The correct way to communicate with Glib/Gtk from another thread [duplicate] - c

I need to attach file descriptors to the GLIB mainloop. My issue is that the list of file descriptors is not fixed during execution.
According to GLIB documentation, I can:
create a GIOChannel for each FD using g_io_channel_unix_new and attach it to the context with g_io_add_watch
Use a Gsource created with g_io_create_watch and set a callback g_source_set_callback
My question is : is it possible to modify dynamically a source or a context. And how can I do it ? I find the GSourceFuncs ability, but that doesn't fit my issue.
Thanks for your help.

g_io_add_watch returns an event source ID which you can later use to dynamically remove the watch again, using g_source_remove. Use one event source per FD and instead of modifying existing watches, remove the old ones and create appropriate new ones.

I digged more into GLIB and now:
I create a source with callbacks functions (prepare, check, dispatch, finalize)
In the prepare callback, FD are deleted using g_source_remove_unix_fd() and then added to the current source using g_source_add_unix_fd().
I returned FALSE to set the timeout (1s for my example)
My issue is that without the FD, the prepare callback is called each 1s as expected. When FD is added, the prepare callback is called without timeout. the poll exit directly.
I have a look into GLIB source code, but don't understand the reason why ?
Help please

amenophiks' answer is the best.
If you want your code to work with an older glib you can use:

Have you read the Main Event Loop documentation? The description section has a pretty good explanation of how things work.
Have you looked at the Custom GSource tutorial? This allows you to extend a GSource object to include your own state. You also can write your own prepare, dispatch, query, and check functions.
Whenever I really want to see how something should be done with GLib, GTK, etc the first place I look is the test code that lives in their git repository. Be sure to checkout the proper tag for the version of that you are targeting.
For example I currently target 2.48.2
Here are two pretty good examples
The other nice feature is it's a git repository so you can search it very easily.

Seems, I found a diminutive hook. Try this:
struct source {
GSource gsrc;
GPollFD *gpfd;
struct data {
/* A something data. */
static gboolean gsrc_dispatch(GSource *gsrc, GSourceFunc cb, gpointer data);
static struct data * data_alloc(void);
static GSourceFuncs gsf = {
.prepare = NULL,
.check = NULL,
.dispatch = gsrc_dispatch,
.finalize = NULL
int main(void)
struct source *src;
int fd;
struct data *data = data_alloc();
/* Something other. */
/* For example, we are want to capture video from a camera. */
fd = open("/dev/video0", O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0) {
return -1;
src = (struct source *) g_source_new(&gsf, sizeof(struct source));
src->gpfd = g_source_add_unix_fd((GSource *) src, fd, G_IO_IN);
g_source_set_callback((GSource *) src, NULL, data, NULL);
g_source_attach((GSource *) src, NULL);
/* Something other and free. */
return 0;
static gboolean
gsrc_dispatch(GSource *gsrc, GSourceFunc cb, gpointer data)
struct source *src = (struct source *) gsrc;
struct data *d = data;
if (src->gpfd != NULL) {
if (src->gpfd->revents & G_IO_IN) {
/* Capture a frame. */
g_main_context_iteration(NULL, TRUE);
static struct data *
/* Allocate a data. */
Yes, you can use the double gpfd pointer.


