Skip every nth element of array - arrays

How can I remove every nth element from an array in julia? Let's say I have the following array: a = [1 2 3 4 5 6] and I want b = [1 2 4 5]
In javascript I would do something like:
b = a.filter(e => e % 3);
How can it be done in Julia?

Your question title and text ask different questions. The title asks how to skip the Nth element, whereas the Javascript code snippet details how to skip elements based on their value, not their index.
Skipping by Value
We can do this using filter.
filter((x) -> x % 3 != 0, a)
This is basically equivalent to your Javascript code. We can, incidentally, also use broadcasting.
a[a .% 3 .!= 0]
This is more akin to code you would see in array-oriented languages like MATLAB and R.
Skipping by Index
With an extra enumerate call, we can get the indices to operate on.
map((x) -> x[2], Iterators.filter(((x) -> x[1] % 3 != 0), enumerate(a)))
This is roughly what you'd do in Python. enumerate to get the indices, filter to purge, then map to eliminate the now-unnecessary indices.
Or we can, again, use broadcasting.
a[(1:length(a)) .% 3 .!= 0]

If you need skipping by index the most elegant way is to use InvertedIndices
julia> using InvertedIndices # or using DataFrames
julia> a[Not(3:3:end)]
4-element Vector{Int64}:
As you can see all your job here is to provide a range of indices you wish to skip.

If you want to filter by the index, one convenient way is using a comprehension:
julia> a = 10:10:100;
julia> [a[i] for i in eachindex(a) if i % 3 != 0] |> permutedims
1×7 Matrix{Int64}:
10 20 40 50 70 80 100
julia> vec(ans) == [a[1 + 3(j-1)÷2] for j in 1:7]
This implicitly involves Iterators.filter, and collects the generator. You can also use this to filter by value, although the eager filter is probably more efficient:
julia> a = 1:10;
julia> [x for x in a if x%3!=0] |> permutedims
1×7 Matrix{Int64}:
1 2 4 5 7 8 10
Perhaps it's interesting to time all of these:
julia> using BenchmarkTools, InvertedIndices
julia> a = rand(1000); # filter by index
julia> i1 = #btime [$a[1 + 3(j-1)÷2] for j in 1:667];
373.162 ns (1 allocation: 5.38 KiB)
julia> i2 = #btime $a[eachindex($a) .% 3 .!= 0];
1.387 μs (4 allocations: 9.80 KiB)
julia> i3 = #btime [$a[i] for i in eachindex($a) if i % 3 != 0];
3.557 μs (11 allocations: 16.47 KiB)
julia> i4 = #btime map((x) -> x[2], Iterators.filter(((x) -> x[1] % 3 != 0), enumerate($a)));
4.202 μs (11 allocations: 16.47 KiB)
julia> i5 = #btime $a[Not(3:3:end)];
84.333 μs (4655 allocations: 182.28 KiB)
julia> i1 == i2 == i3 == i4 == i5
julia> a = rand(1:99, 1000); # filter by value
julia> v1 = #btime filter(x -> x%3!=0, $a);
532.185 ns (1 allocation: 7.94 KiB)
julia> v2 = #btime [x for x in $a if x%3!=0];
5.465 μs (11 allocations: 16.47 KiB)
julia> v1 == v2

This should help you:
b = a[Bool[i %3 != 0 for i = 1:length(a)]]

a[a .% 2 .!= 0]
please find the link with code.


