How to properly create outline around image using RGB values? - arrays

I have an image that I import into Octave 5.2, and I would like to create an outline all the way around the image array using RGB values.
I'm having trouble inserting the RGB values back into the array correctly, inserting / generating the two rows at top, two columns on the left, two columns on the right, and two rows on the bottom all the way around the image / converted double array.
Example of original image:
Example of the image I'm trying to get when done:
My logic was:
To convert the image to a double array so I can do math / insert the RGB values where I wanted them.
Insert the RGB values into the left, right, top, bottom of the array.
Convert the double array back to uint8 to export / view it as image.
My code so far:
pkg load image
img_fn=(''); %original image
[im_r im_c]=size(f);
size_min=min(im_r,im_c); %get minum size from row and col
f_double=double(f); %need to convert to double to do math functions on it
outline_left_of_box=repmat(255,[rows(f_double),2]); %Create left line array of outline red box
f_double_tmp_red(:,:,1)=[outline_left_of_box,f_double];%Create left line of outline red box
red_outline_right_of_box=repmat(255,[rows(f_double),2]); %Create right line array of outline red box
red_outline_top_of_box=repmat(255,[2,columns(f_double)]); %Create top line array of outline red box
red_outline_bottom_of_box=repmat(255,[2,columns(f_double)]); %Create bottom line array of outline red box
%convert back to image
imshow(red_outline_img); %used to show image in octave plot window
Please note: I'm converting the image array into a double because calculations will be done on the array to get the desired color box around the image, but I'm just trying to get the inserting RGB values into the array issue fixed first.

Maybe it's easier to simply paste the inner part of the input image onto some "background" image with the desired border color, like so:
pkg load image
% Read image, get dimensions, convert to double
f = imread('');
[im_ro, im_co, im_ch] = size(f);
f_double = double(f);
% Set up width and color of border
bw = 2;
color = ones(1, 1, im_ch);
color(1, 1, :) = [255, 0, 0];
% Create image of same size as input with solid color, and paste inner part of input
red_outline_img = ones(im_ro, im_co, im_ch) .* color;
red_outline_img(bw+1:end-bw, bw+1:end-bw, :) = f_double(bw+1:end-bw, bw+1:end-bw, :);
red_outline_img = uint8(red_outline_img);
That'd be the output:

Another thing you could try is plot the lines as you suggest, which can be done very efficiently with some clever use of xlim/ylim, and then print the whole thing as an -RGBImage to get it back in image form.
The only caveat here though is that you will need to play with the formatting options to get what you're really after (e.g. in case you want higher or lower resolution), since you really are printing what's on your screen at this point.
L = imread('leaf.png');
hold on
plot( [xlim, fliplr(xlim);xlim, xlim], [ylim, ylim;fliplr(ylim), ylim], 'r', 'linewidth', 2 )
hold off
set( gca, 'position', [0, 0, 1, 1] );
set( gcf, 'paperposition', [0, 0, 1, 1] );
R = print( '-RGBImage' );
imshow(R); set( gcf, 'color', 'k'); axis off


How to add element to array in MatLab?

I am trying to make a graph of the brightness of a pixel vs the distance from center of that pixel. To do so I used for loops to check each pixel for these values. But when adding them to my array I find that I can't. One of the issues is I have to define the array size first so no values get placed in the right spot. I believe everything else to be working except adding values to the arrays.
I've tried various methods of concatenation to add the values of each pixel to the array. I didn't have any more solutions to try.
folder3 = 'C:\Users\slenka\Desktop\Image_Analysis\Subtracted';
subtractedFiles = [dir(fullfile(folder3,'*.TIF')); dir(fullfile(folder3,'*.PNG')); dir(fullfile(folder3,'*.BMP')); dir(fullfile(folder3,'*.jpg'))];
numberOfSubImages= length(subtractedFiles);
for b = 1 : numberOfSubImages
subFileName=fullfile(folder3, subtractedFiles(b).name);
[chartY, chartX, chartNumberOfColorChannels] = size(chartImage);
ccY= chartY/2;
ccX= chartX/2;
for y=1:chartY
for x=1:chartX
D = sqrt((y - c(1)) .^ 2 + (x - c(2)) .^ 2);
grayScale= impixel(chartImage, x, y);
I'm expecting 2 arrays one full of the data values for the light intensity of each pixel in the image, and another for that pixels distance from the center of the image. I am wanting to plot these two arrays as the y and x axis respectively. At the moment the actual results is an entirely empty array full of zeros.

Matlab: Plot array such that each value has random shape and a color map

In Matlab:
How do I modify plot(x,y,'o'), where x=1:10 and y=ones(1,10), such that each point in the plot will have a random shape?
And how can I give it colors chosen from a scheme where the value at x=1 is the darkest blue, and x=10 is red (namely some sort of heat map)?
Can this be done without using loops? Perhaps I should replace "plot" with a different function for this purpose (like "scatter"? I don't know...)? The reason is that I am plotting this inside another loop, which is already very long, so I am interested in keeping the running-time short.
First, the plain code:
x = 1:20;
nx = numel(x);
y = ones(1, nx);
% Color map
cm = [linspace(0, 1, nx).' zeros(nx, 1) linspace(1, 0, nx).'];
% Possible markers
m = 'o+*.xsd^vph<>';
nm = numel(m);
hold on;
for k = 1:nx
plot(x(k), y(k), ...
'MarkerSize', 12, ...
'Marker', m(ceil(nm * (rand()))), ...
'MarkerFaceColor', cm(k, :), ...
'MarkerEdgeColor', cm(k, :) ...
hold off;
And, the output:
Most of this can be found in the MATLAB help for the plot command, at the Specify Line Width, Marker Size, and Marker Color section. Colormaps are simply n x 3 matrices with RGB values ranging from 0 to 1. So, I interpreted the darkest blue as [0 0 1], whereas plain red is [1 0 0]. Now, you just need a linear "interpolation" between those two for n values. Shuffling the marker type is done by simple rand. (One could generate some rand vector with size n beforehand, of course.) I'm not totally sure, if one can put all of these in one single plot command, but I'm highly sceptical. Thus, using a loop was the easiest way right now.

