BodyPix person segmentation not working as desired on Nodejs - tensorflow.js

I used the bodyPix model using script tag to import the libraries from CDN as described in the documentation. This works quickly and fine.
But when I am trying to use it on node.js using npm installation, it's taking a long time to segment and takes up all the CPU. I am not finding a solution anywhere.This is my code-


How to use adminlte in React

Using React I had used adminlte by setting it in index file and copying the adminlte files but works fine but is slow to load.
I want to use adminlte-react from npm package but if go to install it fails. Error or if installed doesn't run properly. Anyone can help how to properly integrate it or give an example in which it will run because one example used not running and could not find more.
Please help.

How do i efficiently send my react built app to other person

i have built a single page web application using react as part of an assignment.
i have created build version of it using serve -s build.
now my entire application takes around 200MB.
how do i share my application to the person who gave me this assignment so that he can check my work and output?
do i have to send him entire application folder(200MB size)?
or is there a way to send few files which will be enough for him to run the app.
please let me know possible ways of sharing my react application with him.
i figured out that only build folder(20MB) is enough run my app.
i copied build folder into another new folder("deploy-app").
now i opened "deploy-app" folder in VS code and ran following command "serve -s build" and it started working without any problems.
Is the application 200MB+ because of the dependencies/node_modules?
You can probably exclude these as they should be in your package.json file, i.e. they can be requested again if required.
Then you can send the source code and your built version to him.

Module parse fail: Babel parsing js module in React Project

I'm building my first semi-major MERN app with Redux, without a tutorial. It's really challenging, but a ton of fun.
The project I am building is, essentially, a simple re-engineering of Zillow's API (they have a few, I'm after the more basic of the property search results).
I am using the zillow npm module and want to add what appears to be a pretty popular autocomplete Search plug-in.
My big challenge this week has been diving into the build tools. I read thru the webpack docs over the last couple days, then felt solid enough to try building out my Search functionality, which will return results and a map eventually.
It should be noted, I'm using a scaffolding tool developed by a guy who publishes a lot of good React tutorials (from which I basically learned ReactJS -- it's called turbo360). Right now, I am using webpack 4. I just did a fresh git commit:
I have, so far, read a bit of the Babel docs. I piped in .js extentions to the .jsx test for the babel-loader, thinking perhaps that would get it?
What I'm a bit confused by is that it seems to be tripping over a file written in ES5 (from the geocoder npm module I am trying to use). So, I'm wondering if I should be configuring my babel-loader to not try to transpile ES5 modules or what.
This is the module I am trying to utilize, it looks fairly popular and has a recent commit. I also looked at its webpack.config.js file and tried to apply that to mine...
I am closing this as I received assistance on a Slack channel. This plugin uses experimental code which I do not wish to use on my app. I will use another plug-in. I was looking for help with my webpack.config and am reliably told it is fine. Thanks to all who viewed this question!

How to package react-native application

I am building a sample react native application. Currently i am running it using the node server.Node server is serving the js file.
You can see this in following screenshot:
I want to shift to the option2, for this, if there is any change in the js file, i need to run the curl command manually.
Is there any alternative for this?
AFAIK there's nothing in place and this is work in progress. See:
We plan on putting in some sort of build step that "compiles" the JS
source directly into a resource file in the app bundle. Obviously in
production you wouldn't have a server running nearby.
There's another bit of discussion here.
At the moment I think you're stuck with the curl option.
All this does is packing all your JavaScript together and writing it into a single file.
Option 1 has a small http server running, providing the latest packed file when you request it.
Option 2 takes the file from the local disk.
You can setup a tool that looks watches your project files and repacks everything if you make changes.
You can do this by yourself, using the packaging tool shipped with react-native (react-native bundle [--minify]) and re-run it everytime things changes using gulp (and gulp-watch).
Also you can use webpack as your packaging tool and use the --watch option. (see example)

How do I view and share a running Angular app through Vagrant?

I have a basic Angular app installed using a Yeoman fullstack installer, and I can see the basic pages running on http://localhost:9000 when I run 'grunt serve'.
I also have a Vagrant installation running using the ubuntu/trusty64 box. I was originally seeing a 404 when trying to view, but following some instructions I found online, I edited the file in 'vagrant ssh' at /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf by removing the html part of the path in that file. After doing 'vagrant reload' I now see the list of files in my project dir when I go to that URL.
How do I go about viewing my angular app like it is at localhost:9000? If I get this working will this mean that if I share via Vagrant, they'll see the angular app running as it should? Do I still need to be running grunt serve in combination with Vagrant?
I'm pretty new to all this setup, so I'm just following the instructions at &
I'm not great with Linux/cmd line stuff as yet, hence my problems... :)
I started writing instructions for you on how to get it done. But then realised that you are not very comfortable with linux commands. I have created a angular-seed project that uses vagrant, angular and requirejs. Its easy to set up and I have written instructions on how to do that in my github page.
Just clone it, follow the instruction and you will have a working seed project in no time. Some of the features of the seed are:
Uses vagrant and puppet to provision the vm. All required dependencies are automatically installed.
Grunt tasks for:
autoloading bower dependencies
compile sass or scss
server for access of site locally
If you have any difficulties or questions, feel free to contact me.
