How can I delete last "\" from file's path in batch script - loops

I was trying this, it'll count file's line after I copy the file's path (Shift+right click >copy as path) and put it in batch file, but.... how do I fix it??
the last \ in %path% is causing problem.
#echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /p ifilename=Enter file name:
for %%f in (%ifilename%) do (
set paath=%%~df%%~pf
set ifilename=%%~nf%%~xf
echo %paath%
echo %ifilename%
for /f "usebackq" %%a in (`dir /b /s %1 "%paath%"`) do (
for /f "usebackq" %%b in (`type %ifilename% ^| find "" /v /c`) do (
set lines= %%b
echo %lines%

>> the last \ in %path% is causing problem
It's easy to solve this , the code is :
set TempDir=C:\0TEMP
#echo off
md %TempDir%
cd /d %TempDir%
#echo off
#echo on
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
::set /p ifilename=Enter file name:
SET DUMMYexe=%TempDir%\DUMMY.exe
IF EXIST "%DUMMYexe%" goto ll123
ECHO ---------writing
ECHO pause1
ECHO pause2
ECHO pause3
) > %DUMMYexe%
SET ifilename=%DUMMYexe%
for %%f in (%ifilename%) do (
set fpath=%%~df%%~pf
set ifilename=%%~nf%%~xf
echo %fpath%
echo %ifilename%
SET v=asdf1234
SET vv=\%v%
SET vvv=%fpath%%vv%
CALL SET v=%%vvv:\%vv%=%%
echo 111---%v%
set fpath=%v%
for /f "usebackq" %%a in (`dir /b /s %1 "%fpath%"`) do (
for /f "usebackq" %%b in (`type %ifilename% ^| find "" /v /c`) do (
set lines= %%b
echo %lines%
echo on
But of course, if I use the var 'path', my win10 will report :
'find' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
BTW, Maybe you'd be interested in the code below :
SET count=1
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`dir `) DO (
SET var!count!=%%F
SET /a count=!count!+1
ECHO -------------- %count%
ECHO %var1%
ECHO %var2%
ECHO %var3%
which I tested after copying from:
How to set commands output as a variable in a batch file
Very useful info about "Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion" can be found in:


Batch IF command not running

I'm trying to grab a couple of lines in some files and store them in variables (line3 and line4).
Here is the code:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir *.md /b /o:-n /a:-d') do (
call :getLines "%%a"
set /A cnt=2
for /f "skip=4 tokens=*" %%b in (%1) do (
set /A cnt+=1
set "line!cnt!=%%b"
if !cnt! == 4 (
set "filename=%~n1"
set "blogdate=!filename:~0,10!"
set "blogtitle=!filename:~11!"
echo hello
echo !line3!
echo !line4!
echo !filename!
echo !blogdate!
echo !blogtitle!
goto :eof
The above will not even echo hello. I can't see what's wrong.
This is what each file looks like:
# Title
Tags: word1 word2
First Sentence is here.
Filenames look like this:
You passed to call with quotes, so you should strip it first (or use usebackq).
Also when you are testing, don't use exit yet.
Try this, see if it works:
(Formatted so the structure is more clear, try comment #echo off to get more details.)
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir *.md /b /o:-n /a:-d') do (
call :getLines "%%a"
goto :eof
set /A cnt=2
for /f "usebackq skip=4 tokens=*" %%b in (%1) do (
set /A cnt+=1
set "line!cnt!=%%b"
if !cnt! == 4 (
set "filename=%~n1"
set "blogdate=!filename:~0,10!"
set "blogtitle=!filename:~11!"
echo hello
echo !line3!
echo !line4!
echo !filename!
echo !blogdate!
echo !blogtitle!
goto :eof
goto :eof
for will take the input with quotes as string not as file.
%~1 will strip %1's quotes.
Check for /? and call /? for more details.

