How can I make my Google Form manage unique questions for an interview committee? - arrays

I want the members of an interview committee to fill out a Google Form that will help manage which questions they will each ask the candidates they are interviewing. I don't want a candidate to be asked the same question by multiple interviewers.
Step 1, they select from among 96 "competencies," e.g., "Accountability" might be a competency they believe the position requires. They can choose up to, let's say, 5 competencies.
Step 2, based on which competencies they selected, they can now choose interview questions. We have a bank of 970 potential interview questions, each one of them directly related to one of the competencies. As interviewers select questions, those questions should be eliminated as options for the other interviewers. [I found some code to support the elimination part of this step in AppScript. What I CANNOT figure out is how to make the list of questions also based on which competencies they selected in the prior step. They should be choosing from a short list, not from a list of all 970. Each competency only has a handful of questions tied to it.]
Step 3, once everyone has completed the Form, we can produce a doc or pdf so everyone on the committee can see what everyone else is asking.
Is this possible??

If I understood your question correctly, Google Forms are not suitable for your task. You can find Add-Ons and GAS example codes that can change, for example, options for some dropdown question.
The problem is those changes are reflected to all the form viewers/users, in your case interview committee. Think about it like you have a single Google Doc file, "Terms and Conditions" that you can edit and others can view. Google Form are designed with a "same for everybody" idea in mind, so you can see answer percentages right away, like you have poll on twitter.
What you can do, since you already played with GAS is to create GAS WebApp that presents different options for each user. But if you are beginner I wouldn't recommend this, you will have to be GAS + JuniorWeb developer at least. Plus, since users can work concurrently, you will have to double check if what user selected became unavailable meanwhile (after competencies are selected, while you are picking the questions someone maybe submitted one of your competencies, when you hit submit your selections are invalid, you'll have to do it again).
The simplest way is if you have a company website, to ask the website developer to make some kind of company portal (employees only, not visible to visitors). Then to create this tool you need and put it on the company portal.
I saw some solutions for "race for resources" in Google Sheets where you can have competencies listed, then one true/false checkbox column "Reserved" and one "Who Reserved" column. And the filter is set to hide Reserved=true (filters rows for everybody, "live"). Then users can "collaborate" and user is aware if something they wanted became unavailable second ago. "Who Reserved" would require GAS code to handle onEdit event. But you have a second level - questions, I have no idea how you could make this.


Online forms (or other workaround) with spreadsheet/database, autocomplete, autofill & triggered actions

The reason for my question is to see if you can give me an idea (similar or not) or know of any type of software/web app available for the following that I am going to tell you.
The context
My sister works in the healthcare industry and currently manually handles several different spreadsheets (Google sheets) in a way for her customers and incomes.
My idea
He had thought of an online form for income. This form would have, among others, a field for the customer's name that would be automatically filled in from the customer's spreadsheet as it is searched while typing. If it exists, other fields on the form will also be filled in automatically. If it doesn't exist, once the revenue-related data is populated and submitted, a trigger would update the new customer data in the customers spreadsheet so that the next time the form is used, the field customer name can be auto-completed with the updated customers.
My solution
I have tried a lot of online forms and softwares: Jotform, Caspio, Logiforms, Typeform, Gravity Forms, Formsite, Quinta DB, Airtable,, Ninox, Podio, Cognito Forms, Matrify, Zoho ... but without full success.
For this purpose, the only ones that fit us are JotForm (it would be semi automatic since it does not automatically link spreadsheets), Caspio (it is perfect but excessively expensive for us, € 200, since the basic plan does not include triggers), Logiforms ( its trial is very limited and we cannot test if it would really work for us)
I tell you all this to ask for your help and to ask you if you know of any other software, web app, solution or even think of another different workaround to forms that I have not thought of and can help us.
Thank you very much for everything and a hug.

Eliciting states and counties with Alexa

I have a skill that elicits a U.S. state and county from the user and then retrieves some data. The backend is working fine, but I am concerned about how to structure the conversation. So far, I have created an intent called GetInfoIntent, which has two custom slots, state_name, and county_name
There are about 3,000 U.S. counties with many duplicate names. It seems silly to me that I am asking for a county, without first "narrowing down", by states. Another way I can think of to do the conversation is to have 50 intents, "GetNewHampshireInfo, GetCaliforniaInfo, etc. If I did it this way, I'd need a custom slot type for each state, like nh_counties, ca_counties. etc.
This must be a pretty generic problem. Is there a standard approach, or best practice, I can use?
My (not necessarily best practice) practice tips:
Single slot for single data type. Meaning only have one slot for a four digit number even if you use it in more than one place for two different things in the skill.
As few intents as you need
no more no less. You certainly can and should break up the back end code with helper code, but try and not break the intents into too many smaller pieces. It can lead to difficulty when Alexa is trying to choose the intended intent.
Keep it voice focused. How would you ask in a
conversation. Voice first development is always the way to go.
For the slot filling I think it is fine to ask both state and county.
If the matching is not correct ask for confirmation.
Another option is to not use auto filling within the Alexa skill and use the dialog interface. Ask the county first and then only when it has more than one state option and is ambiguous continue the dialog to fill the state.
Even if you did have 50 separate intents you really never want to have two slots that can be filled by the same word. For example having a mo_counties and ky_counties that Clack satisfies both is ambiguous and can cause unneeded difficultly.
So for someone looking for the "best practice" I have learning that there isn't one yet (maybe never will be). Do what makes sense for the conversation and try and keep it as simple as it needs to be and no less on the back end.
I also find it helpful to find a non-developer to test your conversation flow.
This wasn't really technical and is all opinion, but that is a lot of what Alexa development is. I would suggest Tuesday Alexa office hours at very helpful and you can ask questions about stuff like this.

