loadMask is only covering the first part of the grid - extjs

The initial loadMask covers the grid but I am still able to scroll while it is loading and it doesn't cover below the initial screen. I am looking for a way to either disable scrolling while loading the store, extend the loadMask so that it covers the whole grid panel including the scrollable content or have the loadMask stay in place even if the grid scrolls. I am targeting the grid for loadMask (the default).
Scroll while loading


Tab panel with items that don't fit the width of the panel

I am facing an issue where the tabs don't fit the entire width of the panel, and the user has to scroll to the right to view the rightmost tabs.
To see what I mean, please can go to this Sencha example, add enough tabs to enable the scrolling in the tab header.
My questions:
Is there a way to make the tabs wrap rather than having the scrolling effect?
Is there a plugin that can be used to create a dropdown menu/list with all the tabs or perhaps with the tabs that are not visible on the top right corner?
Is there a way to configure the table panel such that when I click on the > button on the right side to scroll the tab items, they scroll enough to make the next item visible instead of scrolling in small increments?
Ultimately, I could simulate the tab panel by adding a toolbar and buttons, and using the cardlayout. That would be my plan B.
Thank you
Update: I can set the flex: 1 property for each tab (inside tabConfig). I still have to figure out tooltips and enable the elipsis on the longer tabs that get chopped off.
There is a tabBar config for tabpanels, see here. Within this you can set layout properties, including overflowHandler, and one possible value is menu. This will do what you asked for in question 2. Add this config to tabpanel definition:
tabBar: {
layout: {
overflowHandler: 'menu'

Add vertical scrollbar to an ExtJS panel which contains 4 other components

I have create a Ext.Panel with layout 'hbox', added 4 children, tree grids with the same store and want now to have a single vertical scrollbar for all of them and scroll only the content of the grids and not the headers. I searched through the containing Panel options and scrollable option will scroll the entire layout so, the optional horizontal scrollbars of the children will disappear. Can someone to give me a hint from where to start, what option/component to use to accomplish this single vertical scrollbar?
Why I put 4 tree grids in the same panel using the same store? Because the last one is a Bryntum Gantt component. The first column of the first grid should scroll horizontal when the items are too long and don't want to use ellipsis CSS property on the cells. And from time to time I need to switch the Gantt to another grid with more details. Also the second tree has only dates columns on them and have to be locked whenever gantt or other child toggles visibility.
I use ExtJS 6.0.1 Classic.
Thanks in advance
Because you want to keep the headers, you cannot use the panel scroller. Instead, you have to create mutual partnerships between the grid scrollers:
Ext.each(grids,function(grid) {
if(grid.normalGrid) grid = grid.normalGrid; // Use the normal subgrid of a grid with locked columns.
Ext.each(grids,function(partner) {
if(partner.normalGrid) partner = partner.normalGrid; // Use the normal subgrid of a grid with locked columns.
if(grid != partner) grid.getView().getScrollable().addPartner(partner.getView().getScrollable(), "y"); // "y" tells the scrollable that the partnership is only regarding y axis.
This forces them to stay in sync, as per the docs.

How to make extjs accordion vertically scrollable

fiddle here.
If there are many panels in the accordion they vertically just start bumping up against each other and can't be expanded. I would like to make the total height of the accordion the height of the headers plus the height of one panel body (expanded). And then the parent panel should just have a scrollbar to show that amount of height. This way there is always an open accordion and you can scroll down to any header and instead open that one.
Is this not possible?
If I turn the layout of GroupListView to vbox intead of accordion I then get what I want but unfortunately when you expand/collapse the panels, the animations are all messed up (doesn't work like the accordion)
In ExtJS 5.1.1, setting fill: false on the layout declaration seems to produce the desired result.

extjs 4 scroilling WITHOUT a scrollbar

I have this narrow panel which is basically a list of thumbnails, and i need to be able to scroll over them using buttons.
We have a panel (anchor layout), with containers in it, and each container contains the image.
there isn't space for a scrollbar, and anyway we don't want one.
I thought it would be as easy as in the listener for my button calling panel.getEL().scroll('b',20)
but this isn't working because the scrollHeight === ClientHeight so scroll does nothing.
Is there a technique I am missing or should this work?
So you're using a button to scroll through the images? What about having the button's listener remove/hide the containers/images at the front of the panel to allow the others to use the space?

Extjs 3.3.3 Grid - Disable grid rows

My scenario is, i need to disable the extjs grid panel and enable the scroll bar even when the grid is disabled. I can disable the grid using 'disabled:true' of GridPanel, but this property disables the vertical scroll bar of grid also. Here i need vertical scroll bar to be enabled so that i can see all the elements in the grid.
Any ideas?
Do you mean disable the grid so that rows can't be selected or edited? If so, the SelectionModel has a lock/unlock feature that may be what you are looking for.