Tcl pathInFilesystemProc get current filesystem

When creating a vfs using the tcl api how do you get the current filesystem in Tcl_Filesystem.pathInFilesystemProc
My code looks something like this:
typedef struct {
FILE* dbFile;
} FSBackend;
void createFS(const char* dbFile)
FSBackend* fsback = (FSBackend*)malloc(sizeof(FSBackend));
Tcl_Filesystem tfs;
tfs.typeName="Db Fs";
tfs.structureLength = sizeof(Tcl_Filesystem);
tfs.pathInFilesystemProc = inFsProc;
int inFsProc(Tcl_Obj* pathPtr,ClientData* cd)
/* How do I get my FSBackend struct here */
FSBackend* bk = /* ? */
int len;
const char* searchPath = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(pathPtr,&len);
char* foundPath = findFileInDb(searchPath,bk);
if (foundPath == 0) {
return -1;
cd = buildInternalRep(foundPath,bk);
return TCL_OK;
int main()
How do I, in inFsProc get back the struct I passed into Tcl_FSRegister?
The Tcl_FSData function says it can get it but I would then need to get a Tcl_Filesystem pointer
That's a weird one. The clientData handle there is not used to specify a mount point, but rather a separate capability of the filesystem type. Tcl's internal use of Tcl_FSRegister doesn't use it at all. The code which is as close as anything to a canonical use of it is the tclvfs package. shows us the use:
static void
Tcl_Interp *interp;
ClientData vfsAlreadyRegistered;
* We need to know if the interpreter is deleted, so we can
* remove all interp-specific mounts.
Tcl_SetAssocData(interp, "vfs::inUse", (Tcl_InterpDeleteProc*)
Vfs_UnregisterWithInterp, (ClientData) 1);
* Perform one-off registering of our filesystem if that
* has not happened before.
vfsAlreadyRegistered = Tcl_FSData(&vfsFilesystem);
if (vfsAlreadyRegistered == NULL) {
Tcl_FSRegister((ClientData)1, &vfsFilesystem);
Tcl_CreateExitHandler(VfsExitProc, (ClientData)NULL);
Tcl_CreateThreadExitHandler(VfsThreadExitProc, NULL);
As you can see, the clientData there is really just being used as a marker so the code knows whether to do one-time initialisation.
To discover what the mount mapping is, you'll need to keep internal structures. You're strongly recommended to make the Tcl_Filesystem structure instance itself be global (or rather static at file scope) in your code.

create a non-trivial device mapper target

I am trying to write a remapping target for usage with DM.
I followed instructions from several places (including this Answer) all essentially giving the same code.
This is ok, but not enough for me.
I need to modify "in transit" data of struct bio being remapped.
This means I need to make a deep-clone of the bio, including the data; apparently the provided functions (e.g.: bio_clone_bioset()) do not copy data at all, but point iovec's to the original pages/offsets.
I tried some variations of the following scheme:
mt_copy(struct bio *dst, struct bio *src) {
struct bvec_iter src_iter, dst_iter;
struct bio_vec src_bv, dst_bv;
void *src_p, *dst_p;
unsigned bytes;
unsigned salt;
src_iter = src->bi_iter;
dst_iter = dst->bi_iter;
salt = src_iter.bi_sector;
while (1) {
if (!src_iter.bi_size) {
if (!dst_iter.bi_size) {
src_bv = bio_iter_iovec(src, src_iter);
dst_bv = bio_iter_iovec(dst, dst_iter);
bytes = min(src_bv.bv_len, dst_bv.bv_len);
src_p = kmap_atomic(src_bv.bv_page);
dst_p = kmap_atomic(dst_bv.bv_page);
memcpy(dst_p + dst_bv.bv_offset, src_p + src_bv.bv_offset, bytes);
bio_advance_iter(src, &src_iter, bytes);
bio_advance_iter(dst, &dst_iter, bytes);
static struct bio *
mt_clone(struct bio *bio) {
struct bio *clone;
clone = bio_clone_bioset(bio, GFP_KERNEL, NULL);
if (!clone) {
return NULL;
if (bio_alloc_pages(clone, GFP_KERNEL)) {
return NULL;
clone->bi_private = bio;
if (bio_data_dir(bio) == WRITE) {
mt_copy(clone, bio);
return clone;
static int
mt_map(struct dm_target *ti, struct bio *bio) {
struct mt_private *mdt = (struct mt_private *) ti->private;
bio->bi_bdev = mdt->dev->bdev;
bio = mt_clone(bio);
submit_bio(bio->bi_rw, bio);
This, however, does not work.
When I submit_bio() using the cloned bio I do not get the .end_io call and the calling task becomes blocked ("INFO: task mount:488 blocked for more than 120 seconds."). This with a READ request consisting of a single iovec (1024 bytes). In this case, of course the in buffers do not need copying because they should be overwritten; I need to copy back the incoming data unto the original buffers after the request has completed... but I don't get there.
I'm quite evidently missing some piece, but I'm unable to understand what.
Note: I didn't do any optimization (e.g.: use smarter allocation strategies) specifically because I need to get the basics first.
Note: I corrected a mistake (thanks #RuslanRLaishev), unfortunately ininfluent; see my own answer.
It's correct ?
if (bio_alloc_pages(**bio**, GFP_KERNEL)) {
return NULL;
if (bio_alloc_pages(**clone**, GFP_KERNEL)) {
return NULL;
It turns out bio_clone_bioset() and friends do not copy the callback address to call when request is over.
Trivial solution is to add clone->bi_end_io = bio->bi_end_io; before the end of mt_clone().
Unfortunately this is not enough to make the code functional because it turns out upper layers can spawn thousands of inflight requests (i.e.: requests queued and preprocessed before the previous ones complete) leading to memory starvation. Trying to slow upper layers by returning DM_MAPIO_REQUEUE does not seem to work (see: This has nothing to do with current question, however.

