SDCC Z80: Avoid addresses - linker

Can I exclude certain addresses inside the code segment in SDCC? For example if my code segment spans from addr. 0x0000 to 0x4000, can I somehow tell the linker/compiler to avoid addr. from 0x2000 to 0x2100 and not place any code there?
The two practical case for this are:
Replacing a ROM with a new (drastically different!) version and wanting to maintain binary compatibility with the old ROM. Certain absolute addresses in the old ROM are called by existing software and I want to provide "compatibility mode", assuring that at least most common jump will still work.
The memory mapped hardware does nasty things to the ROM (such as disabling it!) if I "touch" certain addresses. So I want to make sure no code is ever placed there.
I could create multiple segments and manually allocate functions to them until "full", but I wonder if I can get any help from the compiler / linker? Because the code frequently changes and I don't want to adjust what goes into which segment for every bugfix that increases the size of a function for a few bytes...


Way to detect that stack area is not overlapping RAM area during runtime

Is there any way to check or prevent stack area from crossing the RAM data (.data or .bss) area in the limited memory (RAM/ROM) embedded systems comprising microcontrollers? There are tools to do that, but they come with very costly license fees like C-STAT and C-RUN in IAR.
You need no external tools to view and re-map your memory layout. The compiler/linker you are using should provide means of doing so. How to do this is of course very system-specific.
What you do is to open up the system-specific linker file in which all memory segments have been pre-defined to a default for the given microcontroller. You should have the various RAM segments listed there, de facto standard names are: .stack .data .bss and .heap.
Each such segment will have an address range specified. Change the addresses and you will move the segments. However, these linker files usually have some obscure syntax that you need to study before you touch anything. If you are (un)lucky it uses GNU linker scripts, which is a well-documented, though rather complex standard.
There could also be some manufacturer-supplied start-up code that sets the stack pointer. You might have to modify that code manually, in addition to tweaking the linker file.
Regarding the stack: you need to check the CPU core manual and see if the stack pointer moves upwards or downwards on your given system. Most common is downwards, but the alternative exists. You should ensure that in the direction that the stack grows, there is no other read/write data segment which it can overwrite upon stack overflow. Ideally the stack should overflow into non-mapped memory where access would cause a CPU hardware interrupt/exception.
Here is an article describing how to do this.
In small micros that do not have the necessary hardware support for this, a very simple method is to have a periodic task (either under a multitasker or via a regular timed interrupt) check the 'threshold' RAM address which you must have initialized to some 'magic' pattern, like 0xAA55
Once the periodic task sees this memory address change contents, you have a problem!
In microcontrollers with limited resources, it is always a good idea to prevent stack overflow via simple memory usage optimizations:
Reduce overall RAM usage by storing read-only variables in non-volatile (e.g. flash) memory. A good target for this are constant strings in your code, like the ones used on printf() format strings, for example. This can free a lot of memory for your stack to grow. Check you compiler documentation about how to allocate these variables in flash.
Avoid recursive calls - they are not a good idea in resource-constrained or safety-critical systems, as you have little control over how the stack grows.
Avoid passing large parameters by value in function calls - pass them as const references whenever possible (e.g. for structs or classes).
Minimize unnecessary usage of local variables. Look particularly for the large ones, like local buffers for example. Often you can find ways to just remove them, or to use a shared resource instead without compromising your code.

Big empty space in memory?

