Unloading data from Views with minimal permissions - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I'm a newbie to Snowflake. I'm assigned task to make python script that gets data from Snowflake View and copies it to SFTP server. I have barely any permissions on that account (can only view the shared Views).
Now my 2 questions:
Can admin grant me permission to creating internal stages without granting me any more permissions? (I want to ask the admin to give me that permission, but he won't be willing to share anything more with me.)
Can I use COPY INTO command on Views? All examples I read on the internet were about Tables and not Views and I'd like to be sure I can copy Views before asking for any permissions.
I apologize if those questions sound silly, but I have no way of testing those myself as I have no permissions on that account and I need to be sure before negotiating anything with admins.

Yes, that can be done. Also, you can look at the following documentation which details about Unload operation : docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-unload-overview.html


Can I track permission set assignment with sfdx or other tools like gearset?

I am investigating if it is at all possible to track assigned permission sets, profiles and roles with the sfdx cli tools. So far my findings are that Permission sets and Profiles are trackable as they get converted to source but it is up to the administrator to assign profiles / permission sets after deployment.
Can anyone confirm this and point me to some documentation on the limits of what the sfdx cli can pull.
There's https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_unsupported_types.htm but that's not exactly what are you asking, the question is bit confusing.
PermissionSetAssignment table is well, a table. Normal data like Account, not metadata. Same with Users, their Roles, group memberships... You wouldn't typically store it in version control unless you're after some "golden copy" good test dataset to load to sandboxes/scratch orgs.
SF tried once to be smart with deploying queue memberships, record folder permissions and approval process assignees and the results are... Meh. You inspect the XML file and see usernames with sandbox suffix in them that they try to magically match during deployment to target org. It's "fun" when developer who created the report folder doesn't exist in production / username doesn't match (creator automatically gets added as Manager, it's extra step to remember and maybe remove that). It's even more "fun" when you keep working on the project in different sandboxes and git keeps reporting changes of suffix from ".dev" to ".proto" or ".hotfix"...
Try to rethink your question, what are you after? You can implement single sign on with piece of apex code running on login (or look into Identity Connect) so people's permissions will be synced based on their role in Active Directory/Google apps engine / what have you. Or if you really want you should be able to periodically query & upsert back CSV of PermissionSetAssignments. Or have a script during deployment to run a bunch of permset assign commands?
What will you do when John Doe moves from Marketing department to Sales? Who's right, SF or git project? Would it really need a deployment to change it?

best way to implement laravel database system to manage posts read/share/edit permissions

Thank you for helping on this!
I am designing an app with documents and posts sharing with Laravel.
I tried to do it myself since two weeks but I am not sure what the best is.
I've tried implementing many packages and used crud generators, but as a Laravel beginner it's difficult to find the good package and to mix them.
What I want is a system like google docs sharing behaviour but for posts.
You could write a post and set it as
shared with those with the secret link
shared with users names list (or ids in database)
shared with groups of users
So what is the best way to build that?
1) Using a package? Which one?
2) table_users | table_posts | table_permissions
one permission per user that can read / edit (permission level)
3) table_users | table_posts including permissions for each posts
If anyone can direct me to a good tutorial or give me a good start structure for this tables to be efficient and secure.
Maybe I do not see all the complexity of this so I will enjoy any suggestions
The problem for this is I want a more flexible rights management than wordpress one that provides user rights levels, the availability of data will be managed by simple subscribers for a lot of things(files, posts, maybe comments, groups and maybe more stuff).
You just need to create three tables roles,permissions and roles_permission.The roles of the user goes in the table roles table.the permission of a user are stored in the table permission.You can map the roles and permission of a particular user in the roles_permission table.However,for more flexible way to add role-based-permission use entrust package.In which,you can dynamically add/update/delete the roles and permissions in laravel.

Need advice with multiple people working on an Access Database

This may seem like an ignorant issue, but I am inexperienced with Access. This is for a school project. I am in a group of 5 people who are all working on a database. We were wondering: what is the most efficient way for multiple people to work on a database without sending the database file to and fro or just putting a copy on a file sharing service? Is there a way we can all log in and modify the same database?
There is a way to do this. If you put the database file in a shared location where everyone can access it. You need to change the database locking options so that multiple users can make changes to it.
In Access 2013 go to File->Client Settings->Advanced and change the Open Mode to shared, also change Record locking to Edited Records - this will enable uses to make changes but not to the same record.
If you want users to make changes to the same record select No Locks but it is not a good idea as if two users change at the same time the last one will be saved.
As for file sharing service, well, this expert and this one too say it doesn't work.

How to locate user tables in another database for multisite-single-login

I am developing multi-sites with drupal.
I have to take care of 10 sites and they need single login
I supposed I need to create separate user database to support that
i.e 10 sites, 10 database and +1 user database.
Where should I look and modify? User Module? Which lines?
Normally database settings are in settings.php file .
I had export the database and make and working user-database already.
Please kindly try to explain in details thanks.
I don't know the full details of your situation but it sounds like you might benefit from one database with prefixed tables and a shared user table.
http://thedrupalblog.com/setting-multi-site-drupal-6-installation-shared-databases-and-single-sign and http://drupal.org/node/201673 (bit outdated but may still be helpful)

create new roles in sql server 2008

I have created a database system for a cms for a news website. I want to have only 4 roles in my db system : Admin, Author, Editor and Guest ( who only read the web pages). But there are some pre-defined roles in every db system like sys and db_owner and… and they are not removable but I want the only 4 roles I mentioned above. How can I aim this goal? thanks
ah, you cannot!
Also I do not think you will need to tweak the database system. Rather, architect a good solution for your application/frontend/website.
as far as i am aware, you can't modify those roles (besides adding logins to them). instead of working around them, you could try using them, it might make life a little bit easier.

