Can't access to power bi api from ROPC - azure-active-directory

I try to get reports from power bi api. There is app with permissions, enter image description here. My request enter image description here. If i insert "openid" to scopes or any of Microsoft Graph scopes, request return access token. This token dont let me access to reports. If i insert "Report.Read.All" or any of Power BI scopes, i recieve invalid_grant error: 'The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID named 'Интеграция с Битрикс24'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.'. Request from error message was send was sent by me many times. enter image description here. Please tell me what could be the mistake. What setting could I forget?

need to insert full url scope in request body to access power bi token. instead of Report.Read.All

I could help you with an alternative where you can update the Graph Client to a Newer version. The admin of the subscription can grant the consent through the portal as shown below from Home > App > API Permissions.
We have done the following steps:
Using the following Steps:
Revoke all admin consent.
Remove all permissions
Add removed permissions back.
Grant admin consent.
Here is the Microsoft Document which you can refer to : Construct the URL for granting tenant-wide admin consent


Delegation denied when try to send mail from another user's account - via api

In a browser, I can open my personal gmail account or I can open any delegated accounts by clicking the circle with my initial in and picking from the available delegates - no problem.
Via API however, I can get an access token for my personal account and use this to send mail from my own account. If I try to send from the delegated account then I get the error.
So I have a token for my personal account eg
and post to****/drafts
because has been delegated to by I would expect the api call to work with my access token - in the same way as when I am signed in to my account in a browser then I can then open the delegator account without having to provide credentials again.
'{"error":{"code":403,"message":"Delegation denied for","errors":[{"message":"Delegation denied for","domain":"global","reason":"forbidden"}],"status":"PERMISSION_DENIED"}}'
Thanks for any help.
I think you are using a specific email address in the request. Maybe try by with userId="me".

user does not exists in the tenant directory error when calling microsoft graph api

I'am trying to call microsoft graph api, I have did the instructions by microsoft documnets as bellow:
1- app registration in azure portal
Supported account types : all microsoft account users
2- calling '',tenant_id,'/oauth2/v2.0/authorize' by these parameters:
client_id <- #Application Id - on the azure app overview page
client_secret <-# the secret key for my app from azure portal
scope <- ''
grant_type <- 'password'
username <- ''
password <- # the user password
tenant_id <-# tenant id for my app from azure portal
but it has this error:
AADSTS50034: The user account {EmailHidden} does not exist in the <tenant_ID> directory. To sign into this application, the account must be added to the directory.
I have registered my app by the same account that I passed through api.
I want to call my todo list from the graph.
based on #MdFaridUddinKiron's response I added some more explanation:
I think something in my domain in azure is wrong, these are some screenshot of it:
1- it shows "common" for endpoints, what should I use? "common" or my tenant:
2- my app authentication tab has some differences, is it important?
3- My domain overview page is look like this:
4- user is added in my active directory 5- user application page:
6- user assigned role:
I tested microsoft graph api successfully by the same user in the graph explorer, I am getting confused how the authentication flow must be.
I just want to call my own todo tasks
As per your comment, please follow the detail steps:
Make sure email you are trying to get token with is exists in azure ad
user list which showed below in details.
See the screen shot:
I am getting token as expected
Step: 1
Step: 2
Step: 3
Step: 4
Filter your user from your azure active directory user list as shown below.
Requested token user must be a tenant user for example
User password must be correct that you are suing to token request.
Make sure your user belong to azure portal on your tenant
Your Client Id belongs to that tenant
Application secret is valid or not expired.
What should I use? "common" or my tenant?
It depends if you have many tenant in that case you can use common.
For example user need not to remember specific tenant they would
automatically redirected to specific tenant as per the credentials
they given.
For more information you could refer Official document
Feel free to share still you are having problem.

