Duplicating the tempdb database to a more permanent database - sql-server

I originally posted this question but it got removed for being a duplicate. I will try to be more clear in my question here, since I run into different problems when trying the solutions suggested.
I have set up a database using the tempdb and now I would like to duplicate this data to store as a more permanent database. However, all options I have found online do not allow me to do this. For example, the following link shows step by step how to duplicate/restore a database but I do not have the same options using the tempdb.
For example, my database setup looks like the following. I can right click on the model database as follows, and I have the option to restore the database.
However, when I do the same to the tempdb I don't have this same option.
So my question is, how can I make a backup of the tempdb to a more permanent database?
When I store the data into a new table, the tables obtain strange names, this does not occur when storing in the tempdb (i.e. some names are stored correctly, others obtain random character/number strings).

This is too long for a comment.
It doesn't make sense to backup and restore the temporary database. By definition, temporary tables are temporary. They go away when the server goes down.
If you have tables that you want to backup and restore, then you don't want them to be temporary tables. You probably need to fix your application so the use of temporary tables is appropriate.


How to get a DDL statement from a DB in ACCESS

I'm doing a project for my DBA class and I've been asked to include the DDL from the database. I've already created the DB Tables and filled them. I tried to recreate the database with only the Tables without the columns filled in, but I cannot find where to get the DDL from. I am not creating this DDL from scratch (I don't know SQL that well). This is supposed to be done completely in Access, but I can't figure out where to get this statement, as there is no SQL view unless you're in Query Design mode. I've looked high and low on Google and I'm beginning to think that there is no way to get the DDL from Access.

Is it possible to place syncframework tracking tables on a different db?

Might seem like a strange question but we have a situation where we can't add tables to the local db. So I was wondering, if it's possible to place the tracking table on a different db.
I don't think you can and haven't found anything to indicate it but hey lets make use of shared knowledge.
you can script out the provisioning of the sync objects. you can manually alter the scripts to change the db for the change tracking tables but you will have to alter the triggers and the other stored procedures to do cross-db queries as well.

Quickest way to restore a record from a SQL Server 2008 MDF file

I was wondering what the best approach would be to restoring a single record from an MDF file (generated as backup on the live instance) into the live SQL Server database.
I know about the process of attaching the file to the database and have read quite a bit about completely restoring, but how about selecting a single record from one of the tables and inserting it back into the same table on the live instance?
I could always create the new record from scratch myself based on the resulting row from the select statement, but I am sure that there has got to be a smarter and cleaner approach to such a simple task.
Thanks a bunch in advance, looking forward to your answers.
You cannot simply read a record out of an MDF file, you need to attach it or restore it to a database.
Natively, you can't. However, Red Gate has a product called Virtual Restore that allows you to mount a database from a backup.
Is this for right now or for future planning? If the latter, then you can utilize database snapshots.
Depending on what kind of flexibility you have on the live server, you could always just attach the backup database under a different name on the live or another linked server and then just select the record you want straight in to the equivalent table in the live database.
How viable this is depends entirely on the primary key. If it is an auto-generated identity column, selecting it in will give a different primary key which may have undesirable results on any linked records you may also want to add, the new primary key would have to be taken in to account.
Example of query
insert into originaldb.dbo.Persons
select * from backupdb.dbo.Persons where PersonId = '654G'
originaldb.dbo.Persons is the original table that you want to select into.
backupdb.dbo.Persons is your restored backup table.
You'll need to modify this query a little if you are not selecting the entire row but that is the gist of it.

Database save, restore and copy

An application runs training sessions. Environment for each session (like "mission" or "level" in games) is stored in a database.
Before starting a session, user can choose which of many available databases to use.
During the session database may be modified.
After the session changed database is usually discarded, but sometimes may be saved under new or same name.
Databases are often copied between non-connected computers (on a flash card).
If environment were stored in plain files, it would be easy: copy, load, save.
We currently use similar approach: store databases as MS SQL backups, copy and save them as files, and load into actual DBMS when session starts. Main problem is modification: when database schema changes, all the backups must be updated, which is error-prone.
Storing everything in a single database with additional "environment id" relationship and providing utilities to load, save and copy environments seems too complex for the task.
What are other possible ways to design for that functionality? This problem is probably not unique and must have some though-out solution.
Firstly, I think you need to dispense with the idea of SQL Backups for this and shift to tables that record data changes.
Then you have a source database containing all your regular tables, plus another table that records a list of saved versions of it.
So table X might contain columns TestID, TestDesc, TestDesc2, etc
Then you might have a table that contains SavedDBID, SavedDBTitle,etc
Next, for each table X you have a table X_Changes. This has the same columns as table X, but also includes a SavedDBID column. This would be used to record any changed rows between the source database and the Saved one for a given SavedDBID.
When the user logs on, you create a clone of the source database. Then you use the Changes tables to make the clone's tables reflect the saved version. As the user updates the main tables in the clone, the changed rows should also be updated in the clone's Changes tables.
If the user decides to save their copy, use the Clone's changes tables to record the differences between the Source and the Clone in the original database, then discard the Clone.
I hope this is understandable. It will certainly make any schema changes easier to immediately reflect in the 'backups' as you'd only have one database schema to change. I think this is much more straightforward than using SQL Backups.
As for copying databases around using flash cards, you can give them a copy of the source database but only including info on the sessions they want.
As one possible solution - virtualise your SQL server. You can have multiple SQL servers if you want and you can clone and roll them back independently.

Separating an SQL Server database

I'm using SQL Server 2008. My database is almost 2GB in size. 90% of it is one table (as per sp_spaceused), that I need don't for most of my work.
I was wondering if it was possible to take this table, and have it backed up in a separate file, allowing me to transfer the important data on a more frequent basis than this one.
My guess is the easiest way to do this is create a new database, create the table there, copy the table contents to the new database, drop the table relationships, drop the table, create a view pointing to the other database and use that view in my applications.
However, I was wondering if you had any pointers to different strategies that I may not be aware of at this point.
Create the table in a different FileGroup.
Here's a link with some good examples.
This creates a second physical file for just that table. It can be placed on a different physical drive for performance. You can do a backup or restore of just specific filegroups, which is what it sounds like you need.
This is one example of the larger topic of "Data Partitioning", which involves various methods of dividing large tables across multiple files.
I suggest the filegroup solution. However to copy a table from a database to another you can do this trick:
SELECT * INTO MyNewDatabase..MyTable FROM MyOldDatabase..MyTable
