
$formattedBlock = $formatter->formatBlock(['[[ WARNING! ]]', 'You should not use this command! Use doctrine:migrations:migrate instead!'], 'error', true);
This is what I figured out from my experience. Hope you will find it useful :-)

Insert a client file into a column on a server database

I wish to write a query that inserts a file that resides on the client (C# web server) into a column in the database server (SQL Server), something like INSERT … SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK…), but without having to save the file on the server machine first.
Is this even possible in SQL?
Although your context is unstated, I'm assuming that you're intending to run this from SSMS rather than from OSQL, a PowerShell script, or through some other means.
The file doesn't need to reside on the physical box running SQL Server, but SQL Server does need access to it. The typical approach, I believe, would be for an application server to copy the file to a shared repository and then pass it off to SQL Server through a UNC reference. The syntax to do so is relatively trivial and can be found in Importing Bulk Data by Using BULK INSERT or OPENROWSET(BULK...).
If instead you're interested in providing a mechanism for the SQL Server to save a file from some type of stream operation where the client is directly transmitting a file and there is no shared repository, I'm not aware of a way to do that. Even if you use an SQL FILESTREAM object you still need an accessible NTFS location to stream from. See Saving and Retrieving File Using FileStream SQL Server 2008.
At some point, the server will have to have a hand on the file. That does not mean that the server has to keep the file, but the file has to get to the server in order to be read and inserted into the db. Typically, this is achieved with a form and a file-type input. On the server, you can use the uploaded file to create your query, then delete it.
That said, storing files in a database is a debatable practice. Depending on the type and size of files you're storing, your database can quickly balloon in size. For starters, this makes backups slower and more prone to failure, along with a laundry list of other potential pitfalls. Check out this question on SO: Storing Images in DB - Yea or Nay? As you can see from the answers, there are a number of considerations to be made, but a good rule of thumb is to not do this unless you have compelling reasons to do so.
In SQL Server BLOB Data in .NET: Tutorial, Mohammad Elsheimy explains how it can be done:
using(SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr) )
using(SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO MyFiles VALUES (#Filename, #Data)", con) )
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Filename", Path.GetFileName(filename));
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Data", File.ReadAllBytes(filename));
Basically, this way the file is read on the client and sent to the database server without a need for a temporary file on the server machine.

open an existing sqlite database - HTML5

I am trying to access an sqlite3 DB from an HTML5 page. The DB is found the physical folder. How to open the DB. All the sample in net describes window.openDatabase() method. This is creating a new db instance. How to open an existing database.
thanks in advance
When you tried to use "window.openDatabase()" on an existing database, what happens to the data?
My guess is "window.openDatabase()":
creates the DB is not existent,
then use it use it if it exists