Speed up batch code

Can you advice what else I can do for speeding up my batch, please?
Works quite well apart takes ages to finish :)
Sorry for this text but I'm not able to post my question due to the message 'it looks like your post is mostly code bla bla bla. Admin- can you turn this verification OFF!!!
#echo off
cd \
pushd \\ftp\ftp$
echo ________________________________________________________________
color f9
set /p moje=Please enter required LOGIN NAME:
if exist "\\ftp\ftp\Transfer\%moje%" echo USER ALREADY EXIST TRY ANOTHER ONE && GOTO WPIS
set mojep=%random%%random%%random%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set input=default2015.Archive
set output2=%moje%.Archive2
set output1=%moje%.Archive1
set output=%moje%.Archive
set text2searchfor=default2015
set password2searchfor=szukajpassword
set folder2search=F:\\Transfer\\default2015
set newfolder=F:\\Transfer\\%moje%
del %output1%
echo Wait....
for /F "tokens=*" %%f in ('type %input%') do (
set line=%%f
if "!line!"=="%text2searchfor%" (
set NAME=%moje%
echo !NAME!>> %output2%
) else (
echo !line!>> %output2%
for /F "tokens=*" %%f in ('type %output2%') do (
set line=%%f
if "!line!"=="%folder2search%" (
set NAME=%newfolder%
echo !NAME!>> %output1%
) else (
echo !line!>> %output1%
for /F "tokens=*" %%f in ('type %output1%') do (
set line=%%f
if "!line!"=="%password2searchfor%" (
set NAME=%mojep%
echo !NAME!>> %output%
) else (
echo !line!>> %output%
del %output1%
del %output2%
pushd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
md %moje%
popd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
popd \\ftp\ftp$
Try this:
#echo off
cd \
pushd \\ftp\ftp$
echo ________________________________________________________________
color f9
set /p moje=Please enter required LOGIN NAME:
if exist "\\ftp\ftp\Transfer\%moje%" echo USER ALREADY EXIST TRY ANOTHER ONE && GOTO WPIS
set mojep=%random%%random%%random%
set input=default2015.Archive
set output2=%moje%.Archive2
set output1=%moje%.Archive1
set output=%moje%.Archive
set text2searchfor=default2015
set password2searchfor=szukajpassword
set folder2search=F:\\Transfer\\default2015
set newfolder=F:\\Transfer\\%moje%
echo Wait....
(for /F "delims=" %%f in (%input%) do (
if "%%f"=="%text2searchfor%" (
echo %moje%
) else (
echo %%f
)) > %output2%
(for /F "delims=" %%f in (%output2%) do (
if "%%f"=="%folder2search%" (
echo %newfolder%
) else (
echo %%f
)) > %output1%
(for /F "delims=" %%f in (%output1%) do (
if "%%f"=="%password2searchfor%" (
echo %mojep%
) else (
echo %%f
)) > %output%
del %output1%
del %output2%
pushd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
md %moje%
popd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
popd \\ftp\ftp$
If more speed is needed, a much faster solution may be written via a Batch-JScript hybrid script.
This uses a native Windows batch script called Jrepl.bat (by dbenham)
- download from:
and it can also be found here:
It is significantly faster for large files than plain vanilla for loops.
This assumes that your strings to be replaced are not embedded in any other lines, and just occur by themselves.
As you are changing the directory, placing jrepl.bat on the system path is wise so the script can find it, or hard code the path to jrepl.bat
#echo off
cd /d c:\
pushd \\ftp\ftp$
echo ________________________________________________________________
color f9
set /p moje=Please enter required LOGIN NAME:
if exist "\\ftp\ftp\Transfer\%moje%" echo USER ALREADY EXIST TRY ANOTHER ONE && GOTO WPIS
set mojep=%random%%random%%random%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set input=default2015.Archive
set output2=%moje%.Archive2
set output1=%moje%.Archive1
set output=%moje%.Archive
set text2searchfor=default2015
set password2searchfor=szukajpassword
set folder2search=F:\\Transfer\\default2015
set newfolder=F:\\Transfer\\%moje%
echo Wait....
call jrepl "%text2searchfor%" "%moje%" /L /f %input% /o %output%
call jrepl "%folder2search%" "%newfolder%" /L /f %output% /o -
call jrepl "%password2searchfor%" "%mojep%" /L /f %output% /o -
pushd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
md %moje%
popd \\ftp\ftp\Transfer\
popd \\ftp\ftp$

