Filling the array with array does not work as I expected - arrays

I want to make a multiple array whose entry is multiple array, and want to push some array one by one into the entry.
For example, I made 2 x 3 Matrix named arr and tried to fill [1,1] and [1,2] entries with 4 x 4 Matrix spawned by randn(4,4).
arr = fill(Matrix{Float64}[], 2, 3)
However, the result is all the entries of arr (other than [1,1] and [1,2]) were filled with the same randn(4,4), instead of just [1,1] and [1,2] filled with randn(4,4):
[[-0.15122805007483328 0.6132236453930502 -0.9090110366765862 1.2589924202099898; -1.120611384326006 -0.9083935218058066 0.7252290006516056 1.0970416725786256; -0.19173238706933265 1.3610525411901113 -0.05258697093572793 0.7776085390912448; 0.18491459001855373 -2.0537142669734934 0.3482557186126859 0.0047622478008474845], [0.23422967703060255 -0.51986351753462 0.45947166573674303 0.31316899298864387; 0.3704450103622709 -0.8186574197233013 -0.9990329964554037 -0.8345957519924763; 0.56641529964098 -0.8393435538481216 -0.6379336546939682 1.1843452368116358; 0.9435767553275002 0.0033471181565433127 -1.191611491619908 1.3970554854927264]]
[[-0.15122805007483328 0.6132236453930502 -0.9090110366765862 1.2589924202099898; -1.120611384326006 -0.9083935218058066 0.7252290006516056 1.0970416725786256; -0.19173238706933265 1.3610525411901113 -0.05258697093572793 0.7776085390912448; 0.18491459001855373 -2.0537142669734934 0.3482557186126859 0.0047622478008474845], [0.23422967703060255 -0.51986351753462 0.45947166573674303 0.31316899298864387; 0.3704450103622709 -0.8186574197233013 -0.9990329964554037 -0.8345957519924763; 0.56641529964098 -0.8393435538481216 -0.6379336546939682 1.1843452368116358; 0.9435767553275002 0.0033471181565433127 -1.191611491619908 1.3970554854927264]]
[[-0.15122805007483328 0.6132236453930502 -0.9090110366765862 1.2589924202099898; -1.120611384326006 -0.9083935218058066 0.7252290006516056 1.0970416725786256; -0.19173238706933265 1.3610525411901113 -0.05258697093572793 0.7776085390912448; 0.18491459001855373 -2.0537142669734934 0.3482557186126859 0.0047622478008474845], [0.23422967703060255 -0.51986351753462 0.45947166573674303 0.31316899298864387; 0.3704450103622709 -0.8186574197233013 -0.9990329964554037 -0.8345957519924763; 0.56641529964098 -0.8393435538481216 -0.6379336546939682 1.1843452368116358; 0.9435767553275002 0.0033471181565433127 -1.191611491619908 1.3970554854927264]]
What is wrong?
Any information would be appreciated.

When you do arr = fill(Matrix{Float64}[], 2, 3) all 6 elements point into exactly the same location in memory because fill does not make deep copy - it just copies the references. Basically, using fill when the first argument is mutable usually turns out not to be a good idea.
Hence what you actually want is:
arr = [Matrix{Float64}[] for i in 1:2, j in 1:3]
Now each of 6 slots will have its own address in the memory.

This way of creating the array implies that each element will be Float64, i.e. a scalar. You need to fix the type signature. So for instance you could do
D = Matrix{Array{Float64, 2}}(undef, 2, 3)
if you want it to have 2-dimensional arrays as elements (the Float64,2 does that)
and then allocate
D[1,1] = rand(4,4)
D[1,2] = rand(4,4)
to give you (or rather, me!):
julia> D[1,1]
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
0.210019 0.528594 0.0566622 0.0547953
0.729212 0.40829 0.816365 0.804139
0.39524 0.940286 0.976152 0.128008
0.886597 0.379621 0.153302 0.798803
julia> D[1,2]
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
0.640809 0.821668 0.627057 0.382058
0.532567 0.262311 0.916391 0.200024
0.0599815 0.17594 0.698521 0.517822
0.965279 0.804067 0.39408 0.105774


