Query hint 'NO_PERFORMANCE_SPOOL' being ignored? - sql-server

I am working in a vendor's large SQL Server database and I have been tasked with data warehousing large volume of data from there. The server is SQL Server 2017 (14.0.3391.2) and DB where queries are running is set to compatibility level of 140.
I have several queries where the optimizer is deciding to use lazy/eager index spooling within the query plan. In the past (SQL Server 2016 forward) I have been able to easily prevent this using the query hint of 'NO_PERFORMANCE_SPOOL'. In the past, this has always led all index spools in the query plan being removed. For some reason, when applying that hint in the database, index spools still remain in the execution plan? I know I am viewing the actual execution plan (viewed plan provided in SSMS after allowing the query to execute with 'Include Actual Execution Plan' checked). I have not been able to find any other documented examples of someone claiming this is happening to them, so that leads me to believe I am missing something? I know hints can be ignored (or even cause errors) if the plan is not produceable using the provided hints, but I can't imagine that being the case here? I don't understand how it would be possible for an index spool to be REQUIRED for a plan to be compiled? Is my hint just straight up being ignored for some reason?
So I am at a bit of a loss. I know I could eliminate the index spools using other methods like rewriting the queries or adding indexes, but I am not interested in that at this point. I just want to know why this query hint seems like it is being ignored?
PS: For anyone wondering, these queries suffer significantly when plans using index spooling are used. This server in general suffers from I/O bottlenecking and resource semaphore waits (related to memory grants. Again, not my server/issue), so index spooling ends of becoming a large issue.
PS PS: I would post query plans, but I think the data structure/naming and produced query plans are proprietary to the vendor. Plus I don't think it is really needed here. If anyone thinks that might be helpful then I can do more work to see if I can recreate using AdventureWorks or something.

To quote the great #PaulWhite on this subject:
While an eager index spool may only appear on the inner side of an nested loops apply, it is not a “performance spool. An eager index spool cannot be disabled with trace flag 8690 or the NO_PERFORMANCE_SPOOL query hint.
A performance spool is a "lazy spool", not an eager spool, and is placed there using different optimization rules.
He also says
In some respects, an eager index spool is the ultimate missing index suggestion
I therefore strongly suggest you index that table to remove the spool


Clear SQL Azure execution plan / query cache

I have a few "inefficient" queries that I am trying to debug on Azure SQL (v12). The problem I have is that after the query executes for the first time (albeit, many seconds) Azure appears to cache the query / execution plan. I have done some research and several people have suggested adding and removing a column will clear the cache but this doesn't seem to work. If I leave the server alone for a few hours / overnight and re-run the query it takes its usual time to execute but once again the cache is in place - this makes it very hard to optimise my query. Does anyone know how to force Azure SQL to not cache my queries / execution plans?
This is closest to the DBCC FREEPROCCACHE you have in SQL Server but is scoped to a database instead of the server instance. This does not prevent caching of query plans - it just invalidates the current cache entries.
Please note that the query store is there to help you in SQL Azure (on-by-default). It stores a history of plan choices and plan performance (per-plan). So, if you have a prior plan that performs better available in the history of your application, you can force it using SSMS if you'd prefer to have the query optimizer pick this plan each time your query compiles. One common reason for what you are seeing is parameter-sensitivity in the plan choice where the optimizer will use the passed parameter value to try to generate the query plan, assuming it is representing a common pattern when you run that query. If that value is actually not close to a common value (in terms of how frequent it is in the table), then you can sometimes compile and cache a plan that is not better on average for your application.
Query store has an overview here:
Note that SQL Azure also has an automated mechanism to try forcing prior plans if it notices a performance regression. It is somewhat conservative, however, so it may not kick in for every single regression until it sees an obvious pattern over time. So, while you can force things in SSMS, you can also potentially just wait (assuming this is the issue you were seeing)

