Cli params and prompt - batch-file

My batch script needs some values defined. I want to support prompt and params both.
Not sure why the first if username not defined is always not verified, either I pass -u <username> or not.
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO endparse
IF "%~1"=="-u" SET ouser=%~2
IF "%~1"=="-s" SET studies=%~2
IF "%~1"=="-h" REM do something else
GOTO parse
if not defined ouser (
rem set the username using a plain prompt
SET /p ouser=Enter your Username [ENTER]:
if not defined ouser (
echo Username must be defined
goto :eof
rem set the study using a plain prompt
SET /p studies=Enter the comma-separated list [ENTER]:
if not defined studies (
echo At least one item must be defined
goto :eof
echo %ouser% - %studies%
exit /b
consumer side
> script.bat // in this case I would expect the prompt for both "ouser" and "studies"
> script.bat -u myuser // in this case I want to prompt just for the param "studies" (the same if I pass just "studies" as param)
> script.bat -u myuser -s study1,study2 // no prompt


How to prompt a user multiple times by a batch file with multiple user inputs?

I want to change the serial number and product number of about 250 servers (they are not correct at the moment). I know the command that I need to use, but I need to be able to input certain options in to that command and then run it.
The options I need are:
A prompt for selecting the update of the serial or the product number
Multiple prompts for actual serial number, an IP address, a user name and password on having selected before the update of the serial number
Multiple prompts for actual product number, an IP address, a user name and password on having selected before the update of the product number
The command I wish to run via the batch file is:
asu64 set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoSerialNum XXXXXXX --host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX --user XXXX --password XXXX
The XXX is a user defined input. I'd also like for completion and then go back to the initial selection menu.
Here is what I have done so far. (Please excuse the simplicity of it. I am very new to this stuff.)
ECHO Test Code
ECHO 1.Serial Number
ECHO 2.Product Name
CHOICE /C 12 /M "Enter your choice:"
IF CHOICE 1 GOTO SerialNumber
IF CHOICE 2 GOTO ProductName
ECHO Serial Number
ECHO Product Number
Many thanks for any help you can offer.
There could be used for this task:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "IpAddress="
set "NameUser="
set "Password="
echo 1 ... Serial number
echo 2 ... Product number
echo E ... Exit
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C 12E /N /M "Enter your choice:"
if errorlevel 3 exit /B
if not errorlevel 1 goto MainMenu
if errorlevel 2 goto ProductNumber
set "NumberText=serial"
set "NumberOption=SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoSerialNum"
goto NumberPrompt
set "NumberText=product"
set "NumberOption=SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoProductNum"
set "NumberValue="
set /P "NumberValue=Please enter %NumberText% number: " || goto NumberPrompt
set "NumberValue=%NumberValue:"=%"
if not defined NumberValue goto NumberPrompt
if defined IpAddress (set "Default= [%IpAddress%]") else set "Default="
set /P "IpAddress=Please enter IP address%Default%: "
if not defined IpAddress goto IpPrompt
set "IpAddress=%IpAddress:"=%"
if not defined IpAddress goto IpPrompt
if defined NameUser (set "Default= [%NameUser%]") else set "Default="
set /P "NameUser=Please enter user name%Default%: "
if not defined NameUser goto NamePrompt
set "NameUser=%NameUser:"=%"
if not defined NameUser goto NamePrompt
if defined Password (set "Default= [%Password%]") else set "Default="
set /P "Password=Please enter password%Default%: "
if not defined Password goto PasswordPrompt
set "Password=%Password:"=%"
if not defined Password goto PasswordPrompt
"%~dp0ASU64.exe" set %NumberOption% "%NumberValue%" --host "%IpAddress%" --user "%NameUser%" --password "%Password%"
if not errorlevel 1 (
echo The update of the %NumberText% number "%NumberValue%" was successful.
) else echo ERROR: The update of the %NumberText% number "%NumberValue%" failed!
