Rename variables in SAS using macros - loops

I have a dataset which has last 12 months debit and credit turnover and average balance of the customers. the data looks something like this
| Accountid | Monthly_credit_turover1 || Monthly_credit_turover2 |average_bal_1| average_bal_2
i want to replace the 1,2,3 upto 12 with the last 12 months. for example- average_bal_1 should correspond to average_bal_march and average_bal_2 should get replaced with average_bal_april. so for all the variables with 1 should correspond to march,2 with April and so on
The code that I have written is
%macro renaming(i=, mon=);
data bands_macro;
set may_1;
*this just renames one variable with the two input parameters;
turnover_&i.=sum(MonthlyCreditTurnover&i., MonthlyDebitTurnover&i.);
format tn_bands $50.;
if turnover_&i. le 0 then tn_bands="1. LE 0";
else if turnover_&i. gt 0 and turnover_&i. le 1000 then tn_bands="2. 0-1k";
else if turnover_&i. gt 1000 and turnover_&i. le 4000 then tn_bands="3. 1k-4k";
else if turnover_&i. gt 4000 and turnover_&i. le 10000 then tn_bands="4. 4k-10k";
else tn_bands="5. >10k";
format ab_bands $50.;
if averagebalance&i. =999999999999 or averagebalance&i. le 0 then ab_bands="1.LE 0";
else if averagebalance&i. gt 0 and averagebalance&i. le 1000 then ab_bands="2. 0-1k";
else if averagebalance&i. gt 1000 and averagebalance&i. le 5000 then ab_bands="3. 1k-5k";
else if averagebalance&i. gt 5000 and averagebalance&i. le 10000 then ab_bands="4. 5k-10k";
else if averagebalance&i. gt 10000 and averagebalance&i. le 25000 then ab_bands="5. 10k-25k";
else if averagebalance&i. gt 25000 and averagebalance&i. le 50000 then ab_bands="6. 25k-50k";
else ab_bands="7. >50k";
drop MonthlyCreditTurnover&i. MonthlyDebitTurnover&i.;
But unfortunately I am getting this warning when i am running this code-
variable turnover2 cannot be rename as turover_april because turnover_april already exists. How do i make these changes in single dataset

So, this is a pretty good use of a simple in-data step macro.
data mydata;
turnover1 = 1;
turnover2 = 2;
*give two parameters, the numeric value and the month to convert to;
%macro renaming(i=, mon=);
*this just renames one variable with the two input parameters;
rename turnover&i.= turnover_&mon.;
data want;
set mydata;
*now call each of the macro iterations separately;
; *just to make the highlighting work;
It would be possible to come up with a better list of these, for sure though:
*dataset of the i=mon relationships, you can have this in excel or whatever;
*and change it every month when the other stuff updates;
*you also may be able to "calculate" all of this?;
data renames;
input i mon $;
1 mar
2 apr
*pull that into a macro variable using PROC SQL SELECT INTO;
proc sql;
select cats('%renaming(i=',i,',mon=',mon,')')
into :renamelist separated by ' '
from renames;
*now apply the rename list;
data want;
set mydata;


Creating loop for proc freq in SAS

I have the following data
input yr_2001 yr_2002 yr_2003 area;
1 1 1 3
0 1 0 4
0 0 1 3
1 0 1 6
0 0 1 4
I want to do the following proc freq for variable yr_2001 to yr_2003.
proc freq data=have;
table yr_2001*area;
where yr_2001=1;
Is there a way I can do it without having to repeat it for each year, may be using a loop for proc freq??
Two ways:
1. Transpose it
Add a counter variable to your data, n, and transpose it by n area, then only keep values where the year flag is equal to 1. Because we set an index on the transposed group year, we do not need to re-sort it before doing by-group processing.
data have2;
set have;
n = _N_;
proc transpose data=have
out=have2_tpose(rename = (COL1 = year_flag)
where = (year_flag = 1)
index = (year)
drop = n
by n area;
var yr_:;
proc freq data=have2_tpose;
by year;
table area;
2. Macro loop
Since they all start with yr_, it will be easy to get all the variable names from dictionary.columns and loop over all the variables. We'll use SQL to read the names into a |-separated list and loop over that list.
proc sql noprint;
select name
, count(*)
into :varnames separated by '|'
, :nVarnames
from dictionary.columns
where memname = 'HAVE'
AND libname = 'WORK'
AND name LIKE "yr_%"
/* Take a look at the variable names we found */
%put &varnames.;
/* Loop over all words in &varnames */
%macro freqLoop;
%do i = 1 %to &nVarnames.;
%let varname = %scan(&varnames., &i., |);
title "&varname.";
proc freq data=have;
where &varname. = 1;
table &varname.*area;

