How to render a pure component dynamically in React? - reactjs

I'm trying to render some pure components / a component which are basically RE charts in a carousel. So far I have implemented with images, but when I'm passing pure component / a component it is not showing anything.
I have created a sandbox which is having all the code which I have written so far with all the details SCSS, Re chart component and a main component. Please have a look and let me know what I'm missing or is there any other way where I can render components in a carousel.
Codesandbox URL

I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for.
Check my sandbox
The problem is that you need to define exactly the width and height of the svg also at its "containers", meaning that style={{ width: 500, height: 300 }} needs to be applied to li and ul too.
Also i changed a little bit the transform slide width.


In the full screen component, the Material Ui modal does not work

I am using react-full-screen node package to make a full screen component, however modals, popovers, and drawers do not work.
Could you please help me make a working modal within my full screen component?
Are you sure it doesn't work ? maybe your modals are well displayed but behind your fullscreen component (did you use devtool's element inspector to check the html / css to see if your modal was here ?).
You might need to enrich your modal's css to make it visible ahead of fullscreen component, a mere z-index: 2 on the modal' style could help ?

React post Build - Classes & Hooks dont Render

I finished working on an app project and I built the final project. The problem is that the classes and hooks get placed but didn't render in the final version for some reasons...
Here you can find the live version
Inspecting it you will find the content div that has the main logic of the app. All the classes and hook functions didn't get render at all but the logic get placed correctly.
Style is missing width, height & background-size (cover/contains etc), as your image is in the background the button cant size around it, so you would need to specify the dimensions to 'contain' it correctly.
<button alt="Lost Ark WIP" title="WIP" value="" id="MonsterId1" style="background-image:url(;height:10px; width:30px;background-size: cover;"></button>
see pen
I found the problem... For some reasons my div's opacity is dropped to 1% so they become invisible. I fixed the problem by finding where I use opacity and changed it from 90% to 0.9. Seems that react can't understand the opacity expressed in % for some reasons.

React native component absolute overflow

I am trying to implement a component with absolute position, zIndex > 0 to make it render above other components. I am setting position: absolute. The problem is that if the component is close to the bottom of the screen, it gets cropped. I don't want to make it push the components below it. I want it to be above. The snack is here:
enter link description here
I also tried with ScrollView but the result was even worse, nothing was being displayed anymore if I set overflow:'visible' to the scrollview. Any ideas how I could get this working ?
please remove all overflow: 'visible' style.

Material-ui Stepper height not adjusted properly

The new Stepper component is awesome, except that the height of each step won't adjust properly when its child components change from hidden to visible, or vice versa via CSS. Specifically, if a component's style changes from display: 'none' to display: 'inline', the height of content will remain the same. As a result, the newly visible component won't show properly.
However, if the component is dynamically created (as opposed to be made visible with CSS), the height would adjust properly. Unfortunately in my case, I do need the component to be there even when they're not visible.
Has anyone encountered similar problem? I'm using react.js v0.14 and material-ui v0.15.0-beta.1.

Prevent re-initializing when moving react element

I'm trying to animate a MapView in React Native so that when it's pressed, it goes from being an element in a ScrollView to the map covering the entire screen (including navigation and status bars).
For the overlay view I'm using react-native-overlay
I've got it sort of working by:
measuring the map position with UIManager.measure
activating the overlay and rendering the same map but now inside an overlay
positioning the map relative to the overlay based on measurement
animating the map size to cover the entire screen
The problem is that when going to/from overlay, the entire map reloads which effectively kills the magic of the animation.
From what I understand, since I move the MapView pretty far in the VDOM tree, React kills it and inits a new one. I've tried to avoid this by passing the MapView as a prop to the component doing the animation. My idea was that since the prop is not be changed, the MapView shouldn't be re-instantiated. Unfortunately this doesn't help..
I also tried wrapping the MapView in another component and having shouldComponentUpdate always returning false. Doesn't help either..
Is there someway I can prevent the MapView from re-initializing when I move it in the render tree?
My render tree looks like this:
var map = <MapView />;
When map in ScrollView:
...some other content...
when in Overlay:
...some other content..
<Overlay isVisible={true} aboveStatusBar={true}>
<View style={styles.fullScreen}>
<Animated.View style={[styles.mapContainer,{top: this.state.topValue, height: this.state.heightValue}]}>
I believe you should add key property to the Map component. This is the only way to tell React that the particular components in two rendering passes are the same component in fact, so it will reorder the component rather than destroy/recreate. Without key, if the component moves in the tree, react will always destroy/recreate it as it does not know that it's actually the same component (there is nothing that could tell react it is). The key property works in lists/arrays but I think it should also work for more complex tree rearrangements.
See more details here:
Note that the link above is for react.js not react-native, but I believe it should work in exactly the same way. I found that there are quite many concepts/details not explained in react-native tutorial, but they are clear in the react.js one (for example explanation about ref property). Actually the authors assume that you have experience with react (so I went on and learned React.js as well ;):
From :
We assume you have experience writing websites with React. If not,
you can learn about it on the React website.
