Limitation of roles and users in snowflake - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

is there any limitation on creating custom roles and users in snowflake?
As per my use case i want to create multiple user based on different role. Each user needs to create one role and each role can be parent of many roles.
So I wanted to understand the limitation of no. of roles and users in snowflake.

There is no hard limit on the number of users or roles. There can be a soft limit, which can be adjusted if necessary (your account manager or support can help with getting it adjusted).


Restrict snowflake warehouse to be used by database

I have one snowflake instance and I want to use it for 2 different environments.
To segregate the cost, I will create 2 warehouse for dev and qa.
Also, I will create two databases. Is it possible that dev warehouse can be restricted to be used by one dev db and qa database can only be used by qa warehouse.
I know we can restrict it be roles. But it is possible on database level in snowflake?
Or if not, what is the best way - is it creating two roles and then granting the access of db and warehouse by roles?
The issue with roles is that- I can impose restrictions with application level roles but not with individual user roles
It's not possible to assign warehouses to databases. You need to set up (at least) 2 roles and grant required permissions to use the specific warehouse and the database.
I couldn't understand the issue with the users. You will assign these roles to users, so the users will have access to only the specific warehouse and the database.
As Gokhan notes.
WAREHOUSES and DATABASES are just resources. They are only acted on by USER, users do stuff via ROLES.
So you have to have your QA users, have QA_x roles, and those ROLES have access to the WAREHOUSES and the DATABASES. And thus the DEV roles have access to the DEV DB & WAREHOUSE.
The only problem with this is if a USER has access to both ROLES, but then they will have to select between ROLES to access the resources, which they can use both ROLES at the same time via USE SECONDARY ROLES unless you have that blocked.

Windows Authentication - Restrict SQL Server Backend Access

The Problem
Good Morning! I work on an application team that supports a few applications which utilize SQL Server for data storage. Recently, our Database Support team decided that SQL Authentication was no longer permissible (for security and logging reasons) and so my team was forced to convert all connections to Windows Authentication including several dedicated Service IDs that our applications had been utilizing for data retrieval.
First, let me say there most certainly are advantages to moving to Windows Authentication, I am not trying to dispute that. But this change has raised a huge problem for us... by switching our Service IDs to Windows Authentication we have now opened up our back-end databases to every internal business user with front-end application access.
MS Access is pushed out to every user desktop and a few superusers even have access to SSMS. At this point we are relying entirely on user ignorance to prevent internal users from accessing the back-end database directly. And given that certain roles have elevated DML rights, this presents a possibility for some nasty data consequences.
This new enterprise standard has left my team stuck between a rock and a hard place at this point so we looking for any database, account or architecture solution that would allow us to restrict user access to front-end only.
Has anyone else run into this problem? Is there an architectural solution we are missing that would allow us to eliminate SQL Authentication without exposing our databases?
Does anyone know of a way to restrict access to a SQL Server database to only certain connection methods? I'm wondering if there is a way to designate a specific ID (or role) as only allowing a connection through a front end (and eliminate ODBC connections entirely).
Does anyone have any clever workarounds?
A couple people brought up a good point about role access so I wanted to clarify our former and current solution... Previously, all role access was managed on the front-end and data retrieval was handled entirely by private system SQL Authenticated IDs to which end users had no visibility.
When we were forced to eliminate these SQL Auth IDs, we created a similar role-based setup on the back-end database as existed on the front end. Active Directory Groups were created to house different groups of users and these groups were assigned specific role privileges in the database. So currently access is limited by role as much as feasible.
The problem is that even the lowest privileged roles have INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE access to some tables (access which is normally controlled through code). So while we were able to mitigate risk somewhat by utilizing database roles, we still have areas where a user can bypass front end protections by logging directly into the database.
EDIT: Question clarification makes this answer obsolete, but leaving it for reference since some comments discuss it.
Assuming you mean that you have to (based on your architecture) allow access to the DB to each windows user account, one options is to use database roles.
You disable public access to your database, then define a set of database roles, depending on your use cases. Each role is granted permissions such that members of that role are able to manipulate the data they need and or work with the objects they need. Users are then mapped into the roles they require. When connecting to your database, the user will be granted permissions according to the roles they are members of.
For example, we have a role in one of our databases named MyAppUser (our name is actually related to the app which uses the db), which is designed for end users to read and insert data only. These can be created simply as follows:
The role is granted just the permissions it to the relevant schemas or tables (assume all our "public" tables are in dbo schema for now).
Each user who should have this public read-write access is then mapped into the relevant role.
This separates users and roles / permissions within your database and allows you to have a single point of entry to control who has access to what in your databases.
By having the "View Definition" permission denied by default (to end users), they won't be able to "explore" the database / view table definitions etc using access, or even SSMS.
NB: SSMS provides wizards for managing and viewing permissions and memberships which are very handy for getting things initially setup / tested / fiddled around with.

