How to handle errors globally in react native? - reactjs

I am not very clear about the process to be able to handle errors globally in a react-native application. How to capture any aplication error and response according to it?, for example show an error screen and a button to 'go home', or run a especific code like retry a request so the user can recover from such an error. which approaches are used in order to handle errors globaly in react-native?

The error boundaries API only works with class Component, and a class component becomes an error boundary if you define one of these lifecycle methods static getDerivedStateFromError() or componentDidCatch().
React-error-boundary is a simple reusable component based on React error boundary API that provides a wrapper around your components and automatically catch-all error from the children’s components hierarchy, and also provides a great way to recover your component tree.
My suggestion is to wrap every navigation screen in your Application with a react-error-boundary component and provide a fallback component to Make sure the user knows what’s happening, and maybe you can recover the screen with a rerender.
The best way to do it is to create an Errorhandler component like the following.
import * as React from "react";
import { ErrorBoundary } from "react-error-boundary";
import { View, StyleSheet, Button } from "react-native";
import { Text } from "components";
const myErrorHandler = (error: Error) => {
// Do something with the error
// E.g. reporting errorr using sentry ( see part 3)
function ErrorFallback({ resetErrorBoundary }) {
return (
<View style={[styles.container]}>
<Text> Something went wrong: </Text>
<Button title="try Again" onPress={resetErrorBoundary} />
export const ErrorHandler = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => (
<ErrorBoundary FallbackComponent={ErrorFallback} onError={myErrorHandler}>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: "column",
alignItems: "stretch",
justifyContent: "center",
alignContent: "center",
paddingHorizontal: 12,
As you can see I am using an error fallback component to provide more information to the user instead of a white screen.
I also added a try again button to programmatically re-render the screen as a way to recover it and solve the issue. when the user clicks the try again button the error boundary will trigger a rerender for the Screen Component which can help to avoid error and show the correct components.
Read More about Error Recovery
To mention, I am also wrapping the error boundary component for every component that may throw an error.
Is Error Boundary enough for JS Exceptions?
Unfortunately, it’s not, Error boundaries do not catch errors for :
Event handlers
Asynchronous code (e.g. setTimeout or requestAnimationFrame callbacks)
Errors thrown in the error boundary itself (rather than its children)
(Source: Docs)
These limitations lead us to use a react-native-exception-handler to create a global handler for the App that can catch all uncaught Js errors.
react-native-exception-handler is a react native module that lets you register a global error handler that captures fatal/non-fatal uncaught exceptions.
To make it work you need to install and link the module then you register your global handler for Js exception like the following :
import { setJSExceptionHandler } from "react-native-exception-handler";
setJSExceptionHandler((error, isFatal) => {
// This is your custom global error handler
// You do stuff like show an error dialog
// or hit google analytics to track crashes
// or hit a custom api to inform the dev team.
Native Exception
As I already mention Native Exceptions were produced from Native modules errors and Internal native react native code.
From my experience, we usually face few uncaught Native exceptions compared to Js ones, the good news is that we are going to use the same library( react-native-exception-handler) to handle native exceptions too but you cannot show a JS alert box or do any UI stuff via JS code. The only solution was to show a native alert provided by the library but native code has to be written in case you want to customize the alert.
To create a global handler for Native exception, you only need to register your handler using setNativeExceptionHandler function like the following :
import { setNativeExceptionHandler } from "react-native-exception-handler";
const exceptionhandler = (exceptionString) => {
// your exception handler code here
Tracking Exceptions
Handling exceptions without tracking them has no sense because all the solutions we discussed only improve the user experience and give more information to the user about the error instead of a white screen or an app crash.
Sentry is a cloud-based error monitoring platform that helps us track all these errors in real-time. By creating a free account and installing react-native-sentry you can use it inside your handler (js and Native) to send the stack errors using captureException like the following:
// ErrorHandler.js
import * as Sentry from "#sentry/react-native";
const myErrorHandler = (error: Error) => {
Now, Make sure to fix your errors.


How to solve hydration errors related to dates in a React / Remix application?