Microsoft Access 2010

I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction.
Here is my problem: I have a large form/checklist that I would like to make digital for ease of use.
Thoughts: I would like to use existing tools that would be easy to integrate. My first option is Access 2010.
My question: I would like to enter the questions into a database and then use those entries to auto generate a form that can be used to allow the user to input the actual data into the database. An example would be I have 11 Sections of questions and under each section I have sub-sections that can contain anywhere from 1-... how many every questions we need.
Is it possible to use data stored in an Access database to generate a form with Checkboxes that can be used to input data?
Please point me in the right direction. Obviously there is the option of just creating multiple forms or one big form, but I would like this form to easily be changed etc... Less work more automation.
Depending on the requirements of your project, this may be quite possible. If you want to use Access as both the back-end and front-end, then you'll need to work within a few limitations:
Because Access combines the user interface and design interface into the same screen, it requires a certain amount of trust that the user can't or won't try to get too creative with changing the data, seeing everyone else's data, changing the design of your form because they are bored, etc. There are ways around these problems, but they can get complicated.
Will all your users be using Window's machines with Access 2010 installed and with the original default settings? If so, good. If not, there may be ways that this could still work.
(There's more, but that's all I can think of right now)
To get started, here's a broad outline:
Make a table for your questions. This table would just have the questions.
Make a form using that question table as the source. Leave the checkboxes and other answer fields unbounded. Include a 'submit' button at the bottom.
The submit button will create a sql query to insert the user's answers into a 2nd table.
If you have any specific questions, we here at SO will be glad to answer them.
In order to dynamically and easily change the number of questions in the sections, what I would do is:
In the main Questions table, add a field called Section to allocate the questions into diffferent ones, and another one Yes/No field to select those that are included (you may also exclude them by leaving the section field empty, as you wish). This will solve the problem of changing the design easily. you probaly will need an admin form in order to do this changes, to avoid touching the tables directly, but this is your decision.
Secondly, in order to allow the users to efectively answer the generated form, you have to ask yourself if you want to accumulate the answer sets, and if you are going to control who answers

How should I display invalid options?

I've got a WinForms client-server app that displays various offers in a list. Every user (client) has a "rating". An offer consists of various data including a minimum and maximum rating. If a user's rating does not fall in that interval, he should not be able to take the offer.
Of course I could just perform some server filtering and send a list of offers prefiltered for each user to the client application. But that would surely, and rightfully, lead to confused requests "Why isn't this offer showing up? I know it exists, it shows up on [other user]'s screen."
How should I handle this? My favorite solution so far is to grey out the offer and add a tooltip "You can't take this offer because your rating is too high/low" while displaying greyed-out offers at the bottom of the list to leave the actually valid offers easily visible on top of the list.
A disabled option tells the user:
The action is possible.
Just not right now.
But the user can make it possible.
Unless there is some simple action the user can do to change his or her rating (e.g., by selecting some other controls in the same window), do not use disabling and do not show the offers. Disabling may confuse some users who will then hunt around the window for something to do to enable those offers. It’s a great idea to use a tooltip to explain disabled objects, but that’s not a standard and not all users will think to hover the mouse over a disabled option (Why should they? It’s disabled).
Including offers users can’t have, even when disabled, clutters your display, forces more scrolling, and distracts the users from the offers you actually want them to consider. Furthermore, showing unavailable offers can come across as taunting (“ha, ha, your rating isn’t high enough”) and may diminished the perceived value of the available offers by comparison, resulting in lower user satisfaction.
It seems unlikely to me that users are going to go around comparing the offers on their windows, but maybe you have user research saying they do. In any case, you should label the list of offers to make the criteria clear (e.g., “Offers available at your rating” may be sufficient).
If you want to encourage users to increase their ratings, then maybe include something advertising the benefits of an improved rating. For example you could have a link "-Improve your rating- by four points and get -five additional offers-." The first -link- tells users how to improve their rating, while the second lists the offers as a motivator. The latter link should only be there if the offers will still be available if the user actually succeeds in getting four more points.
That sounds like a good way to do it.
As a slight improvement, if it makes sense for your application, you might consider including the actual numbers in the tooltip, e.g.:
This offer requires a rating between 5 and 8. Your rating is 4.

