Should I perform train_test_split first and then GridSearchCV and then K Fold Crossvalidation? - gridsearchcv

I am having a lot of confusion between GridSearchCV and K fold Cross Validation. I know that GridSearch is only for hyperparameter optimization and K Fold will split my data into K folds and iterate over them (cv value). So should I first split my data into train and validation sets, apply GridSearch on training data for "best parameters" and then use K Fold on my training data using the "best parameters" I got from GridSearch and then finally train model on whole data(train + validation set)? Or is there some other order of doing the above?

From my understanding, you do not have to perform KFold before GridSearchCV.
GridSearchCV has a cross validation parameter which performs cross validation.


Database merge join cost evaluation problem

I got a question to evaluate the minimum page I/O costs for query πA,B,C,D(R ⋈A=C S) by using merge join method. I need to evaluate followings:
Page I/O cost to sort R.
Page I/O cost to sort S.
Page I/O cost to join R and S.
My question is that, since the question has a projection on sub-set of attributes (A,B,C,D) only, is it possible to eliminate the unwanted attribute during separate sort of R and S (Provided that A and B are in R, C and D are in S)? If can then the formula of "2Br([log M-1(br/M)]+1)" seems can't apply directly.
Or more precisely, when to eliminate the unwanted attribute is the best practice?
This question stuck me a long time. Hope to get some insight on this.

Should I trim dfm before or after applying tfidf?

I used Quanteda package to create dfm and dfm-tfidf objects. I followed two ways to remove sparse features and create trimmed dfms. One was by directly applying sparsity argument on the dfm() function. The second was by reducing sparsity using dfm_trim().
Approach 1: I first created the dfm and dfm_tfidf objects from the train and test tokens. Then I applied dfm_tfidf as follows.
dfmat_train <- dfm(traintokens)
dfmat_train_tfidf<- dfm_tfidf(dfmat_train)
dfmat_test <- dfm(traintokens)
dfmat_test_tfidf <- dfm(dfmat_test)
Then, I simply used dfm_trim to remove sparse features.
dfmat_train_trimmed <- dfm_trim(dfmat_train, sparsity=0.98)
dfmat_train_trimmed _tfidf <- dfm_trim(dfmat_train_tfidf, sparsity=0.98)
dfmat_test_trimmed <- dfm_trim(dfmat_test, sparsity=0.98)
dfmat_test_trimmed_tfidf <- dfm_trim(dfmat_test_tfidf, sparsity=0.98)
Approach 2 was shorter. The tfdif weighting is done after trimming.
dfmat_train <- dfm(traintokens, sparsity = 0.98)
dfmat_train_tfidf <- dfm_tfidf(dfmat_train)
dfmat_test <- dfm_tfidf(testtokens, sparsity = 0.98)
dfmat_test_tfidf <- dfm_tfidf(dfmat_test )
After training models using both of the above approaches and predicting the test data sets, Approach 1 resulted in identical prediction performance metrics for both tfidf and non-tfidf test data. Cohen's Kappa is 1. Approach 2 resulted in different (tfidf and non-tfidf) but less accurate predictions. I am puzzled. Which one is the right approach?

Import CSV file into python, then turn it into numpy array, then feed it to sklearn algorithm

Sklearn algorithm require a feature and a label for it to learn.
I have a CSV file which contain some data. These data is actually a challenge from hackerearth website in which participant need to create a learning algorithm that learn from data on massive amount of individuals from affiliate network and their ad click performance which then predict future performance of other individuals in the affiliate network which allow the company to optimize their ad performance.
The features in these data include id,date,siteid, offerid, category, merchant, countrycode,type of browser, type of device and the number of clicks their ads have gotten.
So my plan is to use the first 7 information as my feature and ad click as label. Unfortunately, countrycode,browser and device information is in text (Google Chrome, Desktop) and not integers which can be turned into array.
Q1: Is there a way for sklearn to accept not just numpy arrays but also words as features? Am I support to use vectorizer for this? If so, how would I do it? If not, can I just replace the wording data into numbers (Google Chrome replaced by 1, firefox replaced by 2) and still have it to work? (I am using Naive Bayes algorithm)
Q2: Would Naive Bayes algorithm be suitable for this task? Since this competition require participant to create a program that predict the probability of individuals in affiliate network have their ads click, I assume Naive Bayes would be best suited.
Training data :
Testing data :
My messy coding and horrible attempt at this challenge which I don't think will be much help:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
import csv
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = []
from numpy import genfromtxt
import pandas as pd
data = genfromtxt('smaller.csv', delimiter=',')
dat = pd.read_csv('smaller.csv', delimiter=',')
feature = []
label =[]
i = 1
j = 1
while i <17:
i += 1
while j <17:
j += 1
clf = GaussianNB(),label)
Answer for Question1: No. Sklearn only works with numerical data. So you need to convert your text to numbers.
Now to convert text to numbers you can follow multiple approaches. First is as you said just assign numbers to them. But you need to to take in account if the text data shows any order like the numbers assigned to them or not. In that case, most often one-hot encoding is used. Please see the below scikit-learn documentation for that:
Answer to Question 2: It depends on the data and task at hand.
No single algorithm is capable of handling every type of data optimally.
Most of the times we need to compare multiple algorithms and see what gives best result for our data. See this example:
Even in a single algorithm we need to check for various parameter values, tune those values for maximum score. This is called grid-search. See this example:
Hope this clears your doubts. Make sure to go through the scikit-learn documentation and examples:
They are one of the best out there.