I'm building an application as a hobby project and as an effort to try and learn server rendered React, but I've stumbled on a seemingly easy to fix error, but I do not know how I should approach the problem. Using Remix 1.10.
While my code runs, it is flawed. The server renders one thing and the client another, causing the rendered element to flicker on pageload. It also throws a multitude of errors in the console, like:
Uncaught Error: There was an error while hydrating. Because the error happened outside of a Suspense boundary, the entire root will switch to client rendering.
24x react-dom.development.js:12507 Uncaught Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.
react_devtools_backend.js:4012 Warning: Text content did not match. Server: "1/29/2023, 10:44:09 AM" Client: "1/29/2023, 12:44:09 PM"
The server is on UTC timezone but the client can be anything. In this case it's GMT+2. What should I do? I think I could set the server timezone to what the client timezone is but I also think that might be a terrible idea.
The best barebones dumbed down example I could make is this.
// routes/example.tsx
import { useLoaderData } from "#remix-run/react"
import {json, LoaderArgs } from "#remix-run/server-runtime"
export async function loader({ request }: LoaderArgs) {
const timestampFromDB = "2023-01-29T10:44:09.672Z"
return json({ time: timestampFromDB })
export default function HydrationError() {
const loaderData = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
const time = new Date(loaderData.time)
const stamp = time.toLocaleString("en-US")
return (
I tried to look for answers before asking, but the closest thing I found isn't even close to what my problem is; Remix Hydration failed: UI on server and client do not match. In my case, it's not fine locally, it's not fine at all.
The toLocaleString spec allows output variations across implementations so you're probably better off avoiding the client's implementation and just using the server's implementation by moving toLocaleString to the loader.
// routes/example.tsx
import { useLoaderData } from "#remix-run/react"
import {json, LoaderArgs } from "#remix-run/server-runtime"
export async function loader({ request }: LoaderArgs) {
const timestampFromDB = "2023-01-29T10:44:09.672Z"
return json({ stamp: new Date(timestampFromDB).toLocaleString('en-US') })
export default function HydrationError() {
const { stamp } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
return (
Alternatively you might want to look at Intl.DateTimeFormat which gives you greater control over date rendering and may offer more consistency.
React Intl is a library built on top of Intl.DateTimeFormat which is worth checking out.

How to implement a "render-as-you-fetch" pattern for routes in React

The new Relay hooks API has put a focus on the React pattern of "render-as-you-fetch" and so far I am really liking this. Relay's useQueryLoader and usePreloadedQuery hooks make implementing this most of the time pretty straight forward.
I am however, struggling to find a good pattern on how to implement this pattern when it comes to routing. There are two typical situations that I find makes this difficult to implement.
Situation A:
User loads a home page (
User go deep down one part of the app tree (
They then click on a link to take them to a totally unrelated part of their app (
Situation B:
User uses the URL bar to go to a section of the app instead of using a link (
With these examples there are two outcomes, either the user goes to a route ( either via a nest child component or directly via the URL. So the way we are fetching data for this route must support both of these approaches.
I assume we would want to trigger the fetch as early as possible for this route, so when the user clicks on the link or as soon as we detect this route on page load.
There are three ideas I can think of to implement this:
Use a fetch-then-render pattern instead (such as Relay's useLazyLoadQuery hook)
Store a function (say in Context) and have all links for this route call this function in their onClick method, and also have a useEffect for this route that calls the function if there is no data loaded, or the reference for the query is stale
Use render-as-you-fetch functions but implement them to support fetch-then-render also
Approach 1:
This defeats the purpose of render-as-you-fetch pattern however is an easy way out and more likely to be a "cleaner" way to implement fetching data for a route.
Approach 2:
In practice I have found this really hard to implement. Often the link to go to the route is disconnected from part of the component tree where the component renders the route is. And using a Context means that I have to manage different loadData functions for specific routes (which can be tricky when variables etc are involved).
Approach 3:
This is what I have been doing currently. In practice, it often results in being able to pass the load data function to a near by component, however if the route is accessed by a disconnected component, by the URL, or a page reload etc then the components falls back to calling the load data function in a useEffect hook.
Does anyone have any other ideas or examples on how they implemented this?
An update on this topic, React Router v6 recently introduced support for route loaders, allowing preload Relay queries based on routing.
import { StrictMode, Suspense } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import {
} from "react-router-dom";
import graphql from "babel-plugin-relay/macro";
import {
} from "react-relay";
import { environment } from "./environment";
import { srcGetCurrentUserQuery } from "./__generated__/srcGetCurrentUserQuery.graphql";
const getCurrentUser = graphql`
query srcGetCurrentUserQuery {
viewer {
const Test = () => {
const data = usePreloadedQuery(getCurrentUser, preloadedQuery);
const preloadedQuery = useLoaderData() as PreloadedQuery<srcGetCurrentUserQuery>;
return (
<Suspense fallback={<>Loading...</>}>
<Viewer preloadedQuery={preloadedQuery} />
const router = createBrowserRouter([
element: (
{"index"} <br /> <Link to={"/test"}>Go test</Link>
path: "/",
element: <Test />,
path: "test",
loader: async () => {
return Promise.resolve(
loadQuery<srcGetCurrentUserQuery>(environment, getCurrentUser, {})
<RelayEnvironmentProvider environment={environment}>
<RouterProvider router={router} />
More information about React Router loaders here:
I've also been struggling with understanding this. I found these resources particularly helpful:
Ryan Solid explaining how to implement fetch-as-you-render
The ReactConf 2019 Relay demo
The Relay Issue Tracker example
What I understand they aim for you to achieve is:
Start loading your query before and outside of the render path
Start loading your component at the same time as the query (code splitting)
Pass the preloaded query reference into the component
The way it's solved in the Relay demo is through something they call an "Entrypoint". These are heavily integrated into their router (you can see this in the Issue Tracker example). They comprise the following components:
A route definition (e.g. /items)
A lazy component definition (e.g. () => import('./Items'))
A function that starts the query loading (e.g. () => preloadQuery(...))
When the router matches a new path, it starts the process of loading the lazy component, as well as the query. Then it passes both of these into a context object to get rendered by their RouterRenderer.
As for how to implement this, it seems like the most important rules are:
Don't request data inside components, request it at the routing or event level
Make sure data and lazy components are requested at the same time
A simple solution appears to be to create a component that is responsible for collecting the data, and then rendering the respective component. Something like:
const LazyItemDetails = React.lazy(() => import('./ItemDetails'))
export function ItemEntrypoint() {
const match = useMatch()
const relayEnvironment = useEnvironment()
const queryRef = loadQuery<ItemDetailsQuery>(relayEnvironment, ItemDetailsQuery, { itemId: match.itemId })
return <LazyItemDetails queryRef={queryRef} />
However there are potential issues that the Issue Tracker example adds solutions to:
The lazy component may have previously been requested so should be cached
The data fetching sits on the render path
Instead the Issue Tracker solution uses a router which does the component caching, and the data fetching at the same time as the route is matched (by listening to history change events). You could use this router in your own code, if you're comfortable with maintaining your own router.
In terms of off the shelf solutions, there doesn't appear to be a router that implements the patterns required to do fetch-as-you-render.
TL;DR Use the Relay Issue Tracker example router.
Bonus: I've written a blog post about my process of understanding this pattern

