Iām going to build two steps registration form using JavaFX. Anyone has an idea how can pass the first controller inputs to the second one. And how can I use those values on action events to update my database?
Here is how I connect my first scene to the second one. And send my inputs to the second scene controller.
public void btnNextPage(){
Parent fxml = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("stdReg2.fxml"));
FXMLLoader loader=new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("stdReg2"));
//Parent root = (Parent) loader.load();
StdReg2 stdreg2=loader.getController();
//Parent fxml = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("stdReg2.fxml"));
//StdReg2 stdreg2=fxml.getConroller();
} catch (IOException ex){
Logger.getLogger(Dashboard.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Here how I get first controller inputs to the second controller.
public void getTexts(String txtFirstName,String txtStdid, String txtLastName, String txtBd, String txtUsrEmail, String txtUsrPass, File img) throws FileNotFoundException {
String firstname = txtFirstName;
String lastname = txtLastName;
String emid = txtStdid;
String usrBD = txtBd;
String usrEmail = txtUsrEmail;
String usrPass = txtUsrPass;
My issue is, How can I use this input on my action event and add first controller data and second controller data to my database because I can't use those attributes in another method on the second controller.
Thank you, have a nice day. š
In order to get a reference to the controller, you need to create an FXMLLoader instance with the correct path, then use that instance to load the FXML:
public void btnNextPage(){
//Parent fxml = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("stdReg2.fxml"));
//FXMLLoader loader=new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("stdReg2"));
//Parent root = (Parent) loader.load();
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("stdReg2.fxml"));
Parent fxml = loader.load();
StdReg2 stdreg2 = loader.getController();
} catch (IOException ex){
Logger.getLogger(Dashboard.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
It's not clear what the various methods you are calling actually do, but this sets up the correct way to call methods in one controller from another.
I am using two AutocompleteTextFilters as depended filters. I want the second one filter to change its options depending on the suggestion of the first filter.
I have bind an event listener on the first filter so as when it loose focus it triggers a proccess on the second filter.
The proble is that the second filter never changes its options. I even have setup hardcoded values in case somethig was wrong on my code but no luck.
The code I use is below:
public CreateSubmission(com.codename1.ui.util.Resources resourceObjectInstance, Map<String, ProjectType> projectTypes) {
this.projectTypes = projectTypes;
gui_ac_projecttype.setCompletion( this.projectTypes.keySet().toArray( new String[0]) );
gui_ac_projecttype.addFocusListener( new ProjectTypeFocusListener( this ));
gui_ac_steps.setCompletion( new String[]{"t10", "t20"});
public void makeSteps (String selection) {
ProjectType projectType = this.projectTypes.get( selection );
if (projectType != null) {
this.selectedProjectType = selection;
int length = projectType.projectSteps.length;
String[] steps = new String[ length ];
for(int i =0; i < length; i ++) {
steps[i] = projectType.projectSteps[i].projectStep;
// String[] s = gui_ac_steps.getCompletion();
gui_ac_steps.setCompletion( new String[]{"t1", "t2"} );
else {
public class ProjectTypeFocusListener implements FocusListener{
private CreateSubmission parent;
public ProjectTypeFocusListener( CreateSubmission parent ) {
this.parent = parent;
public void focusGained(Component cmp) {
//throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
public void focusLost(Component cmp) {
this.parent.makeSteps (
//throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
On the above code the initialization happens on "public CreateSubmission" method.
"gui_ac_projecttype" is the first AutocompletionTextField that triggers the whole proccess through it's FocusListener handler (class ProjectTypeFocusListener )
"gui_ac_steps" is the second AutocompleteTextField filter that must change its values. On the code above I initialize it's suggestions to "t10", "t20". Those two values are shown correctly.
Later from iside the FoculListenerHandler's method "ProjectTypeFocusListener.focusLost" I call method "makeSteps" which sets the suggestion options to "t1", "t2 and then I repaint the component. These two last values are never shown. It remains on the first values "t10", "t20".
The Strange thing is that in debugger when I ask gui_ac_steps.getCompletion(); to see the current options ( the code that is commentd out into makeSteps method) I get the correct values "t1", "t2".
But on the screen it keeps showing "t10", "t20".
any help is aprreciated.
You shouldn't do anything "important" in a focus listener. Especially not with a text field. They are somewhat unreliable because the text field switches to native editing and in effect transfers the focus there. The problem is that some events are delayed due to the back and forth with the native editing so by the time the focus event is received you've moved on to the next field.