GLib custom event source masking

I created my custom event sources as described in this guide.
My simplified code:
typedef struct{
GSource source;
std::string file_path;
static GSourceFuncs fobserver_source_funcs{
NULL, /* check */
GSource *FOBS_ObserverConstruct(std::string file_path, GSourceFunc callback){
GSource *source=g_source_new(&fobserver_source_funcs, sizeof(FileObserverSource));
FileObserverSource *fobserver_source=(FileObserverSource *)source;
return source;
static gboolean FobserverPrepare(GSource *source, gint *timeout_){
gboolean ret=false;
FileObserverSource *fobserver_source=(FileObserverSource *)source;
return ret;
static gboolean FobserverDispatch (GSource *source, GSourceFunc callback,gpointer user_data){
FileObserverSource *fobserver_source=(FileObserverSource *)source;
return TRUE;
static void FobserverFinalize (GSource *source){
int main(void){
GMainLoop *loop = g_main_loop_new( NULL , FALSE );
GMainContext *main_context=g_main_loop_get_context(loop);
Problem: Now I want to temporary turn off continuous source checks depends on some program internal states.
Does glib provides api for masking event sources?
Is it possible or i need to delete/recreate sources or implement custom source management logic by myself (for example set flag in my code and check this flag in prepare function)?
As I read in documentation g_source_destroy() destroy source and i can't reuse it.
Without example code it’s hard to tell exactly what your setup is.
However, in general:
If you have written your own GSource implementation, you should disable it by returning FALSE from its check function.
If you are using a pre-existing GSource implementation, you should disable it by returning from its callback function early.
Removing and re-adding the source is a lot more expensive. You can do this if you want to disable it for a long period of time, but don’t do it if you’re only going to disable the source for one or two callbacks.