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C CE /N /T 10 /D C /M "Press C to continue or E to exit ..."
if not errorlevel 2 goto MainMenu
The executable ASU64.exe is referenced with full path of the batch file which means the executable must be always in the same directory as the batch file. The current directory of cmd.exe processing the batch file does not matter in this case.
Please read the following answers for the explanation of the code:
How does the Windows Command Interpreter (CMD.EXE) parse scripts?
How to stop Windows command interpreter from quitting batch file execution on an incorrect user input?
Why is no string output with 'echo %var%' after using 'set var = text' on command line?
Single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file
DosTips forum topic: ECHO. FAILS to give text or blank line - Instead use ECHO/
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /? ... explains %~dp0 ... drive and path of argument 0 which is the batch file path.
choice /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
exit /?
goto /?
if /?
set /?
setlocal /?

.Bat code only creates file for one set of data entered

I want to create a bat file asking for a user input which will ask for some choices:
#echo off
MKDIR D:\BatFiles\File
SET /P Output="D:\BatFiles\File"
ECHO Select Task
ECHO ==========
#echo off
title Task List Creator
Echo 1.) Create Notepad Task File
Echo 2.) Exit
set /p input=Type Choice :
if "%input%"=="1" goto getInfo
if "%input%"=="2" exit
set /p VarOne=Enter Type:
set /p VarTwo=Enter Number:
set /p VarThree=Enter Name:
echo Task Type=%VarOne% >> %Output%\test.txt
echo Task Number=%VarTwo% >> %Output%\test.txt
echo Task Name=%VarThree% >> %Output%\test.txt
echo Entry successfully written
goto finished
echo Do you want to create a new set of entry?
set /p response= Y or N?
if "%response%"=="Y" goto getInfo
if "%response%"=="N" goto homescreen
--The problem with this code is that I want to create more than 2 entries. This code only creates an output file if user has only one set of entries. If user creates 2 or more, the output file is not created and data entered appears only when user runs the bat file again and only enters one set of data. Sorry about the lame question, I'm just a batch file beginner here.
Look on this code:
#echo off
title Task List Creator
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set "OutputFolder=D:\BatFiles\File"
set FileNumber=0
echo Select Task
echo ===========
echo 1 ... Create Notepad Task File
echo 2 ... Exit
set "Input=2"
set /P "Input=Your choice: "
if "!Input!"=="1" goto PrepareTaskFile
if "!Input!"=="2" endlocal & goto :EOF
goto HomeScreen
set /A FileNumber+=1
set "OutputFile=%OutputFolder%\test%FileNumber%.txt"
if exist "%OutputFile%" del "%OutputFile%"
set "VarOne="
set "VarTwo="
set "VarThree="
set /P "VarOne=Enter type: "
if not defined VarOne goto EnterType
set /P "VarTwo=Enter number: "
if not defined VarTwo goto EnterNumber
set /P "VarThree=Enter name: "
if not defined VarThree goto EnterName
if not exist "%OutputFolder%" mkdir "%OutputFolder%"
echo Task Type=!VarOne!>>"%OutputFile%"
echo Task Number=!VarTwo!>>"%OutputFile%"
echo Task Name=!VarThree!>>"%OutputFile%"
echo Entry successfully written.
echo Do you want to create a new set of entry?
set "Response=N"
set /P "Response=Y or N? "
if /I "!Response!"=="Y" goto GetInfo
goto HomeScreen
The environment variable on prompt keeps its current value if the user just hits RETURN or ENTER. Therefore it is advisable to define a default value or undefine a variable before prompting the user.
The entered strings assigned to the variables are referenced with usage of delayed expansion in case of user enters something not expected which could result in a syntax error and therefore exit of batch processing on referencing the entered strings with immediate expansion. For example a string comparison would fail with a syntax error if the user enters a string with a double quote.