Do looping to match duplicates in SAS

I have a dataset where I have different names in one column, the names can be duplicate. My task here is to compare each and every name with the rest of the names in the column.For example if I take the name 1 "Vishal" I have to compare it with all the names from 2 to 13. If there is a matching name from row 2 to 13 there will be different column made "flag" with value of Y if there is a duplicate if no duplicate then a value of N.I have to perform this operation with all the names in the group
I have written a code which looks like this:
data Name;
input counter name $50.;
1 vishal
2 swati
3 sahil
4 suman
5 bindu
6 bindu
7 vishal
8 tushar
9 sahil
10 swati
11 gudia
12 priyansh
13 priyansh
proc sql;
select count(name) into: n from swati;
proc sql;
select name into: name1 -:name13 from swati;
options mlogic mprint symbolgen;
%macro swati;
data name1;
set swati;
%do i = 1 %to 1;
%do j= %eval(&i.+1) %to &n.;
if &&name&i. =&&name&j. then flag="N";
else flag="Y";
the code gives me the vale N for all the names even if there is a name matching, also it makes a different variable with using all the variable names.*
The desired output is shown below
Name Flag
vishal N
swati N
sahil N
suman Y
bindu N
bindu Y
vishal Y
tushar Y
sahil Y
swati Y
gudia Y
priyansh N
priyansh Y
So basically we started finding vishal (the first name) from 2 to 13 and see if there is a duplicate, if there is the flag is N i.e. there is a duplicate. Let us see the name "Suman" which is the fourth name in the list, and we start searching for its matching from 5 to 13. Since there isn't any duplicate for that we have flagged it as "Y".
Sort data by Name
Use a data step with BY to identify duplicates
Resort by Order if desired
proc sort data=name;
by name;
data want;
set name;
by name;
if and then unique='Y';
else unique='N';
proc sort data=want;
by counter;
Your answer for the last observation does not look right. Is there another condition such that if it is the last record the flag should be 'N' instead of 'Y'?
I really see no reason why you have to use a DO loop. But you could place a DO loop around a SET statement with the POINT= option to look for matching names.
data want ;
set name nobs=nobs ;
length next $50;
next=' ';
do p=_n_+1 to nobs until (next=name) ;
set name(keep=name rename=(name=next)) point=p;
if next=name then flag='N'; else flag='Y';
drop next;
You could also take advantage of the COUNTER variable and do it using GROUP BY in a SELECT statement in PROC SQL.
proc sql ;
create table want2 as
select *
, case when (counter = max(counter)) then 'Y' else 'N' end as flag
from name
group by name
order by counter