Configure Parameters of LED Trigger from Kernel Space

I'm working on an embedded project. Our board is using Linux kernel v3.16.7. I'm working on supporting a couple of peripheral LEDs that monitor activity. I've successfully modified the boot procedure to load the drivers and create sysfs entries in /sys/class/leds/, which is great. I've also attached a oneshot trigger to the leds so I can echo 1 > shot from within /sys/class/leds/actled1\:green/ and the led blinks. Exactly what I want.
However, I want to configure the delays for each LED when I instantiate the driver during boot, and I'm not clear on how to do that. The driver creates sysfs entries in /sys/class/leds/actled1\:green/ called delay_on and delay_off, and I can write to them from userspace to configure the delays, but it should be possible to set their initial values from from kernel space during instantiation. I also want to be able to set the invert parameter (which is just another sysfs entry just like the delays).
How can I configure the parameters of an led trigger when I instantiate the driver from kernel space?
Below is how I instantiate the LED GPIOs. First I set up the structs required:
static struct gpio_led my_leds[] __initdata = {
.name = "actled1:green",
.default_trigger = "oneshot"
.active_low = true,
.name = "actled2:red",
.default_trigger = "oneshot"
.active_low = true,
static struct gpio_led_platform_data my_leds_pdata __initdata = {
.num_leds = ARRAY_SIZE(my_leds),
.leds = my_leds,
Then, I call this function to create the platform devices:
static int __init setup_my_leds (void)
struct platform_device *pdev;
int ret;
pdev = platform_device_alloc("leds-gpio", -1);
if (!pdev) {
return -ENOMEM;
ret = platform_device_add_data(pdev,
if (ret < 0) {
return ret;
ret = platform_device_add(pdev);
if (ret < 0) {
return ret;
return 0;
The definition for the gpio_led struct is in include/linux/leds.h line 327, and the definition for gpio_led_platform_data is in line 341 of the same file. The definition of platform_device_add_data is in drivers/base/platform.c line 284.
It may be useful to look at the source for the oneshot trigger (drivers/leds/trigger/ledtrig-oneshot.c) in order to answer the question. Also relevant is the "leds-gpio" driver (drivers/leds/leds-gpio.c).
I suspect the answer is somewhere in drivers/base/platform.c and the associated documentation, but I'm not seeing any functions that deal with the data I need.
To address some of the information that I inadvertently left out:
the boot loader sets the kernel arguments, and we can't modify the boot loader. that's fine; the values i want to set are constants and i can hard-code them in.
the driver is baked into the kernel at compile time (and, i presume, loaded by the bootloader) rather than loading a .ko with modprobe later.
i would love a general way to set arbitrary trigger parameters, not only oneshot's delay_on / delay_off. for example, oneshot's invert parameter.
i'm totally fine modifying oneshot / creating new triggers. in fact, once i get it working with oneshot, i'll need to create a new trigger that expands upon oneshot (which is also the reason i need to set arbitrary parameters).
There are a few issues and I think I've found the solutions, but even though you provided a good deal of info, there were some things missing, so I'll enumerate for all possible scenarios, so be patient ...
(1) Getting the initial values you want to set. I presume you have already figured this out, but ... You can get these from kernel cmdline parsing (e.g. you add the values to /boot/grub2/grub.cfg as myleds.delay_on=.... If you're loading via modprobe, you set a module parameter. These could also be a config file as in myleds.config_file=/etc/sysconfig/myleds.conf
(2) You could set them inside your setup_my_leds [except for the recalcitrance of oneshot_trig_activate--which we'll deal with soon enough]. From drivers/base/platform.c:
* arch_setup_pdev_archdata - Allow manipulation of archdata before its used
* #pdev: platform device
* This is called before platform_device_add() such that any pdev_archdata may
* be setup before the platform_notifier is called. So if a user needs to
* manipulate any relevant information in the pdev_archdata they can do:
* platform_device_alloc()
* ... manipulate ...
* platform_device_add()
* And if they don't care they can just call platform_device_register() and
* everything will just work out.
So, with that in mind, let's change your setup function slightly:
static int __init setup_my_leds (void)
struct platform_device *pdev;
int ret;
// get initial values you want to set, possibly storing away for later use
pdev = platform_device_alloc("leds-gpio", -1);
if (!pdev) {
return -ENOMEM;
// Choice (1): set your initial values in my_leds_pdata here
// NOTE: just does kmemdup and sets pdev->dev.platform_data
ret = platform_device_add_data(pdev,
if (ret < 0) {
return ret;
// Choice (2): set your initial values in pdev->dev.platform_data here
ret = platform_device_add(pdev);
if (ret < 0) {
return ret;
return 0;
(3) Unfortunately, since you're using .default_trigger = "oneshot", the above data will get blasted by oneshot_trig_activate in drivers/leds/trigger/ledtrig-oneshot.c. So, we need to deal with that.
Option (A): Assuming you can rebuild the whole kernel as you choose, just modify oneshot_trig_activate in ledtrig-oneshot.c and remove the the lines that use DEFAULT_DELAY. This is only really useful if you know that it's not used by anything else in your system that might need the default values.
Option (B): If you're not allowed to modify ledtrig-oneshot.c, but are allowed to add new triggers to drivers/leds/trigger, copy the file to (e.g.) ledtrig-oneshot2.c and do the changes there. You'll need to change the .name to .name = "oneshot2". The easy way [in vi, of course :-)] is :%s/oneshot/oneshot2/g. You'll also need to add a new entry in the Kconfig and Makefile for this. Then, change your struct definition to use the new driver: .default_trigger = "oneshot2"