See How to set environment variables with spaces? why using double quotes as it can be seen here on set "variable=string value" and set /P "variable=prompt text".
The space character left of redirection operator >> in code of question would be also written into the file. This should be avoided by removing it and reference the variables with delayed expansion in case of the variable value is a number with value 1, 2, 3, ... to avoid a wrong handle redirection, see the Microsoft article about Using command redirection operators.
On usage of set /P for a menu instead of command choice it must be always taken into account that the user enters something not suggested. So if the user enters on first prompt whether 1 nor 2, there must be code which defines the behavior on the invalid input.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
cls /?
del /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
goto /?
if /?
mkdir /?
pause /?
set /?
setlocal /?
title /?
See also answer on Single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file for an explanation of & between endlocal and goto :EOF.

Is it possible to capture a password in cmd Net Use?

bat script to get a users name and password to connect to shared network drives, the key element is:
net use u: \\server\users\%UserName% * /user:%UserName% /persistent:no
This works great as the password prompt is requested by the "*" which is hidden from view and I have already captured the user's login name. Mapping to other locations on the same server works without any further user input but as soon as I map to another server the user will be prompted to input their password again.
Is there anyway I can capture the entry typed at "*" to apply to a string for the other servers?
Thanks for the responses, unfortunately my email, must be blocking the replies as I didn't get any notifications.
I've never used PowerShell so that would be another learning curve and JosefZ's post certainly will be reviewed.
I did some more intensive searching out of work hours and located a command based utility:
EditVar/EditV32/EditV64 and Choose/Choose32/Choose64
(C) 2006-2014 by Bill Stewart (
This resides in the same location as the orinal script and just requires a line to call it and assign a string, in the example below %PASSWORD% will be the string which I can then use in place of "*", works a treat.
editv64 -p "Enter your password: " PASSWORD -m
Good to get feed back and I'll be sorting my email filters out - Cheers.
A clone from my answer to another question:
Set /P "=Type the password for \\server\users\%UserName%:" < Nul
Call :PasswordInput serverpass
net use u: \\server\users\%UserName% %serverpass% /user:%UserName% /persistent:no
rem skip over the procedure
goto :eof
::Author: Carlos Montiers Aguilera
::Last updated: 20150401. Created: 20150401.
::Set in variable Line a input password
::Update 20150503:
::Changes made in next lines:
:: SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: If !CHR!==!CR! Echo(&EndLocal&set "%1=%Line%"&Goto :Eof
:: Call :PasswordInput variableName
::where variableName is a name of output variable (by reference call)
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F skip^=1^ delims^=^ eol^= %%# in (
'"Echo(|Replace.exe "%~f0" . /U /W"') Do Set "CR=%%#"
For /F %%# In (
'"Prompt $H &For %%_ In (_) Do Rem"') Do Set "BS=%%#"
Set "Line="
Set "CHR=" & For /F skip^=1^ delims^=^ eol^= %%# in (
'Replace.exe "%~f0" . /U /W') Do Set "CHR=%%#"
If !CHR!==!CR! Echo(&EndLocal&set "%1=%Line%"&Goto :Eof
If !CHR!==!BS! (If Defined Line (Set /P "=!BS! !BS!" <Nul
Set "Line=!Line:~0,-1!"
) Else (Set /P "=*" <Nul
If !CHR!==! (Set "Line=!Line!^!"
) Else Set "Line=!Line!!CHR!"
Goto :_PasswordInput_Kbd
Resources (required reading):
(command reference) An A-Z Index of the Windows CMD command line
(additional particularities) Windows CMD Shell Command Line Syntax
PowerShell sample script to read hidden input string and pass to multiple net use commands:
Function Read-Password {
[String] $promptString
$secureString = Read-Host $promptString -AsSecureString
try {
$intPtr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secureString)
$password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($intPtr)
finally {
if ( $intPtr ) {
$password = Read-Password "Enter password"
if ( -not $password ) { return }
net use \\server1\share /user:foo $password
net use \\server2\share /user:foo $password
# ... etc.

Batch: ( was not expected at this time

I would like to know why do I get an error("( was not expected at this time") in this script.
for /f "delims=" %%t in (%cd%\Multitool\Multitool.txt) do (
set /p username=
set /p password=
set /p created=
if %created%==accountcreated ( goto CONTINUE ) else ( goto CREATE )
I have those lines of codes wich always get me an error: "( was not expected" at this time.
