React <video/> flickers and restarts on parent rerender - reactjs

I am trying to use a video in a component, but whenever a parent is rerendered (unavoidable in this situation, due to a lot of complex functionality) the video tag flashes/flickers and restarts. I have tried using useMemo and seperating into a seperate component and implementing React.memo(), shouldComponentUpdate(), and extending PureComponent (although i recognize its not recommended to use these to reliably prevent a rerender in the docs). I am thinking it some problem with the functionality of the html video player or something right now because i tried logging on the components rerender and am seeing the behaviour without any log to the console. In this visual example you can see on the top the component with this behaviour, and on the bottom another component (That has almost the same code) with a gif that uses image instead of video
let url = "url here"
const renderVideo = useMemo(
() => (
borderRadius: "0.25rem",
[url, keepScale, fit]
return (
editorContent={<EditorContent />}
that should be the relevent code. This component is pretty simple, complex functionality is implemented in the Widget component you can see


Refresh page before rendering component in React app

I have similar problem as in Refresh the page only once in react class component.
There are several pages in my application and I move between them using BrowserRouter and useNavigate (react-router-dom v6). One of pages has greater size div and when I go back to main page, it's(main's) css gets messed up(button position changes, some media file grows out of divs, hovers are not displayed) until I refresh page(main page). As soon as I refresh page, everything sets up well.
I used code snippet provided by #rommyarb in the link above. It works, but there is time delay (less 1sec, still visible). Which means when we navigate back(navigate(-1)), it first renders mainpage with broken css --> (0.2-0.5s) then it refreshes and css is recovered.
Time delay is not big, but still it would be unpleasant user experience. Is there any way to first refresh page (localhost/main) then render component with proper css.
Any help would be appreciated!
function App() {
return (
<Route exact path='/' element={<MainPage props ={props}/>} />
<Route path='/UnderConstruction' element={<UnderConstruction/>}/>
function UnderConstruction(props) {
let navigate = useNavigate();
return (
<div className='UnderConstruction' style={somestyles}>
<h2>This page is under construction</h2>
<div style={somestyles}>
<img src={under_construction.jpg'} width="100%" height="60%" />
<Button style={somestyles} onClick={() => {
}}> Go Back</Button>
I solved problem. The makeStyles return function(hook), when we call it within component, we can access only styles naming, which is string. So, every time we call a function, naming changes (makeStyles-element-number) due to global counter. I saved styles in state, which saved only string name. After re-rendering actual styles name was changed(makeStyles-element-number incremented) and the one I saved mismatched with actual styles. The simple solution was not storing makeStyles styles in state.
For more details read: Internal implementation of "makeStyles" in React Material-UI?

Can I preload an image for a component before it gets used in nextjs

I'm close to deploying a project with NextJS, however I noticed that a lot of the images take quite a bit of time to appear on screen.
I've installed sharp and set the priority to true, but even then images appear pretty slowly.
There's one part of the application, where a specific component gets conditionally rendered. That component has a small illustration included (about 30-50kb depending on the type) and it only shows for 2 seconds, since it's a short confirmation for the user.
There's also another page, which has a bigger illustration on it (about 500kb), which I would love to preload, since it takes a good second to load, when the component gets rendered.
Basically what I'd like to do, is fetch the needed images/illustrations ahead of time, before they need to be used, so that they appear instantaneously for the user.
Is there a way to do this in NextJS? Also happy to move away from the Next/Image component and just use img tags to do this.
Not sure whether code helps in this case, but here is how I display the 500kb image:
<div className="result__illustration">
This is possible using new Image() and then adding an src attribute to it. I made a simple example to illustrate a memoized version of this behavior:
const PreloadedImage = preloadImage("");
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<PreloadedImage alt="Placeholder image" />
function preloadImage(src) {
const image = new Image();
image.src = src;
return function PreloadedImage(props) {
return <img {...props} src={src} />;

Why is nextjs persistent layout re-rendering all the time?

