How to display a picture from an array - arrays

In order to manipulate images later by swapping pixels ("photobooth transformation"), I started by writing a script to create an array of dimension n x n , from a "photo. png" of n x n pixels. But when I want to check if the table is really the same as the picture, it doesn't work
Here is the script:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
#the image is 50x50 pixels in gray mode
im "D:\0-Python0-Image pixelsphoto.png")
print("size=",im.size," ",'mode=', im.mode," ", "format=",im.format)
# Image → numpy array
T= np.array(im)
# array formatting ..there are 50 rows like this one
for i in range(0,50):
Then I copy the table in a text file and save it in the format "photo.pgm" :
49 49
18 17 16 12 11 10 11 13 ........ .
19 20 17 14 13 13 13 12 ..........
The script works well, but when I open the file "photo.pgm", the pixels are mixed up and I can't find the initial photo
thank you for your help

thank you pipo1980 for your help
but in the meantime I found an explanation to my problem
In fact in the 50x50 array the indexes are counted between 0 and 49
while in the photo application (GIMP or Photoshop) pixels are counted between 1 and 50
I made the mistake to define the pgm file with the specifications
P2 49 49 255
instead of
P2 50 50 256
So the problem is solved


How can I plot the last 20 points from a file in gnuplot?

I have a big file in gnuplot and I want to plot them as a gif. My file represents the trajectory of 20 particles. I have tried: do for [a=0:70000:10000] {plot 'posicion.dat' i 0:a u 2:3}. This one sohws the completed trajectory but I only want to show the last point of the trajectory of each particle.
How can I plot the last 20 points from a file in gnuplot?
Thank you!
To my knowledge there is no direct command to plot the last N lines.
If your data doesn't contain double empty lines you could do it with every (check help every).
You could also make a system call (e.g. under Linux using tail) to pass only the last N lines to gnuplot.
However, if you want a platform-independent gnuplot-only solution and if your data consists of lines which are all separated by two blank lines you could do the following:
determine the number of blocks via stats stored in the variable STATS_blocks
plot the last M blocks in a loop (keep in mind: numbering starts from 0)
Check help stats, help for and help index.
However, mind the difference: what is called "blocks" together with every is not the same what is called "blocks" together with stats.
The following example will plot the last 2 lines (blocks).
I hope you can adapt it to your data.
### plot the last N blocks
reset session
$Data <<EOD
1 10 11
2 20 21
3 30 31
4 40 41
5 50 51
6 60 61
stats $Data u 0 nooutput
N = STATS_blocks
M = 2 # M last values
set offset 10,10,10,10 # just to get some space to the border
plot for [i=1:M] $Data index N-M+i-1 u 2:3 w lp pt 7 lc i ti sprintf("Particle %d",i)
### end of script

Add Countif to Array Formula (Subtotal) in Excel

I am new to array formulae and have noticed that while SUBTOTAL includes many functions, it does not feature COUNTIF (only COUNT and COUNTA).
I'm trying to figure out how I can integrate a COUNTIF-like feature to my array formula.
I have a matrix, a small subset of which looks like:
48 53 46 64 66
48 66 89
40 38 42 49 44
37 33 35 39 41
Thanks to the help of #Tom Shape in this post, I (he) was able to average the sum of each row in the matrix provided it had complete data (so rows 2 and 4 in the example above would not be included).
Now I would like to count the number of rows with complete data (so rows 2 and 4 would be ignored) which include at least one value above a given threshold (say 45).
In the current example, the result would be 2, since row 1 has 5/5 values > 45, and row 3 has 1 value > 45. Row 5 has values < 45 and rows 2 and 3 have partially or fully missing data, respectively.
I have recently discovered the SUMPRODUCT function and think that perhaps SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:E1 >= 45 could be useful but I'm not sure how to integrate it within Tom Sharpe's elegant code, e.g.,
Remember, I am no longer looking for the average: I want to filter rows for whether they have full data, and if they do, I want to count rows with at least 1 entry > 45.
Try the following. Enter as array formula.

