Modifying values in master..sysprocesses [Sybase] - sybase

Is there a way to modify the column program_name in table master..sysprocesses?
I have found two methods, but both set the name during the creation of the connection:
Using parameter appname when executing an isql command
Adding parameter APP= in a connection string when opening an ODBC connection.
I am looking for a way to modify it AFTER it has been created.
I tried the following example:
sp_configure "allow updates",1
UPDATE master..sysprocesses
SET program_name = 'test'
where hostname = 'server'
and hostprocess = '23240'
sp_configure "allow updates",0
But failed:
Could not execute statement.
Table 'sysprocesses' can't be modified.
Sybase error code=270
Severity Level=16, State=1, Transaction State=0
Line 4
You can continue executing or stop.

Changes to column sysprocesses.program_name are not allowed after its been created. But there are three columns in sysprocesses which can be changed after creation of the connection
Exerpt from the Sybase Infocenter website:
Changing user session information
The set command includes options
that allow you to assign each client an individual name, host name,
and application name. This is useful for differentiating among clients
in a system where many clients connect to Adaptive Server using the
same name, host name, or application name.
The partial syntax for the set command is:
set [clientname client_name | clienthostname host_name | clientapplname application_name]
client_name – is the name you are assigning the client.
host_name – is the name of the host from which the client is
application_name – is the application that is connecting to Adaptive
These parameters are stored in the clientname, clienthostname, and
clientapplname columns of the sysprocesses table.
For example, if a user logs in to Adaptive Server as "client1", you
can assign them an individual client name, host name, and application
name using commands similar to:
set clientname 'alison'
set clienthostname 'money1'
set clientapplname 'webserver2'
Use the client’s system process ID to view their connection
information. For example, if the user “alison” described above
connects with a spid of 13, issue the following command to view all
the connection information for this user:
select * from sysprocesses where spid = 13
To view the connection information for the current client connection (for example, if the user “alison” wanted to view her own connection information), enter:
select * from sysprocesses where spid = ##spid


obtain the real identity of the connected user

dxStatusbar1.Panels1.Text :=
DataModule2.UniConnectDialog1.Connection.Username; me the username that has connected to sql server.
However the connected user has a different name in the actual database.
His login name for the sql server is 'John' and is user mapped to 'Northwind' database.
However in 'Northwind' database he is called 'John Smith'.
And this is the name (John Smith) I am trying to have displayed in dxStatusbar1.Panels1.Text
after he connects.
How can I get that ?
edit :
Tried Victoria suggestion :
UserName := DataModule2.UniConnection1.ExecSQL('SELECT :Result = CURRENT_USER', ['Result']);
dxStatusbar1.Panels[1].Text := UserName;
but get :
I couldn't find any UniDAC API way to get currently connected user name (not even for SDAC), so I would just issue a SQL command querying CURRENT_USER and grab the name from the result:
Or in the Unified SQL way with the USER function:
Since you've mentioned stored procedure in your comment, it sounds to me like you probably want to get this information directly from a connection object without using query object. If that is so, you don't even need to have a stored procedure but execute directly command like this:
UserName: string;
UserName := UniConnection1.ExecSQL('SELECT :Result = CURRENT_USER', ['Result']);
Or in unified way:
UserName: string;
UserName := UniConnection1.ExecSQL('SELECT :Result = {fn USER}', ['Result']);
One of these might do the job for you. Haven't tested.
Hope it helps.
ORIGINAL_LOGIN: Returns the name of the login that connected to the instance of SQL Server. You can use this function to return the identity of the original login in sessions in which there are many explicit or implicit context switches.
SYSTEM_USER: Allows a system-supplied value for the current login to be inserted into a table when no default value is specified.
SUSER_SNAME: Returns the login name associated with a security identification number (SID).

R: Best Practices - dplyr and odbc multi table actions (retrieved from SQL)

Say you have your tables stores in an SQL server DB, and you want to perform multi table actions, i.e. join several tables from that same database.
Following code can interact and receive data from SQL server:
con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
.connection_string = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=.;Database=My_DB;")
Table1 <- tbl(con, "Table1")
Table1 # View glimpse of Table1
Table2 <- tbl(con, "Table2")
Table2 # View glimpse of Table2
Table3 <- tbl(con, "Table3")
However, with a few results retrieved with the same connection, eventually following error occurs:
Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection is busy with results for another hstmt
My current googling skills have taking me to the answer that the backend does not support multiple active result sets (MARS) - I guess more than 2 active result sets is the maximum? (backend is DBI and odbc)
So, my question is: what is best practice if I want to collect data from several tables from an SQL DB?
Open a connection for each table?
Actively close the connection and open it again for the next table?
Does the backend support MARS to be parsed to the connection string?
To make a connection that can hold multiple result sets, I've had luck with following connection code:
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = "SQL Server Native Client 11.0",
Server = "my_host",
UID = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database UID"),
PWD = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database PWD"),
Port = 1433,
MultipleActiveResultSets = "True",
Database = my_db)
On top of that, I found that the new pool-package can do the job:
pool <- dbPool(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = "SQL Server Native Client 11.0",
Server = "my_host",
UID = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database UID"),
PWD = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database PWD"),
Port = 1433,
MultipleActiveResultSets = "True",
Database = my_db)
It is quicker and more stable than the DBI connection, however, one minor drawback is that the database doesn't pop up in the connection tab for easy reference.
For both methods, remember to close the connection/pool when done. For the DBI-method its:
Whereas the pool-method is closed by calling:

SQL Server Distributed queries with Teradata

I am trying to get distributed queries to run on SQL Server 2012 with a linked server to Teradata.
Connection works fine and query returns quickly if I pass the where clause into the remote SQL using openquery e.g.
select *
from openquery(td, 'select * from lib.purchases where z_PO = ''123456''')
However the below does not run as expected: SQL Server loads the entire table and performs a local filter:
select *
from openquery(td, 'select * from lib.purchases') where z_PO = '123456'
The source table has 100M records.
Obviously index play no role here as query runs just fine on TD side.
What I have tried:
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1
set Collation Compatible" = True on the linked server properties
Instead of 2, set Collation Name = Latin1_BIN to match (closely?) TD character set (ASCII).
Not sure collation is the issue as I get same result when filtering on numeric fields.
Somehow the so-called query optimizer in SQL Server does not push simple filtering down to the remote server.
Is this the ODBC driver's fault (using 16.10) - a setting, a bug? SQL Server 2012 (v11.0.6248.0) setting I am missing (or path req'd)?
Below is the OLEDB for ODBC properties that I capture in SQL Profiler:
and here the details of the column in the filter:
As a FYI, the context is wrapping the openquery, joined with local data, into a SQL Server view, which is the only thing users would see - from there, they can apply any filter (WHERE) within PowerQuery (XL) or PowerBI. A way to circumvent the lack of DirectQuery support through ODBC.

TSQL: access user data from LDAP

I have an Active Directory (LDAP) that stores user information. I'm trying to access it using TSQL, but I'm having authentication problems.
The LDAP looks like this (I edited the data):
The user has the following properties:
Now, I'm trying to get the info from this user through a TSQL query from SQL Server using OPENROWSET like so:
OPENROWSET('ADSDSOObject','adsdatasource'; '\test';'the_sha1_pass',
'SELECT givenname
dc=domain,dc=com,dc=io'' WHERE givenname = ''Test''
But when I execute it I get the following error:
Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 OLE DB provider '
ADSDSOObject ' reported an error. The provider indicates that the user
did not have the permission to perform the operation.
Now, I don't know if I have to send the authentication of the user I'm trying to query over, or the credentials I use to connect with LDAPAdmin. And if I have to send it, should I send the pass already encrypted or without encryption?
You can change your OPENROWSET query as follows by removing the username and password
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('ADSDSOObject','adsdatasource',
'SELECT givenname
FROM ''LDAP://,DC=com'' WHERE givenname = ''KODYAZ''
Or as an alternative, you can try following query structure
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT * FROM ''LDAP://,DC=com'' WHERE objectCategory=''user'' AND givenname = ''KODYAZ'' ')
I added user objectCategory in WHERE clause with givenname parameter in OpenQuery command
Before running above Select statement, you can add LDAP as linked server in SQL Server as shown in referred tutorial
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'ADSI', 'Active Directory Service Interfaces', 'ADSDSOObject', 'adsdatasource'

How to tell if SQL Server is local or remote?

In my app the users gets to pick from a list of SQL Server in the network. The thing is I need to know if the chosen instance is a local or remote computer.
Is there a way I can ask that SQL instance what computer is she on? Is there a way a can figure that out?
Edit1: I want to know the host name where the SQL Server is hosted so I can then compare that to System.Environment.MachineName and know for sure is that Sql Server is running on the same machine where my app is running
Edit2: ##servername returned my computername\sqlinstance while SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') returns just the computername, which is exactly what I want
Use ##Servername, for example:
SELECT ##servername
Alternately you could do this
From MSDN on the differences between these approaches:
The ServerName property of the
##SERVERNAME return similar
information. The ServerName property
provides the Windows server and
instance name that together make up
the unique server instance.
##SERVERNAME provides the currently
configured local server name.
The ServerName property and
##SERVERNAME return the same
information if the default server name
at the time of installation has not
been changed.
If the local server name has been
changed from the default server name
at installation time, ##SERVERNAME
returns the new name.
Do you actually have login permissions on all the instance(s) of SQL Server? If so you could execute sp_helpserver or ##servername and compare the name returned with Environment.MachineName.
If you don't have login access, you can write a small C# console program to return the server name of every SQL Server instance on the local network:
using System;
using System.Data.Sql;
class Program
static void Main()
// Retrieve the enumerator instance and then the data.
SqlDataSourceEnumerator instance =
System.Data.DataTable table = instance.GetDataSources();
// Display the contents of the table.
// The first column is the server name.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.");
private static void DisplayData(System.Data.DataTable table)
foreach ( System.Data.DataRow row in table.Rows )
foreach ( System.Data.DataColumn col in table.Columns )
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", col.ColumnName, row[col]);
sp_who2 returns the hostname
