I am new to unity and I am trying to display data from MySQL database into unity and show them in a bar chart. But I have no idea where to start. Any tips?
That isn't one single thing you are trying to do. It's several things that are well documented.
How to connect to MySQL server. [https://dotnetfiddle.net/aMxIOM]
Query data on MySQL server and return as List<T>. [Same Link as Above]
Create a bar chart [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmU57Ka9H0E]
Populate barchart with data from sql server.
Try to break your problem up into smaller more manageable sections, and try to find out how to do them. Usually just go to YouTube "What I want to know Tutorial"
Can any one tell me if I can use visio as an output for information stored in a database, so that I can select filters to render different content into visio objects? Or is there a microsoft product that can do this?
I am unable to find a product that appears to do this
Unless I have misunderstood, this the very basic of what Visio does.
It would take too long to explain all the possible options in detail, but in summary:
there are assistants in Visio that help you connect to a datasource (Access, Excel, ODBC, ...)
these assistants draw automatically the desired diagram. If the some special case is not covered, you can easily use some code - eg VBA - to draw the diagram by yourselves.
the diagrams are dynamic
you can see the data connected to a stage shape either in the custom data window, or you can add automatic labels - smart datagraphics
you can even export to the web to show the results in a web browser.
Some videos on youtube found very quickly:
I can give you more detailed help here (file exchange is easier and great community): http://visguy.com/vgforum/index.php
I'm trying to put together a Data Studio dashboard for a client, and am having trouble getting a Time Series chart to show data. The data is coming from a DATETIME column in a Cloud MySQL database table.
I've verified that the data is in the table, and when I try to show the data in a different format (bar chart, pie graph, etc.) it shows up fine. I've also tried using different metrics. I'm fairly new to Data Studio, so possible it's something simple I'm missing, but am sufficiently stumped that I figured I'd ask here.
This was an issue with converting DATE objects in MySQL to Google Data Studio. I had to create a new field in Data Studio using the format:
TODATE([date_field_name], 'DEFAULT_DASH', '%Y%m%d')
I then used that as the dimension and the chart showed up fine.
I know that this is more dnn than 2sxc question but I have some custom table inside dnn database and don't know how to do clasic dnn modules and using only 2sxc for module development.
My question is if you can give me some guides what is the easyest way for adding new record in this table from razor script or 2sxc apicontroller (preferred).
It would be the best if someone can paste some sample with code to get sql connection string, dnn database object qualifier and sql with command execution.
I don't need any relationship stuf.
From there I think that I can figured out how to make also edit and delete and post code back that others can see.
I don't plan to use this for many stuf but we have some sensors and aplication with a lotoff events and need custom table I can easy clear and index, and don't want that this data is EAV tabels.
For later I know how to get data back for visualization over sql datasource inside 2sxc.
In the far future we'll create a generic API to store to any kind of repository (EAV, SQL, CSV, Json, etc.) but for now, you'll just have to code it.
Basically your question isn't actually related to 2sxc - I recommend you simply google things like "save data to SQL using WebApi" or something - then put this code into an API controller in 2sxc.
At the moment I don't have any demo-code, but if you do create a demo, I would be glad to blog about it and publish in on https://2sxc.org/en/apps
I'm working on a SQL server database and I need to have pictures
its for a catalog and most pictures are 1-4 mbs I don't thing embedding the pictures in SQL will be a good idea
what the best solution
till now I used to use access
I would really like to make a wpf form
but when I make a data source I don't understand exactly how linked images work
my main point is that I need it to run really quick and print out a catalog with inventory info each day for thousands of items
I'm looking for a form to manage it
I have tried an access form but access doesn't handle good the linked pictures
Just store the path to the image in the database.
Or, if using SQL 2008 or higher, there is also a new table called FileTable that stores data in the file system directly.
"I need it to run really quick" If speed is a must, Access might not be a good choice for this.. You should use a more professional RDBMS, IMHO.
If this is a hobby project I'd suggest using sqlserver express (I assume you have microsoft knowledge) and either storing a link to an image on the file system/web server or storing the object in the db. For small data volumes either way is likely to perform fairly well.
It is all very easy in MS Access 2010, just bind an image control to a table of paths. For example, my table is called Pictures, with the following entries.
I now just need an image control on a report bound to the table Pictures with a control source set to PicturePath, the images will be displayed.
I have a spatial database in Sql server and I am working in asp.net mvc.
My project must show stored shape in web page that uses openlayers js and user must see and edit shapes and send the result to server.
I want to know how can I send data to my map and receive new data from it and save data to database.
Is there any library that work for me?
Is is not important that it must be open source
thanks a lot
There are (at least) two solutions available to you:
either you use openLayers "save" strategy, that you attach to your WFS vector layer, where you draw features and it saves your features for you with the help of your mapServer
or you save your features (which I prefer) yourself. Just serialiaze your VectorLayer.features feature collection, translate geometries using OpenLayers.Format.WKT parser to get the WKT of your geometries and then use simple INSERT, UPDATE to put your WKT into your database and convert it back to geometry with the help of a spatial function. (you didn't mention the type of your SQL server, so I put here an MS SQL example string in C#
string insertString = "INSERT INTO myTable(geometry) VALUES(geometry::STGeomFromText('" + objFeature.WKTString + #"',5514)";