How to Get specific data drom text in Octave - arrays

I have a problem loading data from text file in Octave.
My text file looks like this:
# Created by Octave 5.2.0, Wed May 05 16:07:02 2021 GMT <unknown#DESKTOP-HEVT6O6>
# name: x
# type: matrix
# rows: 1
# columns: 3600
4.8899999999999997 4.9000000000000004 4.9000000000000004 4.9100000000000001 4.9299999999999997 4.9249999999999998 ...
I need to load those float numbers in one matrix and plot them in time domain.
My code so far:
fs = 360;
Ts = 1/fs;
d = fileread('ecg.txt');
data = regexp(d(1,136:62328),' ','split');
data = str2double(data);
ed = length(data);
t = linspace(0,Ts,ed - 1);
So My question is if there is another way to do it or if there is a better way to do it.

Your file is in Octave’s text data format. This is the default file format when saving variables to file with save. That is, that text file was saved in Octave using save ecg.txt x. The Octave command load ecg.txt will load the file, and re-create the x variable just like it was when it was saved.
Thus, to plot your data, just do
load ecg.txt


Python3 - IndexError when trying to save a text file

i'm trying to follow this tutorial with my own local data files:
CNTK tutorial
i have the following function to save my data array into a txt file feedable to CNTK:
# Save the data files into a format compatible with CNTK text reader
def savetxt(filename, ndarray):
dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.exists(dir):
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
print("Saving", filename )
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
labels = list(map(' '.join, np.eye(11, dtype=np.uint).astype(str)))
for row in ndarray:
row_str = row.astype(str)
label_str = labels[row[-1]]
feature_str = ' '.join(row_str[:-1])
f.write('|labels {} |features {}\n'.format(label_str, feature_str))
print("File already exists", filename)
i have 2 ndarrays of the following shape that i want to feed the model:
(1976L, 15104L)
(1976L, 15104L)
Then i try to implement the fucntion like this:
# Save the train and test files (prefer our default path for the data)
data_dir = os.path.join("C:/Users", 'myself', "OneDrive", "IA Project", 'data', 'train')
if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
data_dir = os.path.join("data", "IA Project")
print ('Writing train text file...')
savetxt(os.path.join(data_dir, "Train-128x118_cntk_text.txt"), train)
print ('Writing test text file...')
savetxt(os.path.join(data_dir, "Test-128x118_cntk_text.txt"), test)
and then i get the following error:
Writing train text file...
Saving C:/Users\A702628\OneDrive - Atos\Microsoft Capstone IA\Capstone data\train\Train-128x118_cntk_text.txt
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-b53d3c69b8d2> in <module>()
7 print ('Writing train text file...')
----> 8 savetxt(os.path.join(data_dir, "Train-128x118_cntk_text.txt"), train)
10 print ('Writing test text file...')
<ipython-input-23-610c077db694> in savetxt(filename, ndarray)
12 for row in ndarray:
13 row_str = row.astype(str)
---> 14 label_str = labels[row[-1]]
15 feature_str = ' '.join(row_str[:-1])
16 f.write('|labels {} |features {}\n'.format(label_str, feature_str))
IndexError: list index out of range
Can somebody please tell me what's going wrong with this part of the code? And how could i fix it? Thank you very much in advance.
Since you're using your own input data -- are they labelled in the range 0 to 9? The labels array only has 10 entries in it, so that could cause an out-of-range problem.

matlab assigning text file data to age and gender

Okay so my assignment is for an engineering project and I have talked to my teacher many times but without much success. the code reads data that comes from a rotary encoder in a text file. The question I have is how do I make two sets of arrays with age and gender and link it to each text file thats read in. For example the first text file comes from a girl that is 10; that spun a crank and output data to a text file. How do i code so that someway i can assign the first text file to an age and gender? Heres my code so far any help is appreciated.
%% ME 208 Project Group 21
clear; close all; clc;
%Translate Data
mass = 10; %values are in units of Kilograms
radius = 1; %values are in units of meters
inertia = mass*radius^(2);
for ii=1:2
%File Name Variable
filename=['sub_' num2str(ii) '.txt'];
%Data is Collected
%Times for data
[ang_vel1, ang_acc1]=dxdt_d2xdt2(Data1,2,dt);
torq1 = inertia*ang_acc1;
%Calculations of parameters
meanrt1(ii) = rms(torq1);
maxrt1(ii) = max(torq1);
figure(1);plot(t1,torq1,t2,torq2); grid minor;

Reading and Writing Arrays from Multiple HDF Files in IDL

I am fairly new to IDL, and I am trying to write a code that will take a MODIS HDF file (level three data MOD14A1 and MYD14A1 to be specific), read the array, and then write the data from the array preferably to a csv file, but ASCII would work, too. I have code that will allow me to do this for one file, but I want to be able to do this for multiple files. Essentially, I want it to read one HDF array, write it to a csv, move to the next HDF file, and then write that array to the same csv file in the next row. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I've supplied the code I have so far to do this with one file.
filename = dialog_pickfile(filter = filter, path = path, title = title)
csv_file = 'Data.csv'
sd_id = HDF_SD_START(filename, /READ)
; read "FirePix", "MaxT21"
attr_index = HDF_SD_ATTRFIND(sd_id, 'FirePix')
HDF_SD_ATTRINFO, sd_id, attr_index, DATA = FirePix
attr_index = HDF_SD_ATTRFIND(sd_id, 'MaxT21')
HDF_SD_ATTRINFO, sd_id, attr_index, DATA = MaxT21
index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(sd_id, 'FireMask')
sds_id = HDF_SD_SELECT(sd_id, index)
HDF_SD_GETDATA, sds_id, FireMask
index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(sd_id, 'MaxFRP')
sds_id = HDF_SD_SELECT(sd_id, index)
HDF_SD_END, sd_id
help, FirePix
print, FirePix, format = '(8I8)'
print, MaxT21, format = '("MaxT21:", F6.1, " K")'
help, FireMask, MaxFRP
WRITE_CSV, csv_file, FirePix
After I run this, and choose the correct file, this is the output I am getting:
0 4 0 0 3 12 3 0
MaxT21: 402.1 K
FIREMASK BYTE = Array[1200, 1200, 8]
MAXFRP LONG = Array[1200, 1200, 8]
The "FIREPIX" array is the one I want stored into a csv.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Instead of using WRITE_CSV, it is fairly simple to use the primitive IO routines to write a comma-separated array, i.e.:
openw, lun, csv_file, /get_lun
; the following line produces a single line the output CSV file
printf, lun, strjoin(strtrim(firepix, 2), ', ')
; TODO: do the above line as many times as necessary
free_lun, sun

Handling Hebrew files and folders with Python 3.4

I used Python 3.4 to create a programm that goes through E-mails and saves specific attachments to a file server.
Each file is saved to a specific destination depending on the sender's E-mail's address.
My problem is that the destination folders and the attachments are both in Hebrew and for a few attachments I get an error that the path does not exsist.
Now that's not possible because It can fail for one attachment but not for the others on the same Mail (the destination folder is decided by the sender's address).
I want to debug the issue but I cannot get python to display the file path it is trying to save correctly. (it's mixed hebrew and english and it always displays the path in a big mess, although it works correctly 95% of the time when the file is being saved to the file server)
So my questions are:
what should I add to this code so that it will proccess Hewbrew correctly?
Should I encode or decode somthing?
Are there characters I should avoid when proccessing the files?
here's the main piece of code that fails:
found_attachments = False
for att in msg.Attachments:
_, extension = split_filename(str(att))
# check if attachment is not inline
if str(att) not in msg.HTMLBody:
if extension in database[sender][TYPES]:
file = create_file(str(att), database[sender][PATH], database[sender][FORMAT], time_stamp)
# This is where the program fails:
print("Created:", file)
found_attachments = True
if found_attachments:
print("Error with attachment: " + str(att) + " , in: " + str(msg))
and the create file function:
def create_file(att, location, format, timestamp):
process an attachment to make it a file
:param att: the name of the attachment
:param location: the path to the file
:param format: the format of the file
:param timestamp: the time and date the attachment was created
:return: return the file created
# create the file by the given format
if format == "":
output_file = location + "\\" + att
# split file to name and type
filename, extension = split_filename(att)
# extract and format the time sent on
time = str(timestamp.time()).replace(":", ".")[:-3]
# extract and format the date sent on
day = str(
day = day[-2:] + day[4:-2] + day[:4]
# initiate the output file
output_file = format
# add the original file name where needed
output_file = output_file.replace(FILENAME, filename)
# add the sent date where needed
output_file = output_file.replace(DATE, day)
# add the time sent where needed
output_file = output_file.replace(TIME, time)
# add the path and type
output_file = location + "\\" + output_file + "." + extension
# add an index to the file if necessary and return it
index = get_file_index(output_file)
if index:
filename, extension = split_filename(output_file)
return filename + "(" + str(index) + ")." + extension
return output_file
Thanks in advance, I would be happy to explain more or supply more code if needed.
I found out that the promlem was not using Hebrew. I found that there's a limit on the number of chars that the (path + filename) can hold (255 chars).
The files that failed excided that limit and that caused the problem

How to append or change data within a file

Hiya i have made a program that stores the player name and strength..Here is the code:
data = {
"STRENGTH":str(round(strength, 2)),
with open("data2.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
So this stores the data so what to i do if i wanna append/change the value after a certain action usch as a 'BATTLE'
Is it possible the get the variable of 'STRENGTH' and then change the number?
At the moment to read data from the external file 'DATA1.txt'i am using this code:
with open("data1.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
data_string = file.readline()
data = eval(data_string)
# (data["STRENGTH"])
S1 = (float(data["STRENGTH"]))
Now i can do something with the variable --> 'S1'
Here is the external text file 'data1.txt'
{'PLAYER': 'Oreo', 'STRENGTH': '11.75'}
... But i wanna change the strength value after a "battle" many thanks
Maybe you're not understanding Python dict semantics?
Seems to me you're doing a lot of unnecessary things like S1 = (float(data['STRENGTH'])) to try to manipulate and change values when you could be doing really simple stuff.
>>> data = {'PLAYER': 'Oreo', 'STRENGTH': '11.75'}
>>> data['STRENGTH'] = float(data['STRENGTH'])
>>> data
{'PLAYER': 'Oreo', 'STRENGTH': 11.75}
>>> data['STRENGTH'] += 1
>>> data
{'PLAYER': 'Oreo', 'STRENGTH': 12.75}
Maybe you should give Native Data Types -- Dive Into Python 3 a read to see if it clears things up.