Option (C): Assuming you can't [or don't want to] touch the drivers/leds/trigger directory, copy ledtrig-oneshot.c to your driver directory [renaming as appropriate]. Do the edits from option (B) above there. With some trickery in your Makefile, you can get it to build both my_led_driver.ko and ledtrig-oneshot2.ko. You'll need modify your Kconfig, possibly adding a depends on LED_TRIGGERS for the led trigger driver. You could also put the two into separate subdirectories and the individual Makefile/Kconfig might be simpler: my_led/my_driver and my_led/my_trigger
Option (C) would be more work up front, but might be cleaner and more portable in the long run. Of course, you could do option (A) for proof-of-concept, then do option (B), and do the "final ship" as option (C).
An alternate way for when you set the initial values: Remember the comment for my_leds_get_init_values was possibly storing away for later use. You could change oneshot2_trig_activate to call it instead of using DEFAULT_DELAY. I don't like this quite as much and prefer the solutions that simply neuter oneshot_trig_activate's offensive behavior. But, with some testing, you may find that this is the way you have to do it.
Hopefully, the above will work. If not, edit your question with additional info and/or restrictions [and send me a comment], and I'll be glad to update my answer [I've been doing drivers for 40+].
UPDATE: Okay, herein is a fully annotated and modified LED trigger driver that you can use as a drop in replacement for drivers/led/trigger/ledtrig-oneshot.c.
Because the invert parameter can not be passed directly through any standard struct you have access to in your setup function [i.e. it's stored in a private struct inside the trigger driver], remove the "Choice (1)" and "Choice (2)". We'll set them all at once inside the [modified] oneshot_trig_activate.
Also, the init parameters you want must be set up and stored as globals by the my_leds_get_init_values so the trigger driver can find them. That is, there is no way to do this cleanly (e.g. with a pointer to a private struct that gets passed around) as the structs you have access to in setup don't have a field for this. See the top part of the trigger driver for discussion on this.
My first step was to annotate the base driver with descriptive comments. There were no comments in it, except for K&R style for copyright and a single one-liner. My annotations are ANSI ("//") comments.
If I were taking over the driver, I would add these and leave them in. However, my level of comments might be considered "over-commenting" according to the kernel style guide and might be considered "cruft", particularly for a driver that is this straightforward.
Next step was to add the necessary changes. All places that have additions/changes are marked with a comment block that starts with "C:". These are the important places to look. Note that these comments are legitimate candidates to leave in. In other more complex drivers, the level of commenting is up to the author. The "C:" is just to highlight the places for you.
With the annotations, a straight line read through might be easier now. Also, a diff -u might also help. If you've got everything under git, so much the better.
Because of all this, I'd remove the "Option (A)" [direct modification of the original file] and do "Option (B)" or "Option (C)" only.
The trigger driver uses all static definitions, so the global edit I suggested before is not needed. I did do .name = "myled_oneshot";, so you'll need to match that with .default_trigger = "myled_oneshot";. Feel free to use my_leds_whatever to be consistent with your existing naming convention. When I do this for myself, I usually use my initials, so it becomes ce_leds_whatever--YMMV
Anyway, here's the entire modified trigger driver. Note that I've done the editing, but I've not tried to compile/build it.
* One-shot LED Trigger
* Copyright 2012, Fabio Baltieri <>
* Based on ledtrig-timer.c by Richard Purdie <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/ctype.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/leds.h>
#include "../leds.h"
// C: we need to get access to the init data populated by the setup function
// we have the "clean way" with a struct definition inside a header file and
// the "dirty way" using three separate int globals
// in either case, the externs referenced here must be defined in the "my_leds"
// driver as global
// C: the "clean way"
// (1) requires that we have a path to the .h (e.g. -I<whatever)
// (2) this would be easier/preferable for the "Option (C)"
// (3) once done, easily extensible [probably not a consideration here]
#include "whatever/myled_init.h"
extern struct myled_init myled_init;
// C: the "ugly way"
// (1) no need to use a separate .h file
// (2) three separate global variables is wasteful
// (3) more than three, and we really should consider the "struct"
extern int myled_init_delay_on;
extern int myled_init_delay_off;
extern int myled_init_invert;
#define DEFAULT_DELAY 100
// oneshot trigger driver private data
struct oneshot_trig_data {
unsigned int invert; // current invert state
// arm oneshot sequence from sysfs write to shot file
static ssize_t led_shot(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t size)
struct led_classdev *led_cdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
struct oneshot_trig_data *oneshot_data = led_cdev->trigger_data;
&led_cdev->blink_delay_on, &led_cdev->blink_delay_off,
/* content is ignored */
return size;
// show invert state for "cat invert"
static ssize_t led_invert_show(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
struct led_classdev *led_cdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
struct oneshot_trig_data *oneshot_data = led_cdev->trigger_data;
return sprintf(buf, "%u\n", oneshot_data->invert);
// set invert from sysfs write to invert file (e.g. echo 1 > invert)
static ssize_t led_invert_store(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t size)
struct led_classdev *led_cdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
struct oneshot_trig_data *oneshot_data = led_cdev->trigger_data;
unsigned long state;
int ret;
ret = kstrtoul(buf, 0, &state);
if (ret)