How can I read the last 2 lines of a file in batch script

I have a Java program that appends new builds information in the last two lines of a file.
How can I read them in batch file?
This code segment do the trick...
for /F "delims=" %%a in (someFile.txt) do (
set "lastButOne=!lastLine!"
set "lastLine=%%a"
echo %lastButOne%
echo %lastLine%
EDIT: Complete TAIL.BAT added
This method may be modified in order to get a larger number of lines, that may be specified by a parameter. The file below is tail.bat:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Tail command in pure Batch: Tail.bat filename numOfLines
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
for /F "delims=" %%a in (%1) do (
set /A i=%2, j=%2-1
for /L %%j in (!j!,-1,1) do (
set "lastLine[!i!]=!lastLine[%%j]!
set /A i-=1
set "lastLine[1]=%%a"
for /L %%i in (%2,-1,1) do if defined lastLine[%%i] echo !lastLine[%%i]!
2ND EDIT: New version of TAIL.BAT added
The version below is more efficient:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Tail command in pure Batch, version 2: Tail.bat filename numOfLines
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
set /A firstTail=1, lastTail=0
for /F "delims=" %%a in (%1) do (
set /A lastTail+=1, lines=lastTail-firstTail+1
set "lastLine[!lastTail!]=%%a"
if !lines! gtr %2 (
set "lastLine[!firstTail!]="
set /A firstTail+=1
for /L %%i in (%firstTail%,1,%lastTail%) do echo !lastLine[%%i]!
This will solve the problem, where someFile.txt is the file where you want to read the lines from:
for /f %%i in ('find /v /c "" ^< someFile.txt') do set /a lines=%%i
echo %lines%
set /a startLine=%lines% - 2
more /e +%startLine% someFile.txt > temp.txt
set vidx=0
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp.txt) do (
SET /A vidx=!vidx! + 1
set localVar!vidx!=%%A
echo %localVar1%
echo %localVar2%
del temp.txt
::change the values bellow with a relevant ones.
set "file=C:\some.file"
set "last_lines=2"
for /f %%a in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%" ^| find /C ":"') do #set lines=%%a
set /a m=lines-last_line
more +%m% "%file%"
Directly from the command line:
C:\>set "file=C:\some.file"
C:\>set "last_lines=5"
C:\>(for /f %a in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%" ^| find /C ":"') do #set lines=%a)&#set /a m=lines-last_lines&call more +%m% "%file%"

Insert new lines(which has a command) after a particular line in batch file using batch file

I want to insert a line which has a command(mkdir/copy) in a batch file after a particular line using a batch file.(mkdir/copy command should be considered as a word rather than command)
set MTBBankpath=C:\InstallerOutput\QuickBooks-Sync\MTB
copy /Y %QBprovisionpath%\x86\Debug %ConnectorExecutionPath%\x86\Debug
set MTBBankpath=C:\InstallerOutput\QuickBooks-Sync\MTB
copy /Y %ConnectorExecutionPath%\%outqbsyncpath%
mkdir /Y %ConnectorExecutionPath%\%outqbsyncpath%
copy /Y %QBprovisionpath%\x86\Debug %ConnectorExecutionPath%\x86\Debug
A New line copy /Y %ConnectorExecutionPath%\%outqbsyncpath% - which has a copy command and mkdir /Y %ConnectorExecutionPath%\%outqbsyncpath% which has mkdir command, get inserted after a particular line set MTBBankpath=C:\InstallerOutput\QuickBooks-Sync\MTB
set inputFile=%userprofile%\desktop\testSO.bat
set outputFile=%userprofile%\desktop\testSOout.bat
set _strInsert=set IndbBankpath=C:\InstallerOutput\QuickBooks-Sync\indb
set _strFind=set MTBBankpath=C:\InstallerOutput\QuickBooks-Sync\MTB
set i=0
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1 delims=[]" %%A IN (FIND /N "%_strFind%" "%inputFile%") DO (set _strNum=%%A)
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%A IN ("%inputFile%") DO (
set /a i = !i! + 1
ECHO %%A>>"%outputFile%"
IF [!i!] == [%_strNum%] (
ECHO %_strInsert%>>"%outputFile%"
ECHO OOOO THIS LiNE TOO>>"%outputFile%"
The above code doesn't work if I change set _strInsert=copy /Y %ConnectorExecutionPath%\%outqbsyncpath% or set _strInsert=mkdir %ConnectorExecutionPath%\%outqbsyncpath%
Please suggest a solution for this.
#echo off
set "particularLine=set MTBBankpath=C:\InstallerOutput\QuickBooks-Sync\MTB"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
if exist output.bat del output.bat
for /F "delims=" %%a in (input.bat) do (
echo %%a
set "line=%%a"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "!line!" == "!particularLine!" (
echo copy /Y %%ConnectorExecutionPath%%\%%outqbsyncpath%%
echo mkdir /Y %%ConnectorExecutionPath%%\%%outqbsyncpath%%
) >> output.bat
Previous Batch file has several drawbacks: it remove empty lines and may fail if the line contain quotes.
EDIT: New version added
The Batch file below run faster if the input file is large; it also have several details fixed, like not removing empty lines.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "inputFile=%userprofile%\desktop\testSO.bat"
set "outputFile=%userprofile%\desktop\testSOout.bat"
set "particularLine=set MTBBankpath=C:\InstallerOutput\QuickBooks-Sync\MTB"
for /F "usebackq delims=:" %%a in (`findstr /N /C:"!particularLine!" "%inputFile%"`) do set theLine=%%a
if exist "%outputFile%" del "%outputFile%"
if not defined theLine echo The particular line doesn't exist in Input file & exit /B
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set i=0
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`findstr /N "^" "%inputFile%"`) do (
set "line=%%a"
set /A i+=1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if !i! eql %theLine% goto exitLoop
) >> "%outputFile%"
rem Insert here all the lines to insert, each one preceeded by ECHO
echo copy /Y "%%ConnectorExecutionPath%%\%%outqbsyncpath%%"
echo mkdir /Y "%%ConnectorExecutionPath%%\%%outqbsyncpath%%"
) >> "%outputFile%"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /F "skip=%theLine% usebackq delims=" %%a in (`findstr /N "^" "%inputFile%"`) do (
set "line=%%a"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
) >> "%outputFile%"
Please note that you must double the percent signs in the commands to insert; otherwise what is inserted is the current value of the variables instead of the %name% of the variables.
I believe the only problem you're running into is the fact that you're not encapsulating your paths for the COPY and MKDIR commands:
set _strInsert=mkdir %ConnectorExecutionPath%\%outqbsyncpath%
set _strInsert=mkdir "%ConnectorExecutionPath%\%outqbsyncpath%"
I would also do a check for the folder before creating it as well.
Now if you're adding in a bunch of different lines, just add them to the code. In your previous post you asked to add a single line to the code. If you're doing multiple lines, just echo them directly into the output file.
set inputFile=%userprofile%\desktop\testSO.bat
set outputFile=%userprofile%\desktop\testSOout.bat
set _strFind=set MTBBankpath=C:\InstallerOutput\QuickBooks-Sync\MTB
set i=0
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1 delims=[]" %%A IN (FIND /N "%_strFind%" "%inputFile%") DO (set _strNum=%%A)
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%A IN ("%inputFile%") DO (
set /a i = !i! + 1
ECHO %%A>>"%outputFile%"
IF [!i!] == [%_strNum%] (
ECHO set IndbBankpath=C:\InstallerOutput\QuickBooks-Sync\indb
ECHO copy /Y "%ConnectorExecutionPath%\%outqbsyncpath%"
ECHO mkdir /Y "%ConnectorExecutionPath%\%outqbsyncpath%"
ECHO copy /Y "%QBprovisionpath%\x86\Debug %ConnectorExecutionPath%\x86\Debug"