SQL Server Performance and Update Statistics

We have a site in development that when we deployed it to the client's production server, we started getting query timeouts after a couple of hours.
This was with a single user testing it and on our server (which is identical in terms of Sql Server version number - 2005 SP3) we have never had the same problem.
One of our senior developers had come across similar behaviour in a previous job and he ran a query to manually update the statistics and the problem magically went away - the query returned in a few miliseconds.
A couple of hours later, the same problem occurred.So we again manually updated the statistics and again, the problem went away. We've checked the database properties and sure enough, auto update statistics isTRUE.
As a temporary measure, we've set a task to update stats periodically, but clearly, this isn't a good solution.
The developer who experienced this problem before is certain it's an environment problem - when it occurred for him previously, it went away of its own accord after a few days.
We have examined the SQL server installation on their db server and it's not what I would regard as normal. Although they have SQL 2005 installed (and not 2008) there's an empty "100" folder in installation directory. There is also MSQL.1, MSQL.2, MSQL.3 and MSQL.4 (which is where the executables and data are actually stored).
If anybody has any ideas we'd be very grateful - I'm of the opinion that rather than the statistics failing to update, they are somehow becoming corrupt.
Many thanks
Disagreeing with Remus...
Parameter sniffing allows SQL Server to guess the optimal plan for a wide range of input values. Some times, it's wrong and the plan is bad because of an atypical value or a poorly chosen default.
I used to be able to demonstrate this on demand by changing a default between 0 and NULL: plan and performance changed dramatically.
A statistics update will invalidate the plan. The query will thus be compiled and cached when next used
The workarounds are one of these follows:
parameter masking
duplicate "default"
See these SO questions
Why does the SqlServer optimizer get so confused with parameters?
At some point in your career with SQL Server does parameter sniffing just jump out and attack?
SQL poor stored procedure execution plan performance - parameter sniffing
Known issue?: SQL Server 2005 stored procedure fails to complete with a parameter
...and Google search on SO
Now, Remus works for the SQL Server development team. However, this phenomenon is well documented by Microsoft on their own website so blaming developers is unfair
How Data Access Code Affects Database Performance (MSDN mag)
Suboptimal index usage within stored procedure (MS Connect)
Batch Compilation, Recompilation, and Plan Caching Issues in SQL Server 2005 (an excellent white paper)
Is not that the statistics are outdated. What happens when you update statistics all plans get invalidated and some bad cached plan gets evicted. Things run smooth until a bad plan gets again cached and causes slow execution.
The real question is why do you get bad plans to start with? We can get into lengthy technical and philosophical arguments whether a query processor shoudl create a bad plan to start with, but the thing is that, when applications are written in a certain way, bad plans can happen. The typical example is having a where clause like (#somevaribale is null) or (somefield= #somevariable). Ultimately 99% of the bad plans can be traced to developers writing queries that have C style procedural expectation instead of sound, set based, relational processing.
What you need to do now is to identify the bad queries. Is really easy, just check sys.dm_exec_query_stats, the bad queries will stand out in terms of total_elapsed_time and total_logical_reads. Once you identified the bad plan, you can take corrective measures which depend from query to query.

What is the usage of Execution Plan in SQL Server?

What is the usage of Execution Plan in SQL Server? When can these plans help me?
When your queries all run fast, all is good in the world and execution plans don't really matter that much. However, when something is running slow, they are very important. They are primarily used to help tune (speed up) slow SQL. Without execution plans, you'd just be guessing at what to change to make your SQL go faster.
Here is the simplest way they can help you. Take a slow query and do the following in a SQL Server Management Studio query window:
1) run the command:
2) run your slow query
3) your query will not run, but the execution plan will be returned.
4) look through the PhysicalOp column output for the word SCAN within any text in this column, this is usually the part of the query that is causing the slowdown. Analyze your joins and index usage in regards to this row of the output and if you can eliminate the scan, you will usually improve the query speed.
There are may useful columns (TotalSubTreeCost, etc) in the output, you will become familiar with them as you learn how to read execution plans and tune your slow queries.
When you need to perform performance profiling on a specific query.
Have a look at SQL Server Query Execution Plan Analysis
When it comes time to analyze the
performance of a specific query, one
of the best methods is to view the
query execution plan. A query
execution plan outlines how the SQL
Server query optimizer actually ran
(or will run) a specific query. This
information if very valuable when it
comes time to find out why a specific
query is running slow.
It's helpful in identifying where bottlenecks are occurring in long running queries. You can make some quite impressive performance improvements simply by knowing how the server executes your complex query.
If I remember correctly it also identifies good candidates for indexing which is another way to increase performance.
These plans describe how SQL Server goes about executing your query. It's the result of a cost-based algorithm by the SQL Server query optimiser, which comes up with a plan for how to get to the end result in the expected best possible way.
It's useful because it will show you where time is being spent in the query, whether indexes are being used or not, what type of process is being done on those indexes (scan, seek) etc.
So if you have a poorly performing query, the execution plan will highlight what the costliest parts are and allow you to see what needs optimising (e.g. may be a missing index, may be an inefficiently written query resulting in an index scan instead of a seek).