return ret;
oneshot_data->invert = !!state;
if (oneshot_data->invert)
led_set_brightness_async(led_cdev, LED_FULL);
led_set_brightness_async(led_cdev, LED_OFF);
return size;
// show delay_on state for "cat delay_on"
static ssize_t led_delay_on_show(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
struct led_classdev *led_cdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
return sprintf(buf, "%lu\n", led_cdev->blink_delay_on);
// set delay_on from sysfs write to delay_on file (e.g. echo 20 > delay_on)
static ssize_t led_delay_on_store(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t size)
struct led_classdev *led_cdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
unsigned long state;
int ret;
ret = kstrtoul(buf, 0, &state);
if (ret)
return ret;
led_cdev->blink_delay_on = state;
return size;
// show delay_off state for "cat delay_off"
static ssize_t led_delay_off_show(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
struct led_classdev *led_cdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
return sprintf(buf, "%lu\n", led_cdev->blink_delay_off);
// set delay_off from sysfs write to delay_off file (e.g. echo 20 > delay_off)
static ssize_t led_delay_off_store(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t size)
struct led_classdev *led_cdev = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
unsigned long state;
int ret;
ret = kstrtoul(buf, 0, &state);
if (ret)
return ret;
led_cdev->blink_delay_off = state;
return size;
// these are the "attribute" definitions -- one for each sysfs entry
// pointers to these show up in the above functions as the "attr" argument
static DEVICE_ATTR(delay_on, 0644, led_delay_on_show, led_delay_on_store);
static DEVICE_ATTR(delay_off, 0644, led_delay_off_show, led_delay_off_store);
static DEVICE_ATTR(invert, 0644, led_invert_show, led_invert_store);
static DEVICE_ATTR(shot, 0200, NULL, led_shot);
// activate the trigger device
static void oneshot_trig_activate(struct led_classdev *led_cdev)
struct oneshot_trig_data *oneshot_data;
int rc;
// create an instance of the private data we need
oneshot_data = kzalloc(sizeof(*oneshot_data), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!oneshot_data)
// save the pointer in the led class struct so it's available to other
// functions above
led_cdev->trigger_data = oneshot_data;
// attach the sysfs entries
rc = device_create_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_delay_on);
if (rc)
goto err_out_trig_data;
rc = device_create_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_delay_off);
if (rc)
goto err_out_delayon;
rc = device_create_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_invert);
if (rc)
goto err_out_delayoff;
rc = device_create_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_shot);
if (rc)
goto err_out_invert;
// C: this is what the driver used to do
#if 0
led_cdev->blink_delay_on = DEFAULT_DELAY;
led_cdev->blink_delay_off = DEFAULT_DELAY;
led_cdev->activated = true;
// C: from here to the return is what the modified driver must do
led_cdev->blink_delay_on = myled_init.delay_on;
led_cdev->blink_delay_off = myled_init.delay_off;
oneshot_data->invert = myled_init.invert;
led_cdev->blink_delay_on = myled_init_delay_on;
led_cdev->blink_delay_off = myled_init_delay_off;
oneshot_data->invert = myled_init_invert;
// C: if invert is off, nothing to do -- just like before
// if invert is set, we implement this as if we just got an instantaneous
// write to the sysfs "invert" file (which would call led_invert_store
// above)
// C: this is a direct rip-off of the above led_invert_store function which
// we can _not_ call here directly because we don't have access to the
// data it needs for its arguments [at least, not conveniently]
// so, we extract the one line we actually need
if (oneshot_data->invert)
led_set_brightness_async(led_cdev, LED_FULL);
// release everything if an error occurs
device_remove_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_invert);
device_remove_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_delay_off);
device_remove_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_delay_on);
// deactivate the trigger device
static void oneshot_trig_deactivate(struct led_classdev *led_cdev)
struct oneshot_trig_data *oneshot_data = led_cdev->trigger_data;
// release/destroy all the sysfs entries [and free the private data]
if (led_cdev->activated) {
device_remove_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_delay_on);
device_remove_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_delay_off);
device_remove_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_invert);
device_remove_file(led_cdev->dev, &dev_attr_shot);
led_cdev->activated = false;
/* Stop blinking */
led_set_brightness(led_cdev, LED_OFF);
// definition/control for trigger device registration
// C: changed the name to "myled_oneshot"
static struct led_trigger oneshot_led_trigger = {
.name = "myled_oneshot",
.activate = oneshot_trig_activate,
.deactivate = oneshot_trig_deactivate,
// module init function -- register the trigger device
static int __init oneshot_trig_init(void)
return led_trigger_register(&oneshot_led_trigger);
// module exit function -- unregister the trigger device
static void __exit oneshot_trig_exit(void)
MODULE_AUTHOR("Fabio Baltieri <>");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("One-shot LED trigger");
As you can see in ledtrig-oneshot.c, the delay is always initialized with DEFAULT_DELAY. Unfortunately, if you want to be able to configure a different value at startup, this is a mechanism you will have to implement..
As Craig answered it should be from kernel command line options, but there could be a problem with embedded systems where the boot-loader passes the command line parameters and the boot-loaders cannot be modified, they are usually OTP . In that case I see only 2 options
hard coding in the kernel init function
as mac address is stored in eeprom for the nic driver to read, if the values can be stored in a flash (nor) and the value read on boot. This can be done after creating the mtd partitions during kernel boot.