Matlab: multidimensional array for images

I am new to the concept of multi-dimensional array and I am trying to apply it to the following image that I have:
What I would like to do is to create a 5D array as follow [number of boxes in a row, number of boxes in a column, size of each box in x, size of each box in y, RGB] in this example it would be [8, 8, 200, 200, 3].
I have written the following code to grab the pixels of the top left box (the red one) (just to test it):
Image = imread('Grid.jpg');
img = zeros(8, 8, 200, 200, 3)
img(1, 1, 1:200, 1:200, :) = Image(1:200, 1:200, :);
When I run the code I only get a yellow line.
Could somebody please point out what am I doing wrong and why I am getting the result I am getting now?

Histogram of image not showing expected distribution

I have a cell array called output. Output contains matrices of size 1024 x 1024, type = double, grayscale. I would like to plot each matrix and its corresponding histogram on a single plot. Here is what I have so far:
for i = 1:size(output,2)
[pixelCount, grayLevels] = imhist(output{1,i});
title('Histogram of original image');
xlim([0 grayLevels(end)]); % Scale x axis manually.
grid on;
The plot I get, however, seems to be faulty... I was expecting a distribution of bars.
I am somewhat lost at how to proceed, any help or suggestions would be appreciated!
Thanks :)
Based on the colorbar on your image plot the values of your image pixels range from [0, 5*10^6].
For many image processing functions, MATLAB assumes one of two color models, double values ranging from [0, 1] or integer values ranging from [0 255]. While the supported ranges are not explicitly mentioned in the imhist documentation, in the "Tips" section of the imhist documentation, there is a table of scale factors for different numeric types that hints at these assumptions.
I think the discrepancy between your image range and these models is the root of the problem.
For example, I load a grayscale image and scale the pixels by 1000 to approximate your data.
% Toy data to approximate your image
I = im2double(imread('cameraman.tif'));
output = {I, I .* 1000};
for i = 1:size(output,2)
[pixelCount, grayLevels] = imhist(output{1,i});
title('Histogram of original image');
grid on;
The first image is using a matrix with the standard [0,1] double value range. The imhist calculates a histogram as expected. The second image is using a matrix with the scaled [0, 1000] double value range. imhist assigns all the pixels to the 255 bin since that is the maximum bin. Therefore, we need a method that allows us to scale the bins.
Solution : Use histogram
histogram is designed for any numeric type and range. You may need to fiddle with the bin edges to show the structures that you are interested in as it doesn't initialize bins the same way imhist does.
title('Histogram of original image');
grid on;

Matlab - Cropping 2d image maps in a loop and storing in a single variable

I have a code to crop connected components of input image, input, by finding the boundary conditions from a binary image's labelled map, labelledmap ([labelledmap, labelcount] = bwlabel(hvedged, 8);)
I'm new to matlab so this might sound stupid..
The problem is, I am unable to store different cropped images in the same variable, Because matlab seems to merge the ends of the already existing image and the new cropped image, i.e, it is storing the complete map between the two cropped images, the way i see it :/
This is the output Using different variables for storing cropped image (the kind of output i want)
Output Using different variables for storing cropped image
This is the output i'm getting by storing the cropped image in the same variable(not helpful)
Output when storing cropped image in the same varible
I tried using an array of size equal to total number of labels produced but it's giving the same result.. also i tried clearvars for clearing the output token image, ltoken, after every iteration of the loop but it's not helping
So, is there any possible way to display individual cropped images.. also the number of cropped images might be in thousands so i want to use a loop to code their cropping mechanism
here is a part of the code attached.. thanks in advance ;)
for h=1:labelcount
for i=1:r
for j=1:c
if labelledmap(i,j)==h
if i<ltop
if i>lbottom
if j<lleft
if j>lright
if ltop>5
if lbottom<r-5
if lleft>5
if lright<c-5
ltoken=imcrop(input,[lleft ltop lwidth lheight]);
figure('Name', 'Cropped Token'), imshow(ltoken);
clearvars ltoken;
you need to initialize ltop lbottom lleft and lright for each iteration of label h. I think this is the reason why you get the cropped images "glued" together.
It is EXTREMELY inefficient to go through all the pixels for each and every one of your labels. Especially when you are expected to have many labels.
Use regionprops to get the 'BoundingBox' property for each label.
Here's an example
st = regionprops( labelledmap, 'BoundingBox' );
imlist = cell( 1, numel(st) ); % pre-allocate
for ii=1:numel(st)
r = st(ii).BoundingBox;
% I understand you want to increase the BB by 5 pixels at each side:
r(1:2) = r(1:2) - 5; % start point moves -5
r(3:4) = r(3:4) + 10; % width and height increases by 10
imlist{ii} = imcrop( input, r );
I'm still a bit in shock by your code that explicitly loops through all pixels just for finding the bouding box. This is NOT the matlab way of doing things.
If you insist on NOT using regionprops here's a more Matlab-ish way of finding the ii-th bounding box:
imsk = (labeledmap == ii); % create a binary map with True for ii-th region
xFlat = any(imsk,1); % "flattening" imsk on the x-axis
lleft = find( xFlat, 1, 'first' );
lright = find( xFlat, 1, 'last' );
yFlat = any(imsk, 2);
ltop = find( yFlat, 1, 'first' );
lbottom = find( yFlat, 1, 'last' );
No loops at all over image coordinates.
