I am trying to interface a 4x3 matrix keypad and 7 segment LED display to PIC18f4550 microcontroller. When I press buttons on keypad, I want the 7 segment display to show the number accordingly.
What I have done so far
Based on my research, I can either use scanning (continuously polling) or use interrupts to interface the keypad with the MCU. I decided to use interrupts as that way the microcontroller can be free up for other operations.
The following is the connection of keypad to MCU.
I am using RB0-2 as input to MCU and RB4-7 are set as output from MCU. RB4-7 are permanently set high so when the user press on the keypad button, it will trigger the RB0-2(INT0-INT2) interrupt to process.
For simplicity in this post, I will only discuss about the Column 1 of the keypad.
This is how I initialize and setup the registers.
void main(void)
OSCCON = 0x72;
TRISD = 0;
LATD = 0;
ADCON1 = 0x0F;
TRISB = 0x07;
LATB = 0xF0;// keep the RB4-7 high
INTCONbits.GIE = 1;
INTCONbits.INT0IF = 0;
INTCONbits.INT0IE = 1;
INTCON2bits.INTEDG0 = 1;
while (1);
My interrupt handling is as below:
if(INTCONbits.INT0IF == 1)
for(char scan=0x10; scan>=0x80; scan <<= 1) // send 1 to each row starting from RB4 till RB7
LATB = scan;
if (PORTBbits.RB0 = 1)
if(scan == 0x10)
if(scan == 0x20)
if(scan == 0x40)
LATB = 0xF0;
INTCONbits.INT0IF == 0;
My problem
When I run the simulation, I noticed that the GIE bit keep toggling very fast between 0 and 1 as soon as I press on any button in Column 1 and no display of any number on 7segment as well. I added the watch window screenshot and highlighted the GIE bit that is toggling.
What have I done wrong? Is my logic of handling interrupt flawed?
As DavidHoadley suggested, I have changed to use use unsigned char instead of char.
I have also corrected the for loop condition.
What I observed was, If I keep the loop inside the interrupt routine, the loop will get stuck for some reason.
For now, I have given up trying to use loop inside the interrupt function and instead resort to have a function in main while loop to output high at each row sequentially forever and the interrupt function is only used to check the output using switch statement.
Your for loop end condition looks like the loop will immediately exit. The line:
for(char scan=0x10; scan>=0x80; scan <<= 1)
Should probably be:
for(char scan=0x10; scan<=0x80; scan <<= 1)
Can’t test this - hope it works
It is a normal behaviour for PIC micros. When PIC goes to the interrrupt vector the GIE bit reset by hardware and when it finishes servicing the interrupt, it returns with the RETFIE assembly instruction by setting the GIE bit which is not visible in C code. So there is no fault in your code for this matter, this is not even a matter.
I see in your code you are using only INT0 interrupt to detect presses and the rest of INTx pins are not activated. That's why the PIC micro will be able to detect the changes of the only first column. I suggest you to use interrupt on change (IOC) which features on RB<7:4> bits. This way you can free the INTx pins for other purposes. And you can move the 3 pins to a PORT other than PORTB. Here is the procedure or my suggestion if you interest:
Configure RB<7:4> pins as inputs and enable their IOC feature.
Configure any 3 pins as output of any port.
If you use the positive logic set the 3 pins high otherwise, low.
In your ISR poll the RBIF to know if there is a change on RB<7:4> pins.
If so make a button scan to detect the pressed key.
Unfortunately can't tell you anything for your display issue since you haven't shared the codes and the configuration of display.
I have set up a project using a 16-bit Microcontroller called Thunderbird12, similar to the 9s12/Freescale 68HC12 family. It does a few things but mainly turn on an external water pump. Everything works fine except I need to implement an interrupt. I want to be able to stop the motor using an interrupt through a push button.
I have set up the button which sets pin 0 of port P to high when pressed. Using C, I have initialized the hardware and written the code but the flag is not called. Please see code below.
// Interrupt function
int interruptFlag;
void interrupt 56 WaterPumpRoutine() {
if ((PIFP & 0x01) == 0x01) { // check if pin 0 of port p is high (when button is pressed)
interruptFlag = 1; // set the flag to 1
// Main
void main() {
DDRP = 0x00; // set port P as input
PIEP = PIEP | 0x01; // enable interrupts on port P, pin 0
PERP = PERP | 0x01; // enable pull-up/down on port P, pin 0
if ( interruptFlag == 1)
PORTB = (PORTB & 0x00) // Here I'm turning off all the pins in Port B, which includes the pump.
