Segmentation_Fault error when reading from a file.cfg - c

Hi i'm trying to write a code how can print a dynamic struct which values are taken from a config file
this is the config file containing the number of gateway and for each one we have different parameters
nbre_GW = "3"
GW1 = ";502;1;2;3"
GW2 = ";505;5;6;45"
GW3 =";503;11;12;3"
i'm using this structure :
typedef struct {
char IP[12] ;
int port;
int slave [50] ;
} GW_t ;
while executing the code I've got the error segmentation fault
This the function read config
int readConfig(int gw_nbr)
char tmpBuff[8];
char chaine [50] ;
config_t cfg;
const char * l_nbre = NULL;
const char * l_chaine = NULL;
//printf("\r\n========================== READING FROM CONFIG FILE ==========================\r\n");
if (!config_read_file(&cfg, CONFIG_FILENAME)) {
fprintf(stdout, "Configuration file not found!");
return -1;
printf ("read config file");
if (!config_lookup_string(&cfg, "nbre_GW", &l_nbre)) {
fprintf(stdout, "No 'nbre_GW' setting in configuration file.\r\n");
return -1;
gw_nbr = atoi(l_nbre);
gwArray = (GW_t *) malloc (gw_nbr* sizeof(GW_t)) ;
for (int i =1 ; i<= gw_nbr ; i++)
if (!config_lookup_string(&cfg, tmpBuff, &l_chaine)) {
fprintf(stdout, "No 'GW' setting in configuration file.\r\n");
return -1;
strcpy(chaine, l_chaine);
int len = strlen(chaine);
char d[] = ";";
printf ("first strtok");
char *p = strtok(chaine, d);
p = strtok(NULL, d);
gwArray[i].port = atoi(p);
int j =0 ;
while(p != NULL)
p = strtok(NULL, d);
gwArray[i].slave[j] = atoi(p);
j++ ;

There are several things wrong with this code:
You allocate three items (because nbre_GW is 3) in gwArray.
You leave gwArray[0] untouched, containing garbage (calloc zeroes memory, but malloc doesn't).
You write to gwArray[3], which was never allocated.
The function returns -1 for errors, but garbage for success.
So the program could crash when it tries to interpret the garbage in gwArray[0], or when whatever was overwritten by gwArray[3] is read, or when it tries to process a garbage number of gateways. Without running the whole program in a debugger, there's no way to tell, but it's pretty likely one of these causes.


trying to create an array of struct pointer but get heap/buffer/etc violation statistically

i have two structs
typedef enum { False = 0, True = 1 } bool;
//defenition of candy structure
typedef struct _Candy {
char candy_name[16];
bool vegan;
typedef struct _Child {
char child_name[16];
Candy *candy_of_child;
now im trying to create an array of pointers that each one is Child type
[*Child,*Child...] etc
now i can initialize it i need to do it dynamically
the function that does in is:
int AllocateKidsArray(int NumOfKids, Child** ptr_to_child_arr) {
//"AllocateKidsArray" intializing an array of childrens
//Input: 1. int indicating the number of kids
// 2. pointer to an array of children
//Output: 1. return an int value {0}->Success {-1}->Failure
// 2. pointer to an empty initialized array of childerns
// array of length NumOfKids, consisting of Child pointers
Child **ptr_to_childs = malloc(NumOfKids * sizeof(Child*));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NumOfKids; i++) {
ptr_to_childs[i] = malloc(sizeof(Child));
strncpy((*ptr_to_childs[i]).child_name, "", 16);
(*ptr_to_childs)[i].candy_of_child = NULL;
*ptr_to_child_arr = *ptr_to_childs;
//for (i = 0; i < NumOfKids; i++) {
// free(ptr_to_childs[i]);
return 0;
im calling it from the main in the following manner:
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc < 3) {
printf("Incorrect number of arguments. Please invoke the program \n\t./program.exe < input.txt> <output.txt> \n");
int i, lines, checker = 0;
Candy *test = NULL;
char* name_test = NULL;
char* candy_test = NULL;
char* line = "Tamar,Apple\n";
int* NumLinesFile = NULL;
Child *ArrayOfChild = NULL;
//GetNumLines check
printf("%s\n", argv[0]);
printf("%s\n", argv[1]);
printf("%s\n", argv[2]);
GetNumLines(argv[1], &NumLinesFile);
lines = *NumLinesFile;
*NumLinesFile = NULL;
printf("%d\n", lines);
//AllocateKidsArray check
//AllocateKidsArray(lines, &ArrayOfChild);
AllocateKidsArray(lines, &ArrayOfChild);
//ImportKidsArray check
ImportKidsArray(argv[1], lines, &ArrayOfChild);
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
//ArrayOfChild[i].candy_of_child = (Candy*) malloc(sizeof(Candy*));
printf("%s,%s\n", ArrayOfChild[i].child_name, ArrayOfChild[i].candy_of_child->candy_name);
and im statistically get heap/buffer violation
i suspect this function but i dont know what is wrong with it.