In my program I want to know if the user created an account already...
When the user creates an account I echo this in %cd%\Multitool\Multitool.txt :
echo %username%
echo %password%
echo accountcreated
) > %cd%\Multitool\Multitool.txt
So can you tell me why I get that error and how to correct it please?
Sorry for my bad english im french...
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
:: set up logfile and password
SET "logfile=U:\q28542185.txt"
SET "password=dummypassword"
SET "myusername=dummyusername"
:: Dummy log entry
echo %myusername%
echo %password%
echo accountcreated
) > %logfile%
:: This is just to ensure the three variables are empty
FOR %%t IN (myusername password created) DO SET "%%t="
for /f "delims=" %%t in (%logfile%) do (
SET "myusername=!password!"
SET "password=!created!"
SET "created=%%t"
if %created%==accountcreated ( goto CONTINUE ) else ( goto CREATE )
ECHO got to continue
GOTO :eof
ECHO got to create
I used a file named q28542185.txt to receive the log information for my testing.
Note that username is a magic variable initialised by the syste, so I don't like changing it, so I've substituted myusername.
The first part sets up a dummy log file for testing.
The replacement for loop reads the log file and "ripples" the lines through the variablenames using the delayedexpansion facility, so that the variables are set in appropriate sequence.
Note that if created contains Spaces then your if statement should be modified to
if "%created%"=="accountcreated" ....
to allow correct parsing sequence IF token operator token

How can I pass arguments to a batch file?

I need to pass an ID and a password to a batch file at the time of running rather than hardcoding them into the file.
Here's what the command line looks like:
test.cmd admin P#55w0rd > test-log.txt
Another useful tip is to use %* to mean "all". For example:
echo off
set arg1=%1
set arg2=%2
fake-command /u %arg1% /p %arg2% %*
When you run:
test-command admin password foo bar
The above batch file will run:
fake-command /u admin /p password admin password foo bar
I may have the syntax slightly wrong, but this is the general idea.
Here's how I did it:
#fake-command /u %1 /p %2
Here's what the command looks like:
test.cmd admin P#55w0rd > test-log.txt
The %1 applies to the first parameter the %2 (and here's the tricky part) applies to the second. You can have up to 9 parameters passed in this way.
If you want to intelligently handle missing parameters you can do something like:
IF %1.==. GOTO No1
IF %2.==. GOTO No2
... do stuff...
ECHO No param 1
ECHO No param 2
Accessing batch parameters can be simple with %1, %2, ... %9 or also %*,
but only if the content is simple.
There is no simple way for complex contents like "&"^&, as it's not possible to access %1 without producing an error.
set var=%1
set "var=%1"
set var=%~1
set "var=%~1"
The lines expand to
set var="&"&
set "var="&"&"
set var="&"&
set "var="&"&"
And each line fails, as one of the & is outside of the quotes.
It can be solved with reading from a temporary file a remarked version of the parameter.
#echo off
SETLOCAL DisableDelayedExpansion
for %%a in (1) do (
set "prompt="
echo on
for %%b in (1) do rem * #%1#
#echo off
) > param.txt
for /F "delims=" %%L in (param.txt) do (
set "param1=%%L"
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
set "param1=!param1:*#=!"
set "param1=!param1:~0,-2!"
echo %%1 is '!param1!'
The trick is to enable echo on and expand the %1 after a rem statement (works also with %2 .. %*).
So even "&"& could be echoed without producing an error, as it is remarked.
