Customize React bootstrap Carousel Indicator active class - reactjs

I am using react bootstrap Carousel in my react js code. I am successfully able to customize react bootstrap Carousel indicators. By using below code..
div.crausal ol li{
height: 0.3em;
width: 4em;
background-color: #E77728 !important;
But I am not able to change the color of active class for indicator. I have tried this
div.crausal ol{
background-color: blue !important;
But it does not work.
This is my carousel class.
<Carousel className={css_class.crausal} touch={true} controls={false}>
// Carousel items goes here //
I want to change the color of active class indicator.
If someone can give better carousel option other than react bootstrap to solve this issue that will also do

I found a kind of fix after researching longer. What you can do is add normal bootstrap file in your project, import it in your component file and now react bootstrap classes are overridden by this normal bootstrap import. After that you can customize the normal bootstrap file downloaded in your project (bootstrap.min.css). But this is just a fix.

What you can do is:
div.carousel-indicators .active{
background-color: #E77728 !important;


How Do I style the draft-js-plugins/image using css?

I am using the #draft-js-plugins/image to display image in my react application. It is working but I can't seem to understand how to style the plugin so as the style my images that are displayed. I read through the documentation and I read that:
The plugin ships with a default styling available at this location in the installed package: node_modules/#draft-js-plugins/image/lib/plugin.css
When I checked this location, the plugin.css is empty. How do I apply style to the images that are displayed by the plugin? My images are covering the entire page.
You can target the images inside the draft.js editor on your component stylesheet. Here is an example screenshot using scss:
Screenshot: targeting draft.js editor using scss
Here is the code block
.DraftEditor-root {
figure {
margin-block-start: .5em;
margin-block-end: .5em;
margin-inline-start: 0;
margin-inline-end: 0;
img {
width: 100%;
// height: 200px;
object-fit: cover;

How to apply CSS to AutoComplete' List from rsuite component

I'm tryin to apply style to the list of this component from Rsuite:
I wanna set a max-height, and overflow.
At the moment I tried to set style={{maxHeight: 150px}} but it applies to the InputContainer not the List.
You can target the popup list via css using the selector: {
max-height: 150px;
overflow: scroll;
Sandbox Example

antd drawer disable shadow

im trying to disable a shadow in the Drawer from antd components, what im trying to disable is the shadow, i already disable the mask but i cant find way to disable the shadow, here is the shadow
i already tried BoxShadow inside the maskStyle and i cant find any solutions to this probles
You need to add this css to hide drawer box-shadow:
.ant-drawer-right.ant-drawer-open .ant-drawer-content-wrapper {
box-shadow: none
.ant-table .ant-table-container::before,
.ant-table .ant-table-container::after {
width: 0px !important;

material design bootstrap right to left Direction

I am using Material Design Bootstrap for React and iIwant to use it for Persian mood.
Is there any solution for right to left direction.
only add this CSS class to your classes i had a problem with Label on
the MDBInput in Material Design Bootstrap so i finally add this class
to Label Class.
.md-form label {
left: unset !important;
display: block;

How to use polymer core icons inside of an angular.js app..?

I am using angular.js to build a SPA and angular-material to for the designing the layout. But turns out that angular material icons are not CSS styleable but polymer's icons are. So I want to use polymer icons inside my angular.js app.. I've included polymer.js in my scripts and import core-icons.html but there is an error..
Uncaught HierarchyRequestError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': Nodes of type 'HTML' may not be inserted inside nodes of type '#document'.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'resolveDom' of undefined
How can I use polymer icons inside my angular.js app..??
Angular does not understand ShadowDOM that Polymer makes extensive use of. So when Angular parses and compiles the HTML it does not know what to do which custom elements so it throws an error.
But from Polymer 0.8 this might change and might be compatible with Angular.
One more thing I notices in your Question was that, you added polymer.js instead of webcomponents.js. polymer.js is the Polymer Library which is used in making new elements and interacting with them, where are webcomponents.js is the polyfill for Web components themselves.
I've used polymer icons in an angular project using material angular. In my case I wanted to use the polymer paper-icon-button element as well but I've also done it with just a core-icon element.
I did not need to include polymer.js, just:
polymer.html, core-icon.html, core-icons.html
I used a paper-icon-button so I also included
and I used am icon from the social set so I included core-icons/social-icons.html as well
for just a core-icon (i had it in a button but i don't think it's necessary)
<button ng-click="toggleLeft()" class="rp-menu-button">
<core-icon icon="menu></core-icon>
.rp-menu-button {
background: none;
border: none;
.rp-menu-icon {
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
color: #toolbar-font-color;
Or for a paper-icon-button:
<paper-icon-button class="rp-card-paper-icon" id="share" icon="social:share">
.rp-card-paper-icon {
text-align: center;
color: #inactive-icon;
&:hover {
color: #active-icon;
.rp-card-paper-icon::shadow core-icon {
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
.rp-card-paper-icon::shadow #ripple {
width: 33px;
height: 33px;
.rp-card-paper-icon#share::shadow #ripple {
color: green;
So You set the color in the class and the size of the icon in .[class]::shadow core-icon and you can use
.rp-card-paper-icon::shadow #ripple
to style to ripple effect (if you are using a paper-icon-button)