after the init of the array i pass it to another function that fills it in:
int ImportKidsArray(char* file_addr, int num_kids, Child** array_of_kids_to_fill) {
//"ImportKidsArray" reads the file and assign each valid line to cell in the array
//Input: 1. string to a location of a file
// 2. int indicating the number of kids
// 3. pointer to an array of children
//Output: 1. return an int value {0}->Success {-1}->Failure
// 2. pointer to an initialized array of childerns
FILE *fp;
char character;
char line[32];
int i = 0, j = 1, checker = 0, arr_count = 0;
char* TempChild = NULL;
char* TempCandy = NULL;
Child *arr = *array_of_kids_to_fill;
fp = fopen(file_addr, "r");
// Check if file exists
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file %s", file_addr);
return -1;
while (!feof(fp)) {
fgets(line, 32, fp);
checker = ParseLine(line, &TempChild, &TempCandy);
GetCandy(TempCandy, &(arr[arr_count].candy_of_child));
strncpy((arr[arr_count]).child_name, TempChild, 16);
return 0;
please if anyone can help, it will save my life :)
You want to change to ArrayOfChild. Passing it's address from main().
Change it by appropriately de-referencing it.
*ptr_to_childs = malloc(NumOfKids * sizeof(Child));
Then do rest of the operation on *ptr_to_childs. That will retain the change that you made in the called function.
Also check the return value of malloc. And free(using free()) the memory dynamically allocated.
If you notice carefully you will see in the ArrayOfChild() function you are working with a local variable Child **ptr_to_childs. You certainly don't want that as that variable will not be alive when the function ends.
Also while (!feof(fp)) is not appropriate to use. Check this link for that.
Another thing is check the return value of char *fgets(char *str, int n, FILE *stream).
On success, the function returns the same str parameter. If the
End-of-File is encountered and no characters have been read, the
contents of str remain unchanged and a NULL is returned.

C: Returning String From Another Function

I'm new to C / pointers / memory management and am having trouble implementing a few functions for a project I'm working on.
In my builtins.c file, I have a function called printalias that is called to print all the alias names and corresponding values stored in my program. At the end, I want to print one of the alias names by retrieving it via another function called getal.
int x_printalias(int nargs, char *args[]) {
int i = 0;
// Loop through, print names and values
for(i = 0; i< 100; i++)
if(alias_names[i][0]!='\0' && !alias_disabled[i])
char * var = alias_names[i];
char * val = alias_vals[i];
fprintf(stderr,"%s = %s\n", var, val );
// This is where I want to retrieve the string from another function
char * hello = "brett";
hello = getal(hello);
fprintf(stderr,"Got alias for brett --> %s",hello);
return 0;
My getal function exists in my shellParser.c file and looks like this, generally performing the same looping and returning when it is found:
const char * getal(int nargs, char *args[])
fprintf(stderr,"\nRetrieving alias...\n");
int i = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "check1\n" );
fprintf(stderr,"Got args[0]: %s\n", args[0]);
while (alias_names[i][0]!='\0' && i < MAX_ALIAS_LENGTH ) // Find empty slot in variables array
fprintf(stderr, "check2\n" );
fprintf(stderr,"I is currently %i and current varible in slot is %s\n",i,alias_names[i]);
//strncpy(hello, variables[i], MAX_VAR_LENGTH); // Variable at current slot
if(strcmp(alias_names[i], args[0]) == 0) // If we have an entry, need to overwrite it
fprintf(stderr,"Found alias %s = %s at spot %i\n",args[0],alias_vals[i], i); // Not at end if here
return alias_vals[i];
fprintf(stderr, "check3\n" );
// Elided....
return '\0';
In the end of my printalias function, I want to test that this getal function is working by calling it on a hardcoded string "brett". However, when I call my printalias function from the command line, it makes it to the "Check 1" print statement and then simply quits without error or return value.