How to convert string to array with no spaces

How to convert from string to array?
This is a follow-up question. How would I make a list of all the digits in this number (currently as a string)?
"123" -> [1,2,3]
There are no delimiters here so how should I go about doing this?
Note as of now I am using the latest version of Julia, v1.8.3 so parse doesn't seem to work in the other question's answers. Error when I use parse():
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching parse(::SubString{String})
Closest candidates are:
parse(::Type{T}, ::AbstractString) where T<:Complex at parse.jl:381
parse(::Type{Sockets.IPAddr}, ::AbstractString) at ~/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.8/Sockets/src/IPAddr.jl:246
parse(::Type{T}, ::AbstractChar; base) where T<:Integer at parse.jl:40
[1] iterate
# ./generator.jl:47 [inlined]
[2] _collect
# ./array.jl:807 [inlined]
[3] collect_similar
# ./array.jl:716 [inlined]
[4] map
# ./abstractarray.jl:2933 [inlined]
[5] top-level scope
# ~/proc/self/fd/0:1
in expression starting at /proc/self/fd/0:1
exit status 1
Easy peasy like this:
function str2vec(s::String)
return map(x->parse(Int,x), split(s,""))
julia> str2vec("124")
3-element Vector{Int64}:
Or by broadcasting:
julia> parse.(Int, split("124",""))
3-element Vector{Int64}:
By piping functions:
julia> "124" |> x->split(x, "") |> x->parse.(Int, x)
3-element Vector{Int64}:
Utilizing the eachsplit function, which is a lazy function and returns a generator object (introduced in Julia 1.8):
julia> eachsplit("124", "") |> x->parse.(Int, x)
3-element Vector{Int64}:
According to Dan's advice, you try another ways:
Using the Int8 on the collected chars:
julia> Int8.(collect("124")).-48
3-element Vector{Int64}:
Using the
julia> collect(>Int8(x)-48,"124"))
3-element Vector{Int64}:
Also, one can consider the DNF's proposal:
julia> [Int(x)-48 for x in "124"]
3-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> #btime str2vec("124");
#btime parse.(Int, split("124",""));
#btime "124" |> x->split(x, "") |> x->parse.(Int, x);
#btime eachsplit("124", "") |> x->parse.(Int, x);
#btime Int8.(collect("124")).-48;
#btime collect(>Int8(x)-48,"123"));
#btime [Int(x)-48 for x in "123"]
681.250 ns (11 allocations: 864 bytes)
675.460 ns (11 allocations: 864 bytes)
679.747 ns (11 allocations: 864 bytes)
1.280 μs (14 allocations: 816 bytes)
92.412 ns (2 allocations: 160 bytes)
61.711 ns (1 allocation: 80 bytes)
45.152 ns (1 allocation: 80 bytes)
You can also use the inbuilt digits function.
By default, it returns the digits last-to-first:
julia> digits(parse(Int, "1234"))
4-element Vector{Int64}:
You can reverse! the result if you want them in the same order as in the string:
julia> digits(parse(Int, "1234")) |> reverse!
4-element Vector{Int64}:
This runs much faster than parseing each digit individually. The Int8(...) .- 48 method is still faster, but it fails silently if the input string happens to be invalid, which could be dangerous further down the line. Since we're using parse here, this method reports the error correctly in such cases.
julia> Int8.(collect("invalid")).-48
7-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> digits(parse(Int, "invalid")) |> reverse!
ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid base 10 digit 'i' in "invalid"
Both other answers are very good, but they have forgotten about comprehensions. Using a comprehension gives both the fastest safe solution, and the absolute fastest solution, tied with the
Fastest unsafe (based on the answer by #Shayan with input from #DanGetz):
julia> #btime [Int(c)-48 for c in "123"]
34.372 ns (1 allocation: 80 bytes)
3-element Vector{Int64}:
The above will silently return the wrong answer for invalid inputs, as noted by #SundarR.
Here's an even nicer and more intuitive version of the above, which is the same under the hood:
[c - '0' for c in "123"]
It works because Int('0') equals 48, and subtraction of Chars yields an Int.
Fastest safe solution (based on #SundarR's answer):
julia> #btime [parse(Int, c) for c in "123"]
47.822 ns (1 allocation: 80 bytes)
3-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> [parse(Int, c) for c in "invalid"]
ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid base 10 digit 'i'
I would probably recommend the latter in most cases.
One more thing you may or may not be aware of: You can create a generator instead of a vector, in case you don't actually need the vector itself, but want to iterate over the converted numbers for some other purpose. The syntax is almost identical to an array comprehension, just use () instead:
g = (parse(Int, c) for c in "123")
for val in g
println(val, " squared equals ", val^2)
1 squared equals 1
2 squared equals 4
3 squared equals 9
This will not allocate an intermediate temporary vector, and creating the generator is essentially free:
julia> #btime (parse(Int, c) for c in "123")
1.900 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
The computational cost is paid during iteration instead. This is similar to using without collect, but arguably has nicer syntax.