Azure client credentials grant oath not working in hybrid setup for Graph Mail API access

In hybrid setup if client credentials grant type is used to get token and if that token is used to get on-prem user messages ('')/messages/) using graph api it fails by providing UnknownError.
When debugged on IIS logs error shown was "This token profile 'V1S2SAppOnly' is not applicable for the current protocol." error_category="invalid_token".
However if authorization code grant or resource owner password credential (ROPC) grant if used to obtain token , we were able to get messages of on prem user using graph API.
Have attached screenshot of token for both. How to make client credentials grant work for on-prem user messages access using graph API (in hybrid setup) ?
Update i went and edited web.config of rest in Exchange server to have V1S2SAppOnly in profiles. After that previous error is gone and new error is seen.
Bearer+client_id="00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000",+trusted_issuers="00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000000#ea6064aa-d6fc-48d3-abb8-1728e1f39e0b",+token_types="app_asserted_user_v1+service_asserted_app_v1",+error="invalid_token" 2000008;reason="The+token+should+have+valid+permissions+or+linked+account+associated+with+partner+application+'00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'.";error_category="invalid_grant"
I think the problem is with the aud claim, i.e. the audience for token.
For the first token that you have shared
aud value is 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000. This is the resource Id for Azure AD Graph API and not Microsoft Graph API. For Microsoft Graph API, you should be using or Id 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
this token is probably the one where you used client credentials grant, as there isn't any user claim
For the second token that you have shared
aud value is which is correct
this token is acquired in context of a user name anoop so I guess this is the one which is working for you.
What you want is:
Application with Client credentials => Graph API => Local Exchange.
This scenario isn't supported out-of-the-box, but you can however tell your local exchange server to accept those tokens. See this answer
In a nutshell, you need to change the authentication config of your front-end exchange servers to accept client credentials from the graph api. By default only delegated credentials are supported, and these settings are not documented on the exchange side.
Warning, we tested these settings, and it's working but not supported by Microsoft
This is the blog where I've found the answer to your question.

Connecting to exchange online using Microsoft Graph APIs through a Demon application

I'm trying to connect to exchange online and do certain operations with the emails using Microsoft Graph API 1.0 and this is all done in a demon program. I'm using Client Credential workflow for authentication, below is the small piece of code
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, azureEndPoint, tenant));
ClientCredential clientCredential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, clientCredential);
But for this code to return the authentication token I have to get Application Permissions to the azure app id against microsoft graph api. The caveat here is if the permission is granted, the application id will have access to read emails of all users in the organisation and due to this reason tenant admin has strictly refused to grant the permission.
I tried my luck with consent framework but that requires user intervention to enter his/her id and password which is not possible in case of a demon program. I read few blogs like below but they all end up entering the user id password to get to the redirect url which defeats the whole demon thing
Is there any way I can give read/write access to azure application id for specific email ids in the tenant? Or alternatively any smart way to somehow get to the mailbox without user intervention?
Thanks in advance,
You can only use app permissions with client credential grant flow.
To access only specific users' emails, you'd have to do a different approach.
This does require each user to consent individually.
Have the users login to your app, require consent for access to their email.
Upon returning to your app, acquire a refresh token and store it securely.
A refresh token is user-specific.
Then in your daemon service you acquire an access token for each user using their refresh token.
If the acquire fails because the refresh token has been invalidated,
the user will need to be notified to login again.
This is now resolved as microsoft has introduced a new concept of limiting application permissions to specific mailboxes or set of mailboxes using Group Policies. Check here

SP Initiated SAML SSO gives error "Insufficient Privileges"

I have SAML service provider(SP) and I want to use salesforce as a Identity provider(IdP) with my SP.
I have setup domain, Created new Connected App with saml enabled with all required details. Then downloaded metadata and used this to register on SP.
Salesforce gives me IdP initiated Login Page URL. When i visit that, it works perfectly. It redirects to saleforce login, after that sends SAML response to SP. But when I visit SP and initiate login from there which redirects to salesforce page which gives following error.
Insufficient Privileges
You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary.
I had the same issue and got fixed. Here are helpful tips. 
You can check on the logs under 'Manage Users -> Identity Provider Event Log'. This could give reason for your error. I got a 'Error: User does not have access to this service provider' error 
For this, the user was not given permission. Even if the user is System Administrator, the access to Connected App is not given by default.  To give permission, go to 'Manager Users -> Users' and click edit on the user you are testing.Click profile name link .e.g System Administrator. This takes to profile page. You can scroll below to 'Connected App Access' and you would see that the access is not given. Give the access by clicking edit profile in the top of page. 