I think this has something to do with my memory management or incorrect declaration of variables with pointers. Can anybody spot something (or a lot of things) that I'm doing wrong here?
You must declarete list of argument for to call getal and it call with these
And pointer of return values getal must be const char*
// This is where I want to retrieve the string from another function
char * hello[] = {"brett"}; // this list argument for getal function
const char *strGetal;
strGetal = getal(1,hello);
fprintf(stderr,"Got alias for brett --> %s",strGetal);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char** get_all(int argc, char **argv)
char *value;
char **values = NULL;
int i;
values = (char**) malloc(sizeof (char) * argc);
if (values == NULL) {
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++, argv++) {
value = strchr(*argv, ':');
values[i] = (value + 1);
return values;
int main()
char *args[] = {"key:a", "key:b", "key:c"};
char **values;
int i;
values = get_all(3, args);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
return 0;

LibAIFF CloseFile: Pointer being freed was not allocated occurs randomly

I have written a piece of code that attempts to search a directory and its subfolders for two AIFF files and using the LibAIFF library to import and then perform some processing operations on them.
Part 1: Searching the directory for the files
For this part of the program, I need to look for the files (which can be thought of as identical AIFF files except for a difference in their filenames) with known names (for example SineSweepA.aiff and SineSweepB.aiff) and then construct the absolute path to it (the length of which I am unaware of (since my program needs to work on different computers where the AIFFs can be located within different subfolders within a MainDirectory - see code below) but know will be less than 200 characters in length). I am able to do this successfully and consistently using the following piece of code:
void file_search(char* parentDir, char* subFolder, char* filenamePrefix, char* tempString, char* tempFilepath, int* foundFlag, int* level);
int32_t *import_sweeps(char* sweepFilepath, uint64_t* numSamples, int* numChannels, double* samplingRate, int* bitDepth, int* segmentSize, int* importFlag);
int main()
char MainDirectory[200] = "/Users/rrr/Documents/Foldername1/";
char tempFilepath[200], tempFilepathR[200], parentDir[200], filenamePrefix[200], subFolder[200], tempString[200];
int level = 0, foundFlag = 0;
int numChannels = 0;
int bitDepth;
int segmentSize;
int importFlag = 0;
int32_t *sweepRfile = NULL;
uint64_t numSamples = 0, numSamplesR = 0;
unsigned long templen;
double samplingRate = 0.0;
char *sweepFilepath = NULL, *sweepFilepathR = NULL; // Allocated to specific size later
strcpy(parentDir, MainDirectory);
strcat(parentDir, "SubFolderName1/");
strcpy(tempFilepathR, parentDir);
strcpy(filenamePrefix, "KnownFilenamePrefix1");
// file_search() searches for a specific file with a known name and constructs the absolute path to the file and stores it in tempFilepathR. The function is shown further below.
file_search(parentDir, subFolder, filenamePrefix, tempString, tempFilepath, &foundFlag, &level);
if (foundFlag)
sprintf(tempFilepath, "%s%s/KnownFilenamePrefix1%s.aiff", parentDir, subFolder, subFolder);
sprintf(tempFilepathR, "%s%s/KnownFilenamePrefix2%s.aiff", parentDir, subFolder, subFolder);
(to be continued in Part 2 of my question below)
void file_search(char* dir, char* subfolder, char* fileprefix, char* filename, char* filepath, int*flag, int* level)
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *entry; // entry is a pointer to the structure "dirent" defined in <dirent.h>
struct stat statbuf; // the structure "stat" is defined in <stat.h>
if((dp = opendir(dir)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open directory: %s\n", dir);
chdir(dir); // this sets the working directory to the string pointed to by "dir"
while((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL)
lstat(entry->d_name, &statbuf);
if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) // Tests for a directory
// Found a directory
if(strcmp(".",entry->d_name) == 0 || strcmp("..",entry->d_name) == 0)
// Ignore . and ..