I am trying to follow the persistent layout examples as presented on the official docs and Adam Wathan's article here.
This is what I know so far:
I am aware about React's reconciliation process. I know that if react realizes the virtual dom tree of a component hasn't changed, then it wont update the html dom elements of that tree/component. Article I used to better understand some of these concepts
React rerenders a component if its state changes. If a prop changes, it should not? Or is there an assumption that a prop is implicitly considered a state?
If a parent re-renders, then children will be re-rendered.
I am aware (though still need to learn/readup) on React.memo. Once I do, I plan to utilize that as well. I am vaguely aware that it caches the component for the given input (props) and if props doesn't change, it returns the cached component.
Based on the above, I would say that persistent layout works because the layout used in _app.js is provided the page as its prop (children). Since layout's own state doesn't change, layout shouldn't get re-rendered. However, that is not what I am noticing, and hence this long winded question.
Just so I am clear, when i say re-render, I am talking about React recreating the virtual dom for the component rather than repainting the html dom. My issues are with the former and not the later.
What I am seeing is that every time I click on the "Profile" link (even if I am already on the same page):
The entire layout (including top nav bar, icons, search bar and links) all re-render.
I see the console log messages being printed for each of them.
I used the "Profiler" tool and it too shows me all the components rerendering.
I thought that a persistent layout meant that it wouldn't be re-evaluated all the time? The printing of console logs indicates that the component is being re-evaluated every time. I know React.memo would avoid this entirely, but then what exactly is "persistence" about this? What am i missing or failing to understand about persistent layouts in this case?
What I have looks like this:
/pages/profile.js (and similarly /pages/anotherPage.js)
function sampleProfilePage (props) = {
return (
<div>I am on profile page</div>
export default sampleProfilePage
function MyApp({Component, pageProps}) {
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />
<SimpleLayout />
function SimpleLayout ({children}) {
return (
{console.log("simpleLayout re-rendered")}
<SimpleTopBar />
export default SimpleLayout;
SimpleTopbar.js NOTE: css can be ignored. Its present in .module.css file.
function SimpleTopBar () {
return (
<div className={classes.container}>
{console.log("SimpleTopBar re-rendered")}
<Link href="/profile">Profile</Link>
<IconCircle />
<SearchBar />
<IconSquare />
<Link href="/anotherPage">Another Page</Link>
export default SimpleTopBar;
IconCircle (and similarly IconSquare) NOTE: ignore css again. Also, I recently became aware that defaultProps are deprecated. I am in the process of updating/writing inline default values.
export function IconCircle (props) {
return (
<svg xmlns=""
... rest of svg data ...
IconCircle.defaultProps = {
name: classes.iconCircle
SearchBar.js NOTE: this is taken straight from Adam's code in order to try and compare what I was seeing.
function SearchBar (props) {
return (
<div className="mt-2">
{console.log("Search bar rendered")}
<input className="block w-full border border-gray-300 rounded-lg bg-gray-100 px-3 py-2 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:border-gray-600 focus:bg-white"
export default SearchBar;
I am a backend engineer and just starting to learn React and Nextjs. Its is highly possible that my design and understanding is limited or not exactly what one might expect in the industry/professionally. So, if there are some general practices or commonly known knowledge, please do not assume that I am following that or aware of it. Its part of the reason why I pasted entire functions. I am still reading up on various pages/questions and trying various things to rule things out, or understand better what is being shown/told to me.
Thank you in advance for the patience to read this question, and sorry for its length.
You have a pretty good understanding of what's happening.
All pages in Next.js depend on _app - it rerenders because of pageProps or more likely Component prop changes - forcing the children to rerender.
The layouts will 'persist' between pages - the children should rerender on a route change but, components that are still on the page should keep their state.
i.e. a search input in the layout should keep its search term on route changes to another page with the same layout.
The only way not to rerender during route change is to use shallow routing . But it doesn't really route - it just allows you to add query params to the current route (can't change pages or it will use standard routing).
As you mentioned, you can use memo on some of your components to prevent rerendering, but only use it when you know you need it and use it wisley.
Lastly, rerendering is also part of React and virtual DOM manipulation, I wouldn't worry about it too much until it becomes a problem.

Render Map child from outside MapContainer

I would like to render a child inside <MapContainer> from outside the initial MapContainer. Is this possible somehow?
In react-leaflet-v3 I render a lot of items on the map by passing the map object via a reference. But for my current situation I wold like to render a react button on top of the map based on routing.
One way of doing this is to add nest <Route />. inside the MapContainer. This however is not ideal because of the scattered route behaviour...
Is it possible in another way?
I used the portal way to solve my problem:
In my map-container, this is happening:
const [control, setControl] = useState(null);
const handleRef = useCallback((instance) => setControl(instance), [
<MapContainer ...>
<div className="mapcontrol-top-left" ref={handleRef}></div>
In a totally different component, where conditionally I want to show something on the Map, I do this (using Material-UI Portal & Fab component):
<Portal container={props.control}>
<Fab size="medium">
<EditIcon />
The material-ui Portal component is easy to use and adds convenience, but a native React Portal will also do the trick...

How to create popup with YouTube video that not affect main page?

I'm trying to have popup window with YouTube video that not affect the main page.
I can still interact with the main page, similar on this web site when you click track you have small popup video on right bottom corner.
I have App.js with YouTube API
getYouTubeApi = (searchTerms1, searchTerms2) => {
fetch(`${searchTerms1} ${searchTerms2}&type=video&key=YOUR_KEY`)
this.setState({videoId: data.items[0].id.videoId})
return (<YouTube opts={opts} videoId={this.state.videoId} />)
getYouTubeApi function I call on click on track that just bring to the top of my page where YouTube video loads.
Here is my school project.
Since this describes DOM behavior more than business logic, you could put in whatever you want in a specific component that behaves like a modal (whether by swapping out css classes or setting inline styles based on certain conditions).
To make this modal reusable, I'll suggest you make it a higher order component to wrap around <Youtube /> component or any other component you want to display with modals.
For example, you could have
const Modal = (ComponentToDisplayAsModal, props) => (
<div class="modal">
<ComponentToDisplayAsModal {...props} />
You could then style the modal class to behave like a modal.
On the view you wish to show your modal, you could render
Modal(Youtube, props)