How to count matches in two arrays?

If I have two arrays, how can I count the number of matching elements?
E.g. with
x = [1,2,3,4,5]
y = [3,4,5,6]
I'd like to get the count (3) of the three matching elements 3,4,and 5.
You can use intersect:
julia> x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
5-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> y = [3, 4, 5, 6]
4-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> intersect(Set(x), Set(y))
Set{Int64} with 3 elements:
julia> length(intersect(Set(x), Set(y)))
The following algorithm can be near 4X faster than Set intersection. The idea is to sort the arrays first, that has O(n log n) complexity for each array. Then merge-compare the sorted versions for equal elements, that has O(m + n) linear complexity. So, the overall algorithm complexity can be O(n log n).
This algorithm counts duplicate elements into the final matches result, but can be modified with a small overhead to behave similarly to sets. The modification can include adding a variable to keep track of the last matched elements and increment the number of matches only for new different matched pairs.
function count_matches(x,y)
sort!(x) # or x = sort(x)
sort!(y) # or y = sort(y)
i = j = 1
matches = 0
while i <= length(x) && j <= length(y)
if x[i] == y[j]
i += 1
j += 1
matches += 1
elseif x[i] < y[j]
i += 1
j += 1
Comparing with:
function count_matches0(x,y)
length(intersect(Set(x), Set(y)))
and timing with n = 10000 arrays, we get:
#btime count_matches(x, y) setup=(x = rand(1:1000,10000); y = rand(1:1000,10000)) evals=1
#btime count_matches0(x, y) setup=(x = rand(1:1000,10000); y = rand(1:1000,10000)) evals=1
246.700 μs (31 allocations: 338.31 KiB)
63.200 μs (2 allocations: 15.88 KiB)
A lot depends on the sizes of the arrays. If the arrays are just a few dozen integers in length, a simple O(N^2) count wins over the count_matches sorting method and the intersect count_matches0 methods above, because of zero allocation setup time:
function count_matches2(x, y)
count(n -> any(==(n), x), y)
#btime count_matches(x, y) setup=(x = rand(1:100,50); y = rand(1:100,50)) evals=1
#btime count_matches0(x, y) setup=(x = rand(1:100,50); y = rand(1:100,50)) evals=1
#btime count_matches2(x, y) setup=(x = rand(1:100,50); y = rand(1:100,50)) evals=1
2.400 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
3.700 μs (10 allocations: 3.59 KiB)
1.500 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
The simplicity advantage vanishes with arrays of size > 1000.