If I put this code PORTB = (PORTB & 0x00) inside the WaterPumpRoutine() function, it works fine, but I need to be able to call the flag anywhere. I'm not sure what I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated!
Assuming that the interrupt call works fine..
Change the variable int interruptFlag; to volatile int interruptFlag;. This is to avoid optimizing away the if condition in main by the compiler.
In main you need to reset the interruptFlag on some condition. This is program dependent. Maybe you can do it like this.
if ( interruptFlag == 1)
PORTB = (PORTB & 0x00) // Here I'm turning off all the pins in Port B, which includes the pump.
interruptFlag = 0;
If you are using a push button, you should introduce a debounce mechanism to avoid detecting multiple inputs.
You need to add the if condition in main inside a while(1) loop as the interrupt can come at any time.
if(interruptFlag == 1)
If u still can't get interrupt to fire , after things that other suggested, you should check if you got global interrupts or interrupt for specific part (GPIO) enabled since in most uc setting GPIO to generate interrupts doesn't enable interrupts
As a C beginner, I struggle alot to solve this problem of mine :
I am working on a project where I basicly have to program a PIC (microchip) in C using the mikroC platform.
What I'm trying to achieve is with only one switch/button, I'll have to switch from three different "modules" (as I call them "modules", they correspond to different lighting effects created by LEDs) depending on the time spent pressing the switch/button. In my case, after 500 ms module 1 is up, after 1500 ms module 2 goes up and after 3500 ms module 3 is up (and the whole thing has to be in an infinitely repeating loop since I have to be able to change a module at ANYTIME during the operation).
My only problem is getting the timer/clock to start runnning at the beginning of the program and keep counting time until it reaches a stop signal (like the end of a loop or something).
This may not be appropriate to ask to this community but here I am nonetheless.
I am concious that this is more of a 'algorithmics/logic' problem than anything but I have been trying for the last week without any clue on how to get past this problem...
No results since the code isn't ready at all.
There is a mikroC library for handling button presses. The following example (from the link.) provides a skeletal example of detecting a button push...
bit oldstate; // Old state flag
void main() {
ANSEL = 0; // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
C1ON_bit = 0; // Disable comparators
C2ON_bit = 0;
TRISB0_bit = 1; // set RB0 pin as input
TRISC = 0x00; // Configure PORTC as output
PORTC = 0xAA; // Initial PORTC value
oldstate = 0;
do {
if (Button(&PORTB, 0, 1, 1)) { // Detect logical one
oldstate = 1; // Update flag
if (oldstate && Button(&PORTB, 0, 1, 0)) { // Detect one-to-zero transition
oldstate = 0; // Update flag
} while(1); // Endless loop
There is also a collection of MicroE Examples which include timer examples such as these, and this one. Each of these provide code base examples that might be adapted to create a function that can be wrapped around sections in the button press code to obtain time durations.
I hope this helps.
When the button gets pressed, you need to initialize timer module of respective microcontroller check the interrupt flag, and put it in a loop. increment the value until the button is released, and after that compare the resultant value with the specified limits, this was you can decide for how long a button is pressed, and consecutively you will be able to switch your output. This is the only way if you want to precisely monitor the delay without interrupting the current execution of the program.
I'm new to PIC programming and I'm using MPLAb. I have a question regarding interrupt..
so What I want to do, when I push a button then I want to turn on LED 0, and if I release the button then turn on LED 1. I thought the code I wrote making sense but it didn't work.
Here is what happens. Let say the initial state of interrupt pin is low (0), when a button is pushed. Then the LED 0 is on, and when I release the button then LED 1 is on. When I push the button again, I expect LED 0 is on, but LED 1 stays on, and never change the state.
I added last line to see the state of interrupt pin, and once the interrupt is high, it never change it to low.. Can you please advise me what is my misunderstanding?
Thanks in advance!