Im very new to embedded programming started yesterday actually and Ive noticed something I think is strange. I have a very simple program doing nothing but return 0.
int main() {
return 0;
When I run this in IAR Embedded Workbench I have a memory view showing me the programs memory. Ive noticed that in the memory there is some memory but then it is a big block of empty space and then there is memory again (I suck at explaining :P so here is an image of the memory)
Please help me understand this a little more than I do now. I dont really know what to search for because Im so new to this.
The first two lines are the 8 interrupt vectors, expressed as 32-bit instructions with the highest byte last. That is, read them in groups of 4 bytes, with the highest byte last, and then convert to an instruction via the usual method. The first few vectors, including the reset at memory location 0, turn out to be LDR instructions, which load an immediate address into the PC register. This causes the processor to jump to that address. (The reset vector is also the first instruction to run when the device is switched on.)
You can see the structure of an LDR instruction here, or at many other places via an internet search. If we write the reset vector 18 f0 95 e5 as e5 95 f0 18, then we see that the PC register is loaded with the address located at an offset of 0x20.
So the next two lines are memory locations referred to by instructions in the first two lines. The reset vector sends the PC to 0x00000080, which is where the C runtime of your program starts. (The other vectors send the PC to 0x00000170 near the end of your program. What this instruction is is left to the reader.)
Typically, the C runtime is code added to the front of your program that loads the global variables into RAM from flash, and sets the uninitialized RAM to 0. Your program starts after that.
Your original question was: why have such a big gap of unused flash? The answer is that flash memory is not really at a premium, so we can waste a little, and that having extra space there allows for forward-compatibility. If we need to increase the vector table size, then we don't need to move the code around. In fact, this interrupt model has been changed in the new ARM Cortex processors anyway.
Physical (not virtual) memory addresses map to physical circuits. The lowest addresses often map to registers, not RAM arrays. In the interest of consistency, a given address usually maps to the same functionality on different processors of the same family, and missing functionality appears as a small hole in the address mapping.
Furthermore, RAM is assigned to a contiguous address range, after all the I/O registers and housekeeping functions. This produces a big hole between all the registers and the RAM.
Alternately, as #Martin suggests, it may represent uninitialized and read-only Flash memory as -- bytes. Unlike truly unassigned addresses, access to this is unlikely to produce an exception, and you might even be able to make them "reappear" using appropriate Flash controller commands.
On a modern desktop-class machine, virtual memory hides all this from you, and even parts of the physical address map may be configurable. Many embedded-class processors allow configuration to the extent of specifying the location of the interrupt vector table.
UncleO is right but here is some additional information.
The project's linker command file (*.icf for IAR EW) determines where sections are located in memory. (Look under Project->Options->Linker->Config to identify your linker configuration file.) If you view the linker command file with a text editor you may be able to identify where it locates a section named .intvec (or similar) at address 0x00000000. And then it may locate another section (maybe .text) at address 0x00000080.
You can also see these memory sections identified in the .map file, along with their locations. (Ensure "Generate linker map file" is checked under Project->Options->Linker->List.) The map file is an output from the build, however, and it's the linker command file that determines the locations.
So that space in memory is there because the linker command file instructed it to be that way. I'm not sure whether that space is necessary but it's certainly not a problem. You might be able to experiment with the linker command file and move that second section around. But the exception table (a.k.a. interrupt vector table) must be located at 0x00000000. And you'll want to ensure that the reset vector points to the new location of the startup code if you move it.

How does OS execute binary files in virtual memory?