if(level[0] < 1)
// Proceed down one level and search again
level[0] = level[0] + 1;
// Recursive function call
file_search(entry->d_name, subfolder, fileprefix, filename, filepath, postfilepath, flag, level);
level[0] = level[0] - 1;
if(flag[0] == 1)
// Exit loop if a file was found at a lower level
sprintf(filename, "%s%s.aiff", fileprefix, subfolder);
if(strcmp(entry->d_name,filename) == 0)
// File found. Construct absolute path to file
sprintf(filepath, "%s%s/%s", filepath, subfolder, filename); // Pass filepath outside
flag[0] = 1; //Appropriate file found
So by using the above code, I am able to successfully search for two AIFF files with given filenames by searching through subfolders with a known MainDirectory, construct their absolute paths and store them in tempFilepath and tempFilepathR. The next step is to import these two files and this is where I run into a problem.
Part 2: Importing the files
The problem I run into is as follows: I implemented the LibAIFF library to import the files. The issue is that if I run the program, say N times, then on some of the runs, the first file gets imported but not the second, on other runs the second gets imported but not the first (note that if the first doesn't get imported, the program stops). Before I explain the error, please know that there is no issue with the AIFF files, for the sake of this problem you can assume they are identical and that even their absolute paths and filenames are identical except one has a suffix A.aiff and the other B.aiff. These file paths are stored as strings in identically defined variables (tempFilepath and tempFilepathR).
Here is the rest of the necessary part of my code continued from above
int main()
// Continued from above
// Copy over exact file paths (I had to do this because the function AIFF_OpenFile which is part of the LibAIFF library and shown below refused to accept a statically allocated char variable such as tempFilepath)
templen = strlen(tempFilepathR); // tempFilepath and tempFilepathR always have the same length
sweepFilepath = malloc(templen + 1);
strcpy(sweepFilepath, tempFilepath);
// Proceed to import the FIRST AIFF (returned to sweepRfile from import_sweeps())
sweepRfile = import_sweeps(sweepFilepath, &numSamples, &numChannels, &samplingRate, &bitDepth, &segmentSize, &importFlag);
if (importFlag) // The import was successful
// Do some processing with the successfully imported AIFF
else // The import was unsuccessful and sweepRfile (which is usually malloc'ed in the import_sweeps() function is not malloc'ed
// Now for the SECOND AIFF (I can overwrite a lot of the variables used for the first AIFF because I don't need them)
sweepFilepathR = malloc(templen + 1); // templen is assigned above
strcpy(sweepFilepathR, tempFilepathR);
// Proceed to import the SECOND AIFF (returned to sweepRfile from import_sweeps())
sweepRfile = import_sweeps(sweepFilepathR, &numSamplesR, &numChannels, &samplingRate, &bitDepth, &segmentSize, &importFlag);
if (importFlag) // The import was successful
// Do some processing with the successfully imported AIFF
else // The import was unsuccessful and sweepRfile (which is usually malloc'ed in the import_sweeps() function is not malloc'ed
// Rest of code in main is irrelevant because it doesn't even get there.
The break always occurs within the import_sweeps() function (sometimes for the first AIFF and sometimes for the second). The function is shown below
int32_t *import_sweeps(char* sweepFilepath, uint64_t* numSamples, int* numChannels, double* samplingRate, int* bitDepth, int* segmentSize, int* importFlag)
// Initialize files for importing */
AIFF_Ref fileref;
// Import Routine */
fileref = AIFF_OpenFile(sweepFilepath, F_RDONLY);
// File opened successfully. Proceed to intialize files for getting information about AIFF file
uint64_t nSamples;
int nSamplePts, channels, bitsPerSample, segSize, temp;
double smpr;
// Get AIFF file format details
temp = AIFF_GetAudioFormat(fileref, &nSamples, &channels, &smpr, &bitsPerSample, &segSize);
if (temp < 1) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error getting audio format.\n");
return (int32_t) 0;
numSamples[0] = nSamples;
samplingRate[0] = smpr;
numChannels[0] = channels;
bitDepth[0] = bitsPerSample;
segmentSize[0] = segSize;
nSamplePts = ((int) nSamples)*channels;
int32_t *samples = malloc((nSamplePts+1) * sizeof(int32_t));
// Read AIFF
temp = AIFF_ReadSamples32Bit(fileref, samples, nSamplePts);
if (temp != -1)
importFlag[0] = 1;
return samples;
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to read AIFF.\n");
return (int32_t) 0;
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open AIFF file.\n");
return (int32_t) 0;
Inside import_sweeps() above, the AIFF file is ALWAYS successfully read by calling the function AIFF_ReadSamples32Bit(fileref, samples, nSamplePts);. Therefore, the temp value is never -1. Whenever an error (as described above and I will give the actual error message below) happens, it ALWAYS occurs when it tries to call AIFF_CloseFile(fileref);.
