I need to update the log4j2.xml file in Solr which is present in the default location "server/resources/log4j2.xml" without restarting the Solr service. Is there a way around to achieve this? This is for a Production environment.
We migrated our 3 Solr servers to 3 new VMs. We are still running the same setup as we were on the old VMs (Solr 7.4). I've also ran the Zookeeper upconfig command to replace our old config files so that they now use the new IPs. However, when I view the Solr Cloud UI, 2 of our old IPs are being shown on the Cloud > Graph. I verified that the Zookeeper upconfig worked because I can see that the new configset files for my collection are there in the cloud > tree > configs. They are also showing the new IPs in the files. So I'm not sure why the Cloud > Graph is showing 2 of our old IPs. Also, when I checked the logs, I see the following error:
null:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error trying to proxy request for url: http://139.XX.XX.34:8983/solr/MyCollection/select
The IP that the error is mentioning is the IP for one of the old VMs. There is also another error message like that for the other old IP. Any ideas where it could be getting the IP value from? I thought that the Zookeeper upconfig would've fixed this and I've searched all of my solr and zookeeper files to see if there was a config file I missed, but didn't find any that mentioned the old IPs anywhere.
You need to remove the old servers replica from Solr cluster if they still appear in Solr UI.
You can remove them from Solr UI under collections menu. There's a red cross button for each replica.
I developed a Flink job and submitted my job using Apache Flink dashboard. Per my understanding, when I submit my job, my jar should be available on Flink server. I tried to figure out path of my jar but couldn't able to. Does Flink keep these jar file on server? If yes, where I can find? Any documentation? Please help. Thanks!
JAR files are renamed when they are uploaded and stored in a directory that can be configured with the web.upload.dir configuration key.
If the web.upload.dir parameter is not set, the JAR files are stored in a dynamically generated directory under the jobmanager.web.tmpdir (default is System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")).
I am trying to configure sitecore with Solr 5, but an issue occur when restarting the SOLR services the schema.xml will be renamed to schema.xml.bak which prevent sitecore from connecting to SOLR.
Also a file "managed-schema" is created once restarting services?! Any Ideas.
I've been trying to get AEM 6.0 SP1 to connect to a remote SolR server for quite a while and I'm at a point where I think that Adobe's own documentation is lacking a specific step somewhere.
I configured everything following the steps at:
Configuring AEM with a single remote SOLR server
But 1st issue I had was that when starting the 1st shard, Zookeep kept saying it couldn't find the solr//zoo.cfg.
So I created the solr folder within node1 and copied the solr.xml and zoo.cfg into it.
starting with
java -Xmx2g -Dbootstrap_confdir=".\cfg\oak\conf" -Dcollection.configName=myconf -DzkRun -DnumShards=2 -jar start.jar
seems to start the shard correctly now with this, but there's no OAK core, even though they say to copy the zookeeper and solrconfig into the cfg folder.
in the cfg, I unpacked the content of recommended-conf.zip
I followed their steps completely, and AEM still can't connect to the SolR instance, it returns an error about getting HTML instead of octet/stream. (and obviously, there's no OAK core)
what am I missing here? This is on a windows environment.
Have you configured the "Solr HTTP URL" and "ZooKeeper host" fields in the "Oak Solr remote server configuration" at http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr ?
We set the
Solr HTTP URL to http://localhost:8983/solr/
and the ZooKeeper host to http://localhost:9983
How do I update an existing configuration file of SolrCloud in the Zoo Keeper?
I am using Solr4 Beta version with ZooKeeper 3.3.6. I have updated a configuration file, and restarted the Solr Instance which uploads the configuration file to the ZooKeeper. But when I check the configuration file from the SolrCloud Admin console, I don't see the updates. I am not able to understand if this is an issue with SolrCloud admin console or if I am not successful in uploading the config file to ZooKeeper.
Can someone who is familiar with ZooKeeper tell me on how to update an existing configuration file in the ZooKeeper, and how to verify the change in the ZooKeeper?
Solr 4 comes with some helpful scripts
cloud-scripts/zkcli.sh -cmd upconfig -zkhost -d solr/your_default_collection_with_the_config/conf/ -n config_name_userd_by_all_collections
After that you have to reload cores.
SolrCloud provides two option for uploading configuration files to ZK. If you have multiple cores while starting give option -Dbootstrap_conf=true. This will upload the index configuration files for all the cores. If you only want to upload configuration file of one core give two startup parameters -Dbootstrap_confdir and -Dcollection.configName.
I had multiple cores defined in the instance. You would have to upload each configuration by changing -Dcollection.configName argument and restart the Solr instance every time