Remove focus and hover AntD Buttons - reactjs

Antd buttons have a weird behavior where the text and border becomes blue ... even when I set the :focus and :hover to color: 'black'.
Is there any way to have hover events none similar to pointer-events: none ?
When I inspect element, it shows ant-click-animating-without-extra-node="false" when focused.

There is a by default class applied in Antd button (ant-btn) simply you need to give className to your button and style in global CSS
.adjust_button_hover_drawer.ant-btn:hover { border-color: white !important; }


How to change default background-color property for TextField from MUI using styled-components

How should I change initial background-color property from TextField from MUI component? Right now by default it looks like below:
But I want to have it white. When I use below class and add property of white
.MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline {
background-color: white;
But with this change it works in a way that whatever is typed is not visible
How I should correct it?

PrimeReact DataTable background colour

Am using PrimeReact DataTable in my React application.I have a requirement to change the background colour from white to grey in the DataTable..I tried custom style in the component. But not working..
Can you please help me?
If you want to override the style of the Datatable then use this css
.p-datatable-tbody tr {
background: gray !important;
or, in order to avoid !important
.p-datatable .p-datatable-tbody > tr {
background: gray

antd drawer disable shadow

im trying to disable a shadow in the Drawer from antd components, what im trying to disable is the shadow, i already disable the mask but i cant find way to disable the shadow, here is the shadow
i already tried BoxShadow inside the maskStyle and i cant find any solutions to this probles
You need to add this css to hide drawer box-shadow:
.ant-drawer-right.ant-drawer-open .ant-drawer-content-wrapper {
box-shadow: none
.ant-table .ant-table-container::before,
.ant-table .ant-table-container::after {
width: 0px !important;

How to customize a ui-grid table?

I am trying to customize the grid menu for angular ui grid
By default the menu icon appears in the top right corner of the table. But i want to show it on the top left corner of the table. How can i configure this?
Also I want to change the default icon to a customized one.
This is not something supported by the API, so you will have to do it by changing some of the CSS:
.ui-grid-menu-button {
left: -21px;
width: 20px;
.ui-grid-menu-button .ui-grid-menu{
left: -11px;
top: 27px;
To change the icon you will have to edit:
.ui-grid-icon-menu:before {
to whatever you want.

ExtJS - custom toolbar with groupbutton title under icons

Can anyone have any idea how to make title text of groupbutton not above the icons but under in ExtJS? I was trying to do bbar to the groupbutton but the default td align is to left and I don't know how to change it by css? Thanks for any response.
You can achieve the effect by adding the following CSS to the button:
height: 64px;
background-position: top center;
padding-left: 0px
I this case, I have set the height of the button to be 64px. The will definitely distort the tool bar if you have a combination of default buttons and buttons with the above CSS.
