Query users with a filter and expand results in unsupported query - azure-active-directory

I am trying to fetch a list of users from the Microsoft Graph API.
A lot of users don't have an email address, those users are systems users that I don't need.
So my query looks like /users?$filter=mail ne null
For another overview I need to show the manager of each user so I tried to add &$expand=manager. But doing so will result in an Unsupported Query.
When I remove the filter parameter it does work.
How can I only fetch relevant users and their managers in a single query?
Optionally I'd like to only receive the ID from managers, as an optimization. I only need the ID because I already fetched all users and their data. /users?$expand=manager($select=id) is what I was trying but I get the error Invalid $select properties.

If you want to use $select inside $expand to select the individual manager's properties, the $levels parameter is required, such as expand=manager($levels=max;$select=id). For more details, please refer to here
For example
If we want to use Not equals (ne) operators on the $filter query parameter, we must set the ConsistencyLevel header set to eventual and, with the exception of $search, use the $count query parameter (either as a URL segment or $count=true query string). For more details, please refer to here
For example
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?$filter=mail ne null&&$expand=manager($levels=1;$select=id)&$count=true


Query Firestore collection on map

I have database of Workspaces with members and some other data. For each workspace there is a members Map, where key is the UserId and value is the email
It is structured like this:
--- name:
--- color:
--- members:
------ userid: "email#email.com"
I am trying to query workspaces where the current user is a members.
In Security Rules for instance, I can try something like
allow read if uid in resource.members.keys()
and it works fine (I think). It allows read, etc.
However, if I try to query the same thing, for instance in kotlin/android, it gives a permission error:
collection.whereArrayContains("members.keys", uid )
I have also tried FieldPath.of(), or whereNotEqual("members[uid]", null), still the same thing.
I also tried using emails as keys and uid as values... Obviously no difference
There also was a suggestion of using orderBy("memebers.uid"). That also gives a "bad permission". However, this orderBy query works just fine in the Firebase console
I am completely out of ideas.
You say that the members field is a map, so it makes sense that you can't query it with whereArrayContains.
If you want to check if the uid subfield has a specific value, that'd be:
collection.whereEqualTo("members.theUidValue", "theEmailValue")
I'm not entirely sure that your security rules will allow this, so I'd start with more relaxed rules to first see if the query works.
If you want to simply check whether the UID exists, that isn't possible on a map structure. To allow that, add an additional array field with just the UID values from the map (e.g. memberUIDs), and then query with whereArrayContains on that.

How to get salesforce Activity id

I have a salesforce query that extracting users time report
SELECT ID,Logged_Date__c ,CreatedBy.Email, CreatedBy.id, CreatedBy.Name, Time_Spent_Hours__c, Activity__c, CaseId__r.CaseNumber, CaseId__r.Account.id, CaseId__r.Account.Name , Utilized__c
FROM Time_and_Placement_Tracking__c
The Activity__c returns with the activity text.
I was trying to use Activity__c.Id, Activity__r etc. but all returns with error.
Is there a way to get the Activity id?
Verify these
You need to get to the object definition and see the field info. You can use workbench or any other API tool if you are familiar with and get the object and field def's.
Check the data type for Activity__c field. It should be a lookup/master relation. If it is not, find the field which ties to Activity object.
Open the field to get the API name and use that in the query with a '__r' extension.

