How can i filter the un matched array elements alone when compare with another array objects in angular 8 - arrays

I have a two array response and I would like to compare the two responses and have to filter the unmatched array elements into a new array object.
Condition to compare the two response and filter is: we have to filter when code and number are not matched exactly with the response two then we have to filter such an array element into a new array object which I need as an output.
The Array element present in the Response two example is also present in the Response of Array One example which I don't want and I need to filter the array elements which is not matched with the Response of Array One.
Final Output which we filtered from the response two array will be like below which is unmatched with the response 1 array object:
"unmatchedArrayRes": [
"code": "08",
"number": "2323232323",
"id": "432",
"value": "value432"
Response of Array One
"MainData": [
"DataResponseOne": [
"viewData": {
"number": "11111111111111",
"code": "01"
"name": "viewDataOne"
"viewData": {
"number": "22222222222222",
"code": "01"
"name": "viewDataTwo"
"viewData": {
"number": "3333333333333",
"code": "02"
"name": "viewDataThree"
"DataResponseTwo": [
"viewData": {
"number": "5555555555555",
"code": "9090"
"name": "viewDataFour"
"viewData": {
"number": "6666666666666",
"code": "01"
"name": "viewDataFive"
"viewData": {
"number": "8888888888888",
"code": "01"
"name": "viewDataSix"
Response Two Example :
"compareRes": [
"code": "01",
"number": "11111111111111",
"id": "123",
"value": "value123"
"code": "9090",
"number": "5555555555555",
"id": "345",
"value": "value567"
"code": "08",
"number": "2323232323",
"id": "432",
"value": "value432"
"metaData": "343434343434"

First, create a combined list of all the view items from response one.
const combinedList = [];
res1["MainData"].forEach(data => {
// console.log(data);
for( let key in data) {
// console.log(key);
data[key].forEach(innerData => {
In the above method, It is done in such a way that it can handle multiple viewData responses like DataResponseOne, DataResponseTwo, and so on.
And then filter second response Items like this:
const unfilteredListItems = res2["compareRes"].filter(data => {
return !combinedList.some(listItem => {
return listItem.code === data.code && listItem.number === data.number;
Working Stackblitz link:


How filter and delete object with null or empty property in json query

I have this json :
"meta": {
"status": 200,
"pagination": {
"page": 1,
"perPage": 15,
"hasNext": true
"data": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Movie title1"
"rating": null,
"playProviders": [
"id": "2",
"title": "Movie title2"
"rating": {
"ratingAssessment": "7.1"
"playProviders": [
"HBO", "Netflix"
I want to create a page with a list of movies, I need to fetch movies but only those which have a rating and playProviders, what parameters should I use in this request?
When I filters in the code:
programs.filter((program) => program.rating !== null);
it only gets a few films per page, those that don't have null. For example, 15 are per page and I get 2. How do I filter this? (I am using react typescript)
I don't have access to the API code. I need to filter what is returned by the API or write a query so that you get already filtered data from the API.
programs = [
{rating: 1,
playProviders: ["sf"]
rating: 4,
playProviders: []
programs.filter(function(program) {
if (program.rating !== null && program.playProviders.length !== 0) {
return program;

How to filter JSON data based on another JSON data in typescript

I have 2 JSON Data 1. Payers 2. Rules. I need to filter Payers JSON data based on PayerId from Rules JSON data.
"Payers": [
"payerId": "12345",
"name": "Test Payer1"
"payerId": "23456",
"name": "Test Payer2",
"payerId": "34567",
"name": "Test Payer3"
Rules JSON file
"Rules": [
"actions": {
"canCopyRule": true
"RuleId": 123,
"description": "Test Rule",
"isDisabled": false,
"Criteria": [
"autoSecondaryCriteriaId": 8888,
"criteriaType": { "code": "primaryPayer", "value": "Primary Payer" },
"payerId": ["12345", "34567"]
I need to filter Payers JSON data based on Rules JSON data if PayerID matches
I need output like below
"Payers": [
"payerId": "12345",
"name": "Test Payer1"
"payerId": "34567",
"name": "Test Payer3"
How to filter?
You can use Array.filter like that (based on your data structure):
const filteredPayers = payersObj.Payers.filter((p) => rulesObj.Rules[0].Criteria[0].payerId.includes(p.payerId));
I can't figure out why your Rules json looks like this, I guess you have multiple rules. If so, you will need to iterate over each rule and invoke includes. Same for Criteria.
Code will check each rule and each critirias
and will return payers if payerId found in any of the given rules of any criteria
const payers = {
"Payers": [
"payerId": "12345",
"name": "Test Payer1"
"payerId": "23456",
"name": "Test Payer2",
"payerId": "34567",
"name": "Test Payer3"
const rules = {
"Rules": [
"actions": {
"canCopyRule": true
"RuleId": 123,
"description": "Test Rule",
"isDisabled": false,
"Criteria": [
"autoSecondaryCriteriaId": 8888,
"criteriaType": { "code": "primaryPayer", "value": "Primary Payer" },
"payerId": ["12345", "34567"]
const data = payers.Payers.filter(payer => rules.Rules.findIndex(rule => rule.Criteria.findIndex(criteria => criteria.payerId.includes(payer.payerId)) != -1) !== -1)