Here is my code:
void interrupt ISR(void)
nextLED = 1;
LATC = Output_Code_Buffer[nextLED];
nextLED = 0;
LATC = Output_Code_Buffer[nextLED];
nextLED = INTCONbits.INTF + 2;
LATC = Output_Code_Buffer[nextLED];
// Interrupt Enable settings
INTCONbits.INTE = 1;
INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 1; // Enable TMR0 interrupts
INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; // Clear TMR0 interrupt flag
INTCONbits.GIE = 1; // Enable global interrupts
You need to reset the interrupt flag in the ISR function or it will just keep triggering. Please read the datasheet, it should mention if this is necessary. So just add INTCONbits.INTF = 0; to the ISR and it should work as expected.
When setting up any peripheral or function of the mcu, you should go through the datasheet and use the description of the registers and what to set them. You'll also need to be careful with analogue ports, which often default to analogue instead of digital, causing interrupt not to fire as expected or causing unexpected interrupts. It's best to first setup the MCU config bits, set the TRIS and analogue selection registers (ANSELx or ANSELAx etc), then the registers for any peripheral you want to use. Then setup the interrupts, always reset all the interrupt flags you're going to use to start with a known state.
You also set TMR0IE = 1, which will do the same thing, trigger an interrupt. If you don't reset the TMR0 flag it will keep triggering, locking up your mcu or slow it down.
I am using an Xmega384C3, and all I am trying to do is send a signal down an output port and read it on an input port. I have PORTC set as an output port, and PORTA set as an input port. The corresponding pins on each port are shorted together (PortA pin 0 to PortC pin 0, etc).
My issue appears in the following code:
uint8_t i;
int count = 0;
for(i=2; i<8; i++) {
PORTC.OUT = (1 << i);
if (count == 6) {
I basically just want to read that when I send a logic high down a pin on PORTC, that I can read it on the corresponding pin on PORTA. When I let the code run normally, it does not find any matches and therefore never increments count. However if I add a break point on the line where the if comparison occurs, it then evaluates to true and increments count as expected. Additionally, I can see the ports have the correct values in Atmel Studio's I/O view feature. Any ideas?
It was a timing issue of not allowing long enough for the value on the pin to reflect what I set it as in the code. The issue was resolved by adding a 1 micro second delay using the delay function _delay_us(1) from the delay.h library.
See Any XMEGA Manual > I/O Ports > Overview > General I/O Pin Functionality
Before the IN register there is a synchronizer so the input signal does not instantly appear in the input register. A couple of clock cycles would be enough to wait.
I am trying to set up two timer interrupt routines with Teensy 2.0 Microcontroller (which is based on ATMEGA32U4 8 bit AVR 16 MHz) for independent control of two servo motors
After much trial - I was able to set one up on pin 7 of port C, but
How do I set up the second ISR to be initialized and called independently of the first?
Do I need to setup the second timer and, if so, what would such code look like?
Here is the setup code:
int main(void)
DDRE = 0xFF;
TCCR1A |= 1 << WGM12; // Configure timer 1 for CTC mode
TCCR1B = (1<<WGM12) | (1<<CS11) ;
OCR1A = 1000; // initial
TIMSK1 |= 1 << OCIE1A; // Output Compare A Match Interrupt Enable
sei(); // enable interrupts
// ...code that sets pulseWidth based on app logic variable.
// Not showing as its not important
if (0 == pulseWidth)
static uint8_t state = 0;
int dutyTotal = 20*1000;
if (0 == state)
PORTC |= 0b10000000;
OCR1A = pulseWidth;
state = 1;
else if (1 == state)
PORTC &= 0b01111111;
OCR1A = dutyTotal - pulseWidth;
state = 0;
While it's difficult to give a definitive answer without knowing more about your application (e.g. what kind of servo/motor, - I'm guessing model RC type with 1-2ms pule?) there are two approaches to solving the problem:
Firstly, In your code you seem to be manually generating a PWM signal by toggling PC7. You could add another output by increasing your number of states - you need one more than the number of servos to give the gap which sets the pulse repetition frequency. This is a common technique when you need to drive a lot of servos, since most RC servos don't care about pulse phasing or frequency (within limits), only the pulse width, so you can generate a bunch of different pulses one after the other on different outputs while only using one timer like this (in a sort of pseudo-code state diagram):
State 0:
Turn on output 1
Set timer TOP to pulse duration 1.
Go to state 1:
State 1:
Turn off output 1
Turn on output 2
Set timer TOP to pulse duration 1.
Go to state 2:
State 2:
Turn off output 2
Set timer TOP to pulse duration 3.