For example in my program I called a function foo(). The compiler and assembler would eventually write jmp someaddr in the binary. I know the concept of virtual memory. The program would think that it has the whole memory at disposal, and the start position is 0x000. In this way the assembler can calculate the position of foo().
But in fact this is not decided until runtime right? I have to run the program to know where I loaded the program into, hence the address of the jmp. But when the program actually runs, how does the OS come in and change the address of the jmp? These are direct CPU instructions right?
This question can't be answered in general because it's totally hardware and OS dependent. However a typical answer is that the initially loaded program can be compiled as you say: Because the VM hardware gives each program its own address space, all addresses can be fixed when the program is linked. No recalculation of addresses at load time is needed.
Things get much more interesting with dynamically loaded libraries because two used by the same initially loaded program might be compiled with the same base address, so their address spaces overlap.
One approach to this problem is to require Position Independent Code in DLLs. In such code all addresses are relative to the code itself. Jumps are usually relative to the PC (though a code segment register can also be used). Data are also relative to some data segment or base register. To choose the runtime location, the PIC code itself needs no change. Only the segment or base register(s) need(s) be set whenever in the prelude of every DLL routine.
PIC tends to be a bit slower than position dependent code because there's additional address arithmetic and the PC and/or base registers can bottleneck the processor's instruction pipeline.
So the other approach is for the loader to rebase the DLL code when necessary to eliminate address space overlaps. For this the DLL must include a table of all the absolute addresses in the code. The loader computes an offset between the assumed code and data base addresses and actual, then traverses the table, adding the offset to each absolute address as the program is copied into VM.
DLLs also have a table of entry points so that the calling program knows where the library procedures start. These must be adjusted as well.
Rebasing is not great for performance either. It slows down loading. Moreover, it defeats sharing of DLL code. You need at least one copy per rebase offset.
For these reasons, DLLs that are part of Windows are deliberately compiled with non-overlapping VM address spaces. This speeds loading and allows sharing. If you ever notice that a 3rd party DLL crunches the disk and loads slowly, while MS DLLs like the C runtime library load quickly, you are seeing the effects of rebasing in Windows.
You can infer more about this topic by reading about object file formats. Here is one example.
Position-independent code is code that you can run from any address. If you have a jmp instruction in position-independent code, it will often be a relative jump, which jumps to an offset from the current location. When you copy the code, it won't change the offsets between parts of the code so it will still work.
Relocatable code is code that you can run from any address, but you might have to modify the code first (maybe you can't just copy it). The code will contain a relocation table which tells how it needs to be modified.
Non-relocatable code is code that must be loaded at a certain address or it will not work.
Each program is different, it depends on how the program was written, or the compiler settings, or other various factors.
Shared libraries are usually compiled as position-independent code, which allows the same library to be loaded at different locations in different processes, without having to load multiple copies into memory. The same copy can be shared between processes, even though it is at a different address in each process.
Executables are often non-relocatable, but they can be position-independent. Virtual memory allows each program to have the entire address space (minus some overhead) to itself, so each executable can choose the address at which it's loaded without worrying about collisions with other executables. Some executables are position-independent, which can be used to increase security (ASLR).
Object files and static libraries are usually relocatable code. The linker will relocate them when combining them to create a shared library, executable, or other image.
Boot loaders and operating system kernels are almost always non-relocatable.
Yes, it is at runtime. The operating system, the part managing starting and switching tasks is ideally at a different protection level, it has more power. It knows what memory is in use and allocates some for the new task. It configures the mmu so that the new task has a virtual address space starting at zero or whatever the rule is for that operating system and processor. How you get into user mode at that starting address, is very processor specific.
One method for example is the hardware might save some state not just address but mode or virtual id or something when an interrupt occurs, lets say on the stack. And the return from interrupt instruction as defined by that processor takes the address, and state/mode, off of the stack and switches there (causing lets assume the mmu to react to its next fetch based on the new mode not the old). For a processor that works like that then you may be able to fake an interrupt return by placing the right items on the stack such that when you kick the interrupt return instruction it basically does a jump with additional features of mode switching, etc.
The ARM family for example (not cortex-m) has a processor state register for what you are running now (in the case of an interrupt or service call) and a second state register for where you came from, the state that was interrupted, when you do the proper return you give it the address and it switches back to that mode using the other register. You can directly access that register from the non-users modes so you can manipulate the state of the return. There is no return instruction in arm, just flavors of jump (modifications to the program counter), so it is a special kind of jump.
The short answer is that it is very specific to the processor as to what your choices are for jumping to the first time or returning to after a task switch to a running task in an application mode in a virtual address space. Either directly or indirectly the processor documentation will describe these modes and how you change them. If not explicitly described then you have to figure out on your own from the instructions and the mmu protections and such how to switch tasks.

Need to migrate my firmware image to ROM mask

I need to create a ROM mask that provides some functions. However, it should be possible to overwrite the functions for providing firmware patches. Therefore, a patch table should be located in a Flash memory that may be overwritten by later firmware upgrades, whereas the main part of the firmware is located in mask ROM and cannot be modified later.
Does anyone have any idea how this is done? what is the best practice to create patch tables?
Patch table - Basically your ROM has one more built in jumps to a RAM (Flash) adddresses built into it. The flash always has some sort of jump back to the loction just after your ROM jump call to return to your original code. You now have the ability to change your program's behavior from RAM. This assumes you are allowed to run code from RAM of course. If not, then only data tables can be changed on the fly.
Now, just having a single jump on startup allows you to modify starting state code like version numbers or other global/constant data, but that may not be enough. You can add another jump to flash that is run every "so often" to your code as well so that it can update program state after it is running - something like once a vblank or once a application loop.
The above should give you enough lee-way to change data that has changed over time since release or perhaps to fix a slight logic error, but it won't allow you to whole-sale change functions. To do that, you need more code. And that more code depends on just how much RAM you can use.
For instance, if you had enough RAM, and running from Flash RAM didn't hurt perforamnce too much (and is allowed), you could make things very flexible by copying all your key ROM functions into RAM on startup, then calling your RAM patch jump described above, which would allow new code stored elsewhere in your RAM patch to overwrite any previously copied code. If you took this approach, you would also want to make sure that you left some extra space around your original functions to allow new padded functions a bit of room to grow. The original code to be copied to RAM could be stored compressed as well to save ROM space. This allows you to change anything after the fact. It also introduces a very easy way to exploit your code if something else is allowed to write to RAM so beware.
Hope this helps.

