How to do Non Interactive User Login from browser for SAML SSO flow between IDP and SP - saml-2.0

I am unable to find Api's on implementing SAML authentication flow for the SP Application programmatically without user's to manually enter their credentials on SAML compliant IDP( SAP IAS) login screen configured for the SP application as a starting point , I have established the trust between the the IDP and SP application ,trying to implement non interactive login from browser , is there any way to implement this approach.

According to the saml standards you can't send password via saml authn request, therefore you will not be able to authenticate from idp without redirecting to idp login using saml. But if you have control over idp you can implement a shared cookie concept to achve this requirement, but then this is no more saml compliant.

SAML was never designed for machine-to-machine authorization. The closest (IMO) that you can safely get while staying inside intended usage and specs is passing a SAML assertion wrapped in a WS-Trust STS transaction.
I would suggest you look into either WS-Trust or OAuth. Either of these are built for machine-to-machine transactions.


SAML authentication with client certificate but without user interaction using ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2

I need to call a SOAP webservice using SAML authentication.
They expect the saml token as part of the SOAP request(This should not be a problem).
The actual authentication on the IDP must be done using a client certificate (private key), but without any user interaction.
As far as i understand are the samples on are based on browser based redirection authentication.
Question: Is it possible to authenticate on an IDP via client certificate without user interaction using the ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2 library?
If yes, could you point me in the direction of how to do this, or is there even a sample for such a use case?
No it is not possible to authenticate on an IdP via a client certificate without user interaction using the ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2 library. The library support SAML 2.0 and SAML 2.0 profile (browser based redirect/post login and logout).
Inested you need to use WS-Trust and SAML 2.0 which is supported by .NET.

Can we use OneLogin/Okta/Auth0 as Proxy SP between Google IdP and application

We have an application for which we would like to enable users to login into our application with their own Identity Providers like Google, ADFS etc with SAML 2.0 as protocol.
In this context our application will be SP and Identity Providers will be Google, ADFS.
But currently we don't have SAML implementation at our application, so we would like to use some platform like OneLogin/Okta/Auth0 as middle proxy between our application and IdP so that SAML related handling can be done at OneLogin/Okta/Auth0 and we need to get callback to our application with user details after success login.
Is this possible with any SASS based SAML providers? and how to do it.
Thanks in advance
Yes - connect to Auth0 / Okta via OpenID Connect and then connect the IDP to other IDP via SAML.
So in this context, Auth0 / Okta is a SAML SP.
Have a look here.

Does IDP initiated flow in SAML supports HTTP-POST and HTTP-Redirect binding, If yes the how the actual flow will be for IDP initiated flow?

I have to give two type of binding support to my client in the IDP initiated flow.
I have my IDP initiated code which first validated the token and gets the redirected URL then redirect to that URL.
Only HTTP-POST and HTTP-Artifact binding can be used for IdP-initiated SSO in the Web Browser SSO profile.
How IdP (or SP)-intiated SSO is triggered is implementation specific and not defined in the SAML specification.

Will be possible to call directly IDP in SAML?

Because of xyz reasons, we don't have Service Provider (SP) to place SAML login request. So, here my question is will it be possible to login into SAML through IDP directly? If it is possible, could you please explain steps? We are using Webservices, please remind this.
The IdP can read SAML tokens but only when they are grouped using a profile. A common profile is the browser based WBSSO. So in order to talk to the IdP you need an SP. The SP just groups the SAML tokens into a profile the IdP can understand. Most SAML profiles are browser based but have a look at the ECP profile for non browser access

How IDP connects to End point application in SSO?

This is the 1st time I am working in SSO with SAML.And we are going to use the HTTP Post method and the IDP is salesforce. I got below Steps from net.
User accesses a custom application for the first time
Service Provider Security Filter checks if the security context is available
and redirects the user to IDP with a SAML SSO request
IDP challenges the user with the authentication dialog and redirects the user to
Request Assertion Consumer Service (RACS) after the user has authenticated
RACS validates the response from IDP, establishes a security context and redirects the user
to the original application endpoint
Service Provider Security Filter enforces that a valid security context is available and lets the user access the custom application.
Here my Question is IDP needs to authenticate application endpoint. Here the SAML plays between common web page to IDP to initiate SAML request/response. Then how the IDP connect to endpoint? Is that follow any other language to connect and authenticate endpoint? else how it connects? Could you please someone explain the concept?
During configuration of SAML at your Identity Provider, you define an AssertionConsumer endpoint, which is an URL at your application where you expect to receive response from the IDP. After authentication, IDP connects to this endpoint by sending a SAML Response message to it. IDP typically authenticates to the endpoint by digitally signing the SAML message, which you then verify for validity and trust.
The ways of sending SAML messages between IDP and SP (= connecting IDP to the endpoint) are called bindings. Bindings define how exactly to use existing protocols (such as HTTP) to deliver SAML messages, i.e. it tells what parameters should be sent, which HTTP method should be used... Bindings are part of the SAML 2.0 standard and you can find details on how they function in the SAML 2.0 specification.
The IDP does not directly communicate with the original URL within your application (i.e. the "original application endpoint"). The process of sending user to the correct destination after successful verification of the SAML Response (received at the Assertion Consumer endpoint) can be fully determined by you. For example, in case Assertion Consumer endpoint and the "original application endpoint" are part of the same application and share the security context, you can simply send an HTTP redirect, without need for SAML in this "last mile".
