how to do a clean up in useeffect - reactjs

How to clean up the function retrieve in cleanup
i am not able to clean up pls help
const retrieve = async()=>{
const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('users');
if (value !== null) {
// console.log("data inside async storagein deregister screen",value);
var replace_brackets = value.replace("["," ").replace("]","")
useEffect(() => {
return function cleanup(){

Inside you app/any other component add:
useEffect(() => {
The above code basically runs like componentDidMount.

The issue is probably how you have defined your useEffect
useEffect(() => {
return function cleanup(){
The above useEffect that you have written will execute on every render. On load it will call retrieve and inside retrieve you are setting state so it may re-trigger this effect in an infinite loop.
By simply adding the dependencies to useEffect or keeping it empty if you want it to run only on page load you may not require a clean up function here.
try this.
useEffect(() => {
}, []) //Note empty brackets here for executing only on mount


Updating state inside useCallback - React JS

How can I restructure this code to allow a state update inside the useCallback function?
Here's what is executed first:
useEffect(() => {
}, [getData]); // errors if getData is left (missing dependency error)
In the getData function, I pass a state variable (lastDoc) to getSomething() as a parameter. It stores the last document/database row for pagination.
const [lastDoc, setLastDoc] = useState(null);
const getData = useCallback(async() => {
const data = await getSomething(lastDoc);
setLastDoc(data.lastDoc); // useSate function
}, [getSomething, lastDoc]);
This, at the moment, just causes an infinite loop where the getData function is re-rendered once setLastDoc updates the lastDoc variable, as getData has lastDoc as a dependency. If I remove the lastDoc dependency, I get the missing dependency error, which I understand to be an important error to listen to.
I think a null-check might be sufficient.
useEffect(() => {
if(lastDoc === null){
}, [getData, lastDoc]);

I Got Stuck in infinite loop in react.js. How to resolve this?

I Got Stuck in an infinite loop in react.js. How to resolve this?
useEffect(() => {
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
.then((data) => {
setUsersList((prev) => [...prev]); //cause of infinite loop
}, [usersList]);
You are having an infinite loop because your useEffect array of dependencies has usersList on it and at the same time you are updating this variable inside your useEffect function. So your useEffect runs when the component mounts which updates your usersList which makes the useEffect run again which again updates your usersList which makes it run again and so on...
To fix this, remove usersList from the array of dependencies and have an empty array instead: []. If you do this your useEffect will run once, when your component mounts.
The dependency list passed to useEffect determines when the effect should run again. The infinite loop is happening because this effect causes usersList to change, which triggers the effect to run again.
Since this effect doesn't use any other variables, it doesn't need anything in its dependency list:
useEffect(() => {
// ...
}, []); // leave this empty, so the effect only runs when the component mounts
If your URL depended on a prop or something else, then you want it in the dependency list:
useEffect(() => {
// Since the URL depends on the id prop, the effect should re-run if it changes
}, []);
According to question asked, you want the userList to be watched everytime it updates. What we can do is define one more state variable as mentioned in the code as isFetched or if you are using redux you can put that over there, because if we just watch the userList variable then it caughts up in infinite loop as setting the userList is happening in useEffect itself. With the help of isFetched, we can manage when to call the api and whenever the flag is false it calls the api.
Right now in the code i have put one more state variable as setCount, as i didn't know how many times you want to call your api. So you can put your condition there and stop the call when your condition satisfies.
function App() {
const [userList, setUserList] = useState([]);
const [isFetched, setIsFetched] = useState(false);
const [, setCount] = useState(3);
const callApiPending = useCallback(()=>{
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((json) => {
setUserList((prev) => [...prev, ...json]);
setCount((cnt) => {
if(cnt - 1 === 0){
return cnt - 1;
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isFetched) {
}, [isFetched, userList, callApiPending]);
return <div>Executing....</div>;
You ran fetch if usersList changes. Even if userList content is the same as previous content, javascript interpret as it changed. Try this one.
[1,2,3] == [1,2,3]
may return false. You can use a flag which is used to check whether or not to get data instead of using array.

useEffect hook is not waiting for an async depency

I'm using useEffect hook to implement some logic after an async function that contains an API call return an array of objects which is the the dependecy of the hook.
The problem is that the hook itself is not waiting for the array to change in order to execute the logic inside of it, it just executes even if availableSites is still []:
const [availableSites, setAvailableSites] = useState([]);
useEffect(initialize, [getAxiosInstance])
async function initialize() {
// ...
const initPage = async () => {
try {
const response = await getAxiosInstance().get(GetObjects); // Api EndPoint
if ( {
setAvailableSites(; // data for availableSites
const Secondresponse = await somePromise(); // Another API call thas lasts around 10 seconds
if (response && response.status === 200) {
// ...
} catch {
// ...
// useEffect that is failing
useEffect(() => {
// I want this to happen when availableSites has recieved the data
}, [availableSites]);
useEffect is always going to execute at least once, doesn't matter what dependencies it has. If you only want it to execute when the data is set, use something like:
useEffect(() => {
if(availableSites.length > 0) {
}, [availableSites]);
If availableSites coming from the backend could be empty, set the initial state of availableSites to null and check if it's not null in the useEffect
If we have multiple instances of useEffect in the component, all the useEffect functions will be executed in the same order as they are defined inside the component the behavior you're getting is expected. Try checking if the array length has changed since the second useEffect depends on the [availableSites] so it will run again if the values of [availableSites] change.