Fixed address variable in C

For embedded applications, it is often necessary to access fixed memory locations for peripheral registers. The standard way I have found to do this is something like the following:
// access register 'foo_reg', which is located at address 0x100
#define foo_reg *(int *)0x100
foo_reg = 1; // write to foo_reg
int x = foo_reg; // read from foo_reg
I understand how that works, but what I don't understand is how the space for foo_reg is allocated (i.e. what keeps the linker from putting another variable at 0x100?). Can the space be reserved at the C level, or does there have to be a linker option that specifies that nothing should be located at 0x100. I'm using the GNU tools (gcc, ld, etc.), so am mostly interested in the specifics of that toolset at the moment.
Some additional information about my architecture to clarify the question:
My processor interfaces to an FPGA via a set of registers mapped into the regular data space (where variables live) of the processor. So I need to point to those registers and block off the associated address space. In the past, I have used a compiler that had an extension for locating variables from C code. I would group the registers into a struct, then place the struct at the appropriate location:
typedef struct
BYTE reg1;
BYTE reg2;
} Registers;
Registers regs _at_ 0x100;
regs.reg1 = 0;
Actually creating a 'Registers' struct reserves the space in the compiler/linker's eyes.
Now, using the GNU tools, I obviously don't have the at extension. Using the pointer method:
#define reg1 *(BYTE*)0x100;
#define reg2 *(BYTE*)0x101;
reg1 = 0
// or
#define regs *(Registers*)0x100
regs->reg1 = 0;
This is a simple application with no OS and no advanced memory management. Essentially:
void main()
Your linker and compiler don't know about that (without you telling it anything, of course). It's up to the designer of the ABI of your platform to specify they don't allocate objects at those addresses.
So, there is sometimes (the platform i worked on had that) a range in the virtual address space that is mapped directly to physical addresses and another range that can be used by user space processes to grow the stack or to allocate heap memory.
You can use the defsym option with GNU ld to allocate some symbol at a fixed address:
--defsym symbol=expression
Or if the expression is more complicated than simple arithmetic, use a custom linker script. That is the place where you can define regions of memory and tell the linker what regions should be given to what sections/objects. See here for an explanation. Though that is usually exactly the job of the writer of the tool-chain you use. They take the spec of the ABI and then write linker scripts and assembler/compiler back-ends that fulfill the requirements of your platform.
Incidentally, GCC has an attribute section that you can use to place your struct into a specific section. You could then tell the linker to place that section into the region where your registers live.
Registers regs __attribute__((section("REGS")));
A linker would typically use a linker script to determine where variables would be allocated. This is called the "data" section and of course should point to a RAM location. Therefore it is impossible for a variable to be allocated at an address not in RAM.
You can read more about linker scripts in GCC here.
Your linker handles the placement of data and variables. It knows about your target system through a linker script. The linker script defines regions in a memory layout such as .text (for constant data and code) and .bss (for your global variables and the heap), and also creates a correlation between a virtual and physical address (if one is needed). It is the job of the linker script's maintainer to make sure that the sections usable by the linker do not override your IO addresses.
When the embedded operating system loads the application into memory, it will load it in usually at some specified location, lets say 0x5000. All the local memory you are using will be relative to that address, that is, int x will be somewhere like 0x5000+code size+4... assuming this is a global variable. If it is a local variable, its located on the stack. When you reference 0x100, you are referencing system memory space, the same space the operating system is responsible for managing, and probably a very specific place that it monitors.
The linker won't place code at specific memory locations, it works in 'relative to where my program code is' memory space.
This breaks down a little bit when you get into virtual memory, but for embedded systems, this tends to hold true.
Getting the GCC toolchain to give you an image suitable for use directly on the hardware without an OS to load it is possible, but involves a couple of steps that aren't normally needed for normal programs.
You will almost certainly need to customize the C run time startup module. This is an assembly module (often named something like crt0.s) that is responsible initializing the initialized data, clearing the BSS, calling constructors for global objects if C++ modules with global objects are included, etc. Typical customizations include the need to setup your hardware to actually address the RAM (possibly including setting up the DRAM controller as well) so that there is a place to put data and stack. Some CPUs need to have these things done in a specific sequence: e.g. The ColdFire MCF5307 has one chip select that responds to every address after boot which eventually must be configured to cover just the area of the memory map planned for the attached chip.