SAS Array Calculations Row Operations

I have a dataset that has a list of contributions of members of a sales organization by day. What I want to ultimately end up with is the following information:
For each day:
How much the entire team sold. ($200 for day one, $350 for day two..)
How much a designated subset ("Joe"...for example) of that team sold (Joe sold $100 day one, $200 day two...)
the difference in the above two calculations ($200-$100 for day one, $350-$200 for day two....)
how many total people contributed that day (2 in day 1, 3 in day two, 5 in day 3)
how many of my designated subset contributed that day (1 every day in this case, since Joe was there every day)
In the example below, Joe is my designated subset. The problem I am having is directing SAS to only sum up Joe's contributions. The method I have below works, but only if Joe is the only contributor AND if he contributes every day. I basically force him to be the first entry, then point to him. This fails if he is not there one day, or if my subset has multiple people.
Below is my attempt I've been working on, but I think I'm going down the wrong path, since this will not be dynamic enough when I add more people. For example, if the subset now becomes Joe and Sue....the calculation will still just point to Joe. If I point it two first two obs, it may select hal accidentally from day one. Is there a way to specify by rom "Only add the Amount column if the name next to it is either Joe or Sue? Help!
*declare team;
/*%let team=('joe','sue');*/
%let team=('joe');
*input data;
data have;
input day name $ amount;
1 hal 100
1 joe 100
2 joe 80
2 sue 70
2 jim 200
3 joe 50
3 sue 100
3 ted 200
3 tim 100
3 wen 5000
*getting my team to float to top of order list;
data have;
set have;
if name in &team. then order=1;
else order=2;
proc sort data=have;
by day order name;
*add running count by day;
data have;
set have;
by day;
if then x=1;
*get number of people on team;
proc sql noprint;
select count(distinct name) into :count
from have
where name in &team.;
*get max of people per day;
proc sql noprint;
select max(x) into :max_freq from have;
*pre transpose...set labels;
data have;
set have;
keep day value varname;
proc transpose data=have out=have_transp(drop=_NAME_);
by day;
id varname;
var value;
data want;
set have_transp;
array Amount {*} Amount:;
do i=1 to dim(Amount);
if Amount[i]>0
A few other things:
Every member of the team will not always be present every day
There are very many possibilities for how many people might be on the total team and/or subset
Here's a way using proc means that doesn't use arrays. Proc means will calculate data at different levels by default when using the CLASS and TYPES statements. The data can then be merged into the appropriate level. In this solution it doesn't matter how many people are in the group/subset or that everyone is present for every day.
/*Subset group*/
data subteam;
input name $;
/*Sample data*/
data have;
input day name $ amount;
1 hal 100
1 joe 100
2 joe 80
2 sue 70
2 jim 200
3 joe 50
3 sue 100
3 ted 200
3 tim 100
3 wen 5000
*Set group variable for subset team;
data have;
set have;
*Set group variable=1 to subset;
proc sql;
update have
set group=1
where name in (select name from subteam);
*Calculate sums;
proc means data=have;
class day group;
types day day*group;
var amount;
output out=want1 sum=total n=count;
*Reformat into desired format;
data want2;
merge want1 (where=(group=.) rename=(total=total_overall count=count_overall))
want1 (where=(group=1) rename=(total=total_group count=count_group));
by day;

Checking correct order of values

I have a data set that looks similar to the one below. Basically, I have current prices for three different sizes of an item type. If the sizes are priced correctly (ie small<medium<large) I want to flag them with a “Y” and continue to use the current price. If they are not priced correctly, I want to flag them with a “N” and use the recommended price. I know that this is probably a time to use array programming, but my array skills are, admittedly, a bit weak. There are hundreds of locations, but only one item type. I currently have the unique locations loaded in a macro variable list.
data have;
input type location $ size $ cur_price rec_price;
x NY S 4 1
x NY M 5 2
x NY L 6 3
x LA S 5 1
x LA M 4 2
x LA L 3 3
x DC S 5 1
x DC M 5 2
x DC L 5 3
proc sql;
select distinct location into :loc_list from have;
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure why you'd want to use an array here...proc transpose and some data step logic
can easily solve this problem. Arrays are very useful (gotta admit, I'm not entirely
comfortable with them either), but in a situation where you have that many locations,
I think transpose is better.
Does the code below accomplish your goal?
/*sorts to get ready for transpose*/
proc sort data=have;
by location;
/*transpose current price*/
proc transpose data=have out=cur_tran prefix=cur_price;
by location;
id size;
var cur_price;
/*transpose recommended price*/
proc transpose data=have out=rec_tran prefix=rec_price;
by location;
id size;
var rec_price;
/*merge back together*/
data merged;
merge cur_tran rec_tran;
by location;
/*creates flags and new field for final price*/
data want;
set merged;
if cur_priceS<cur_priceM<cur_priceL then
else do;
I don't see how arrays would help here. How about just checking using dif to queue the last record's price and verify it (could also retain the last price if you prefer). Make sure the dataset's properly sorted by type location descending size, then:
data want;
set have;
by type location descending size; *S > M > L alphabetically;
retain price_check;
if not first.location and dif(cur_price) lt 0 then price_check=1;
*if dif < 0 then cur rec is smaller;
else if first.location then price_check=0; *reset it;
if last.location;
keep type location price_check;
Then merge that back to your original dataset by type location, and use the other price if cur_price=1.
Alternatively you could do it in a single query which is almost a re-statement of your requirements.
Proc sql;
create table want as
select *
/* Basically, I have current prices for three different sizes of an item type.
If the sizes are priced correctly (ie small<medium<large) */
, case
when max ( case when size eq 'S' then cur_price end)
lt max ( case when size eq 'M' then cur_price end)
and max ( case when size eq 'M' then cur_price end)
lt max ( case when size eq 'L' then cur_price end)
/* I want to flag them with a “Y” and continue to use the current price */
then 'Y'
/* If they are not priced correctly,
I want to flag them with a “N” and use the recommended price. */
else 'N'
end as Cur_Price_Sizes_Correct
, case
when calculate Cur_Price_Correct eq 'Y'
then cur_price
else rec_price
end as Price
From have
Group by Type
, Location