But to be able to redirect the output of the echo on, you need the two for-loops.
The extra characters * # are used to be safe against contents like /? (would show the help for REM).
Or a caret ^ at the line end could work as a multiline character, even in after a rem.
Then reading the rem parameter output from the file, but carefully.
The FOR /F should work with delayed expansion off, else contents with "!" would be destroyed.
After removing the extra characters in param1, you got it.
And to use param1 in a safe way, enable the delayed expansion.
Yep, and just don't forget to use variables like %%1 when using if and for and the gang.
If you forget the double %, then you will be substituting in (possibly null) command line arguments and you will receive some pretty confusing error messages.
A friend was asking me about this subject recently, so I thought I'd post how I handle command-line arguments in batch files.
This technique has a bit of overhead as you'll see, but it makes my batch files very easy to understand and quick to implement. As well as supporting the following structures:
>template.bat [-f] [--flag] [--namedvalue value] arg1 [arg2][arg3][...]
The jist of it is having the :init, :parse, and :main functions.
Example usage
>template.bat /?
test v1.23
This is a sample batch file template,
providing command-line arguments and flags.
test.bat [flags] "required argument" "optional argument"
/?, --help shows this help
/v, --version shows the version
/e, --verbose shows detailed output
-f, --flag value specifies a named parameter value
>template.bat <- throws missing argument error
(same as /?, plus..)
**** ****
**** ****
>template.bat -v
>template.bat --version
test v1.23
This is a sample batch file template,
providing command-line arguments and flags.
>template.bat -e arg1
UnNamedArgument: "arg1"
UnNamedOptionalArg: not provided
NamedFlag: not provided
>template.bat --flag "my flag" arg1 arg2
UnNamedArgument: "arg1"
UnNamedOptionalArg: "arg2"
NamedFlag: "my flag"
>template.bat --verbose "argument #1" --flag "my flag" second
UnNamedArgument: "argument #1"
UnNamedOptionalArg: "second"
NamedFlag: "my flag"
#echo off
goto :init
echo %__NAME% v%__VERSION%
echo This is a sample batch file template,
echo providing command-line arguments and flags.
goto :eof
echo USAGE:
echo %__BAT_NAME% [flags] "required argument" "optional argument"
echo. /?, --help shows this help
echo. /v, --version shows the version
echo. /e, --verbose shows detailed output
echo. -f, --flag value specifies a named parameter value
goto :eof
if "%~1"=="full" call :header & goto :eof
echo %__VERSION%
goto :eof
call :header
call :usage
echo **** ****
echo **** ****
goto :eof
set "__NAME=%~n0"
set "__VERSION=1.23"
set "__YEAR=2017"
set "__BAT_FILE=%~0"
set "__BAT_PATH=%~dp0"
set "__BAT_NAME=%~nx0"
set "OptHelp="
set "OptVersion="
set "OptVerbose="
set "UnNamedArgument="
set "UnNamedOptionalArg="
set "NamedFlag="
if "%~1"=="" goto :validate
if /i "%~1"=="/?" call :header & call :usage "%~2" & goto :end
if /i "%~1"=="-?" call :header & call :usage "%~2" & goto :end
if /i "%~1"=="--help" call :header & call :usage "%~2" & goto :end
if /i "%~1"=="/v" call :version & goto :end
if /i "%~1"=="-v" call :version & goto :end
if /i "%~1"=="--version" call :version full & goto :end
if /i "%~1"=="/e" set "OptVerbose=yes" & shift & goto :parse
if /i "%~1"=="-e" set "OptVerbose=yes" & shift & goto :parse
if /i "%~1"=="--verbose" set "OptVerbose=yes" & shift & goto :parse
if /i "%~1"=="--flag" set "NamedFlag=%~2" & shift & shift & goto :parse
if /i "%~1"=="-f" set "NamedFlag=%~2" & shift & shift & goto :parse
if not defined UnNamedArgument set "UnNamedArgument=%~1" & shift & goto :parse
if not defined UnNamedOptionalArg set "UnNamedOptionalArg=%~1" & shift & goto :parse
goto :parse
if not defined UnNamedArgument call :missing_argument & goto :end
if defined OptVerbose (
echo **** DEBUG IS ON
echo UnNamedArgument: "%UnNamedArgument%"
if defined UnNamedOptionalArg echo UnNamedOptionalArg: "%UnNamedOptionalArg%"
if not defined UnNamedOptionalArg echo UnNamedOptionalArg: not provided
if defined NamedFlag echo NamedFlag: "%NamedFlag%"
if not defined NamedFlag echo NamedFlag: not provided
call :cleanup
exit /B
REM The cleanup function is only really necessary if you
REM are _not_ using SETLOCAL.
