How do I access value of a selected <option> tag down 2 trees in a function? - reactjs

I'll try to describe my issue in the least confusing way. So what I'm trying to achieve is create a function(pic4-PizzaBuilder2), where I compare the given key of this.state.ingredients.Bases (and other sub-objects, but that's not important for now) with value of selected option tag in Bases.js and when it matches, set the given value of that key to true. The hierarchy is like this: PizzaBuilder.js > Ingredients.js > Bases.js. I have already managed to match each option value with the key inside the object with the same name. However, what I'm still struggling with is how to access it in PizzaBuilder.js when the select option value I wanna compare it to is 2 trees down (see pic4-PizzaBuilder2, that is supposed to be const selectedOption, but I obviously still need to figure out how to access it). I'll be really grateful for any kind of advice.


ReactJS - Is it possible to render this dictionary (via map) when the keys can change?

Question Is it possible to render a dictionary with a key (which isn't known until an algorithm is run) with a value that is an array, itself with a dictionary with unknown key-value pairs until an algorithm is run?
Detailed information
I have this dictionary:
var currentWorkers = = {EmployeesAtRestaurant :
[{"James" : "Manager"},
{"Jessica" : "Waiter"},
{"Bob" : "Waiter"},
{"Ben" : "Chef"}],
EmployeesAtOffice :
[{"Rebecca" : "Manager"},
{"Nicole" : "Part-time Employee"},
{"Robert" : "Full-time Employee"},
{"Eric" : "Full-time Employee"}],
EmployeesAtZoo :
[{"Robert" : "Manager"},
{"Naomi" : "Part-time Employee"},
{"Jennifer" : "Full-time Employee"},
{"Ken" : "Full-time Employee"}]}
And I want to render it on a page as below (mock up). It is to display employees of an organisation:
What I've tried
I've read some previous answers on Stack (Push component to array of components - ReactJS) of how to attempt this, but their dictionaries use a simple key and value pair, and since my key is not known (i.e I can't do dictionary.Organisation for example) I'm not able to do the above.
I've tried to remodel the dictionary into a model similar to the above, but then I lose a lot of the information above.
Frankly, I'm beginning to suspect my best option is to just remodel the dictionary at this point, if the above is too difficult to attempt.
To make sure I'm understanding your question: Are you talking about the special prop called key[1] that React uses for rendering?
If that's the case, the important thing is that each key is unique, but it doesn't necessarily have to be the same key that your algorithms are calculating.
If you don't have access to the results of your algorithm yet, but you still want to render the strings like in your screenshots, you'll need a different unique key to use while mapping.
The map function on Arrays sends the element as the first function parameter, and the element's index as the second parameter[2]. Lots of places will warn you that index keys aren't the best. As far as I know, this is because if the order of the Array shifts then you lose the optimization that React is trying to provide you.
If index is the only unique data you've got, however, it's reasonable to consider using it. This is especially true if the data is coming from a static source, because you know that the order of the data isn't going to shift out from under you.
Let me know if I've misunderstood your question.

Get selected values in a checkbox group in xpages

I have a checkbox group and I am trying to get the values ​​selected via SSJS, but so far I have not been successful. I've tried several syntaxes, such as:
document1.getItemValueArray ("nameField")
getComponent ("nameField") getSelectedValues ​​();
Does anyone know a way to get the selected values ​​from a checkbox group?
document1.getFirstItem("nameField").getValues() may be what you want. If it's one value, it will be a string, not a Vector, which may be a problem with getItemValueArray().
With ODA (OpenNTF Domino API), we extended the getItemValue() method to take a second parameter and cast the result to that kind of object. That has a big benefit for this kind of scenario, allowing getItemValue("nameField", ArrayList.class) to always return an ArrayList even for a single value, plus ArrayList is a much better and more modern Java (so relevant also for SSJS) construct than a Vector.

AngularJS arrays, proto and .length - Why can't i get a valid number?

Sometimes you need to ng-if or ng-show an item in html based on some choices made earlier. One of these for me is "Additional Item". You can enter one set of information, and also if you want, an additional set. This creates an array of 2 similar objects. With this setup, you can only have 1 or 2 objects in this array. (important, since the scope of this question needs to be limited this way)
I want to ng-show an html directive based on "myItemsArray.length > 1". Since the array can (read should) only be 1 or 2 in length (not 0), this should work. However, it does not, because AngularJS seems to be adding an item "proto" to the array which adds to the count. See the image.
The problem is, proto makes the array length equal 2. I am not going to just look for length > 2 because i really don't know if i can count on proto always being there, and i just think thats bad practice anyway.
Also, i know there are MANY other ways of doing this (setting a boolean, or using another var to indicate etc, but i really just want to work with count of items in the array because "business logic"..
After doing a little debugging, i'm seeing that i have an array of "Object, undefined". How is this even possible :)
Some search lead me to this. Why are some values ​​in my array undefined
Seems that using a delete may cause this problem

Unable to identify object using descriptive programming but able to do so with description object

On my application i have to search for an alphanumeric id which return one or more rows of data. On each of these rows a link is present i have to click on the first link.
Unfortunately it doesn't have any unique properties so i cannot add it to the OR. Instead i used descriptive programming something like below
'returns false
page.Link("class:=ng-binding","innertext:=AplhaID","html tag:=A").Exist
QTP fails to identify the object with the above code. So Instead of this i tried using Description object something like the below code
Set oDesc = Description.Object
oDesc("class").Value = "ng-binding"
oDesc("html tag").Value = "A"
oDesc("innertext").Value = "AplhaID"
Set lnk = page.ChildObjects(oDesc)
'gives me 2 which is correct. There are two links
msgbox lnk.Count
'highlights the correct link
I do not know what could be causing this behavior. I thought is could be because multiple links match the description but I perform this search for multiple ids and eventhough multiple rows are returned the descriptive programming code is able to identify the correct row and proceed.
I looked at QTP descriptive programming issue but my link's property values do not have special characters.
In order to use Descriptive string method, ensure that you have only one object matching the given properties.
Below statement might fail if there are more than 1 object with the given properties.
page.Link("class:=ng-binding","innertext:=AplhaID","html tag:=A").Exist
So , you need to make the statement to find an object uniquely. Try this. It will work!
page.Link("class:=ng-binding","innertext:=AplhaID","html tag:=A", "index:=0").Exist

What does AlwaysUsesMultipleValuesMarker do in NSTreeController?

According to Apple's documentation,
Sets whether the receiver always returns the multiple values marker when multiple objects are selected, even if they have the same value.
- (void)setAlwaysUsesMultipleValuesMarker:(BOOL)flag
Setting flag to YES can increase performance if your application doesn’t allow editing multiple values. The default is NO.
However, I have trouble understanding what this all means even after reading the documentation. Can anybody offer a simpler explanation with examples?
Found the answer to this question deep inside apple docs on Cocoa Binding Guide.
The NSMultipleValuesMarker indicates that more than one object is selected in the controller and the values for the requested key aren’t the same.
By default controllers return the NSMultipleValuesMarker only when the values for the requested key differ. For example, if the value for returns an array containing three strings—”Tony”, “Tony”, “Tony”—the string “Tony” is returned instead of the NSMultipleValuesMarker.
A collection controller can be configured—either programmatically using the method setAlwaysUsesMultipleValuesMarker: or by checking the Always uses multiple values marker checkbox in Interface Builder—such that it always returns NSMultipleValuesMarker when multiple items are selected, even if the values are equal.