SAS: generating an output database following several proc procedures

I am still new at SAS and I was wondering how I can do the following:
Say that I have a database with the following info:
Time_during_the day date prices volume_traded
930am sep02 42 300
10am sep02 41 200
..4pm sep02 40 200
930am sep03 40 500
10am sep03 41 100
..4pm sep03 40 350
What I want is to take the average of the total daily volume and divide this number by 50 (always). So say avg.daily vol./50 = V; and what I want is to record the price/time/date at every interval of size V. Now, say that V=500, I start by recording the first price,time,and date in my database and then record the same info 500 volume trade later. It is possible that on one day that the traded volume is say 300 and half of it will cover the v=500, the other 150 will be use to fill up up the following interval.
How can I get this information in one database?
Thank you!
Assume your input dataset is called tick_data, and that it is sorted by both date and time_during_the_day. Then here's what I got:
%LET n = 50;
/* Calculate V - the breakpoint size */
BY date;
OUTPUT OUT = temp_1
SUM (volume_traded)= volume_traded_agg;
DATA temp_2 ;
SET temp_1;
V = volume_traded_agg / &n;
/* Merge it into original dataset so that it is available */
DATA temp_3;
MERGE tick_data temp_2;
BY date;
/* Final walk through tick data to output at breakpoints */
DATA results
/* Comment out the KEEP to see what is happening under the hood */
(KEEP=date time_during_the_day price volume_traded)
SET temp_3;
/* The IF FIRST will not work without the BY below */
BY date;
/* Stateful counters */
/* Reset stateful counters at the beginning of each day */
volume_cumulative = 0;
breakpoint_next = V;
breakpoint_counter = 0;
/* Breakpoint test */
volume_cumulative = volume_cumulative + volume_traded;
IF (breakpoint_counter <= &n AND volume_cumulative >= breakpoint_next) THEN DO;
breakpoint_next = breakpoint_next + V;
breakpoint_counter = breakpoint_counter + 1;
The key SAS language feature to keep in mind for the future is the use of BY, FIRST, and RETAIN together. This enables stateful walks through data like this one. Conditional OUTPUT also figures here.
Note that whenever you use BY <var>, the dataset must be sorted on a key that includes <var>. In the case of tick_data and all intermediate temporary tables, it is.
Additional: Alternative V
In order to make V equal the (average total daily volume / n), replace the matching code block above with this one:
. . . . . .
/* Calculate V - the breakpoint size */
BY date;
OUTPUT OUT = temp_1
SUM (volume_traded)= volume_traded_agg;
OUTPUT OUT = temp_1a
MEAN (volume_traded_agg) =;
DATA temp_2 ;
SET temp_1a;
V = volume_traded_agg / &n;
/* Merge it into original dataset so that it is available */
DATA temp_3 . . . . . .
. . . . . .
Basically you just insert a second PROC SUMMARY to take the mean of the sums. Notice how there is no BY statement because we're averaging over the whole set, not by any groupings or buckets. Also notice the MEAN (...) = without a name after the =. That will make the output variable have the same name as the input variable.