How to get a Substring from list of file names

I want to develop the following logic
Read all files in a directory
Extract the first part of the filename – this will be the partner name
Extract anything after the first underscore- this will be filename
Eg: ZZTEST_123_abc_doc.txt  ZZTEST is partner. 123_abc_doc.txt is the filename.
Below is the code I developed
#echo off
Set Test_Dir=C:\Axway\projects\Cardinal\dosscript\test
cd %Test_Dir%
for /r %%a in (*.*) do (
Set "fname1=%%~nxa"
echo Filename is :!fname1!
for /f "tokens=1 delims=_" %%i in ("!fname1!") do (
Set "partner=%%i"
echo Partner is :!partner!
Set "str_tmp=!partner!_"
echo !str_tmp!
call :strlength length !str_tmp!
echo !length!
set fname=!fname1:~%length%!
echo !fname1:~%length%!
goto :eof
setlocal enableextensions
set "#=%~2"
set length=0
if defined # (set "#=%#:~1%"&set /A length+=1&goto stringLengthLoop)
endlocal && set "%~1=%length%"
But the result is
Filename is :ZZRoutingID_ZZRoutingID_filename1.txt
Partner is :ZZRoutingID
Result: ID_ZZRoutingID_filename1.txt
The result should be ZZRoutingID_filename1.txt but i am getting
Please help
The purpose of the length calculation is not clear to me, but I would suggest adding an asterisk following the 1 in your for /f "tokens=1 delims=_". You would then get the "filename" you were looking for through %%j.
I tested it like this:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set source=D:\Program Files\Somewhere
cd %source%
for /r %%i in (*.*) do (
for /f "tokens=1* delims=_" %%j in ( "%%~nxi" ) do (
echo partner: %%j
echo name: %%k
If you do not need to recurse through sub-directories:
#echo off
set source=D:\Program Files\Somewhere
for /f "tokens=1* delims=_" %%i in ( 'dir "%source%" /b /a-d' ) do (
echo partner: %%i
echo filename: %%j
dir /b /a-d retrieves the list of a directory's content except its sub-directories:
D:\Program Files\Somewhere>dir /b /a-d
