fail to authenticate with managed identity for Azure SQL DB using Azure data factory - database

I have created an azure SQL Database ,and trying to create a linked service with this database, but failed with managed identity authentication type.
error messages:
Cannot connect to SQL Database: '', Database: 'alexSQLDatabase', User: ''. Check the linked service configuration is correct, and make sure the SQL Database firewall allows the integration runtime to access. Login failed for user ''., SqlErrorNumber=18456,Class=14,State=1, Activity ID: f94c1640-731c-48e4-b423-f05a80e6043d.

You need to login Azure SQL with an AAD administrator and create a EXTERNAL PROVIDER user. I've created a test for this.
Set an AAD administrator to your Azure sql.
Login to your Azure sql with the AAD administrator.
Create a EXTERNAL PROVIDER User with your Azure datafactory name.
ALTER ROLE [role name] ADD MEMBER [your Data Factory name];
Test connection successfully:


Create user login on a local instance of SQL Server - for an Azure AD user

I have a local instance of SQL Server installed. I installed it as the machine's administrator.
Now I want to create a user for a database on that server, but the user is not a local windows user, but an Azure AD user.
I tried to execute the code mentioned in the Create SQL Login for Azure Active Directory User
but I always get the error:
Incorrect syntax near 'PROVIDER'
Now to reiterate, it is not an Azure SQL database, it's a machine's local SQL Server hosting its own databases.
Unfortunately, you can't use Azure AD user for on-premises SQL Server user.
The link you have shared is only applicable for Azure PaaS services like Azure SQL Database, Azure Managed Instance, etc.
As per this official doc

Azure Function Managed Identity to Azure Sql - Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'

I have a C# dotnet core 3.1 Azure Function App (named func-utrngen-dev-001) that I'd like to configure to authenticate to a Sql Azure database via managed identity.
Steps Taken:
Created the AAD admin for sql server account
Used that account to open a connection to the sql server
Ran the following to created a "contained user" of the same name as the azure function app
ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [func-utrngen-dev-001]
ALTER ROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER [func-utrngen-dev-001]
Ensured that "Allow Azure services and resources to access this server" is set to "Yes" from the Azure Portal under the Sql Server\Security\Firewalls and virtual networks blas
Ensured that System assigned\Status is set to "On" on the function app's Identity blade
When the function app attempts to authenticate, I get the following error:
Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'
So I installed Microsoft's "MSI Validator" tool and ran through the steps described here.
I ran the following from the Powershell window of a Kudu session:
./msi-validator.exe test-connection -r sql -e "Data;Initial Catalog=utrngen;"
It successfully obtained a token but then failed with the same error as my function app:
Unable to connect to SQL. Exception : Login failed for user
'<token-identified principal>'
I ran select * FROM sys.fn_get_audit_file(path to tsql audit blob) but the results only showed activity from my account logged into SSMS
What should I try next?
The fix was to give the correct name for the database 🤦‍♂️. More haste less speed

Deployment issues when publishing Azure SQL database using Azure SQL Dacpack task in Azure pipelines within an agent job

I am trying to publish Azure SQL database using Azure SQL Dacpack task in Azure pipelines within an agent job. The authentication type I am using to publish is Service Principal.
I have added service principal as a contained DB user in the Azure SQL database and have given db owner permissions to service principal. When Service principal is a member of Active Directory Admin of Azure SQL Server, the deployment works fine. But , when Service principal is not a member of Active Directory Admin of Azure SQL Server , the deployment fails.
The error that I get is:
Unable to connect to target server . Please verify the connection information such as the server name, login credentials, and firewall rules for the target server. + Login failed for user '< token-identified principal>'. The Azure SQL DACPAC task failed. SqlPackage.exe exited with code 1.
Security team in my organization is not allowing me to have SP as Active Directory Admin of Azure SQL Server.
Azure SQL database only allow server admin/AD admin account to restore/backup the database. That's the permission limit and we can't change it.
Like you said, only if the service principal is a member of Active Directory Admin of Azure SQL Server, the account has the permission restore the database from .BACPAC file.

Only connections established with Active Directory... Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'

I am trying to enable Active Directory access for an Azure SQL Database. But I ran in a bit of a chicken-egg problem:
On the properties tab of my SQL database, The Active Directory admin shows an AD user group I am a member of
I cannot login. If I try to connect to my database using this AD-user, either via the Query editor (preview) tab or through SSMS, I get "Login failed for user ''."
If I login using the Server admin login or through a SQL account, I can login, but I cannot execute CREATE USER myname FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER. It returns "Only connections established with Active Directory accounts can create other Active Directory users"
How did I create this mess?
On Azure, I already had a SQL Server with a SQL database. I can login onto that server using my Active Directory account. I had a local database, and in SSMS I selected "Deploy database to Microsoft Azue SQL database..." and selected my existing SQL Server.
As I understand it, AAD needs to know the SQL server, not each individual SQL database. If I do a Point In Time restore of my main database, I can also access this database with my AAD-account. But of course, this database already contains the active directory user group.
So Azure thinks I can logon to the database with my AAD-account,
but the database itself does not know any AAD accounts.
And I can only create AAD accounts in the database when logged in with an AAD-account.
How do I create an Active Directory Account within my database without being logged on with an Active Directory Account?
How do I create an Active Directory Account within my database without being logged on with an Active Directory Account?
No, we can't. In Azure SQL database, you need to first to configure the Azure AD admin for the SQL Server, then login the database with AAD admin account to create the AAD user.
I think you have configured it. As you said you can login with you AAD-account. That's the Azure AD admin account. It has the permission to access all the database.
To create contained users mapped to Azure AD identities, you must be
logged in using an Azure AD account that is an administrator in the
database in Azure SQL Database. In SQL Managed Instance, a SQL login
with sysadmin permissions can also create an Azure AD login or user.
Ref here: Authorize database access to SQL Database, SQL Managed Instance, and Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure SQL is not letting me create a SQL User

I have a Database server created in Azure [not a managed instance] and a Server Admin user was created, many SQL users were added and they were able to login without any issues. Now all of a sudden, SQL users I newly create can't login. It's giving Login failed message with Error# 18456
Here are the SQL commands I am using to create the user [after logging in as Server Admin]:
CREATE LOGIN reportslogin WITH password='' - this in "master" database
CREATE USER reportsuser from LOGIN reportslogin - this is in MyDatabase
ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER reportsuser - this again is in MyDatabase
Now I disconnect the server and when I try reconnecting to the server using the reportsuser, I get this:
What am I doing wrong?
Actually, the error is caused by you database login name.
You should using the Login reportslogin to login the database, not the username reportsuser !
We must using the login name to access the Azure SQL database, not the username.
A login is a simple credential for accessing SQL Server. For example,
SQL Login is for Authentication and SQL Server User is for Authorization. Authentication can decide if we have permissions to access the server or not and Authorization decides what are different operations we can do in a database. Login are created at the SQL Server instance level and User is created at SQL Server database level.
Please reference:
Login and SQL User
Difference between a User and a Login in SQL Server
create the login and user with the same name:
USE master
CREATE LOGIN reportslogin WITH password='Xunmi110'
USE user_database
CREATE USER reportsuser FOR LOGIN reportslogin
ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER reportsuser
One login for one user.
Hope this helps.