What can cause bad SQL server performance?

Every time I find out that the performance of data retrieval from my database is slow. I try to figure out which part of my SQL query has the problem and I try to optimize it and also add some indexes to the table. But this does not always solve the problem.
My question is :
Are there any other tricks to make SQL server performance better?
What are the other reason which can make SQL server performance worse?
Inefficient query design
Auto-growing files
Too many indexes to be maintained on a table
Too few indexes on a table
Not properly choosing your clustered index
Index fragmentation due to poor maintenance
Heap fragmentation due to no clustered index
Too high FILLFACTORs used on indexes, causing excessive page splitting
Too low of a FILLFACTOR used on indexes, causing excessive space usage and increased scanning time
Not using covered indexes where appropriate
Non-selective indexes being used
Improper maintenance of statistics (out of date statistics)
Databases not normalized properly
Transaction logs and data sharing the same drive spindles
The wrong memory configuration
Too little memory
Too little CPU
Slow hard drives
Failing hard drives or other hardware
A 3D screensaver on your database server chewing up your CPU
Sharing the database server with other processes which compete for CPU and memory
Lock contention between queries
Queries which scan entire large tables
Front end code which searches data in an inefficent manner (nested loops, row by row)
CURSORS which are not necessary and/or are not FAST_FORWARD
Not setting NOCOUNT when you have large tables being cursored through.
Using a transaction isolation level which is too high (such as using SERIALIZABLE when it's not necessary)
Too many round trips between the client and the SQL Server (a chatty interface)
An unnecessary linked server query
A linked server query which targets a table on a remote server with no primary or candidate key defined
Selecting too much data
Excessive query recompilations
oh and there might be some others, too.
When I talk to new developers that have this problem I usually find that it is because of one of two problems. Both of them are fixed if you follow these 2 rules.
First, don’t retrieve any data that you don’t need. For example, if you are doing paging then don’t bring back 100 rows and then calculate which ones belong on the page. Have the stored proc figure it out and only retrieve the 10 you need.
Second, nothing is faster than work you don’t do. For example, I worked on a system where the full roles and rights for a user were retrieved with every page requested – this was 100’s of rows for some users. Even just saving this to session state on the first request and then using it from there for subsequent requests took a meaningful weight off of the database.
Suggest you get a good book on Performance tuning for the database you use (this is very much database specific). This is an extremely complex subject and cannot really be answered other than in generalities on the web.
For instance, Dave markle tell you inefficient queries can cause the problem and there are many many ways to write inefficient queries and many more ways to fix them.
If you're new to the database and you have access to the database engine tuning advisor, you can heuristically tune your database.
You basically capture the SQL queries being run against your DB in the SQL Profiler, then feed those to DETA. DETA effectively runs the queries (without altering your data) and then works out what information your database is missing (views, indexes, partitions, statistics etc.) to do the queries better.
It can then apply them for you and monitor them in the future. I'm not saying to assume that DETA is always right or to do things without understanding, but I've found that it's definately a good way to see what your queries are doing, how long they take, and how you can index the DB appropriately.
PS: With all that said, it's much better to invest in a good DBA at the start of a project so that you have good structures and indexing to start with. But thats not the position that you're in right now...
This is a very wide question. And there is a ton of answers already. Still I would like to add one important factor - Page Split. The problem is – there are good splits and bad splits. Following are good articles explaining how to use transaction_log extended event for identifying bad/nasty page splits
Tracking Problematic Pages Splits in SQL Server 2012 Extended Events - Jonathan Kehayias
Tracking page splits using the transaction log - Paul Randal
You mentioned:
I try to optimize it and also add some indexes
But, sometimes removing unused non-clustered indexes may help to improve performance as it help to reduce transaction logs. Read Top Reasons for Log Performance Problems
Wait statistics, or please tell me where it hurts gives an idea about using wait statistics for performance analysis.
To see some fresh ideas for performance, take a look at
Performance Considerations - sqlmag.com
Separate tables in joins to different disks (for parallel disk I/O - filegroups).
Avoid joins on columns with few unique values.
To understand JOIN, read Advanced JOIN Techniques

What steps should be necessary to optimize a poorly performing query?