Julia iteratively make 3D array from 2D arrays

I am trying to make a 3D array from many 2D arrays.
Image Files
Each image becomes a 2D array.
using Images, Colors
paths = readdir(
, join = true
images_3D = []
for p = paths
img = load(p)
gray = Gray.(img)
arr = convert(Array{Float64}, gray) # <----- 2D array
append!(images_3d, arr)
>>> size(images_3d)
(1536000) # <--- 1D view?
>>> 1536000 == 80*160*120
>>> reshaped_3d = reshape(images_3d, (80,160,120))
>>> Gray.(reshaped_3d[1,:,:])
# 160x120 scrambled mess of pixels not rearranged as expected
append! makes a size== 1D array that does not reshape as expected.
Whereas push! creates an array of hard arrays that keep their shape. It’s not technically 3D, just an 80 element vector.
When I tried to initialize an empty 3D and then overwrite each 2D with my own 2D image I got Matrix{Float64} to Float64 type conversion failures.
Can’t iteratively vcat 2D arrays because cannot overwrite variables.
Part of the reason for posting this is to see how Julia programmers approach multi-dimensional arrays.
There's multiple ways to do this, you'll have to tty and test which one is the best in your case.
with append! and resize
Arrays in Julia should start iterating with the first index, which the number of images is the last index. If 80 is the amount of images, the reshape should be
reshape(images_3d, (160,120,80))
(maybe exchange 120 and 160, not sure about this one).
And then to get the first image, it's reshaped_3d[:,:,1]
with push!
push!ing the matrices and then creating the 3d array with cat would work too :
julia> A = [rand(3,4) for i in 1:2];
julia> cat(A..., dims=3)
3×4×2 Array{Float64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
0.372747 0.17654 0.398272 0.231992
0.514789 0.342374 0.399816 0.277959
0.908909 0.864676 0.9788 0.585375
[:, :, 2] =
0.358169 0.816448 0.0558052 0.404178
0.747453 0.80815 0.384903 0.447053
0.314895 0.46264 0.947465 0.170982
initialize the 3D Array (probably the best one)
and fill it up progressively
julia> A = Array{Float64}(undef,3,4,2);
julia> for i in 1:2
A[:,:,i] = rand(3,4)
julia> A
3×4×2 Array{Float64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
0.478106 0.829818 0.526572 0.644238
0.714812 0.781246 0.93239 0.759864
0.523958 0.955136 0.70079 0.193489
[:, :, 2] =
0.481405 0.561407 0.184557 0.449584
0.547769 0.170311 0.371797 0.538843
0.0285712 0.731686 0.00126473 0.452273
Just add to the accepted answer, looping over the first index will be even faster. Consider the following two functions, test1() is faster to run because the loop is in the first index.
aa_stack1 = zeros(3, 10000, 10000);
aa_stack3 = zeros(10000, 10000, 3);
function test1()
for ii = 1:3
aa_stack1[ii, :, :] = rand(10000, 10000)
function test2()
for ii = 1:3
aa_stack3[:, :, ii] = rand(10000, 10000)
#time test1()
#time test2()
The first way "maximizes memory locality and reduces cache misses" because "when you iterate over the first dimension, the values of the other two dimensions are kept in cache, which means that accessing them takes less time" (according to ChatGPT).

Julia Quick way to initialise an empty array that's the same size as another?

I have an array
array1 = Array{Int,2}(undef, 2, 3)
Is there a way to quickly make a new array that's the same size as the first one? E.g. something like
array2 = Array{Int,2}(undef, size(array1))
current I have to do this which is pretty cumbersome, and even worse for higher dimension arrays
array2 = Array{Int,2}(undef, size(array1)[1], size(array1)[2])
What you're looking for is similar(array1).
You can even change up the array type by passing in a type, e.g.
similar(array1, Float64)
similar(array1, Int64)
Using similar is a great solution. But the reason your original attempt doesn't work is the number 2 in the type parameter signature: Array{Int, 2}. The number 2 specifies that the array must have 2 dimensions. If you remove it you can have exactly as many dimensions as you like:
julia> a = rand(2,4,3,2);
julia> b = Array{Int}(undef, size(a));
julia> size(b)
(2, 4, 3, 2)
This works for other array constructors too:
fill(5, size(a))
# etc.

How to initialize a particular numpy array element value with a set of elements?