Data Mining KNN Classifier

Suppose a data analyst working for an insurance company was asked to build a predictive model for predicting whether a customer will buy a mobile home insurance policy. S/he tried kNN classifier with different number of neighbours (k=1,2,3,4,5). S/he got the following F-scores measured on the training data: (1.0; 0.92; 0.90; 0.85; 0.82). Based on that the analyst decided to deploy kNN with k=1. Was it a good choice? How would you select an optimal number of neighbours in this case?
It is not a good idea to select a parameter of a prediction algorithm using the whole training set as the result will be biased towards this particular training set and has no information about generalization performance (i.e. performance towards unseen cases). You should apply a cross-validation technique e.g. 10-fold cross-validation to select the best K (i.e. K with largest F-value) within a range.
This involves splitting your training data in 10 equal parts retain 9 parts for training and 1 for validation. Iterate such that each part has been left out for validation. If you take enough folds this will allow you as well to obtain statistics of the F-value and then you can test whether these values for different K values are statistically significant.
See e.g. also:
The subtlety here however is that there is likely a dependency between the number of data points for prediction and the K-value. So If you apply cross-validation you use 9/10 of the training set for training...Not sure whether any research has been performed on this and how to correct for that in the final training set. Anyway most software packages just use the abovementioned techniques e.g. see SPSS in the link.
A solution is to use leave-one-out cross-validation (each data samples is left out once for testing) in that case you have N-1 training samples(the original training set has N).

Document classification with incomplete training set

Advice please. I have a collection of documents that all share a common attribute (e.g. The word French appears) some of these documents have been marked as not pertinent to this collection (e.g. French kiss appears) but not all documents are guaranteed to have been identified. What is the best method to use to figure out which other documents don't belong.
Given your example "French", I will work under the assumption that the feature is a word that appears in the document. Also, since you mention that "French kiss" is not relevant, I will further assume that in your case, a feature is a word used in a particular sense. For example, if "pool" is a feature, you may say that documents mentioning swimming pools are relevant, but those talking about pool (the sport, like snooker or billiards) are not relevant.
Note: Although word sense disambiguation (WSD) methods would work, they require too much effort, and is an overkill for this purpose.
Suggestion: localized language model + bootstrapping
Think of it this way: You don't have an incomplete training set, but a smaller training set. The idea is to use this small training data to build bigger training data. This is bootstrapping.
For each occurrence of your feature in the training data, build a language model based only on the words surrounding it. You don't need to build a model for the entire document. Ideally, just the sentences containing the feature should suffice. This is what I am calling a localized language model (LLM).
Build two such LLMs from your training data (let's call it T_0): one for pertinent documents, say M1, and another for irrelevant documents, say M0. Now, to build a bigger training data, classify documents based on M1 and M0. For every new document d, if d does not contain the feature-word, it will automatically be added as a "bad" document. If d contains the feature-word, then consider a local window around this word in d (the same window size that you used to build the LLMs), and compute the perplexity of this sequence of words with M0 and M1. Classify the document as belonging to the class which gives lower perplexity.
To formalize, the pseudo-code is:
T_0 := initial training set (consisting of relevant/irrelevant documents)
D0 := additional data to be bootstrapped
N := iterations for bootstrapping
for i = 0 to N-1
T_i+1 := empty training set
Build M0 and M1 as discussed above using a window-size w
for d in D0
if feature-word not in d
then add d to irrelevant documents of T_i+1
compute perplexity scores P0 and P1 corresponding to M0 and M1 using
window size w around the feature-word in d.
if P0 < P1 - delta
add d to irrelevant documents of T_i+1
else if P1 < P0 - delta
add d to relevant documents of T_i+1
do not use d in T_i+1
Select a small random sample from relevant and irrelevant documents in
T_i+1, and (re)classify them manually if required.
T_N is your final training set. In this above bootstrapping, the parameter delta needs to be determined with experiments on some held-out data (also called development data).
The manual reclassification on a small sample is done so that the noise during this bootstrapping is not accumulated through all the N iterations.
Firstly you should take care of how to extract features of the sample docs. Counting every word is not a good way. You might need some technique like TFIDF to teach the classifier that which words are important to classify and which are not.
Build a right dictionary. In your case, the word French kiss should be a unique word, instead of a sequence of French + kiss. Use the right technique to build a right dictionary is important.
The remain errors in samples are normal, we call it "not linear separable". There're a huge amount of advanced researches on how to solve this problem. For example, SVM (support vector machine) would be what you like to use. Please note that single-layer Rosenblatt perceptron usually shows very bad performance for the dataset which are not linear separable.
Some kinds of neural networks (like Rosenblatt perceptron) can be educated on erroneus data set and can show a better performance than tranier has. Moreover in many cases you should make errors for avoid over-training.
You can mark all unlabeled documents randomly, train several nets and estimate theirs performance on the test set (of course, you should not include unlabeled documents in the test set). After that you can in cycle recalculate weights of unlabeled documents as w_i = sum of quality(j) * w_ij, and then repeate training and the recalculate weight and so on. Because procedure is equivalent to introducing new hidden layer and recalculating it weights by Hebb procedure the overall procedure should converge if your positive and negative sets are lineary separable in some network feature space.