How to create my own recommendation engine? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am interested in recommendation engines these days and I want to improve myself in this area. I am currently reading "Programming Collective Intelligence" I think this is the best book about this subject, from O'Reilly. But I don't have any ideas how to implement engine; What I mean by "no idea" is "don't know how to start". I have a project like in my mind.
Where do (should be implemented on database side or backend side) I start creating
recommendation engine?
What level of database knowledge will be needed?
Is there any open source ones that can be used for help or any resource?
What should be the first steps that I have to do?
Presenting recommendations can be split up in to two main sections:
Feature extraction
Feature extraction is very specific to the object being recommended. For music, for example, some features of the object might be the frequency response of the song, the power, the genre, etc. The features for the users might be age, location, etc. You then create a vector for each user and song with the various elements of the vector corresponding to different features of interest.
Performing the actual recommendation only requires well thought out feature vectors. Note that if you don't choose the right features your recommendation engine will fail. This would be like asking you to tell me my sex based on my age. Of course my age may provide a bit of information, but I think you could imagine better questions to ask. Anyways, once you have your feature vectors for each user and song, you will need to train the recommendation engine. I think the best way to do this would be to get a whole bunch of users to take your demographic test and then tell you specific songs that they like. At this point you have all the information you need. Your job is to draw a decision boundary with the information you have. Consider a simple example. You want to predict whether or not a user likes AC/DC's "Back in Black" based on age and sex. Imagine a graph showing 100 data points. The x axis is age, the y axis is sex (1 is male, 2 is female). A black mark indicates that the user likes the song while a red mark means they don't like the song. My guess is that this graph might have a lot of black marks corresponding to users that are male and between the ages of 12 and 37 while the rest of the marks will be red. So, if we were to manually select a decision boundary, it'd be a rectangle around this area holding the majority of the black marks. This is called the decision boundary because, if a completely new person comes to you and tells you their age and sex, you only have to plot them on the graph and ask whether or not they fall within that box.
So, the hard part here is finding the decision boundary. The good news is that you don't need to know how to do that. You just need to know how to use some of the common tools. You can look into using neural networks, support vector machines, linear classifiers, etc. Again, don't let the big names fool you. Most people can't tell you what these things are really doing. They just know how to plug things in and get results.
I know it's a bit late, but I hope this helps anyone that stumbles on this thread.
I've built up one for a video portal myself. The main idea that I had was about collecting data about everything:
Who uploaded a video?
Who commented on a video?
Which tags where created?
Who visited the video? (also tracking anonymous visitors)
Who favorited a video?
Who rated a video?
Which channels was the video assigned to?
Text streams of title, description, tags, channels and comments are collected by a fulltext indexer which puts weight on each of the data sources.
Next I created functions which return lists of (id,weight) tuples for each of the above points. Some only consider a limited amount of videos (eg last 50), some modify the weight by eg rating, tag count (more often tagged = less expressive). There are functions that return the following lists:
Similar videos by fulltext search
Videos uploaded by the same user
Other videos the users from these comments also commented on
Other videos the users from these favorites also favorited
Other videos the raters from these ratings also rated on (weighted)
Other videos in the same channels
Other videos with the same tags (weighted by "expressiveness" of tags)
Other videos played by people who played this video (XY latest plays)
Similar videos by comments fulltext
Similar videos by title fulltext
Similar videos by description fulltext
Similar videos by tags fulltext
All these will be combined into a single list by just summing up the weights by video ids, then sorted by weight. This works pretty well for around 1000 videos now. But you need to do background processing or extreme caching for this to be speedy.
I'm hoping that I can reduce this to a generic recommendation engine or similarity calculator soon and release as a rails/activerecord plugin. Currently it's still a well integrated part of my project.
To give a small hint, in ruby code it looks like this:
def related_by_tags
tag_names.find(:all, :include => :videos).inject([]) { |result,t|
result + { |v|
[v, TAG_WEIGHT / (0.1 + Math.log(t.video_ids.length) / Math.log(2))]
I would be interested on how other people solve such algorithms.
This is really a very big question you are asking, so even if I could give you a detailed answer I doubt I'd have the time.... but I do have a suggestion, take a look at Greg Linden's blog and his papers on item-based collaborative filtering. Greg implemented the idea of recommendations engines at Amazon using the item based approach, he really knows his stuff and his blog and papers are very readable.
Paper: (I'm afraid you need to log in to read it in full, as you are a CS student this should be possible).
You could also take a look at Infer.Net, they include an example of building a recommender system for movie data.
I have a 2 part blog on collaborative filtering based recommendation engine for implementation in Hadoop.
Here is the github repository for the open source project
Feel free to use if you like it.
An example recommendation engine that is open source (AGPLv3-licensed) has been published by recently. It's written in C++ and uses best practices from the white papers produced as part of the Netflix challange. An article about it can be found at:
and the code is here:
