I have an SQL query that shows the list of the projects. There's a button next to each project that shows the notes attached to them. I attached the 'notes table' to the 'projects table' and I used GROUP_CONCAT, which makes possible that each project can have more notes attached to them. My problem is, that if I don't add note to a project at all, the project doesn't appear on the list.
Thanks for the help!
$projects =DB::table('projects')->join('projects_notes', 'projects_notes.project_id', '=', 'projects.id')->select('projects.*', DB::raw("GROUP_CONCAT(projects_notes.note SEPARATOR ', ') as note"))->groupBy('projects.id')->get();
You can simply use leftjoin() instead of join().
I'm working on Jdeveloper version I am using component 'inputComboboxListOfValues'.
For my requirement I do not need the query feature and do not want a link like 'more' or 'search' to appear in the drop down list. Can I remove this search option?
Since I'm not familiar with this component, I searched online. By reading the doc, I guess there is no style attribute to let you simply turn off the search option, but according to this discussion on the oracle forum:
It seems you can do some skinning for your component to hide the search option...but I haven't tried it yet.
There is also a link for skinning:
Then search "af:inputComboboxListOfValues".
Not sure if this will work for your jdev version but it works on 11.2.3
Turning off the Search capability for the LOV is done at the View/Attribute level (Select Attribute/List Of Values / UI Hints / Include Search Region = No Search)
set "readOnly=true".
Did you try and set styleclass="noSearch" it should work.
I just installed Bugzilla locally and it seems that everything is fine. I can create new products and components. I can also file new bugs and they show up in the database.
But when I want to view them in the web interface, they won't show up.
Instead, at the top of the page this shows up:
Product: ARRAY(0x3735378 Component: ARRAY(0x4275650) Resolution: ARRAY(0x42755a8)
and then below the "Zarro Boogs found."
I couldn't find any information on that on the web, did anybody have similar issues? Thank you!
Please check the bugs table in techzilla database and verify if the bug details are getting updated.
The cgi file which corresponds to the listing of bugs is buglist.cgi.
Template file is:-global/message.html.tmpl
"Zarro Boogs found." is showing because, the values are not correctly entering in the query to display the buglist.
It is evident from the display,
Product: ARRAY(0x3735378 Component: ARRAY(0x4275650) Resolution: ARRAY(0x42755a8)
it is because of the looping problem.
check the display code in the template file or buglist file and correct the loop, then it will dsiplay properly
Yes, It is because of the zero value in the query. We can check it, by printing the query and checking the value in DB.
Inserts a Named Query (a "Saved Search") into the database, or updates a Named Query that already exists..
We had similar problem. Bugs were not showing in search result list. The problem was in the name of the product when the name of the product was with diacritics (e.g. Czech, Slovak, etc...). When the name of the product is in US ASCII it is all Ok.
I have a ultraComboEditor1 box that shows all the values linked to a data source. When I select item from the comboEditor and click on a button this item then appears in a grid. However I'm struggling to clear the item from the comboEditor. This is needed so it makes data entry easier for the user.
I have looked online and the only information I can find is for C# where this would be used:
ultraComboEditor1.RowSource = "".
ultraComboEditor1.SelectedIndex = -1.
these all work but in 4GL when trying any of these I get eh error message "Unknown Table name UltraComboEditor1" as only tables can be followed by a .
can anyone help me figure out how to do this in 4GL or provide with some information that may help?
You need to use ":" instead of "." to translate your c# examples into 4GL -
I have used: ultraComboEditor1:text = "". to clear the combo Editor on the button click event.
Thanks Anyway.
How to use treeview e. g. as sidebar?
There are no standard element. You can build your own View. Look in other projects for some implementation or use jsTree
It seems there is an add on that is exactly for what you are looking for listed on the website.
At least it seems that way according to the description.
Its located under development and add-ons.
I'm thinking about trying the framework myself so I have no idea if this will work for you or not.
I noted there is a file atk4/lib/TreeView.php which extends Lister
It appears to be a bit old as it has hardcoded paths to the icon images for + and - as amodules3/templates/kt2/ which in agiletoolkit 4.1.1 is /atk4/templates/shared/images but maybe you can try adding this to a page and see what it does.
From the comments at the top, looks like it needed a mysql table with a primary key called ID and another column in the same table called parent_id which would provide the values and probably in order to display text strings would probably need another column called name in the same way refModel works.
If you decide to try and get it working, maybe you can post it back to Romans to update in ATK4.1
Please check newest ATK4 addons source:
* https://github.com/atk4/atk4-addons
* * addon "hierarchy"
* * addon "tree"
Is there any way to implement text editing macros in SSMS? I would, e.g. like to convert the the code as shown below, but with a key-press, not a long-winded regex search and replace.
(<fieldOne, datetime,>
,<fieldTwo, real(24,0))
Must become this:
I know SSMS doesn't natively support this, but I also know that it is extensible, if undocumented, and there is also room for a totally external application that will take copied text, transform it, and paste it back, without having to open an editor, paste, edit, copy, and paste back to SSMS.
Editing the stored templates is not an option, as these templates are dynamically generated, and using Ctrl+Shift+M is not an option either, as I still have to type each parameter name, but without the convenience of copying and pasting in the query editor.
There is no SSMS solution! I am looking for some sort of external voodoo that can help me do this.
What about an AutoHotKey script?
Depending on the complexity of your templates, you could either
use AutoHotKey to play back the keystrokes
needed for the regex search and
replace, or
copy the template to
the clipboard and manipulate it
directly within AutoHotKey before
pasting it back.
I'm sure the first option will work. I've not tried the second.
This question gives an indication of how an AutoHotKey script can be written to listen for keyboard chords.
If you are using SSMS 2005 upwards it has in built support for templates. It isn't exactly full blown macro's, but non the less it is still pretty useful.
The syntax is exactly as you have shown in your first code snippet and you simply press Ctrl+Shift+M to bring up a dialog box that prompts you for the values to go into your bits enclosed in angle brackets.
SQL server generates script in this format if you right click on a table and select "Script Table as" then pick either the insert, update or delete option.
You can also create your own custom templates, or modify one of the existing built in ones (click on View -> Template explorer to get access to the other inbuilt templates).
There is a short article on MSDN that explains how to get started with templates.
Was looking for something else, but found this question. If you're still looking for something, try SSMS toolpack: http://www.ssmstoolspack.com/ It has macros and a bunch of other neat things. And it's free!
For SSMS 2016 you can use my Visual Commander extension. It supports macros recording/playback and custom C#/VB commands for editor text manipulations.
First code is template from old-good MS Query Analyzer. Shortcut to filling is Ctrl+M (but I'm not sure, maybe it is Ctrl+Shift+M).
There should be same feature in newer SSMS.
I usually copy the code into another editor (Notepad++, or Delphi /RAD Studio editor), do my macro stuff, and then paste it back into SSMS.