Talend job throwing error on a simple SELECT from tSnowflakeInput component - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I am pretty new to Talend. I am trying to obtain data from a Snowflake DB. It's a simple query as follows:
When I run the job, it throws an error with regards to processing the query, as in screenshot 1. Would appreciate your inputs.


Excel Query Won't Update

I have put a query that connects to SQL Server into an Excel spreadsheet (formatted as a table). I update this query daily. Today, when I tried to refresh the query, it generated an error and would not load new data.
The error says:
"This won't work because it would move cells in a table on your worksheet."
All the research I've done on this error seems to relate to users attempting to insert rows, but that's not what I'm doing.
My query will only return two rows, plus the headers. It's not possible for the query to return anything more, so cells shouldn't move in the table.
Any suggestions to solve this error?

An item with the same key has already been added-No duplicate column in query

When I run the SSRS report in SharePoint it runs fine, but when I try to execute it in the development environment, it results in a blank report. No data is displaying.
And also when I am trying to refresh the fields of the dataset used in this report, I am unable to refresh. It is showing the error "could not update a list of fields for the query. Verify that you can connect to the data source and that your query syntax is correct" and when the details is showing as "An item with the same key has already been added"
I have checked for my datasource connection and it is fine and I could not find anything wrong with my SQL query also. It is giving correct result when I am running it as query. And I also checked in query that I have used no column as duplicate while using alias.
Probably there is some kind of duplicate column name, try to put your whole dataset query as subquery
example: select * from ( [query from ssrs dataset] )ssrs.
Execute such statement in mssql and see if there is an error.

Bulk API error Failed to write query result, while querying the opportunity

BulkBatchFailed: Batch 751500000079GEPAA2 of job 75050000005pAvmAAE failed: InternalServerError : Failed to write query result
Are you using SOQL with WHERE clauses ? I suspect that the SOQL query which you tried to execute was not that selective and hence it took long time to query.
Please check this blog and see if you can refine your SOQL query. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/langCon_apex_SOQL_VLSQ.htm
Hope this helps.
I had this error when I was querying the VersionData field from the ContentVersion object. Once I removed this field from my query the error went away.
If you are not querying the ContentVersion field I would try the same query with just the Id field and see if that works. If so you know there is a field you are not supposed to query for in the way you are querying it.

Oracle ADF: Generating Table from managed Bean

I am developing a web application using Oracle ADF. I have a bounded task flow in that i have a page fragment in that I have a table. I am generating this table from managed bean. The following is my table
I have pasted "#{pageFlowScope.tableUtilBean.tableList}" in value field of table in the property inspector. My table is successfully generated.
I have a method in a managed bean called generateTable(). The table will be generated after executing a query. Suppose the query result contains 10 records the table will have 10 rows.
My problem is suppose if the query result is having 100 records this method is executing 100 times and the query is executing 100 times. Due to this, It is taking too much time to generate the table. I need to make sure that this method gets executes only once.
Please help me. How do I achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
In your task flow try to create a Method Activity and make it default activity. This method action should call #{pageFlowScope.tableUtilBean.generateTable}, before fragment is loaded.
And when you have a query to show result then why are you populating table from managed bean
just create a ViewObject from SQL Query and drop it on page as af:table
Make use of ADF Business components

Variable as SQL in cfquery

I have a table that is storing SQL as one of its elements. I need to be able to run that stored SQL query, but can't figure out how to do it. So far, I'm using the following method:
<cfquery name="qDynamicTag" datasource="#myDSN#">
If I dump the value of #PreserveSingleQuotes(arguments.sql)# before executing the cfquery I see the correct SQL statement. However, when I try to run the above cfquery I get a SQLException with the message:
Syntax error at token 0, line 0 offset 0
An example of one of the SQL statements that I'm trying to run:
select productid from catalog.producttag where tag = 'case' or tag = 'cases'
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
Ha! Thanks for all your comments. The suggestion to check the debugging output of the DB activity made me realize that I wasn't seeing the DB activity in the debug section of the page because the query was executing through an AJAX call. After calling the page with the query directly, the DB debug output revealed that the code was good, but the data in the database was bad. One of the records with SQL didn't exist. Thus, cfquery was trying to run a blank string.