Julia: A fast and elegant way to get a matrix from an array of arrays

There is an array of arrays containing more than 10,000 pairs of Float64 values. Something like this:
v = [[rand(),rand()], ..., [rand(),rand()]]
I want to get a matrix with two columns from it. It is possible to bypass all pairs with a cycle, it looks cumbersome, but gives the result in a fraction of a second:
x = Vector{Float64}()
y = Vector{Float64}()
for i = 1:length(v)
push!(x, v[i][1])
push!(y, v[i][2])
w = hcat(x,y)
The solution with permutedims(reshape(hcat(v...), (length(v[1]), length(v)))), which I found in this task, looks more elegant but completely suspends Julia, is needed to restart the session. Perhaps it was optimal six years ago, but now it is not working in the case of large arrays. Is there a solution that is both compact and fast?
I hope this is short and efficient enough for you:
getindex.(v, [1 2])
and if you want something simpler to digest:
[v[i][j] for i in 1:length(v), j in 1:2]
Also the hcat solution could be written as:
permutedims(reshape(reduce(hcat, v), (length(v[1]), length(v))));
and it should not hang your Julia (please confirm - it works for me).
#Antonello: to understand why this works consider a simpler example:
julia> string.(["a", "b", "c"], [1 2])
3×2 Matrix{String}:
"a1" "a2"
"b1" "b2"
"c1" "c2"
I am broadcasting a column Vector ["a", "b", "c"] and a 1-row Matrix [1 2]. The point is that [1 2] is a Matrix. Thus it makes broadcasting to expand both rows (forced by the vector) and columns (forced by a Matrix). For such expansion to happen it is crucial that the [1 2] matrix has exactly one row. Is this clearer now?
Your own example is pretty close to a good solution, but does some unnecessary work, by creating two distinct vectors, and repeatedly using push!. This solution is similar, but simpler. It is not as terse as the broadcasted getindex by #BogumilKaminski, but is faster:
function mat(v)
M = Matrix{eltype(eltype(v))}(undef, length(v), 2)
for i in eachindex(v)
M[i, 1] = v[i][1]
M[i, 2] = v[i][2]
return M
You can simplify it a bit further, without losing performance, like this:
function mat_simpler(v)
M = Matrix{eltype(eltype(v))}(undef, length(v), 2)
for (i, x) in pairs(v)
M[i, 1], M[i, 2] = x
return M
A benchmark of the various solutions posted so far...
using BenchmarkTools
# Creating the vector
v = [[i, i+0.1] for i in 0.1:0.2:2000]
M1 = #btime vcat([[e[1] e[2]] for e in $v]...)
M2 = #btime getindex.($v, [1 2])
M3 = #btime [v[i][j] for i in 1:length($v), j in 1:2]
M4 = #btime permutedims(reshape(reduce(hcat, $v), (length($v[1]), length($v))))
M5 = #btime permutedims(reshape(hcat($v...), (length($v[1]), length($v))))
function original(v)
x = Vector{Float64}()
y = Vector{Float64}()
for i = 1:length(v)
push!(x, v[i][1])
push!(y, v[i][2])
return hcat(x,y)
function mat(v)
M = Matrix{eltype(eltype(v))}(undef, length(v), 2)
for i in eachindex(v)
M[i, 1] = v[i][1]
M[i, 2] = v[i][2]
return M
function mat_simpler(v)
M = Matrix{eltype(eltype(v))}(undef, length(v), 2)
for (i, x) in pairs(v)
M[i, 1], M[i, 2] = x
return M
M6 = #btime original($v)
M7 = #btime mat($v)
M8 = #btime mat($v)
M1 == M2 == M3 == M4 == M5 == M6 == M7 == M8 # true
1.126 ms (10010 allocations: 1.53 MiB) # M1
54.161 μs (3 allocations: 156.42 KiB) # M2
809.000 μs (38983 allocations: 765.50 KiB) # M3
98.935 μs (4 allocations: 312.66 KiB) # M4
244.696 μs (10 allocations: 469.23 KiB) # M5
219.907 μs (30 allocations: 669.61 KiB) # M6
34.311 μs (2 allocations: 156.33 KiB) # M7
34.395 μs (2 allocations: 156.33 KiB) # M8
Note that the dollar sign in the benchmarked code is just to force #btime to consider the vector as a local variable.

MATLAB-style replacement of array values that meet certain condition in Julia [duplicate]

In Octave, I can do
octave:1> A = [1 2; 3 4]
A =
1 2
3 4
octave:2> A(A>1) -= 1
A =
1 1
2 3
but in Julia, the equivalent syntax does not work.
julia> A = [1 2; 3 4]
2x2 Array{Int64,2}:
1 2
3 4
julia> A[A>1] -= 1
ERROR: `isless` has no method matching isless(::Int64, ::Array{Int64,2})
in > at operators.jl:33
How do you conditionally assign values to certain array or matrix elements in Julia?
Your problem isn't with the assignment, per se, it's that A > 1 itself doesn't work. You can use the elementwise A .> 1 instead:
julia> A = [1 2; 3 4];
julia> A .> 1
2×2 BitArray{2}:
false true
true true
julia> A[A .> 1] .-= 1000;
julia> A
2×2 Array{Int64,2}:
1 -998
-997 -996
Note that in modern Julia (>= 0.7), we need to use . to say that we want to broadcast the action (here, subtracting by the scalar 1000) to match the size of the filtered target on the left. (At the time this question was originally asked, we needed the dot in A .> 1 but not in .-=.)
In Julia v1.0 you can use the replace! function instead of logical indexing, with considerable speedups:
julia> B = rand(0:20, 8, 2);
julia> #btime (A[A .> 10] .= 10) setup=(A=copy($B))
595.784 ns (11 allocations: 4.61 KiB)
julia> #btime replace!(x -> x>10 ? 10 : x, A) setup=(A=copy($B))
13.530 ns ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
For larger matrices, the difference hovers around 10x speedup.
The reason for the speedup is that the logical indexing solution relies on creating an intermediate array, while replace! avoids this.
A slightly terser way of writing it is
replace!(x -> min(x, 10), A)
There doesn't seem to be any speedup using min, though.
And here's another solution that is almost as fast:
A .= min.(A, 10)
and that also avoids allocations.
To make it work in Julia 1.0 one need to change = to .=. In other words:
julia> a = [1 2 3 4]
julia> a[a .> 1] .= 1
julia> a
1×4 Array{Int64,2}:
1 1 1 1
Otherwise you will get something like
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching setindex_shape_check(::Int64, ::Int64)