Infinite re-render in functional react component

I am trying to set the state of a variable "workspace", but when I console log the data I get an infinite loop. I am calling the axios "get" function inside of useEffect(), and console logging outside of this loop, so I don't know what is triggering all the re-renders. I have not found an answer to my specific problem in this question. Here's my code:
function WorkspaceDynamic({ match }) {
const [proposals, setProposals] = useState([{}]);
useEffect(() => {
const getItems = async () => {
const proposalsList = await axios.get(
const [workspace, setWorkspace] = useState({});
function findWorkspace() { => {
if (workspace._id === {
Does anyone see what might be causing the re-render? Thanks!
The effect hook runs every render cycle, and one without a dependency array will execute its callback every render cycle. If the effect callback updates state, i.e. proposals, then another render cycle is enqueued, thus creating render looping.
If you want to only run effect once when the component mounts then use an empty dependency array.
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
If you want it to only run at certain time, like if the match param updates, then include a dependency in the array.
useEffect(() => {
}, [match]);
Your use of useEffect is not correct. If you do not include a dependency array, it gets called every time the component renders. As a result your useEffect is called which causes setProposals then it again causes useEffect to run and so on
try this
useEffect(() => {
} , []); // an empty array means it will be called once only
I think it's the following: useEffect should have a second param [] to make sure it's executed only once. that is:
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
otherwise setProposal will modify the state which will trigger a re-render, which will call useEffect, which will make the async call, which will setProposal, ...

React hook missing dependency

I'm hoping someone can explain to me the correct usage of React hook in this instance, as I can't seem to find away around it.
The following is my code
useEffect(() => {
}, [page, perPage, order, type])
// This is a trick so that the debounce doesn't run on initial page load
// we use a ref, and set it to true, then set it to false after
const firstUpdate = React.useRef(true);
const UserSearchTimer = React.useRef()
useEffect(() => {
firstUpdate.current = false;
}, [search])
function _debounceSearch() {
UserSearchTimer.current = setTimeout( async () => {
async function _getUsers(query = {}) {
if(type) query.type = type;
if(search) = search;
if(order.orderBy && order.order) {
query.orderBy = order.orderBy;
query.order = order.order;
} = page+1;
query.perPage = perPage;
try {
await get(query);
catch(error) {
So essentially I have a table in which i am displaying users, when the page changes, or the perPage, or the order, or the type changes, i want to requery my user list so i have a useEffect for that case.
Now generally I would put the _getUsers() function into that useEffect, but the only problem is that i have another useEffect which is used for when my user starts searching in the searchbox.
I don't want to requery my user list with each and every single letter my user types into the box, but instead I want to use a debouncer that will fire after the user has stopped typing.
So naturally i would create a useEffect, that would watch the value search, everytime search changes, i would call my _debounceSearch function.
Now my problem is that i can't seem to get rid of the React dependency warning because i'm missing _getUsers function in my first useEffect dependencies, which is being used by my _debounceSearch fn, and in my second useEffect i'm missing _debounceSearch in my second useEffect dependencies.
How could i rewrite this the "correct" way, so that I won't end up with React warning about missing dependencies?
Thanks in advance!
I would setup a state variable to hold debounced search string, and use it in effect for fetching users.
Assuming your component gets the query params as props, it would something like this:
function Component({page, perPage, order, type, search}) {
const [debouncedSearch, setDebouncedSearch] = useState(search);
const debounceTimer = useRef(null);
// debounce
useEffect(() => {
if(debounceTime.current) {
debounceTime.current = setTimeout(() => setDebouncedSearch(search), DEBOUNCE_DELAY);
}, [search]);
// fetch
useEffect(() => {
async function _getUsers(query = {}) {
if(type) query.type = type;
if(debouncedSearch) = debouncedSearch;
if(order.orderBy && order.order) {
query.orderBy = order.orderBy;
query.order = order.order;
} = page+1;
query.perPage = perPage;
try {
await get(query);
catch(error) {
}, [page, perPage, order, type, debouncedSearch]);
On initial render, debounce effect will setup a debounce timer... but it is okay.
After debounce delay, it will set deboucedSearch state to same value.
As deboucedSearch has not changed, ferch effect will not run, so no wasted fetch.
Subsequently, on change of any query param except search, fetch effect will run immediately.
On change of search param, fetch effect will run after debouncing.
Ideally though, debouncing should be done at <input /> of search param.
Small issue with doing debouncing in fetching component is that every change in search will go through debouncing, even if it is happening through means other than typing in text box, say e.g. clicking on links of pre-configured searches.
The rule around hook dependencies is pretty simple and straight forward: if the hook function use or refer to any variables from the scope of the component, you should consider to add it into the dependency list (
With your code, there are couple of things you should be aware of:
1.With the first _getUsers useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
}, [page, perPage, order, type])
// Correctly it should be:
useEffect(() => {
}, [_getUsers])
Also, your _getUsers function is currently recreated every single time the component is rerendered, you can consider to use React.useCallback to memoize it.
2.The second useEffect
useEffect(() => {
firstUpdate.current = false;
}, [search])
// Correctly it should be
useEffect(() => {
firstUpdate.current = false;
}, [firstUpdate, _debounceSearch])
