Change voice channel server region discord js - discord.js

I need to change a voice channel region to Russia using discord JS. I can't find anything anywhere. Is it possible to do this using bot? I am creating auto voice channels but no one is able to talk in these voice channels because of the region. Any help?

First if you are using stable version custom region for voice channel is not release yet . Try to using master for new cool stuff . In master to set region for voice channel you need to using .setRTCRegion for more details docs here
To using master branch of discord.js
npm i discordjs/discord.js


No discord bot status

How can I make a discord bot have no status like not be in online, idle, invisible, do not disturb just no status some bots have that and I'm curious how its done my bots also in discord.js
I keep trying multiple times but it doesn't work I also can't find any way in the guides to do this.
These bots run through the application webhook and do not connect through the main Discord gateway. You must therefore respond to slash commands or other interactions exclusively through the application webhook - note that this excludes the events from being sent to the gateway. If your bot responds to events such as messages, reactions, or members joining, you have to set your status to offline.
See the following tutorial from the Discord API docs:

Can I create an app or a bot in discord that send messages as it was me?

I want an app/bot that reads the last message that were sent to a specific channel on a server that I participate and depending on the text I want to send a message to that same channel. The thing is, I want to do it in my name, not using a bot id. I know that you can create a bot using your own name and avatar but what I really want is to send a message using my own account. Is that possible? Could not find anything like that in the docs, maybe a missed something?
I do not think you are even allowed to do this so I doubt the discord API would have support for this
Discord Guidelines
"Do not use self-bots or user-bots. Each account must be associated with a human, not a bot. Self-bots put strain on Discord’s infrastructure and our ability to run our services. For more information, you can read our Developer Policies"
However, if you really wanted to do this you could use a macro at the risk of getting your account banned by discord if they found out. You could create a macro in python using the pyautogui module.

Make it so that a someone cannot react to a discord message until a channel has been deleted

So basically I have a support bot that creates a channel when someone reacts that only staff have access to. In order to prevent abuse I want to make it so that a new channel channel cannot be created by the same person unless the a previously open channel is deleted.
Give your bot access to the AuditLogs will allow you to see who is creating the channels but I suspect that's not gonna help because the bot will be the one creating and deleting the channels, for the discord server he is the owner of the action.
Maybe the only way is to store in the bot code a map of the channel id and his owner (user that typed the command). With this every time a user try to create a new channel you can check on your map if there is any channel active for that user and if there is show some kind of error message.

Making a batch mute bot for a voice channel to be accessible only by server admin

I am an admin for a small group discord server we use for among us. when playing between games we need to batch mute a whole voice channel as a lot of users in the voice channel cannot use push to talk. would it be possible to create a bot to batch mute all users in a voice channel, without affecting other channels (we sometimes have 2 simultaneous games) without having to go in, right-click a user & select server mute?
As a side note, I do not want to use any mute roles as a solution because any new role permissions only come into effect after a user leaves and rejoins a voice channel (which would not be possible for users on phones, needing to stay on the among us app)
I am very new to discord adminning (is that a word?) and have no prior bot experience but if there is any simple bots to add to the server it would help.
Thanks for any help!
This is indeed possible. You will first need to narrow down what
language you're interested in working with for this bot (I recommend
Python, Javascript also works well)
The documentation for is extremely good. If you're
comfortable with Python, I'd say just jump right into it. You can
just skip the "Migrating to v1" section because it's not applicable to
you. You'll also want to actually make the Bot account:
There are also no shortage of youtube tutorials for I've
never seen one I thought did well but they might help you understand
the basic structure of a bot script before you start searching the
– Allister

How do i embed a hyperlink to a voice channel?

How do i create an embed which mentions a voice channel.
I have seen this working in a discord server and i want to implement it into my bot.
I want the link to be clickable and when you click you are joining the mentioned voice channel.
I have tried <#channelid> but it just types out the name of the channel, it does not become a link
Apperantly, and I don't know if this is new or not, but just like mentioning a #text-channel it's possible to mention a #!voice-channel.
Use a link containing the server id and channel id
For example:
You can add [LINK]( to get this => LINK
To mention a text or voice channel you can use <#YOUR_CHANNEL_ID>. This will mention the channel, when clicking on it you'll automatically join the voice channel or open the text channel. (You can use this just in the embed's description or send it as a message without embed)
