How to disable translation tool in Nagios plugins? - nagios

Nagios plugins is using user setting to translate script response of check_http script. In my case, the server is in French and so the script return the response in French. Is it possible to disable the translation in Nagios ?


Nagios contacts configuration

I am new at learning the Nagios of 4.4.6 version. I have configured host configuration and service configuration in my Nagios CLI and restarted then everything updated on Nagios Web GUI (localhost/nagiosxi).
When I was updating "contact" in web GUI, it is updating on Nagios CLI of /usr/local/nagios/etc/contacts.cfg. But when I was configured my own "contact" in /usr/local/nagios/etc/contacts.cfg it has not been updating on web GUI.
Copy existing /usr/local/nagios/etc/contacts.cfg into /usr/local/nagios/etc/import. Change anything, add anything, then do "Apply Configuration". The file will be removed from the import folder, all new contacs will appear in contacts.cfg. All changes will also be applied. However, you cannot remove contacts using this procedure.
If you make any mistake in the cfg file, the existing configuration will not be changed (the revert mechanism will be used) but your cfg file will be removed from /usr/local/nagios/etc/import. Just have a spare copy somewhere.
Tested on recent Nagios XI 5.8.4.

How to send Allure Reports in Email using Jenkins server

I have created a Automation using Rest Assured, TestNg, Gradle and Allure reports. Now i am able to generate Allure reports , But i am looking something where i can send Allure reports in Email. Whether this is any plugin is available or any latest deployment is going on
First you need to install Email Extension plugin in your Jenkins. You can also use the default Jenkins mail but I prefer the Email Extension plugin since it's more configurable.
Second you need smtp server to send email from Jenkins. If you have one then cool otherwise create one. (If you are using gmail then your smtp server is by default)
Third is you need to configure Jenkins. Open your Jenkins Dashboard > Manage Jenkins > Configure Systems. Then scroll down to Email Extension. If you have decided to use the default Email the scroll down to Email and enter the details and save.
Fourth you need to add the following code to your existing pipeline.
stage('Email Report') {
// Change the recipent address
sh "zip -r allure-report"
def mailRecipients = ""
env.ForEmailPlugin = env.WORKSPACE
to: "${mailRecipients}",
from: "",
subject: "Allure Report",
body: "PFA",
attachmentsPattern: ''
} else{
Fifth the recipient need to download the zip attachment and execute allure serve to see the reports and dashboards.
It's worth noting that the best way to serve allure report is to upload in some common place for example in jira, confluence etc.

Is there an Admin Console for JAMES 3?

I am using Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server 3. Each time I need a new user, I have to run a batch file and enter the command adduser username password. Is there any admin console for James3 like the one found for James 2.3.2 ?
We have a Google Summer of Code Student working on Apache James Bond - a web administration tool for James. It's work in progress but it might be useful - haven't tried it out yet.
In order to test it, you have to deploy the war in the server where you have running james, so as it has access to the configuration files, and it can connect to the jmx service in port 9999
Build the war and to run the war just type:
java -Djames.conf=/opt/apache-james-3.0-beta4/conf \
-Dip.range=192.168.1.* -jar bond-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
Note that you have to indicate where your conf files are, and the authorized ip address/addresses from where you are going to run the browser.
Make a COPY of your configuration files !, because bond removes all comments when saving them.
Good luck,

how to import web sessions recorded using fiddler in to jmeter?

I use fiddler to record a web session. I export the recorded sessions into various formats like Curl Script, WCAT Script, Meddler Script, Html5 script, visualStudio web test.
How to import the recorded session into jmeter?
JMeter appears to only support a proprietary XML format called jmeterTestPlan. While it would probably be possible to develop a Fiddler exporter that would save to that format, it's not clear that it would be worthwhile. Most of what you might want to do with jMeter can probably be done in Fiddler itself, and if your goal is to use jMeter for everything except the initial capture, you can instead use the proxy recorder included in the jMeter product instead of Fiddler.

How do I make my Apache 2 server force a browser to open a file transfer dialogue?

How do I make my Apache 2 server force a browser to open a file transfer dialogue if the URL points to a file with a .pln or .psa extension?
I have a simple LAMP server with CentOS 5, Apache 2, MySQL 5, PHP 5, recently built CentOS 5.2 i386 installation CDs. My web application generates files to be downloaded and imported into a custom application. The file extensions are .psa and .pln. How do I make my server force the browser to open a file transfer dialogue? If I point my browser to a .psa or .pln file on the Apache 2 server, the file's content is displayed in a pop-up window as simple text. I want a file transfer dialogue.
The web-app I am working on is deployed on another web-server and handles the .pln and .psa files as desired. I cannot compare server configuration files because I do not have administrator access to the working server.
How do I change my server's behavior? Does this require code changes to my web-app code (such as sending explicit headers)? If so, why does it work against the other server? Can code changes be avoided by configuring the server's default behavior?
You should be able to use the FilesMatch directive to add the necessary header.
<FilesMatch "\.(?i:pin)$">
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
I tried several configuration changes which had no apparent effect.
I added the following line to my /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file:
AddType application/octet-stream .pln .psa
I restarted the Apache server and it had no effect.
I added the following lines to my /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file:
ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
I restarted the Apache server and it had no effect.
If you have Firefox (and if not, why not?) install Chris Pedericks Developer Toolbar, and check that the headers are actually being set correctly. If so, it may be the fault of the browser. As I said, you can't be certain that any given browser will "correctly" interpret the response headers. What browser are we talking about here anyway?
If the headers aren't being set correctly, you may need to re-check your httpd.conf file. Possibly the directives you added aren't in the correct section? (e.g. under the wrong <Location > directive)
Forcing a browser to do something is always a tricky proposition, since the browser can ignore you and do what the hell it likes
That said, most browsers will prompt the user with a "save as" dialog box if the "Content-type" header is set to "application/octet-stream". Either write a simple wrapper CGI that serves up the requested file with the correct header, or fiddle with Apache2's mime-types (look in the config directory.)