Security - Use Active Directory or SQL Server and Why?

My company is currently planning to reconfigure security and we are currently arguing over which way to go, storing everything in Active Directory or in SQL Server?
So setting up Active Directory groups and use it to create a read and a read/write group and just move users in and out of these security groups and manage security for SQL Server from Active Directory or use SQL Server and move all users into security and create groups in SQL Server and manage the
security from there?
AD is the way to go in my opinion, for a number of reasons.
Security doesn't just cover access to databases. It covers access to files, folders etc. Anything in SQL is irrelevant to the question 'Should they have access to this spreadsheet?'. AD is the way to go there. Why not integrate everything into the same mechanism?
AD is more flexible than SQL. An AD Group can contain other AD groups. If you have an AD group called e.g. 'Power Traders' then the Power Traders are added to that group. There would also be groups which give access to individual securables (files, folders, databases, apps etc); 'Power Traders' would be added to those groups and inherit the access to the individual things. If another job also needs access to one of these, that job group can be added to the necessary individual group.
If an individual needs access to something outside his normal job, just add them to the individual groups necessary.
A full solution would actually have multiple levels of groups. How many would be down to the company and how it wishes to organise itself.

wso2 governance user group assignment between primary and secondary security domains

I am running wso2 governance registry with a JDBC backed primary user store and a Active Directory backed secondary store. What I want to be able to do is create some groups in the primary store (which I have done) and assign users from the secondary store into those roles.
I have done a lot of looking around the wso2 site and google and come up with nothing. I guess my question is, is it possible and if so how do I do it?
AFAIK, this is not possible. For roles (or groups) created in one userstore, we cannot assign users from another userstore.
However for an internal role, you can assign users from any of the available user stores.

Creating users with or without schemas?

Let's say I want to create simple database, for a simple book store application. I think i should have minimum two users: admin, which has privileges to create, modify and drop objects and user, having just select and insert privileges.
I am a little confused here. Should I create a user account with normal schema or with empty schema? Should the user has privileges to select and query from admin schema which contains tables or it is a user schema that should contain these tables?
There are many different ways to approach this sort of problem. So a great deal depends on your application architecture.
You would generally create one database account that owns the database objects-- tables, packages, views, etc. Let's call this account BOOKSTORE_OWNER. This account would generally be locked so that no one could log in as BOOKSTORE_OWNER other during periodic builds.
Beyond that starting point, however, there are a host of reasonable ways to deal with authentication and authorization. If you wanted to let the database handle both, you would create two roles-- BOOKSTORE_USER and BOOKSTORE_ADMIN. Those roles would be given appropriate privileges on the objects owned by BOOKSTORE_OWNER. You would then create a database user for every person that can use the application and grant the appropriate role to each new user. So if you're an admin and I'm a user, the database account dygi would be created and granted the BOOKSTORE_ADMIN role while the database account Justin would be created and granted the BOOKSTORE_USER role.
This approach worked quite well when people were building client-server applications. If you are using a three-tier application, on the other hand, you want the middle tier connection pool to use the same credentials to connect to the database rather than having each user have their own database connections. The simplest way to accomplish this is to create a single BOOKSTORE_APP database account, grant that account all the privileges of the BOOKSTORE_ADMIN and BOOKSTORE_USER role, and then let the application implement the logic to figure out which front end user has what privileges. This would generally entail a USER, PRIVILEGE, and USER_PRIVILEGE table in the BOOKSTORE_OWNER schema. This approach can work quite well. The downside, though, is that every application has to build its own logic for managing privileges which can get quite complex over time. It also can make it somewhat difficult to report on what privileges users have or to ensure that a user's privileges are kept up to date when users leave the organization or move to a new role.
Oracle in particular addresses many of these challenges by allowing proxy authentication. This allows you to mix the benefits of the client-server approach where every user has their own database account that leverages Oracle's existing privilege management infrastructure with the connection pooling benefits of using a shared database account. This works very well but only works with Oracle and then only with certain protocols (OCI and JDBC) so it is not terribly popular.
Of course, beyond these basics, you can get into quite a bit of complexity. You may want to have enterprise users where Oracle doesn't maintain the password but instead allows the user to authenticate against an external LDAP directory. You may want to manage privileges with LDAP roles rather than with rows in application-specific tables. You may want to integrate with various middle-tier single sign-on (SSO) solutions.