Try something like this for this specific use case https://www.codenameone.com/blog/dynamic-autocomplete.html
this is my first question in this forum, hope it will not be duplicated somewhere because i have searched for the respons for almost 4 weeks without making any progress.
here is my situation,
im developing an application that need to do a lot of background operation, for that reason i creat 2 BKW, the first one used to load data from a DB and put it inside an observable collection , 'no need to report progress or support cancelation for this one' :
private Boolean loadTestSteps()
// Create a background worker thread that don't report progress and does not
// support cancelation
BackgroundWorker wk_LoadTestSteps = new BackgroundWorker();
wk_LoadTestSteps.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(wk_LoadTestSteps_DoWork);
return true;
observable collection class :
public class clsTestStep : DependencyObject
public static DependencyProperty TestStepProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
"TestStep", typeof(String), typeof(clsTestStep));
public string TestStep
get { return (string)GetValue(TestStepProperty); }
set { SetValue(TestStepProperty, value); }
} and so on for the rest of items....
now the main backGround that should do the longer operation and in the same time report the progress to the main UI ,declared like so
private void InitializeBackGroundWork()
_wk_StartTest = new BackgroundWorker();
// Create a background worker thread that ReportsProgress &
// SupportsCancellation
// Hook up the appropriate events.
_wk_StartTest.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(_wk_StartTest_DoWork);
_wk_StartTest.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler
_wk_StartTest.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler
_wk_StartTest.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
_wk_StartTest.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
in the do work events, exactly in the foreach loop i encontered an error saying : you cannot access this object because another thread own it :
void _wk_StartTest_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
//Loop through each test step and perform Test
foreach (clsTestStep item in _testStep)
temp[0] = item.TestStep;
temp[1] = item.Delay.ToString();
temp[2] = item.NumberRepetition.ToString();
temp[3] = item.Mode.ToString();
//Report % of Progress, Test step Name,and the paragraph from Class PerformTest
counter += 1;
_performTest.Fdispatcher(temp, out _paragraph);
//_si.PgBarMax = Convert.ToDouble(_testStep.Count);
//Report completion on operation completed
what im missing here please, because my head is gonna explod from searching !!!
It sounds like your ObservableCollection is created and so owned by an other thread so your _wk_StartTest_DoWork method can't access it.
Where your _testStep variable comes from ?
By the way, in a multithread environment when many thread access the same data you should prefer the use of ConcurrentBag class instead of an ObservableCollection. ConcurrentBag is thread safe.
for the ones that may enconter this kind of problem ^^
finnaly i have found a way to acess class even if its not owned by the current thread here a nice article explaining step by step how to do this here
In Flash, AS3, I can not make a re-usable function to work like this:
I give it a file number (Number).
It loads a TEXT file based on that Number (GreenSock loaderMax)
When it was loaded, it split the loaded Data to an Array.
And return back the ARRAY for me (after Data loaded).
This is my code so far:
package test.loaders{
import com.greensock.loading.*;
import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class LoaderTxt extends MovieClip {
private var _queue:LoaderMax;
private var _textURL:String;
private var _text:String;
private var _Ar:Array = [];
public function load(num:Number):Array{
_txtURL = "data\text" + num + ".txt";
_queue = new LoaderMax({name:"myLoader",onComplete:loadDone});
_queue.append(new DataLoader(_txtURL,{name:"thisTxt"}));
trace("_Ar "+_Ar); //_Ar is empty
return _Ar;
private function loadDone(event:LoaderEvent):void{
_text = LoaderMax.getContent("thisTxt");
_Ar = _text.split("\n");
trace("_Ar "+_Ar); //This trace the loaded text correctly, as I like to return it.
The problem is it returns an empty Array, as it first return nothing, and then it loads the text.
for example:
trace (LoaderTxt.load("3")); //empty
Any ideas please?
Loading a file is an asynchronous action, meaning that _Ar will not be updated immediately after calling _queue.load().
You can do one of two things:
1) add an event listener to your instance of LoaderTxt and re-dispatch the event in loadDone
2) pass in a "callback" function to your load method that will later get called in loadDone
Either way, you cannot get the results back immediately from load()
I have an winform application which consumes windows service, i user ChannelFactory
to connect to service, problem is when i call service method using channel the memory usage increase and after
method execute memory not go down(even after form close), i call GC.Collect but no change
channel Create class
public class Channel1
List<ChannelFactory> chanelList = new List<ChannelFactory>();
ISales salesObj;
public ISales Sales
if (salesObj == null)
ChannelFactory<ISales> saleschannel = new ChannelFactory<ISales>("SalesEndPoint");
salesObj = saleschannel.CreateChannel();
return salesObj;
public void CloseAllChannels()
foreach (ChannelFactory chFac in chanelList)
salesObj = null;
base class
public class Base:Form
public Channel1 channelService = new Channel1();
public Channel1 CHANNEL
return channelService;
winform class
private void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable _dt = new DataTable();
gvAccounts.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
_dt = CHANNEL.Sales.GetDatatable();
gvAccounts.DataSource = _dt;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error Occurred while processing...\n" + ex.Message, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
You're on the right track in terms of using ChannelFactory<T>, but your implementation is a bit off.