Go to state 0:
"Pulse duration 3" sets the PRF (pulse repetition frequency). If you want get fancy,
you can set this to 1/f-pd1-pd2, to give a constant frequency.
[ "TOP" is AVR-speak for the thing that sets the wrap (overflow) rate of the timer. See data sheet. ]
Secondly, there is a much easier way if you're only using two servos - use the hardware PWM functionality of the timer. The AVR timers have a built-in PWM function to do the pin-toggling for you. Timer1 on the mega32 has two PWM output pins, which could work great for your two servos and you then don't (necessarily) need an interrupt handler at all.
This is also the right solution if you are PWM driving motors directly (e.g. through an H-Bridge.)
To do this, you need to put the timer into PWM mode and enable the OC1A and OC1B output pins, e.g.
* Set fast PWM mode on OC1A and OC1B with ICR1 as TOP
* (Mode 14)
TCCR1A = (1 << WGM11) | (1 << COM1B1) | (1 << COM1A1);
TCCR1B = (3 << WGM12);
* Clock source internal, pre-scale by 8
* (i.e. count rate = 2MHz for 16MHz crystal)
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11);
* Set counter TOP value to set pulse repetition frequency.
* E.g. 50Hz (good for RC servos):
* 2e6/50 = 40000. N.B. This must be less than 65535.
* We count from t down to 0 so subtract 1 for true freq.
ICR1 = 40000-1;
/* Enable OC1A and OC1B PWM output */
DDRB |= (1 << PB5) | (1 << PB6);
/* Uncomment to enable TIMER1_OVF_vect interrupts at 50Hz */
/* TIMSK1 = (1 << TOV1); */
* Set both servos to centre (1.5ms pulse).
* Value for OCR1x is 2000 per ms then subtract one.
OCR1A = 3000-1;
OCR1B = 3000-1;
Disclaimer - this code fragment compiles but I have not checked it on an actual device so you may need to double-check the register values. See the full datasheet at http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc7766.pdf
Also, you perhaps have some typos in your code, bit WGM12 doesn't exist in TCC1A (you've actually set bit 3, which is FOC1A - "force compare", see datasheet.) Also, you are writing DDRE to enable outputs on port E but toggling a pin on port C.
Halzephron, thank you so much for your answer. I dont have the high enough reputation to mark your answer, hopefully someone else will.
Details below:
You are absolutely right about being able to use a single IRS to control a number of servos - embarrassing I did not think of that, but given how well your simpler solution worked - I'll just use that.
... Also, you are writing DDRE to enable outputs on port E but toggling a pin on port C.
Thanks, I commented out that line, and it works the same - (so I dont need to enable output at all?)
Bit WGM12 doesn't exist in TCC1A (you've actually set bit 3, which is FOC1A - "force compare", see datasheet.)
I removed that too, but leaving the rest of my code unchanged - it results in servos moving slower, with way less torque and jittering as they do, even after arriving at desired position. Servo makes a weird "shaky" noise (frequency ~10-20, I'd say) and the arm it trembling, so for the reasons I don't understand - setting this bit seems necessary.
I suspected that a timer per motor is highly inelegant, and so I really like your second approach (built - in timer-generated PWM),
... This is also the right solution if you are PWM driving motors directly (e.g. through an H-Bridge.)
Very curious, why? I.e. what's the difference between using this method vs, say, timer-generated PWM.
In your code, I had to change below line to get 50HZ, otherwise I was getting 25HZ before (verified with a scope)
ICR1 = 20000-1; // was 40000 - 1;
One other thing I noticed with scope was that the timer-generated PWM code I have - produces less "rectangular" shape than the PWM code snippet you attached. It takes about 0.5 milliseconds for the signal to drop off to 0 with my code, and its absolutely instantaneous with yours (which is great). This solved another problem I had been bashing my head against: I could get analog servos to work fine with my code (IRS-generated PWM), but any digital servo I tried - just did not move, as if it was broken. I guess the shape of the signal is critical for digital servos, I never read this anywhere. Or maybe its something else I dont know.
As a side note, another weirdness I spent a bunch of time on - I uncommented the TIMSK1 = (1 << TOV1); line, thinking I always needed it - but what happened, my main function would get frozen, blocked forever upon first call to delay_ms(...) not sure what it is - but keeping it commented out unblocks my main loop (where I read the servo positin values from the USB HID using Teensy's sample code)
Again, many thanks for the help.