I know this is a broad question, but I've inherited several poor performers and need to optimize them badly. I was wondering what are the most common steps involved to optimize. So, what steps do some of you guys take when faced with the same situation?
Related Question:
What generic techniques can be applied to optimize SQL queries?
Look at the execution plan in query analyzer
See what step costs the most
Optimize the step!
Return to step 1 [thx to Vinko]
In SQL Server you can look at the Query Plan in Query Analyzer or Management Studio. This will tell you the rough percentage of time spent in each batch of statements. You'll want to look for the following:
Table scans; this means you are completely missing indexes
Index scans; your query may not be using the correct indexes
The thickness of the arrows between each step in a query tells you how many rows are being produced by that step, very thick arrows means you are processing a lot of rows, and can indicate that some joins need to be optimized.
Some other general tips:
A large amount of conditional statements, such as multiple if-else statements, can cause SQL Server to constantly rebuild the query plan. You can check for this using Profiler.
Make sure that different queries aren't blocking each other, such as an update statement blocking a select statement. This can be avoided by specifying the (nolock) hint in SQL Server select statements.
As others have mentioned, try out the Performance Tuning wizard in Management Studio.
Finally, I would highly recommend creating a set of load tests (using Visual Studio 2008 Test Edition), which you can use to simulate your application's behavior when dealing with a large amount of requests. Some SQL performance bottlenecks only manifest themselves under these circumstances, and being able to reproduce them makes it a lot easier to fix.
Indexes may be a good place to start...
The low hanging fruit can be knocked down with the SQL Server Index Tuning Wizard.
I'm not sure about other databases, but for SQL Server I recommend the Execution Plan. It very clearly (albeit with lots of vertical and horizontal scrolling, unless you've got a 400" monitor!) shows what steps of your query are sucking up the time.
If you've got one step that takes a crazy 80%, then maybe an index could be added, then after tweaking the index, re-run the Execution Plan to find your next biggest step.
After a couple tweaks you may find that there really are no steps that stand out from the others i.e. they're all 1-2% each. If that is the case, then you might then need to see if there is a way you can cut down the amount of data included in your query, do those four million closed sales orders need to be included in the "Active Sales Orders" query? No, so exclude all those with STATUS='C' ... or something like that.
Another improvement you'll see from the Execution Plan is bookmark lookups, basically it finds a match in the index, but then SQL Server has to quickly trawl through the table to find the record you want. This operation might at times take longer than just scanning the table in the first place would have, if that is the case, do you really need that index?
With indexes, and especially with SQL Server 2005 you should look to the INCLUDE clause, this basically allows you to have a column in an index without really being in the index, so if all the data you need for your query is in your index or is an included columnn then SQL Server doesn't have to even look at the table, a big performance pickup.
There are a couple of things you can look at to optimize your query performance.
Ensure that you just have the minimum of data. Make sure you select only the columns you need. Reduce field sizes to a minimum.
Consider de-normalising your database to reduce joins
Avoid loops (i.e. fetch cursors), stick to set operations.
Implement the query as a stored procedure as this is pre-compiled and will execute faster.
Make sure that you have the correct indexes set up. If your database is used mostly for searching then consider more indexes.
Use the execution plan to see how the processing is done. What you want to avoid is a table scan as this is costly.
Make sure that the Auto Statistics is set to on. SQL needs this to help decide the optimal execution. See Mike Gunderloy's great post for more info. Basics of Statistics in SQL Server 2005
Make sure your indexes are not fragmented Reducing SQL Server Index Fragmentation
Make sure your tables are not fragmented. How to Detect Table Fragmentation in SQL Server 2000 and 2005
The execution plan is a great start and will help you figure out what part of your query you need to tackle.
Once you figure out the where, it is time to tackle the how and why. Take a look at the type of queries you are trying to preform. Avoid loops at all cost as they are slow. Avoid cursors at all costs because they are slow. Stick to set based queries when ever possible.
There are ways to give sql hints on the type of joins to use if you are using joins. Be careful here though, while one hint may speed up your query once, it may slow down your query 10 fold the next time through depending on the data and parameters.
Finally, make sure your database is well indexed. A good place to start is any field that is contained in a where clause probably should have a index on it.
Look at the indexes on the tables that make the query. An indexes may be needed on particular fields that participate in the where clause. Also look at the fields used in the joins in the query (if joins exist). If indexes already exist, look at the type of index.
Failing that (because there are negatives to using locking hints) Look at locking hints and explicitly naming the index to use in the join. Using NOLOCKS is more obvious if you're getting a lot of deadlocked transactions.
Do what roman and Andy S mentioned first though.
