How to implement AddAdiditions in React Sematic UI using Hooks? - reactjs

I want to have a drop down in my application which allows the user to add an item to the dropdown. I am using React Sematic UI.
Sematic UI Dropdown ALlowAdditions
I am new to react hooks and I want to know how I can implement the onChange and onAddition function using hooks.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Dropdown } from 'semantic-ui-react'
const options = [
{ key: 'English', text: 'English', value: 'English' },
{ key: 'French', text: 'French', value: 'French' },
{ key: 'Spanish', text: 'Spanish', value: 'Spanish' },
{ key: 'German', text: 'German', value: 'German' },
{ key: 'Chinese', text: 'Chinese', value: 'Chinese' },
class DropdownExampleAllowAdditions extends Component {
state = { options }
handleAddition = (e, { value }) => {
this.setState((prevState) => ({
options: [{ text: value, value }, ...prevState.options],
handleChange = (e, { value }) => this.setState({ currentValue: value })
render() {
const { currentValue } = this.state
return (
placeholder='Choose Language'
export default DropdownExampleAllowAdditions
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Dropdown } from "semantic-ui-react";
const options = [
{ key: "English", text: "English", value: "English" },
{ key: "French", text: "French", value: "French" },
{ key: "Spanish", text: "Spanish", value: "Spanish" },
{ key: "German", text: "German", value: "German" },
{ key: "Chinese", text: "Chinese", value: "Chinese" }
const DropDownWithHooks = () => {
const [dropDownOptions, setDropDownOptions] = useState(options);
const [currentValue, setCurrentValue] = useState("");
const handleAddition = (e, { value }) => {
setDropDownOptions((prevOptions) => [
{ text: value, value },
const handleChange = (e, { value }) => setCurrentValue(value);
return (
placeholder="Choose Language"
export default DropDownWithHooks;
Working Sandbox


Can't save value into database through Reactjs Component

I just start learning Reactjs and I have trouble with Component. Here are my code:
export default function ChonLanguage() {
const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = useState([]);
const options = [
{ value: 'Vietnamese', label: 'Vietnamese' },
{ value: 'English', label: 'English' },
{ value: 'Chinese', label: 'Chinese' },
{ value: 'Japanese', label: 'Japanese' },
{ value: 'German', label: 'German' },
const handleChangeOption = () => {
return setSelectedOption;
return (
<Select className={`col-12 o-languages`}
options={options} />
It shown my options, but when I submit, I not save into Database. What should I change? Thanks
Made some minor changes to your code.
Kindly note:-
setSelectedOption is function of type React.dispatch<[]> which will update selectedOption state value so you need to pass some value in that.
useEffect is used to check the updated value of selectedOption, you may not use it.
export default function ChonLanguage() {
const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = useState([]);
const options = [
{ value: "Vietnamese", label: "Vietnamese" },
{ value: "English", label: "English" },
{ value: "Chinese", label: "Chinese" },
{ value: "Japanese", label: "Japanese" },
{ value: "German", label: "German" }
const handleChangeOption = (event) => {
return setSelectedOption(event.value);
useEffect(() => {
}, [selectedOption]);
return (
className={`col-12 o-languages`}
onChange={(e) => {