Multi-Dimensional Arrays Julia

I am new to using Julia and have little experience with the language. I am trying to understand how multi-dimensional arrays work in it and how to access the array at the different dimensions. The documentation confuses me, so maybe someone here can explain it better.
I created an array (m = Array{Int64}(6,3)) and am trying to access the different parts of that array. Clearly I am understanding it wrong so any help in general about Arrays/Multi-Dimensional Arrays would help.
Edit I am trying to read a file in that has the contents
58 129 10
58 129 7
25 56 10
24 125 25
24 125 15
13 41 10
The purpose of the project is to take these fractions (58/129) and round the fractions using farey sequence. The last number in the row is what both numbers need to be below. Currently, I am not looking for help on how to do the problem, just how to create a multidimensional array with all the numbers except the last row (0). My trouble is how to put the numbers into the array after I have created it.
So I want m[0][0] = 58, so on. I'm not sure how syntax works for this and the manual is confusing. Hopefully this is enough information.
Julia's arrays are not lists-of-lists or arrays of pointers. They are a single container, with elements arranged in a rectangular shape. As such, you do not access successive dimensions with repeated indexing calls like m[j][i] — instead you use one indexing call with multiple indices: m[i, j].
If you trim off that last 0 in your file, you can just use the built-in readdlm to load that file into a matrix. I've copied those first six rows into my clipboard to make it a bit easier to follow here:
julia> str = clipboard()
"58 129 10\n58 129 7\n25 56 10\n24 125 25\n24 125 15\n13 41 10"
julia> readdlm(IOBuffer(str), Int) # or readdlm("path/to/trimmed/file", Int)
6×3 Array{Int64,2}:
58 129 10
58 129 7
25 56 10
24 125 25
24 125 15
13 41 10
That's not very helpful in teaching you how Julia's arrays work, though. Constructing an array like m = Array{Int64}(6,3) creates an uninitialized matrix with 18 elements arranged in 6 rows and 3 columns. It's a bit easier to see how things work if we fill it with a sensible pattern:
julia> m .= [10,20,30,40,50,60] .+ [1 2 3]
6×3 Array{Int64,2}:
11 12 13
21 22 23
31 32 33
41 42 43
51 52 53
61 62 63
This has set up the values of the array to have the row number in their tens place and the column number in the ones place. Accessing m[r,c] returns the value in m at row r and column c.
julia> m[2,3] # second row, third column
Now, r and c don't have to be integers — they can also be vectors of integers to select multiple rows or columns:
julia> m[[2,3,4],[1,2]] # Selects rows 2, 3, and 4 across columns 1 and 2
3×2 Array{Int64,2}:
21 22
31 32
41 42
Of course ranges like 2:4 are just vectors themselves, so you can more easily and efficiently write that example as m[2:4, 1:2]. A : by itself is a shorthand for a vector of all the indices within the dimension it indexes into:
julia> m[1, :] # the first row of all columns
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> m[:, 1] # all rows of the first column
6-element Array{Int64,1}:
Finally, note that Julia's Array is column-major and arranged contiguously in memory. This means that if you just use one index, like m[2], you're just going to walk down that first column. As a special extension, we support what's commonly referred to as "linear indexing", where we allow that single index to span into the higher dimensions. So m[7] accesses the 7th contiguous element, wrapping around into the first row of the second column:
julia> m[5],m[6],m[7],m[8]
(51, 61, 12, 22)

Julia - specify type with readdlm

I have a large text file with small numbers which I need to import using Julia.
A toy example is
31 16
90 2 53
I found readdlm. When I go
a = readdlm("FileName.txt")
it works but the resulting array is of type Any and the resulting computations are really slow.
I've tried and failed to specify the type as int or specifically Int16.
How do I do that correctly?
Also if I use readdlm, do I have to close the file.
Your toy example would give you errors in case you specify types as there are some missing values in there. These missing values are handled as strings in Julia so the Type of your table would end up being Any as readdlm can't figure out whether these are numeric/character values. Row1 has only 1 value while row2 has 2, etc, giving you the missing values.
In case all your data is nice and clean in the text file, you can set the Type of the table in readdlm:
int_table = readdlm("FileName2.txt", Int16)
3x3 Array{Int16,2}:
7 0 0
31 16 0
90 2 53
Where FileName2.txt is:
7 0 0
31 16 0
90 2 53
However, if your data has missing values, you will need to convert them to some numeric values or use the DataFrames package to handle them. I'm assuming here that you want a pure integer Array so I fill the values with 0:
any_table = readdlm("FileName.txt")
3x3 Array{Any,2}:
7 "" ""
31 16 ""
90 2 53
# fill missing values with 0
any_table[any_table .== ""] .= 0
# convert to integer table
clean_array = Array{Int16}(any_table)
3x3 Array{Int16,2}:
7 0 0
31 16 0
90 2 53
Readdlm closes the file for you, so you don't have to worry about that.

Read Text File of integers into One 2D matrix in Matlab

I Matlab I want to read a File of the following format :
1 23 6 547 8 9 .....
56 56 85 2 7 9 ....
I want to read this file and store it in a 2D array that has the same shape as the file. Reading in Matlab seems complicated as it has conversions ratios! and other stuff
Any Help
Maybe you are looking for the function importdata
ans =
1 2
3 4
You can also use load (assuming a text file named 'a'):
load a