I have a code in which I want to create a multidimensional array of numpy with each element being another array of 3 elements of row vector here is how it looks:
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
Now when I try to do so, I get an error:
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
Please tell me where I went wrong.
Basically, my aim is to create a numpy ndarray( and not asarray or array) like this:
This is just a rough example of what I want to do.
The 3 element vector at every i, j location forms a third dimension. Thus the shape of the array should be [4, 4, 3] - the third dimension contains 3 elements.
a1 = np.ndarray([4, 4, 3])
your final array will have (4,4,3) shape. so you must reserve this room :
# or np.ndarray((4,4,3),int)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
a1[i,j]=[i,j,i+j] # for exemple

Correct way of maintaining array structure in R [duplicate]

I am working with 3D arrays. A function takes a 2D array slice (matrix) from the user and visualizes it, using row and column names (the corresponding dimnames of the array). It works fine if the array dimensions are > 1.
However, if I have 1x1x1 array, I cannot extract the slice as a matrix:
a <- array(1, c(1,1,1), list(A="a", B="b", C="c"))
[1] 1
It is a scalar with no dimnames, hence part of the necessary information is missing. If I add drop=FALSE, I don't get a matrix but retain the original array:
, , C = c
A b
a 1
The dimnames are here but it is still 3-dimensional. Is there an easy way to get a matrix slice from 1x1x1 array that would look like the above, just without the third dimension:
A b
a 1
I suspect the issue is that when indexing an array, we cannot distinguish between 'take 1 value' and 'take all values' in case where 'all' is just a singleton...
The drop parameter of [ is all-or-nothing, but the abind package has an adrop function which will let you choose which dimension you want to drop:
abind::adrop(a, drop = 3)
## B
## A b
## a 1
Without any extra packages, the best I could do was to apply and return the sub-array:
apply(a, 1:2, identity)
# or
apply(a, 1:2, I)
# B
#A b
# a 1

How do concatenation and indexing differ for cells and arrays in MATLAB?

I am a little confused about the usage of cells and arrays in MATLAB and would like some clarification on a few points. Here are my observations:
An array can dynamically adjust its own memory to allow for a dynamic number of elements, while cells seem to not act in the same way:
a=[]; a=[a 1]; b={}; b={b 1};
Several elements can be retrieved from cells, but it doesn't seem like they can be from arrays:
a={'1' '2'}; figure; plot(...); hold on; plot(...); legend(a{1:2});
b=['1' '2']; figure; plot(...); hold on; plot(...); legend(b(1:2));
%# b(1:2) is an array, not its elements, so it is wrong with legend.
Are these correct? What are some other different usages between cells and array?
Cell arrays can be a little tricky since you can use the [], (), and {} syntaxes in various ways for creating, concatenating, and indexing them, although they each do different things. Addressing your two points:
To grow a cell array, you can use one of the following syntaxes:
b = [b {1}]; % Make a cell with 1 in it, and append it to the existing
% cell array b using []
b = {b{:} 1}; % Get the contents of the cell array as a comma-separated
% list, then regroup them into a cell array along with a
% new value 1
b{end+1} = 1; % Append a new cell to the end of b using {}
b(end+1) = {1}; % Append a new cell to the end of b using ()
When you index a cell array with (), it returns a subset of cells in a cell array. When you index a cell array with {}, it returns a comma-separated list of the cell contents. For example:
b = {1 2 3 4 5}; % A 1-by-5 cell array
c = b(2:4); % A 1-by-3 cell array, equivalent to {2 3 4}
d = [b{2:4}]; % A 1-by-3 numeric array, equivalent to [2 3 4]
For d, the {} syntax extracts the contents of cells 2, 3, and 4 as a comma-separated list, then uses [] to collect these values into a numeric array. Therefore, b{2:4} is equivalent to writing b{2}, b{3}, b{4}, or 2, 3, 4.
With respect to your call to legend, the syntax legend(a{1:2}) is equivalent to legend(a{1}, a{2}), or legend('1', '2'). Thus two arguments (two separate characters) are passed to legend. The syntax legend(b(1:2)) passes a single argument, which is a 1-by-2 string '12'.
Every cell array is an array! From this answer:
[] is an array-related operator. An array can be of any type - array of numbers, char array (string), struct array or cell array. All elements in an array must be of the same type!
Example: [1,2,3,4]
{} is a type. Imagine you want to put items of different type into an array - a number and a string. This is possible with a trick - first put each item into a container {} and then make an array with these containers - cell array.
Example: [{1},{'Hallo'}] with shorthand notation {1, 'Hallo'}