set "__NAME="
set "__VERSION="
set "__YEAR="
set "__BAT_FILE="
set "__BAT_PATH="
set "__BAT_NAME="
set "OptHelp="
set "OptVersion="
set "OptVerbose="
set "UnNamedArgument="
set "UnNamedArgument2="
set "NamedFlag="
goto :eof
There is no need to complicate it. It is simply command %1 %2 parameters, for example,
#echo off
xcopy %1 %2 /D /E /C /Q /H /R /K /Y /Z
echo copied %1 to %2
The "pause" displays what the batch file has done and waits for you to hit the ANY key. Save that as xx.bat in the Windows folder.
To use it, type, for example:
xx c:\f\30\*.* f:\sites\30
This batch file takes care of all the necessary parameters, like copying only files, that are newer, etc. I have used it since before Windows. If you like seeing the names of the files, as they are being copied, leave out the Q parameter.
In batch file
set argument1=%1
set argument2=%2
echo %argument1%
echo %argument2%
%1 and %2 return the first and second argument values respectively.
And in command line, pass the argument
Directory> batchFileName admin P#55w0rd
Output will be
IF "%1"=="" GOTO Continue
Note: IF "%1"=="" will cause problems if %1 is enclosed in quotes itself.
In that case, use IF [%1]==[] or, in NT 4 (SP6) and later only, IF "%~1"=="" instead.
Everyone has answered with really complex responses, however it is actually really simple. %1 %2 %3 and so on are the arguements parsed to the file. %1 is arguement 1, %2 is arguement 2 and so on.
So, if I have a bat script containing this:
#echo off
echo %1
and when I run the batch script, I type in this:
C:> script.bat Hello
The script will simply output this:
This can be very useful for certain variables in a script, such as a name and age. So, if I have a script like this:
#echo off
echo Your name is: %1
echo Your age is: %2
When I type in this:
C:> script.bat Oliver 1000
I get the output of this:
Your name is: Oliver
Your age is: 1000
Let's keep this simple.
Here is the .cmd file.
#echo off
rem this file is named echo_3params.cmd
echo %1
echo %2
echo %3
set v1=%1
set v2=%2
set v3=%3
echo v1 equals %v1%
echo v2 equals %v2%
echo v3 equals %v3%
Here are 3 calls from the command line.
C:\Users\joeco>echo_3params 1abc 2 def 3 ghi
v1 equals 1abc
v2 equals 2
v3 equals def
C:\Users\joeco>echo_3params 1abc "2 def" "3 ghi"
"2 def"
"3 ghi"
v1 equals 1abc
v2 equals "2 def"
v3 equals "3 ghi"
C:\Users\joeco>echo_3params 1abc '2 def' "3 ghi"
v1 equals 1abc
v2 equals '2
v3 equals def'
FOR %%A IN (%*) DO (
REM Now your batch file handles %%A instead of %1
REM No need to use SHIFT anymore.
This loops over the batch parameters (%*) either they are quoted or not, then echos each parameter.