Array range complement

Is there a way to overwrite [] to have complement of range in array?
julia> a=[1:8...]
8-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> a[-1] == a[2:8]
julia> a[-(1:3)] == a[4:8]
julia> a[-end] == a[1:7]
I haven't looked into the internals of indexing before, but at a first glance, the following might work without breaking too much:
immutable Not{T}
if :to_indices in names(Base)
# 0.6
import Base: to_indices, uncolon, tail, _maybetail
#inline to_indices(A, inds, I::Tuple{Not, Vararg{Any}}) =
(setdiff(uncolon(inds, (:, tail(I)...)), I[1].idx), to_indices(A, _maybetail(inds), tail(I))...)
# 0.5
import Base: getindex, _getindex
not_index(a::AbstractArray, I, i::Int) = I
not_index(a::AbstractArray, I::Not, i::Int) = setdiff(indices(a, i), I.idx)
getindex(a::AbstractArray, I::Not) = getindex(a, setdiff(linearindices(a), I.idx))
_getindex(::Base.LinearIndexing, a::AbstractArray, I::Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray, Colon, Not}}) =
Base._getindex(Base.linearindexing(a), a, (not_index(a, idx, i) for (i,idx) in enumerate(I))...)
For example:
julia> a = reshape(1:9, (3, 3))
3×3 Base.ReshapedArray{Int64,2,UnitRange{Int64},Tuple{}}:
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
julia> a[Not(2:8)]
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> a[Not(1:2), :]
1×3 Array{Int64,2}:
3 6 9
julia> a[Not(end), end]
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
I didn't care for performance and also did no extensive testing, so things can certainly be improved.
I replaced the code for 0.6 with Matt B. version from his github comment linked in the comments.
Thanks to his great design of the array indexing implementation for 0.6, only a single function needs to be extended to get complement indexing for getindex, setindex and view, e.g.,
julia> view(a, Not(2:8))
2-element SubArray{Int64,1,UnitRange{Int64},Tuple{Array{Int64,1}},false}:
# collect because ranges are immutable
julia> b = collect(a); b[Not(2), Not(2)] = 10; b
3×3 Array{Int64,2}:
10 4 10
2 5 8
10 6 10
Directly overwriting [](i.e. getindex) is prone to break many indexing-related things in Base, but we can write an array wrapper to work around it. We only need to define the following three methods to get your specific test cases passed:
immutable ComplementVector{T} <: AbstractArray{T,1}
Base.size(A:: ComplementVector) = size(
Base.getindex(A:: ComplementVector, i::Integer) = i > 0 ?[i] :[setdiff(1:end, (-i))]
Base.getindex(A:: ComplementVector, I::StepRange) = all(x->x>0, I) ?[I] :[setdiff(1:end, -I)]
julia> a = ComplementVector([1:8...])
julia> a[-1] == a[2:8]
julia> a[-(1:3)] == a[4:8]
julia> a[-end] == a[1:7]
If you would like to extend ComplementVector further more, please read the doc about Interfaces.
For safety sake, we'd better not extend AbstractArray as #Fengyang Wang suggested in the comment blow:
immutable ComplementVector{T}
Base.endof(A::ComplementVector) = length(
Base.getindex(A::ComplementVector, i::Integer) = i > 0 ?[i] :[setdiff(1:end, (-i))]
Base.getindex(A::ComplementVector, I::OrdinalRange) = all(x->x>0, I) ?[I] :[setdiff(1:end, -I)]