I want to save just value in react-select

I have some trouble with my react-select: When I click 'Submit', it save an object that have both 'value' and 'label' like this:
enter image description here
All I need is when I choose, it's show label list, and when I submit, it save only value. What can I do? Here are my code:
const [mainLang, setMainLang] = useState("");
const mainLangOptions = [
{ value: 'vi', label: 'Vietnamese' },
{ value: 'en', label: 'English' },
{ value: 'zh', label: 'Chinese' },
{ value: 'ja', label: 'Japanese' },
{ value: 'de', label: 'German' },
//This is Select part
onChange={(e) =>setMainLang(e)}
You need to set the option value as the mainLangOptions.value and the label as
mainLangOptions.label. By doing that you will display the label as option labels and save the value as the value of option tag. Check out the code below :
import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
mainLanguage: ""
onOptionChangeHandler = (event) => {
this.state.mainLanguage =;
render() {
const mainLangOptions = [
{ value: "vi", label: "Vietnamese" },
{ value: "en", label: "English" },
{ value: "zh", label: "Chinese" },
{ value: "ja", label: "Japanese" },
{ value: "de", label: "German" }
return (
<select onChange={this.onOptionChangeHandler}>
<option>Please choose one option</option>
{, index) => {
return (
<option value={option.value} key={index}>
export default App;
You must use inside your setMainLang
<Select onChange={(e) => setMainLang(}>
This should work for your code but if it doesn't work, here is a complete code that I have tested in code sandbox and you can try it.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Select } from "#chakra-ui/react";
const Users = () => {
const [mainLang, setMainLang] = useState("");
const mainLangOptions = [
{ value: "vi", label: "Vietnamese" },
{ value: "en", label: "English" },
{ value: "zh", label: "Chinese" },
{ value: "ja", label: "Japanese" },
{ value: "de", label: "German" }
return (
<Select onChange={(e) => setMainLang(}>
{ => (
<option value={op.value}>{op.label}</option>
export default Users;

Antd Tree component, how to add cache data

I have a problem with the Tree component of the Antd library. The problem is presented on the video. Namely that the component after changing the data tree renders anew and after selecting an option the previous ones are cleared. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this, so that after changing the data tree, the previous options that were selected are still selected?
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Tree } from 'antd';
import { Wrapper, TreeContainer } from './Tree.styled';
const treeData = [
title: '0-1',
key: '0-1',
children: [
{ title: '0-1-0-0', key: '0-0-0-0', },
{ title: '0-1-0-1', key: '0-0-0-1' },
{ title: '0-1-0-2', key: '0-0-0-2' },
title: '0-2',
key: '0-2',
title: '0-3',
key: '0-3',
children: [
{ title: '0-2-0-0', key: '0-2-0-0', },
{ title: '0-2-0-1', key: '0-2-0-1' },
{ title: '0-2-0-2', key: '0-2-0-2' },
title: '0-4',
key: '0-4',
children: [
{ title: '0-3-0-0', key: '0-3-0-0', },
{ title: '0-3-0-1', key: '0-3-0-1' },
{ title: '0-3-0-2', key: '0-3-0-2' },
title: '0-5',
key: '0-5',
children: [
{ title: '0-4-0-0', key: '0-4-0-0', },
{ title: '0-4-0-1', key: '0-4-0-1' },
{ title: '0-4-0-2', key: '0-4-0-2' },
const AntdTree = () => {
const [checkedKeys, setCheckedKeys] = useState<React.Key[]>([]);
const [optionValue, setOptionValue] = useState<any>();
const tree = treeData.filter(filterValue => filterValue.key == (!!optionValue ? optionValue : filterValue.key)).map(data => data)
const onCheck = (checkedKeysValue: any) => {
console.log('onCheck', checkedKeysValue);
return (
<select value={optionValue} onChange={e => setOptionValue(} >
<option value={'0-1'}>0-1</option>
<option value={'0-2'}>0-2</option>
<option value={'0-3'}>0-3</option>
<option value={'0-4'}>0-4</option>
<option value={'0-5'}>0-5</option>
<button onClick={() => setOptionValue('')} >Delete</button>
export default AntdTree;
Link to video with problem:
Thanks for your help !😊
onCheck callback in your case rewrite new values. You can save previous values using prevState in useState hook like so:
const onCheck = (checkedKeysValue: React.Key[], info: any) => {
console.log('onCheck', checkedKeysValue);
console.log('info', info);
if (info.checked) { // handle check case
setCheckedKeys(prevState => [...prevState, ...checkedKeysValue]);
} else { // handle uncheck case