ChannelFactory<T> creates a factory for generating channels of type T. This is a relatively expensive operation (as compared to just creating a channel from the existing factory), and is generally done once per life of the application (usually at start). You can then use that factory instance to create as many channels as your application needs.
Generally, once I've created the factory and cached it, when I need to make a call to the service I get a channel from the factory, make the call, and then close/abort the channel.
Using your posted code as a starting point, I would do something like this:
public class Channel1
ChannelFactory<ISales> salesChannel;
public ISales Sales
if (salesChannel == null)
salesChannel = new ChannelFactory<ISales>("SalesEndPoint");
return salesChannel.CreateChannel();
Note that I've replaced the salesObj with salesChannel (the factory). This will create the factory the first time it's called, and create a new channel from the factory every time.
Unless you have a particular requirement to do so, I wouldn't keep track of the different channels, especially if follow the open/do method/close approach.
In your form, it'd look something like this:
private void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable _dt = new DataTable();
gvAccounts.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
ISales client = CHANNEL.Sales
_dt = client.GetDatatable();
gvAccounts.DataSource = _dt;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error Occurred while processing...\n" + ex.Message, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
The code above gets a new ISales channel from the factory in CHANNEL, executes the call, and then closes the channel. If an exception happens, the channel is aborted in the catch block.
I would avoid using Dispose() out of the box on the channels, as the implementation in the framework is flawed and will throw an error if the channel is in a faulted state. If you really want to use Dispose() and force the garbage collection, you can - but you'll have to work around the WCF dispose issue. Google will give you a number of workarounds (google WCF Using for a start).
In a WPF application, I have a 3rd party library that is publishing messages.
The messages are like :
public class DialectMessage
public string PathAndQuery { get; private set; }
public byte[] Body { get; private set; }
public DialectMessage(string pathAndQuery, byte[] body)
this.PathAndQuery = pathAndQuery;
this.Body = body;
And I setup the external message source from my app.cs file :
public partial class App : Application
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
//handle message
These messages can be publishing from multiple thread at a time, making possible to call the event handler multiple times at once.
I have a service object that have to parse the incoming messages. This service implements the following interface :
internal interface IDialectService
void Parse(Message message);
And I have a default static instance in my app.cs file :
private readonly static IDialectService g_DialectService = new DialectService();
In order to simplify the code of the parser, I would like to ensure only one message at a time is parsed.
I also want to avoid locking in my event handler, as I don't want to block the 3rd party object.
Because of this requirements, I cannot directly call g_DialectService.Parse from my message event handler
What is the correct way to ensure this single threaded execution?
My first though is to wrap my parsing operations in a Produce/Consumer pattern. In order to reach this goal, I've try the following :
Declare a BlockingCollection in my app.cs :
private readonly static BlockingCollection<Message> g_ParseOperations = new BlockingCollection<Message>();
Change the body of my event handler to add an operation :
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
Create a new thread that pump the collection from my app constructor :
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Message message;
while (g_ParseOperations.TryTake(out message))
However, this code does not seems to work. The service Parse method is never called.
Moreover, I'm not sure if this pattern will allow me to properly shutdown the application.
What have I to change in my code to ensure everything is working?
PS: I'm targeting .Net 4.5
[Edit] After some search, and the answer of ken2k, i can see that I was wrongly calling trytake in place of take.
My updated code is now :
private readonly static CancellationTokenSource g_ShutdownToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
g_ParseOperations.Add(message, g_ShutdownToken.Token);
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
while (!g_ShutdownToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var message = g_ParseOperations.Take(g_ShutdownToken.Token);
protected override void OnExit(ExitEventArgs e)
This code acts as expected. Messages are processed in the correct order. However, as soon I exit the application, I get a "CancelledException" on the Take method, even if I just test the IsCancellationRequested right before.
The documentation says about BlockingCollection.TryTake(out T item):
If the collection is empty, this method immediately returns false.
So basically your loop exits immediately. What you may want is to call the TryTake method with a timeout parameter instead, and exit your loop when a mustStop variable becomes true:
bool mustStop = false; // Must be set to true on somewhere else when you exit your program
while (!mustStop)
Message yourMessage;
// Waits 500ms if there's nothing in the collection. Avoid to consume 100% CPU
// for nothing in the while loop when the collection is empty.
if (yourCollection.TryTake(out yourMessage, 500))
// Parses yourMessage here
For your edited question: if you mean you received a OperationCanceledException, that's OK, it's exactly how methods that take a CancellationToken object as parameter must behave :) Just catch the exception and exit gracefully.