Stripe + NextJs - window is not defined

I'm trying to use Stripe in NextJs
I keep getting the error "window is not defined". Am I missing something? The code is at the link above.
"window is not defined" is shown due to the fact that your code is server-side rendered and can't access the global window object because that is something only a client will understand. move your code inside lifecycle methods as they run only on the client-side.
Another option is to use a dynamic import for the Stripe component and disable SSR.
StripeForm component file (export as default)
Import it dynamically in pages/stripe like so
const StripeForm = dynamic(() => import("../components/StripeForm"), { ssr: false } )
return (
<StripeForm />

Unhandled JS Exception: getPropertyAsObject: property '__fbRequireBatchedBridge'

I've been having errors after errors to the point where I've reset my Metro Bundle and performed updates, errors from required module "699" to "700" have been coming up and now this. I believe I have all the required dependencies for Drawer navigator and ionicicons but errors continue to persist. I have code written in different files but below is the one written in App.js. Feel free to ask for the other ones in order to solve the issue at hand.
import React from 'react';
import {
} from "react-native" ;
import DrawerNavigator from './Menu/DrawerNavigator';
import SettingScreen from './Menu/SettingScreen'
export default class App extends React.Component {
return (
<View style ={style.container}>
style = StyleSheet.create ({
container: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
For mac,
I have this error, I believe that you have npm install/yarn add a new package and you will require to Ctrl+C to exit the Metro Bundler and restart again. The error/issue will be solved.
For Windows,
I got the same error, what I did is
close your local-cli windows(picture attached)
uninstall the app from your device/emulator(there can be two apps with the slight change name of theirs).
run again the with react native command like 'react-native run-android'
I tried to reproduce it after these steps but I wasn't able
For Windows 10:
Restarting the Metro Bundler by pressing ctrl + c and then expo start will fix this issue.

How to include Redoc in React app?

I am writing an api portal using react and want to include Redoc ( in the react component. Is it possible to use Redoc in react application? If yes, then what is the best way to do this.
I've tried initializing ReDoc via globally exposed Redoc object but it throws esprima and jquery missing error. I've installed these packages but still no luck.
import {Redoc} from './redoc';
module.exports = Redoc;
Redoc.init('', {
scrollYOffset: 50
Also, if I include in the component directly
render() {
<redoc spec-url=''>
it throws "Unknown prop spec-url on tag" error.
ReDoc is being rewritten to use React. When this pull request is completed, and merged, you would be able to easily include ReDoc in your React application.