How to query for users where one set is deeper in the tree than the other

Let's say you have two sets of users:
OU=IT Dept,OU=Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com
OU=XYZ Corp,OU=Temp Accounts,OU=Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com
How would you express the query for that? I tried a search base of OU=Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com and a filter of (|(OU=IT Dept)(OU=XYZ Corp,OU=Temp Accounts)) and that didn't work.
Never had to do much with LDAP, so please excuse the somewhat open-ended question.
Let's say you have two sets of users:
OU=IT Dept,OU=Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com
OU=XYZ Corp,OU=Temp Accounts,OU=Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com
These are not the valid distinguishedName for user objects.
User objects are stored in some parent container (like OUs), and their distinguishedName starts with CN. OUs are top level containers which contain child objects like users, computers, child OUs, etc.
I tried a search base of OU=Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com and a filter of
(|(OU=IT Dept)(OU=XYZ Corp,OU=Temp Accounts)) and that didn't work.
Your filter didn't work because you didn't select the appropriate filtering conditions. You need to apply the filter for (objectCategory=person) or (objectCategory=user). You can also use objectClass as the filtering parameter instead of objectCategory. Check the link Filter on objectCategory and objectClass to know in detail.
How would you express the query for that?
Assuming your users are as below:
CN=Firstname lastname,OU=IT Dept,OU=Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com
CN=Firstname lastname,OU=XYZ Corp,OU=Temp Accounts,OU=Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com
Then your LDAP query should have SearchBase set to what you currently have (OU=Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com), and filter on (|(objectCategory=person)(objectCategory=user)) and any additional filter if you'd like, e.g., you may want to search by sAMAccountName, name, etc.
As highlighted in the second para, you can also use objectClass as the filter type to get the desired result.

Salesforce SOQL String Functions not working (LEFT, SUBSTITUTE etc)

I'm trying to get a list of domain names from email addresses using the Salesforce query language. This potentially really simple and something I would normally accomplish with split_part in postgresql, like:
SELECT split_part(Email, '#', 2)
I've been digging through the SOQL documentation and can't really find any standard string functions. However, there's this salesforce community answer: https://success.salesforce.com/answers?id=90630000000gi8EAAQ which uses LEFT, FIND and SUBSTITUTE. I tried something as simple as:
SELECT LEFT(Email, 3) FROM Lead limit 10
But get:
Message: SELECT LEFT(Email, 3) FROM Lead limit 10
ERROR at Row:1:Column:17\nunexpected token: ','
Have these functions been deprecated?
I have lots of potential domain names and don't really want to query for pages and pages of every possible email address or I'll quickly hit my Salesforce API limit.
Those functions are not available in SOQL/SOSL. The link you provided refers to Custom Formula Fields. Are you trying to get the data using the UI or the API? Without knowing how you are extracting the data, the following are general suggestions:
You can create a formula field on your object called Email_Domain__c. Then, you can query or filter by that field.
You can also use custom formulas in Reports to filter your results.
Use Apex and/or Visualforce to extract/display/export the data.
Use the LIKE keyword to filter by domain name as in:
SELECT Email FROM LEAD WHERE Email LIKE '%gmail.com%'
The LIKE keyword is not efficient. https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/modules/database_basics_dotnet/units/writing_efficient_queries

Query to list all users of a certain group

How can I use a a search filter to display users of a specific group?
I've tried the following:
and this:
but neither display users of a specific group.
memberOf (in AD) is stored as a list of distinguishedNames. Your filter needs to be something like:
If you don't yet have the distinguished name, you can search for it with:
and return the attribute distinguishedName. Case may matter.
For Active Directory users, an alternative way to do this would be -- assuming all your groups are stored in OU=Groups,DC=CorpDir,DC=QA,DC=CorpName -- to use the query (&(objectCategory=group)(CN=GroupCN)). This will work well for all groups with less than 1500 members. If you want to list all members of a large AD group, the same query will work, but you'll have to use ranged retrieval to fetch all the members, 1500 records at a time.
The key to performing ranged retrievals is to specify the range in the attributes using this syntax: attribute;range=low-high. So to fetch all members of an AD Group with 3000 members, first run the above query asking for the member;range=0-1499 attribute to be returned, then for the member;range=1500-2999 attribute.
If the DC is Win2k3 SP2 or above, you can use something like:
(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=GroupOne,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com))
to get the nested group membership.
Source: https://ldapwiki.com/wiki/Active%20Directory%20Group%20Related%20Searches
And the more complex query if you need to search in a several groups:
(&(objectCategory=user)(|(memberOf=CN=GroupOne,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)(memberOf=CN=GroupTwo,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)(memberOf=CN=GroupThree,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)))
The same example with recursion:
(&(objectCategory=user)(|(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=GroupOne,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=GroupTwo,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=GroupThree,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)))