How to select the desired input field for filtering in React Data Grid

I am trying to write some tests using Cypress with Reactjs (both latest versions). It seems like there is nothing I can select these input fields of filtering because they all look the same. Is there a way to put id/class names to these fields? I am both new to React and Cypress. Thanks
import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import ReactDataGrid from "react-data-grid";
import { Toolbar, Data } from "react-data-grid-addons";
import createRowData from "./createRowData";
import "./styles.css";
const defaultColumnProperties = {
filterable: true,
width: 120
const selectors = Data.Selectors;
const columns = [
key: "id",
name: "ID"
key: "title",
name: "Title"
key: "firstName",
name: "First Name"
key: "lastName",
name: "Last Name"
key: "email",
name: "Email"
key: "street",
name: "Street"
key: "zipCode",
name: "ZipCode"
key: "date",
name: "Date"
key: "jobTitle",
name: "Job Title"
key: "catchPhrase",
name: "Catch Phrase"
key: "jobArea",
name: "Job Area"
key: "jobType",
name: "Job Type"
].map(c => ({ ...c, ...defaultColumnProperties }));
const ROW_COUNT = 50;
const handleFilterChange = filter => filters => {
const newFilters = { ...filters };
if (filter.filterTerm) {
newFilters[filter.column.key] = filter;
} else {
delete newFilters[filter.column.key];
return newFilters;
function getRows(rows, filters) {
return selectors.getRows({ rows, filters });
function Example({ rows }) {
const [filters, setFilters] = useState({});
const filteredRows = getRows(rows, filters);
return (
rowGetter={i => filteredRows[i]}
toolbar={<Toolbar enableFilter={true} />}
onAddFilter={filter => setFilters(handleFilterChange(filter))}
onClearFilters={() => setFilters({})}
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<Example rows={createRowData(50)} />, rootElement);
I would Use This specific attribute syntax to select them by key value:
.then(element => {
//My code

How to convert function component to class component in fluent UI?

I am creating multi select drop down in Office fabrics.I saw the code.It contain the functional component.I want to change in class component.and How can we store the selected options in state variable?
please guide me.I am new in spfx share-point.
Code given below:-
import * as React from 'react';
import { Dropdown, DropdownMenuItemType, IDropdownOption, IDropdownStyles } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Dropdown';
const dropdownStyles: Partial<IDropdownStyles> = { dropdown: { width: 300 } };
const DropdownControlledMultiExampleOptions = [
{ key: 'fruitsHeader', text: 'Fruits', itemType: DropdownMenuItemType.Header },
{ key: 'apple', text: 'Apple' },
{ key: 'banana', text: 'Banana' },
{ key: 'orange', text: 'Orange', disabled: true },
{ key: 'grape', text: 'Grape' },
{ key: 'divider_1', text: '-', itemType: DropdownMenuItemType.Divider },
{ key: 'vegetablesHeader', text: 'Vegetables', itemType: DropdownMenuItemType.Header },
{ key: 'broccoli', text: 'Broccoli' },
{ key: 'carrot', text: 'Carrot' },
{ key: 'lettuce', text: 'Lettuce' },
export const DropdownControlledMultiExample: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
const [selectedKeys, setSelectedKeys] = React.useState<string[]>([]);
const onChange = (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLDivElement>, item: IDropdownOption): void => {
if (item) {
item.selected ? [...selectedKeys, item.key as string] : selectedKeys.filter(key => key !== item.key),
return (
placeholder="Select options"
label="Multi-select controlled example"
You can do the following:
export class DropdownControlledMultiExample extends React.Component {
state = {
selectedKeys: []
onChange = (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLDivElement>, item: IDropdownOption): void => {
if (item) {
? [...this.state.selectedKeys, item.key as string]
: this.state.selectedKeys.filter(key => key !== item.key),
render() {
return (
placeholder="Select options"
label="Multi-select controlled example"