Your hardware team (or you with another hat on, possibly) should have a memory map documenting what is at various addresses. ROM at 0x00000000, RAM at 0x10000000, device registers at 0xD0000000, etc. In some processors, the hardware team might only have connected a chip select from the CPU to a device, and leave it up to you to decide what address triggers that select pin.
GNU ld supports a very flexible linker script language that allows the various sections of the executable image to be placed in specific address spaces. For normal programming, you never see the linker script since a stock one is supplied by gcc that is tuned to your OS's assumptions for a normal application.
The output of the linker is in a relocatable format that is intended to be loaded into RAM by an OS. It probably has relocation fixups that need to be completed, and may even dynamically load some libraries. In a ROM system, dynamic loading is (usually) not supported, so you won't be doing that. But you still need a raw binary image (often in a HEX format suitable for a PROM programmer of some form), so you will need to use the objcopy utility from binutil to transform the linker output to a suitable format.
So, to answer the actual question you asked...
You use a linker script to specify the target addresses of each section of your program's image. In that script, you have several options for dealing with device registers, but all of them involve putting the text, data, bss stack, and heap segments in address ranges that avoid the hardware registers. There are also mechanisms available that can make sure that ld throws an error if you overfill your ROM or RAM, and you should use those as well.
Actually getting the device addresses into your C code can be done with #define as in your example, or by declaring a symbol directly in the linker script that is resolved to the base address of the registers, with a matching extern declaration in a C header file.
Although it is possible to use GCC's section attribute to define an instance of an uninitialized struct as being located in a specific section (such as FPGA_REGS), I have found that not to work well in real systems. It can create maintenance issues, and it becomes an expensive way to describe the full register map of the on-chip devices. If you use that technique, the linker script would then be responsible for mapping FPGA_REGS to its correct address.
In any case, you are going to need to get a good understanding of object file concepts such as "sections" (specifically the text, data, and bss sections at minimum), and may need to chase down details that bridge the gap between hardware and software such as the interrupt vector table, interrupt priorities, supervisor vs. user modes (or rings 0 to 3 on x86 variants) and the like.
Typically these addresses are beyond the reach of your process. So, your linker wouldn't dare put stuff there.
If the memory location has a special meaning on your architecture, the compiler should know that and not put any variables there. That would be similar to the IO mapped space on most architectures. It has no knowledge that you're using it to store values, it just knows that normal variables shouldn't go there. Many embedded compilers support language extensions that allow you to declare variables and functions at specific locations, usually using #pragma. Also, generally the way I've seen people implement the sort of memory mapping you're trying to do is to declare an int at the desired memory location, then just treat it as a global variable. Alternately, you could declare a pointer to an int and initialize it to that address. Both of these provide more type safety than a macro.
To expand on litb's answer, you can also use the --just-symbols={symbolfile} option to define several symbols, in case you have more than a couple of memory-mapped devices. The symbol file needs to be in the format
symbolname1 = address;
symbolname2 = address;
(The spaces around the equals sign seem to be required.)
Often, for embedded software, you can define within the linker file one area of RAM for linker-assigned variables, and a separate area for variables at absolute locations, which the linker won't touch.
Failing to do this should cause a linker error, as it should spot that it's trying to place a variable at a location already being used by a variable with absolute address.
This depends a bit on what OS you are using. I'm guessing you are using something like DOS or vxWorks. Generally the system will have certian areas of the memory space reserved for hardware, and compilers for that platform will always be smart enough to avoid those areas for their own allocations. Otherwise you'd be continually writing random garbage to disk or line printers when you meant to be accessing variables.
In case something else was confusing you, I should also point out that #define is a preprocessor directive. No code gets generated for that. It just tells the compiler to textually replace any foo_reg it sees in your source file with *(int *)0x100. It is no different than just typing *(int *)0x100 in yourself everywhere you had foo_reg, other than it may look cleaner.
What I'd probably do instead (in a modern C compiler) is:
// access register 'foo_reg', which is located at address 0x100
const int* foo_reg = (int *)0x100;
*foo_reg = 1; // write to foo_regint
x = *foo_reg; // read from foo_reg