I wrote a simple read_params script that can be called as a function (or external .bat) and will put all variables into the current environment. It won't modify the original parameters because the function is being called with a copy of the original parameters.
For example, given the following command:
myscript.bat some -random=43 extra -greeting="hello world" fluff
myscript.bat would be able to use the variables after calling the function:
call :read_params %*
echo %random%
echo %greeting%
Here's the function:
if not %1/==/ (
if not "%__var%"=="" (
if not "%__var:~0,1%"=="-" (
goto read_params
endlocal & set %__var:~1%=%~1
) else (
setlocal & set __var=%~1
goto read_params
exit /B
Cannot load arguments with no value such as -force. You could use -force=true but I can't think of a way to allow blank values without knowing a list of parameters ahead of time that won't have a value.
No longer requires delayed expansion
Now works with other command line arguments by looking for - before parameters.
Inspired by an answer elsewhere by #Jon, I have crafted a more general algorithm for extracting named parameters, optional values, and switches.
Let us say that we want to implement a utility foobar. It requires an initial command. It has an optional parameter --foo which takes an optional value (which cannot be another parameter, of course); if the value is missing it defaults to default. It also has an optional parameter --bar which takes a required value. Lastly it can take a flag --baz with no value allowed. Oh, and these parameters can come in any order.
In other words, it looks like this:
foobar <command> [--foo [<fooval>]] [--bar <barval>] [--baz]
Here is a solution:
REM FooBar parameter demo
REM By Garret Wilson
IF "%CMD%" == "" (
GOTO usage
IF "%PARAM%" == "--foo" (
IF NOT "%ARG%" == "" (
IF NOT "%ARG:~0,2%" == "--" (
) ELSE (
) ELSE (
) ELSE IF "%PARAM%" == "--bar" (
IF NOT "%ARG%" == "" (
) ELSE (
ECHO Missing bar value. 1>&2
GOTO usage
) ELSE IF "%PARAM%" == "--baz" (
SET BAZ=true
) ELSE IF "%PARAM%" == "" (
GOTO endargs
) ELSE (
ECHO Unrecognized option %1. 1>&2
GOTO usage
GOTO args
ECHO Command: %CMD%
IF NOT "%FOO%" == "" (
IF NOT "%BAR%" == "" (
IF "%BAZ%" == "true" (
REM TODO do something with FOO, BAR, and/or BAZ
GOTO :eof
ECHO Usage: foobar ^<command^> [--foo [^<fooval^>]] [--bar ^<barval^>] [--baz]
Use SETLOCAL so that the variables don't escape into the calling environment.
Don't forget to initialize the variables SET FOO=, etc. in case someone defined them in the calling environment.
Use %~1 to remove quotes.
Use IF "%ARG%" == "" and not IF [%ARG%] == [] because [ and ] don't play will at all with values ending in a space.
Even if you SHIFT inside an IF block, the current args such as %~1 don't get updated because they are determined when the IF is parsed. You could use %~1 and %~2 inside the IF block, but it would be confusing because you had a SHIFT. You could put the SHIFT at the end of the block for clarity, but that might get lost and/or confuse people as well. So "capturing" %~1 and %~1 outside the block seems best.
You don't want to use a parameter in place of another parameter's optional value, so you have to check IF NOT "%ARG:~0,2%" == "--".
Be careful only to SHIFT when you use one of the parameters.
The duplicate code SET FOO=%DEFAULT_FOO% is regrettable, but the alternative would be to add an IF "%FOO%" == "" SET FOO=%DEFAULT_FOO% outside the IF NOT "%ARG%" == "" block. However because this is still inside the IF "%PARAM%" == "--foo" block, the %FOO% value would have been evaluated and set before you ever entered the block, so you would never detect that both the --foo parameter was present and also that the %FOO% value was missing.
Note that ECHO Missing bar value. 1>&2 sends the error message to stderr.
Want a blank line in a Windows batch file? You gotta use ECHO: or one of the variations.