How to update array inside MongoDB document

Can someone help me with a solution to update an array object inside the MongoDB document, I've tried a couple of methods but still it's to updating, here is my document that I want to update the array in the document.
"title": "Products",
"description": "test",
"image": "bdd8510d75f6e83ad308d5f306afccef_image.jpg",
"_created_at": "2021-06-07T20:51:08.316Z",
"ratingCount": 0,
"ratingTotal": 0,
"placeListSave": [
"objectId": "g70brr45pfi",
"name": "Kale",
"email": "null",
"strBrandLogo": "84de8865e3223d1ca61386355895aa04_image.jpg",
"storeNumber": "56",
"phone": "0815342119",
"createdAt": "2021-06-10T10:19:53.384Z",
"image": "ad1fb7602c2188223fd891a52373cb9d_image.jpg"
"objectId": "0qokn33p773",
"name": "Apple",
"email": null,
"strBrandLogo": null,
"storeNumber": "01",
"phone": "011 393 8600",
"createdAt": "2021-06-11T03:11:17.342Z",
"image": "8cfcbf2bcb5e3b4ea8ade44d3825bb52_image.jpg"
So I only want to update the apple object and change the data, I've tried the following code but doesn't seem to work.
var db = client.db("test");
try {
"title": req.body.product,
}, {
$set: {
"placeListSave.$.storeNumber": req.body.storeNumber,
} catch (e) {
console.log("verify", e);
arrayFilters seems suitable here:
"title": "Products",
"placeListSave.objectId": "0qokn33p773",
$set: {
"placeListSave.$[x].email": "",
"placeListSave.$[x].storeNumber": "test",
"placeListSave.$[x].phone": "test",
"placeListSave.$[x].name": "test"
arrayFilters: [
"x.objectId": "0qokn33p773"
Add array filter called "x" with the objectId for the element that you need to update and use this filter in the $set stage to update the necessary elements.
Hint: To speed up the update you will need to add index on title field or compound index on title+placeListSave.objectId

Multikey partial index not used with elemMatch

Consider the following document format which has an array field tasks holding embedded documents
"foo": "bar",
"tasks": [
"status": "sleep",
"id": "1"
"status": "active",
"id": "2"
There exists a partial index on key
"v": 2,
"unique": true,
"key": {
"": 1
"name": "tasks.id_1",
"partialFilterExpression": {
"": {
"$exists": true
"ns": "zardb.quxcollection"
The following $elemMatch query with multiple conditions on the same array element
"tasks": {
"$elemMatch": {
"id": {
"$eq": "1"
"status": {
"$nin": ["active"]
does not seem to use the index
"winningPlan": {
"stage": "COLLSCAN",
"filter": {
"tasks": {
"$elemMatch": {
"$and": [{
"id": {
"$eq": "1"
"status": {
"$not": {
"$eq": "active"
"direction": "forward"
How can I make the above query use the index? The index does seem to be used via dot notation
db.quxcollection.find({"": "1"})
however I need the same array element to match multiple conditions which includes the status field, and the following does not seem to be equivalent to the above $elemMatch based query
"": "1",
"tasks.status": { "$nin": ["active"] }
The way the partial indexes work is it uses the path as a key. With $elemMatch you don't have the path explicitly in the query. If you check it with .explain("allPlansExecution") it is not even considered by the query planner.
To benefit from the index you can specify the path in the query:
"": "1",
"tasks": {
"$elemMatch": {
"id": {
"$eq": "1"
"status": {
"$nin": ["active"]
It duplicates part of the elemMatch condition, so the index will be used to get all documents containing tasks of specific id, then it will filter out documents with "active" tasks at fetch stage. I must admit the query doesn't look nice, so may be add some comments to the code with explanations.

Only one element returned in array

I am trying to find elements from my MongoDB database with meteor.
I managed to filter and go through the structure of my array, but the result is a single element, and not all the elements matching the criteria.
Query :
var json = Tests1VerlIR.find({}, {fields: {entries: {$elemMatch: {'': {$eq: this.params._id}} } } }).fetch();
this.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
Data Structure :
"_id":"574c41ee578d01af3664cbaf"}, {...}]}
Response :
"_str": "576155d7a605348159cd1f1a"
"method": "POST",
"source": "ex",
"path": "/ex",
"time": 1464615406900,
"_id": "574c41ee578d01af3664cbaf"
You cannot return multiple elements of an array matching your criteria in any form of a basic .find() query. To match more than one element you need to use the .aggregate() method instead.
refer this link.
{ "$match": { "": "2" } },
// Unwind the array to denormalize
{ "$unwind": "$entries" },
// Match specific array elements
{ "$match": { "": "2" } },
// Group back to array form
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"entries": { "$push": "$entries" }
Solution :
var json = Tests1VerlIR.aggregate({"$unwind": "$entries"}, {$match: {'': this.params._id} });
