Trouble loading eventmarkers from csv file with anychart - anychart

I'm trying to make a graph using anygraph. It loads data from a csv file, but i am having trouble to get the eventmarkers from the same file.
I dont seem to get the mapping/source values correct for the method. My goal is to load the markers from the same csv file as the source of the graph, where 1 column will contain marker information for some dates.
Suppose i have the following csv:
date, value, optionalmarkerinfo
2021-01-01 01:00:00,2,
2021-01-01 01:00:00,3,markerinfo
and the following code:"export.csv", function (data) {
var dataTable =, '');
//Create table and stuff
var chart = anychart.stock(); // (the type of graph isnt correct for this data, but its only to generally give a skelet of my setup)
// more stuff where i create the first timelines graph
// then to add a marker on each timeframe:
// (data will be filtered later to only show markers on specific values of dates)
var dataSet =;
var mappingMarker = dataSet.mapAs({date: 0});
chart.plot(1).eventMarkers().data(mappingMarker); // THIS DOESNT WORK
// finish the drawing:

Unfortunately, the Stock data and mapping instance are not compatible with the event markers. You should apply the data directly as an array of objects. As a workaround, you can load a separated CSV file, preprocess it to the compatible format and apply it to event markers.

As a reaction to the suggestion of anychart to load a csv with the markers seperately i came to the next solution which worked:"markers.csv", function (data) {
var lines=data.split("\n");
var result = [];
for(var i=1;i<lines.length;i++){
var obj = {};
var currentline=lines[i].split(",");
obj["date"] = currentline[0];
obj["description"] = currentline[1];
// add the markers to the previously defined plot with the markers.
chart.plot(0).eventMarkers({"groups": [
"format": "A",
"data" : result


Create drop down menu from external JSON in Javascript

I am using an external JSON to retrieve the name of the volcano and put all names into a drop down menu to be selected and shown on my map. Currently, I have no errors on my webpage console but I am not getting any names inside the dropdown. I am very new to coding and I am blank on what is wrong. Any advice?
//Call JSON for map latitude and longitude, showing volcaones locations
// with last eruption in a hover feature
var data = {};
d3.json("./Graphs/Vol_cleaned.json").then(function (data) {
// Once we get a response, send the data.features object to the createFeatures function
function makeDrop(){
for (var i = 0; i < data.Volcano_Name; i++){
let name = data.Volcano_Name[i];"#arr").append("option").text(name);
function optionChanged() {
function makeMap(data) {
I have tried several ways to call the data, I don't think I will be able to describe them correctly being that I am new to the coding world. My current code in the picture provide is working with no errors but nothing is populated in the drop down.

Best approach in moving data from one array to a new array in angular ts

.subscribe((dataChart) => {
// console.log(dataChart)
var forxaxis = []
var cd = [dataChart]
// console.log(cd)
cd.forEach(element => {
Im trying to move my data in the first array into a new array so that I can use it with chart.js. but it didnt work.
dataChart contain 2 column of data. i insert dataChart into an array called cd. then i tried to push one of the column from dataChart which is called strRequestDate into a new array called forxaxis but it just didnt work as per expected. the result is as shown in the image attached.
this is how the data look like. it was called by using sharepoint API
error and the data
You can use property here, so you don't need to push data manually from one array to another
I have taken sample data in dataChart array for demonstration purpose only.
let dataChart = [{strRequestId: 1, strRequestDate: 'ABC'}, {strRequestId: 1, strRequestDate: 'PQR'}];
let forxaxis = => x.strRequestDate);

How can I retrieve data within an array from an API call in Google script?

I'm pretty new, so bear with me.
I'm making a Google script that will let me call the TMDb API and get some information from a movie list I'm compiling for myself. I'm trying to get all the values to automatically fill by just using the TMDB ID.
After struggling, I found it was easiest to create a function for each column I want to fill (title, date, genre, poster url, etc.) and pass the input from the cell in the spreadsheet to be able to retrieve the info, then return the data to that cell.
I can't figure it out though, when it comes to the "genre" category, because it's in an array.
Here's my code that works for a different column:
function getPoster(input) {
var movieID = input
// Call the TMDB API for movie details
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("" + movieID + "?api_key=<<mykey>>");
// Parse the JSON reply
var json = response.getContentText();
var data = JSON.parse(json);
return data["poster_path"];
Using the API data:
However, the "genre" category lists them as an array:
How can I write the return so that it sends a string with the shown genres "Action, Drama, Thriller" into the single corresponding cell (not spilling into adjacent cells), while also ignoring the "id"?
you need to create an array from the genre's name values.
use this snippet:
var genres = [{"id":28,"name":"Action"},{"id":18,"name":"Drama"},{"id":53,"name":"Thriller"}];
// Return "Action, Drama, Thriller" as a string into a single cell
}).join(", ");
Sample output when printed:

Anychart - CSV to table

I am trying to create a chart using anystock that will read data from a csv file. Using the built in function doesn't give me a working chart for a stock chart while it was working just fine for a line chart. I think I need the csv file to be loaded into a properly formatted table. Is there a function for that?
Here is a sample how to do that, you can avoid creating table if the csv matches the series format and you have no need in mapping:
anychart.onDocumentReady(function () {'', function (data) {
// create stock chart
chart = anychart.stock();
// create plot
var plot = chart.plot(0);
// create column series on the first plot
var column = plot.column(data);'MSFT');
// set container id for the chart
// initiate chart drawing
If you need mapping then:
// create data table on loaded data
var msftDataTable =;
mapping = msftDataTable.mapAs({'x': 0, 'value': 1});
// create plot
var plot = chart.plot(0);
// create column series on the first plot
var column = plot.column(mapping);'MSFT');

Populate Google Apps flexTable with filtered Spreadsheet Data and returning changes to spreadsheet

I am writing an application that pulls task data (for a task management system) from rows in a Google Spreadsheet with conditions matching a query. I then send this data into a flexTable next to a checkbox with an onClickHandler as well as a textbox to enter in hours data. Below is the simplest example of how I have achieved this:
\\establish handler for checkboxes that are generated in flexTable
var updateHandler = app.createServerClickHandler('updateTasksfunc');
\\search Google Spreadsheet for rows matching condition
for(var i=1; i< taskData.length; i++){
if (taskData [i][1] !=employee){
\\look up if task is already completed, and set checkbox value to true/false
var complete = taskData[i][8].toString();
if(complete==="true"){var checkbox=true;}else{var checkbox=false;}
\\populate flexTable with values from spreadsheet query
\edits to doGet()
var numberOfItems = app.createTextBox().setName('rows').setValue(i).setVisible(false);
var rows1 = i+1;
I have stored the spreadsheet data row in the invisible textbox in column 8 of the flex table that I intend to use in the clickHandler function to update the Google Spreadsheet.
I have successfully activated a click handler that runs when a checkbox is clicked; however, I have not yet successfully figured out a way to grab data from the flexTable that I can use to update the Spreadsheet.
//Functional code below
function updateTasksfunc(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var taskSS = SpreadsheetApp.openById('SPREADSHEETID');
var taskSH = taskSS.getSheets()[0];
var taskData = taskSS.getDataRange().getValues();
var results = [];// an array to collect results
var numberOfItems = e.parameter.rows;
for(var n=0;n<numberOfItems;n++){
results.push([e.parameter['check'+n]]);// each element is an array of 2 values
for(var i=1;i<results.length;i++){
var check = results[i][0];
var row = i+1;
return app;
I am getting a generic error: cannot find function getRowCount() from generic.
I assume that this means that I am not properly calling my flexTable.
Any thoughts??
flextables are not working like spreadsheets, you can't get widgets values directly as part of the table. You have to get every textBox and checkBox separately using e.parameter.Name.
You can do that easily in a loop but you'll have to know the number of textBoxes to be able to rebuild the names just as you did to create them in the doGet function.
I would suggest to store this number in a tag on one of your widget or in a separate hidden widget (hidden class or invisible textBox). Then you will be able to get the values like this :
var results = [];// an array to collect results
var numberOfItems = Number(e.parameter.itemNumbers); // this is the var you are missing right now and need to add. This is the solution of a separate hidden widget
for(var n=0;n<numberOfItems;n++){
results.push([e.parameter['hours'+n],e.parameter['complete'+n]]);// each element is an array of 2 values
... // from here you will have an 2D array with all your values and you can continue like you did=.