To refer to a set variable in command line you would need to use %a% so for example:
set a=100
echo %a%
rem output = 100
Note: This works for Windows 7 pro.
For to use looping get all arguments and in pure batch:
Obs: For using without: ?*&|<>
#echo off && setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%Z in (%*)do set "_arg_=%%Z" && set/a "_cnt+=1+0" && (
call set "_arg_[!_cnt!]=!_arg_!" && for /l %%l in (!_cnt! 1 !_cnt!
)do echo/ The argument n:%%l is: !_arg_[%%l]!
goto :eof
Your code is ready to do something with the argument number where it needs, like...
#echo off && setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%Z in (%*)do set "_arg_=%%Z" && set/a "_cnt+=1+0" && call set "_arg_[!_cnt!]=!_arg_!"
fake-command /u !_arg_[1]! /p !_arg_[2]! > test-log.txt
Simple solution(even though question is old)
echo off
echo "Batch started"
set arg1=%1
echo "arg1 is %arg1%"
echo on
call "C:\Temp\Test1.bat" pass123
YourLocalPath>call "C:\Temp\test.bat" pass123
YourLocalPath>echo off
"Batch started"
"arg1 is pass123"
Press any key to continue . . .
Where YourLocalPath is current directory path.
To keep things simple store the command param in variable and use variable for comparison.
Its not just simple to write but its simple to maintain as well so if later some other person or you read your script after long period of time, it will be easy to understand and maintain.
To write code inline : see other answers.
Make a new batch file (example: openclass.bat) and write this line in the file:
java %~n1
Then place the batch file in, let's say, the system32 folder, go to your Java class file, right click, Properties, Open with..., then find your batch file, select it and that's that...
It works for me.
PS: I can't find a way to close the cmd window when I close the Java class. For now...
Paired arguments
If you prefer passing the arguments in a key-value pair you can use something like this:
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
::::: asigning arguments as a key-value pairs:::::::::::::
set counter=0
for %%# in (%*) do (
set /a counter=counter+1
set /a even=counter%%2
if !even! == 0 (
echo setting !prev! to %%#
set "!prev!=%%~#"
set "prev=%%~#"
:: showing the assignments
echo %one% %two% %three% %four% %five%
And an example :
c:>argumentsDemo.bat one 1 "two" 2 three 3 four 4 "five" 5
1 2 3 4 5
Predefined variables
You can also set some environment variables in advance. It can be done by setting them in the console or setting them from my computer:
#echo off
if defined variable1 (
echo %variable1%
if defined variable2 (
echo %variable2%
and calling it like:
c:\>set variable1=1
c:\>set variable2=2
File with listed values
You can also point to a file where the needed values are preset.
If this is the script:
#echo off
set "VALUES_FILE=E:\scripts\values.txt"
for /f "usebackq eol=: tokens=* delims=" %%# in ("%VALUES_FILE%") do set "%%#"
echo %key1% %key2% %some_other_key%
and values file is this:
:::: use EOL=: in the FOR loop to use it as a comment
:::: do not left spaces arround the =
:::: or at the begining of the line
some_other_key=something else
the output of calling it will be:
value1 value2 something else
Of course you can combine all approaches. Check also arguments syntax , shift
If you're worried about security/password theft (that led you to design this solution that takes login credentials at execution instead of static hard coding without the need for a database), then you could store the api or half the code of password decryption or decryption key in the program file, so at run time, user would type username/password in console to be hashed/decrypted before passed to program code for execution via set /p, if you're looking at user entering credentials at run time.
If you're running a script to run your program with various user/password, then command line args will suit you.
If you're making a test file to see the output/effects of different logins, then you could store all the logins in an encrypted file, to be passed as arg to test.cmd, unless you wanna sit at command line & type all the logins until finished.
The number of args that can be supplied is limited to total characters on command line. To overcome this limitation, the previous paragraph trick is a workaround without risking exposure of user passwords.