Shown below are the functions AIFF_ReadSamples32Bit and AIFF_CloseFile as defined in the LibAIFF library.
int AIFF_ReadSamples32Bit(AIFF_Ref r, int32_t * samples, int nSamplePoints)
int n = nSamplePoints;
void *buffer;
int i, j;
size_t h;
size_t len;
int segmentSize;
int32_t *dwords;
int16_t *words;
int8_t *sbytes;
uint8_t *inbytes;
uint8_t *outbytes;
uint8_t x, y, z;
if (!r || !(r->flags & F_RDONLY))
return -1;
if (n % (r->nChannels) != 0)
return 0;
if (n < 1 || r->segmentSize == 0) {
if (r->buffer) {
r->buffer = NULL;
r->buflen = 0;
return -1;
segmentSize = r->segmentSize;
len = (size_t) n * segmentSize;
if ((r->buflen) < len) {
if (r->buffer)
r->buffer = malloc(len);
if (!(r->buffer)) {
return -1;
r->buflen = len;
buffer = r->buffer;
h = AIFF_ReadSamples(r, buffer, len);
if (h < (size_t) segmentSize) {
r->buffer = NULL;
r->buflen = 0;
return 0;
n = (int) h;
if (n % segmentSize != 0) {
r->buffer = NULL;
r->buflen = 0;
return -1;
n /= segmentSize;
switch (segmentSize) {
case 4:
dwords = (int32_t *) buffer;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
samples[i] = dwords[i];
case 3:
inbytes = (uint8_t *) buffer;
outbytes = (uint8_t *) samples;
n <<= 2; /* n *= 4 */
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i += 4) {
x = inbytes[j++];
y = inbytes[j++];
z = inbytes[j++];
outbytes[i] = x;
outbytes[i + 1] = y;
outbytes[i + 2] = z;
outbytes[i + 3] = 0;
outbytes[i] = 0;
outbytes[i + 1] = x;
outbytes[i + 2] = y;
outbytes[i + 3] = z;
n >>= 2;
case 2:
words = (int16_t *) buffer;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
samples[i] = (int32_t) (words[i]) << 16;
case 1:
sbytes = (int8_t *) buffer;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
samples[i] = (int32_t) (sbytes[i]) << 24;
return n;
int AIFF_CloseFile(AIFF_Ref ref)
int r;
if (!ref)
return -1;
if (ref->flags & F_RDONLY) {
r = 1;
} else if (ref->flags & F_WRONLY) {
r = AIFF_WriteClose(ref);
} else {
r = -1;
return r;
The break occurs at AIFF_ReadClose(ref); EVERYTIME. So I have also shown this function below.
static void AIFF_ReadClose(AIFF_Ref r)
if (r->buffer)
if (r->buffer2)
The break always occurs as shown above. The following is the error message: (25693,0x7fff7db87310) malloc: * error for object 0x4000000000000000: pointer being freed was not allocated
* set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
So basically, the above error occurs unpredictably. When it doesn't occur, my code works perfectly. Any help as to how I might solve this problem is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
1, please confirm buffer2 has been initialized with NULL before using. In all your pasted codes, I can not find any assignment or memory allocation for buffer2.
2, please assign the pointer with NULL after calling free, like:
if (r->buffer)
r->buffer = NULL;
if (r->buffer2)
r->buffer2 = NULL;
If all this can not resolve you problem, please give more code about buffer2.

Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0) standard C memory issue

I'm writing code to compare two input files in standard C, using the Xcode IDE. I keep getting this error: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0). I've done some reading on this and believe it to be a memory issue, but no matter what I try I can't seem to fix it (I've also tried making the structures dynamically using malloc and listed that at the bottom of the code). It's strange because it writes all of the data and then spits out that error at the end. The file format is something like this:
start(int)..stop(int) id(+ or -) now some stuff I don't care about for the rest of the line
I've just been testing this on a file with only + id's so the "-" aspect isn't part of the issue. Anyway I'm quite tired and have been staring at this for a few hours, so please forgive me if it doesn't make sense, I will update it after a few hours of sleep.
typedef struct
int start;
int stop;
char *strandID;
} location;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
if (argc != 4)
"Usage is ./a.out windowfile.txt genefile.txt outputFileName");
//const vars
const char *windowInput = argv[1];
const char *geneInput = argv[2];
const char *outputfile = argv[3];
const int windowHeader = 9;
const int geneHeader = 3;
//get size of structures -- I have debugged and these work correctly, returning the size of my structure
const int posWsize = getSize(windowInput, "+", windowHeader);
const int negWsize = getSize(windowInput, "-", windowHeader);
const int posGsize = getSize(geneInput, "+", geneHeader);
const int negGsize = getSize(geneInput, "-", geneHeader);
//declare structs
location posWindow[posWsize];
location negWindow[negWsize];
location posGene[posGsize];
location negGene[negGsize];
//extract data here
getLocations(posWindow, negWindow, windowInput, windowHeader);
return 0;
void getLocations(location *posL, location *negL, const char *input,
const int header)
FILE *fileptr = NULL;
fileptr = fopen(input, "r"); //open file
if (fileptr == NULL)
{ //check for errors while opening
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading %s\n", input);
char tmpLoc[20];
char tmpID[2];
int eofVar = 0;
int lineCount = 0;
while (lineCount < header)
{ //skip header and get to data
eofVar = fgetc(fileptr);
if (eofVar == '\n')
int pCount = 0;
int nCount = 0;
while (eofVar != EOF)
fscanf(fileptr, "%s %s", tmpLoc, tmpID); //scan in first two strings
if (!strcmp(tmpID, "+"))
{ //if + strand
char *locTok = NULL;
locTok = strtok(tmpLoc, ".."); //tok and get values
posL[pCount].start = atoi(locTok);
locTok = strtok(NULL, "..");
posL[pCount].stop = atoi(locTok); //ERROR IS SHOWN HERE
posL[pCount].strandID = tmpID;
printf("start=%d\tstop=%d\tID=%s\tindex=%d\n", posL[pCount].start,
posL[pCount].stop, posL[pCount].strandID, pCount);
else if (!strcmp(tmpID, "-"))
{ //if - strand
char *locTok = NULL;
locTok = strtok(tmpLoc, ".."); //tok and get values
negL[nCount].start = atoi(locTok);
locTok = strtok(NULL, "..");
negL[nCount].stop = atoi(locTok);
negL[nCount].strandID = tmpID;
while ((eofVar = fgetc(fileptr)) != '\n')
if (eofVar == EOF)
//dynamic way...same issue -- just replace this with the above if statement and use the create location function
if (!strcmp(tmpID, "+"))
{ //if + strand
int locStart;
int locStop;
locStart = atoi(strtok(tmpLoc, ".."));//tok and get values
locStop = atoi(strtok(NULL, ".."));
posL[pCount] = *createlocation(locStart, locStop, tmpID);
location *createlocation(int start, int stop, char *strandID)
location *tmp = NULL;
tmp = (location *) malloc(sizeof(location) * 1);
tmp->start = start;
tmp->stop = stop;
tmp->strandID = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 2);
strcpy(tmp->strandID, strandID);
return tmp;
Check the return value of strtok.
In your code here
locTok = strtok(NULL, "..");
posL[pCount].stop = atoi(locTok); //ERROR IS SHOWN HERE
strtok is returning a NULL pointer and according to documentation,
A null pointer is returned if there are no tokens left to retrieve.
which matches my original guess that because the address code is 0x0 there's a NULL pointer deference somewhere.
Obviously, the following call to atoi is expecting a non-NULL pointer and crashes.
You Can Also Use Exception Breakpoint in Xcode.
An exception breakpoint tells the debugger to pause whenever a problem is encountered anywhere in your program, so you can evaluate your program's state before it crashes.
Go to the Breakpoint Navigation (Cmd+8), then click the + button in the bottom left and choose Add Exception Breakpoint. You can leave it there.
In my case, I was using the wrong block type. For some reason, a developer had marked a block as const id blockName = ^(Type variableName) { /* code */ } but unfortunately the Type mismatched . Because blockNamewas declared as typeid, the compiler could not warn me properly when I passed blockName` as an argument somewhere else, and this error happened at runtime instead.
For example:
const id callback = ^(ARTPaginatedResult<ARTMessage *> * _Nullable paginatedResult, ARTErrorInfo * _Nullable error) { /* code */
[channel setOptions:channelOptions callback:callback];
The block above has 3 parameters, but channel:setOptions:callback: defines 1 argument called callback, which must be a block which takes 1 argument, and is declared as
- (void)setOptions:(ARTRealtimeChannelOptions *_Nullable)options callback:(nullable void (^)(ARTErrorInfo *_Nullable))cb;
for xc
in your main() function, try to remove char*argv[] or both arguments.
You should delete the arguments of you main function. And it will work.

Program Segmentation Faults on return 0/fclose/free. I think I have memory leaks but can't find them. Please help!

I am trying to write a Huffman encoding program to compress a text file. Upon completetion, the program will terminate at the return statement, or when I attempt to close a file I was reading from. I assume I have memory leaks, but I cannot find them. If you can spot them, let me know (and a method for fixing them would be appreciated!).
(note: small1.txt is any standard text file)
Here is the main program
#define ASCII 255
struct link {
int freq;
char ch[ASCII];
struct link* right;
struct link* left;
typedef struct link node;
typedef char * string;
FILE * ofp;
FILE * ifp;
int writebit(unsigned char);
void sort(node *[], int);
node* create(char[], int);
void sright(node *[], int);
void Assign_Code(node*, int[], int, string *);
void Delete_Tree(node *);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
//Hard-coded variables
int a, b, c = 0;
char *key = (char*) malloc(ASCII * sizeof(char*));
int *value = (int*) malloc(ASCII * sizeof(int*));
//File pointers
FILE *fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", argv[1]);
return 0;
node* ptr;//, *head;
node* array[ASCII];
int u, carray[ASCII];
char str[ASCII];
char car = 0;
int inList = 0;
int placeinList = -1;
int numofKeys;
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Usage: huff <.txt file> \n");
return 0;
for (a = 0; a < ASCII; a++) {
key[a] = -1;
value[a] = 0;
car = fgetc(fp);
while (!feof(fp)) {
for (a = 0; a < ASCII; a++) {
if (key[a] == car) {
inList = 1;
placeinList = a;
if (inList) {
//increment value array
inList = 0;
} else {
for (b = 0; b < ASCII; b++) {
if (key[b] == -1) {
key[b] = car;
car = fgetc(fp);
c = 0;
for (a = 0; a < ASCII; a++) {
if (key[a] != -1) {
array[c] = create(&key[a], value[a]);
numofKeys = c;
string code_string[numofKeys];
while (numofKeys > 1) {
sort(array, numofKeys);
u = array[0]->freq + array[1]->freq;
strcpy(str, array[0]->ch);
strcat(str, array[1]->ch);
ptr = create(str, u);
ptr->right = array[1];
ptr->left = array[0];
array[0] = ptr;
sright(array, numofKeys);
Assign_Code(array[0], carray, 0, code_string);
ofp = fopen("small1.txt.huff", "w");
ifp = fopen("small1.txt", "r");
car = fgetc(ifp);
while (!feof(ifp)) {
for (a = 0; a < ASCII; a++) {
if (key[a] == car) {
for (b = 0; b < strlen(code_string[a]); b++) {
if (code_string[a][b] == 48) {
} else if (code_string[a][b] == 49) {
car = fgetc(ifp);
ifp = fopen("small1.txt", "r");
return 0;
int writebit(unsigned char bitval) {
static unsigned char bitstogo = 8;
static unsigned char x = 0;
if ((bitval == 0) || (bitval == 1)) {
if (bitstogo == 0) {
fputc(x, ofp);
x = 0;
bitstogo = 8;
x = (x << 1) | bitval;
} else {
x = (x << bitstogo);
fputc(x, ofp);
return 0;
void Assign_Code(node* tree, int c[], int n, string * s) {
int i;
static int cnt = 0;
string buf = malloc(ASCII);
if ((tree->left == NULL) && (tree->right == NULL)) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sprintf(buf, "%s%d", buf, c[i]);
s[cnt] = buf;
} else {
c[n] = 1;
Assign_Code(tree->left, c, n, s);
c[n - 1] = 0;
Assign_Code(tree->right, c, n, s);
node* create(char a[], int x) {
node* ptr;
ptr = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
ptr->freq = x;
strcpy(ptr->ch, a);
ptr->right = ptr->left = NULL;
return (ptr);
void sort(node* a[], int n) {
int i, j;
node* temp;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for (j = i; j < n; j++)
if (a[i]->freq > a[j]->freq) {
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;
void sright(node* a[], int n) {
int i;
for (i = 1; i < n - 1; i++)
a[i] = a[i + 1];
If your program is crashing on what is otherwise a valid operation (like returning from a function or closing a file), I'll near-guarantee it's a buffer overflow problem rather than a memory leak.
Memory leaks just generally mean your mallocs will eventually fail, they do not mean that other operations will be affected. A buffer overflow of an item on the stack (for example) will most likely corrupt other items on the stack near it (such as a file handle variable or the return address from main).
Probably your best bet initially is to set up a conditional breakpoint on writes to the file handles. This should happen in the calls to fopen and nowhere else. If you detect a write after the fopen calls are finished, that will be where your problem occurred, so just examine the stack and the executing line to find out why.
Your first problem (this is not necessarily the only one) lies here:
c = 0;
for (a = 0; a < ASCII; a++) {
if (key[a] != -1) {
array[c] = create(&key[a], value[a]);
numofKeys = c; // DANGER,
c++; // WILL ROBINSON !!
string code_string[numofKeys];
You can see that you set the number of keys before you increment c. That means the number of keys is one less than you actually need so that, when you access the last element of code_string, you're actually accessing something else (which is unlikely to be a valid pointer).
Swap the numofKeys = c; and c++; around. When I do that, I at least get to the bit printing here1 and exit without a core dump. I can't vouch for the correctness of the rest of your code but this solves the segmentation violation so anything else should probably go in your next question (if need be).
I can see one problem:
strcpy(str, array[0]->ch);
strcat(str, array[1]->ch);
the ch field of struct link is a char array of size 255. It is not NUL terminated. So you cannot copy it using strcpy.
Also you have:
ofp = fopen("small1.txt.huff", "w");
ifp = fopen("small1.txt", "r");
If small1.txt.huff does not exist, it will be created. But if small1.txt it will not be created and fopen will return NULL, you must check the return value of fopen before you go and read from the file.
Just from counting, you have 4 separate malloc calls, but only one free call.
I would also be wary of your sprintf call, and how you are actually mallocing.
You do an sprintf(buf, "%s%d", buf, c[i]) but that can potentially be a buffer overflow if your final string is longer than ASCII bytes.
I advise you to step through with a debugger to see where it's throwing a segmentation fault, and then debug from there.
i compiled the program and ran it with it's source as that small1.txt file and got "can't open (null)" if the file doesn't exist or the file exist and you give it on the command like ./huf small1.txt the program crashes with:
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x08048e47 in sort (a=0xbfd79688, n=68) at huf.c:195
195 if (a[i]->freq > a[j]->freq) {
(gdb) backtrace
#0 0x08048e47 in sort (a=0xbfd79688, n=68) at huf.c:195
#1 0x080489ba in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfd79b64) at huf.c:99
to get this from gdb you run
ulimit -c 100000000
gdb --core=./core ./huf
and type backtrace
You have various problems in your Code:
1.- mallocs (must be):
char *key = (char*) malloc(ASCII * sizeof(char));
int *value = (int*) malloc(ASCII * sizeof(int));
sizeof(char) == 1, sizeof(char *) == 4 or 8 (if 64 bits compiler is used).
2.- Buffer sizes 255 (ASCII) is too short to receive the contents of array[0]->ch + array[1]->ch + '\0'.
3.- Use strncpy instead of strcpy and strncat instead of strcat.
4.- key is an array of individuals chars or is a null terminated string ?, because you are using this variable in both ways in your code. In the characters counting loop you are using this variables as array of individuals chars, but in the creation of nodes you are passing the pointer of the array and copying as null terminated array.
5.- Finally always check your parameters before used it, you are checking if argc < 2 after trying to open argv[1].