Passing configuration parameters from apache.conf to custom apache C module?

Is there any mechanism in the Apache httpd framework that would allow me to pass custom parameters from the Apache configuration file to a custom Apache module (written using the C API)? I really only need key/value pairs.
Something like in conf file:
ConfigParameter foo bar
And then in the code:
string foo = GetApacheConfigParameter("foo"); // = "bar"
No; not directly. A dirty hack would be
SetEnv foo bar
in the config file - and a
char * bar = getenv("foo");
in your module. Anything beyond that requires the use of a proper structure on a per directory, server, etc. Normally that structure would contain a lot of specific things. In your case it would just be a single table.
So somewhat clean way would be to simply use a table - and leave it at that:
static const command_rec xxx_cmds[] = {
AP_INIT_TAKE2("ConfigParameter", add_configparam, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
"Arbitrary key value pair"),
static void * create_dir_config(apr_pool_t *p, char *dirspec ) {
return ap_table_palloc(p);
static const char *add_configparam(cmd_parms *cmd, void *mconfig,
char *key, char *val)
ap_table_t *pairs = (ap_table_rec *) mconfig;
ap_table_set(pairs, key, val);
return NULL;
AP_DECLARE_MODULE(xxxx_module) =
xxx_create_dir_config, /* per-directory config creator */
xxx_cmds, /* command table */
and then, everywhere where you want to use this do:
apr_table_t * pairs = (apr_table_p *) ap_get_module_config(r->request_config, &xxxx_module);
apr_table_t * pairs = ap_get_module_config(s->module_config, &xxxx_module);
depending on where it us used - and then use:
char * bar = apr_table_get(pairs,"foo");
or similar. See mod_example_hooks and the various our_* calls to get a pointer. Above example leaves out configs on server level and merging of configs. Add those if you need them - there is a corresponding merge call for tables. mod_alias.c have good examples.
